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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Hmmmm, what will Hillary do?

If she "sabotages" Obama, she can try again for the Presidency in four years.

If she "plays nice" she'll have to wait eight years.

I know where I'd put my money.


Tyrannical said:
Hmmmm, what will Hillary do?

If she "sabotages" Obama, she can try again for the Presidency in four years.

If she "plays nice" she'll have to wait eight years.

I know where I'd put my money.
Where did that come from?


Master of the Google Search
Tyrannical said:
Hmmmm, what will Hillary do?

If she "sabotages" Obama, she can try again for the Presidency in four years.

If she "plays nice" she'll have to wait eight years.

I know where I'd put my money.

She already endorsed Barack and pressed her supporters to do the same. She isn't out to sabotage anyone right now. The clinton presidency 2 hopes is at best on hold
perfectchaos007 said:

Well guys, it's all over. Ron Paul officially ended his campaign today at the Texas Republican convention. I am seriously depressed right now. I mean, I knew it was inevitable, but I was just hoping the day would never come. *sigh*

God Bless Ron Paul

please do your best as an independent in the fall! or vote for Bob Barr or something!
ElectricBlue187 said:
please do your best as an independent in the fall! or vote for Bob Barr or something!

Ok, Colbert made Bob Barr awesome for me. Every time I hear his name, I now picture an elephant with a crown on.


According to RCP, the Favorable / Unfavorable numbers for Obama and McCain are 52.6 / 36.8 and 48.0 / 40.2, respectively. Is it possible for Obama to maintain above the 50% line for favorables, or is that pie-in-the-sky at this point?


Super Member
I recently watched a Consumer Alert with Ralph Nader concerning purchasing kryptonite of questionable quality/safety from suspicious retailers.

It was awesome.
Clevinger said:
It's sad that simple honesty and real straight talk is seen as some amazing feat that's almost mythical in politics. I mean, it's real sad.

These kinds of things about Obama shouldn't be special. They should be normal.
That's one thing I really liked about McCain in 2000. I don't agree with most of his politics (honestly, where is the break with Republicans that is pissing them off about him; campaign finance reform, is that all?), but I thought he was a politician who wouldn't lie and wouldn't pander. Well, we saw where that went.


Master of the Google Search
adamsappel said:
That's one thing I really liked about McCain in 2000. I don't agree with most of his politics (honestly, where is the break with Republicans that is pissing them off about him; campaign finance reform, is that all?), but I thought he was a politician who wouldn't lie and wouldn't pander. Well, we saw where that went.

Campaign Finance Reform + reality, is all it really takes to piss of those Republicans. In fact those Republicans tend to be in a constant pissed off mood towards any of the Main Street Republicans


The Republican party was forged into a monolithic entity since '96 or so. The whole united front and anyone who dissents is disloyal and evil. It's why McCain lost the nomination in 2000. He wasn't different enough to really be noticed except by those that required total loyalty.
grandjedi6 said:
She already endorsed Barack and pressed her supporters to do the same. She isn't out to sabotage anyone right now. The clinton presidency 2 hopes is at best on hold

Well I wasn't expecting her to tell her supportes to boycott over Obama. We'll see if her support is true or more luke warm. It'll be obvious enough once/if she starts to campaign for him. But you know she has considered that if Obama looses she only has to wait four years.

I'm not sure what exactly the McCain / Republican rift was. I know that Rush was not at all a fan of McCain, and did not consider him very conservative. He also had a habit of being a bit too friendly with Democrats. Which could be an advantage when trying to win over independent voters. It's going to be harder to paint him as an evil republican as he was fairly respected in the senate by his democrat peers.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Tyrannical said:
It's going to be harder to paint him as an evil republican as he was fairly respected in the senate by his democrat peers.
Not with video of McCain admitting to being just like Bush. Not with video of him literally shrugging and saying that bringing our troops home is not very important.


Setec Astronomer
JoshuaJSlone said:
How could you throw away your vote like that? If only you and your 600,000 closest friends had voted for Kerry you could've swung the state.
Now he lives in a state where his vote makes a difference! :D
BTW, if you want your write in vote to count, you MUST spell their LEGAL name correctly, and list their state and city that they are registered in.


When one bicycle enthusiast yelled out, “Thanks for wearing a helmet!” Mr. Obama suggested that before donning the helmet, he remembered one of the cardinal rules of politics: never allow yourself to be photographed wearing nerdy headgear.

“I had an internal debate,” he said. “Because I knew that the A.P. was going to take a picture, and they were trying to portray it like Dukakis wearing that tank helmet. But I wanted to make sure that the children who saw that picture knew that even the Democratic nominee for president wears a helmet when he goes biking. (Hearty applause.)

“Now, obviously the rest of my apparel was apparently not up to snuff, because I got a hard time from all sorts of blogs,” he said, “Who said I looked like Urkel.”



icarus-daedelus said:
And he vowed to throw it away again if Nader gets on the ballot!
Uh, no I didn't. If Hillary had stolen the nomination, sure. I'm not obligated to vote for shitty DLC Democrats, thank you very much. I *did* say that I would try to help Ralph get on the ballot, but I'm pretty sure there's just not enough support for him and it doesn't matter anymore.

And now in news that will excite grandjedi, Nate Silver over at 538.com just got hired by Rasmussen. I guess this automatically makes Rasmussen the new most accurate pollster.


scorcho said:
how the hell does this logic come about?

MediaMatters said:
As NBC's Chuck Todd said on Meet the Press on March 23, "[McCain's] got enough of that in the bank, at least with the media, that he can get away with it. I mean, the irony to this is had either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama misspoke like that, it'd have been on a running loop, and it would become a, a big problem for a couple of days for them."

And now this gem:

The Nashville City Paper reported on why it was taking Lincoln Davis so long to endorse Senator Obama, and reached Fred Hobbs, this official within the Tennessee Democratic Party for comment:

"Maybe the same reason I don’t want to — I don’t exactly approve of a lot of the things he stands for and I’m not sure we know enough about him," Hobbs said when asked why he thought Davis wasn’t endorsing Obama. "He’s got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be."


With friends like these...
Triumph said:
Uh, no I didn't. If Hillary had stolen the nomination, sure. I'm not obligated to vote for shitty DLC Democrats, thank you very much. I *did* say that I would try to help Ralph get on the ballot, but I'm pretty sure there's just not enough support for him and it doesn't matter anymore.
Ah, I didn't know there was a Hilldawg-specific condition. :p But TBH, I'm not terribly fond of Blue Dog DLC types, but one of them is in my Congressional district, and hey, you take what you can get.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
maximum360 said:

is this guy a democrat? Why is Obama a possible terrorist?

The best and saddest thing aboout this Obama run is that millions of white people can literally see what black people go through in life and what racism we receive when we try to work hard and achieve success.

Good thing being president isn't in the hands of people like this guy!
mckmas8808 said:
is this guy a democrat? Why is Obama a possible terrorist?

The best and saddest thing aboout this Obama run is that millions of white people can literally see what black people go through in life and what racism we receive when we try to work hard and achieve success.

Good thing being president isn't in the hands of people like this guy!

The guy is an idiot. If he wants to say he disagrees with Obama on some issues because he thinks he needs to say that to secure his spot, then fine. Leave it at that. To go out and make the claim that he may have terrorist ties is idiotic at best. Giving more ammunition to the Republicans.


Looks like McCain is allying himself with Justice Roberts and against the Constitution with that Supreme Court decision yesterday. Should be fun.


McCain's team rejects Obama's counter proposal to his town hall meetings (Obama team's counter proposal was more debates, not town hall settings). McCain said he will continue doing the town halls by himself instead until Obama agrees to the town hall setting, which Obama's team rejected in their counter proposal.
Cheebs said:
McCain's team rejects Obama's counter proposal to his town hall meetings (Obama team's counter proposal was more debates, not town hall settings). McCain said he will continue doing the town halls by himself instead until Obama agrees to the town hall setting, which Obama's team rejected in their counter proposal.

McCain's a wuss. He should just concede right now.
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