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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Agent Icebeezy said:
Looking at that, they are going to unseat her
State and national party rules say that anyone who won't support the party's presidential nominee is not qualified to serve as a delegate to the national convention, Wineke said.
Well that's that. Good riddance.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
What was the eventual fallout for the "terrorist fist jab" comment. Did Fox apologize? Did the other stations even bother asking wtf?


Yeah, FOX apologized, the other stations mocked them mercilessly and it might've been the final straw that lost ED Hill her show.


So we have a final number of 3,600 for Obama's Organizing Fellows, out of over 10,000 that applied--3,600 might just be the figure for the deployment to the 17 swing states however, since the Organizing Fellow programs for the 33 other states start later in the summer.

Obama Campaign Dispatching Thousands
Moving to harness the grass-roots energy that helped win the Democratic nomination, Sen. Barack Obama's campaign will deploy 3,600 volunteers in 17 states this weekend, each committed to six consecutive weeks of full-time political work.
The project, launched two months before the senator from Illinois became the presumptive nominee, is a measure of his determination to out-organize Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in states that could swing a close election.

The campaign put out word in April about "Obama Organizing Fellowships," an approach that went well beyond the "y'all come" model of luring volunteers with free doughnuts for two-hour canvassing stints. Supporters were required to answer essay questions, supply references and go through a telephone interview with campaign staff members.

In return for a promise to give the campaign at least six weeks of their lives, they were promised training in community organizing techniques.

What The 3,600 Are Actually Doing
Sometimes it's hard to keep all these programs and titles straight. So the Obama Fellows -- the 3,600 activists who'll work for the campaign over the next six weeks, will spend a lot of their time registering voters and a lot of their time participating in what the campaign calls its Unite for Change events. On June 28, the fellows will host several thousands UFC events in neighborhoods across the country, and yes, as I wrote that, I was thinking about Chuck Liddell too, but nevermind.

As described in an e-mail from deputy campaign manager Steve Hilderband:
"In all 50 states, supporters like you -- seasoned veterans and first-time volunteers alike -- will host house meetings with the express purpose of reaching out and bringing together folks who supported all of the Democratic candidates (and those who are just tuning into the process now)."
These house meetings form the core of the campaign's organizing model. The concept derives from organizing theory as taught by Saul Alinsky and as adopted by community organizers across the country. Never before has a major party presidential campaign used them to expand their support in a general election.


Kaeru said:
Did she lose her show because of that? :D

Her actual apology was arguably just as bad as the original statement.

She kept implying that OTHER people characterized the "fist jab" in that way, and not her, but who the fuck are these 'other people'? They don't exist, of course, and if they did exist they're guaranteed to be such fucking mouthbreathing rednecks that the fact that a host would use it as a point of 'categorization' for the gesture makes her just as retarded.

I don't wish her death, I just want her entire career to collapse.


Amir0x said:
Her actual apology was arguably just as bad as the original statement.

She kept implying that OTHER people characterized the "fist jab" in that way, and not her, but who the fuck are these 'other people'? They don't exist, of course, and if they did exist they're guaranteed to be such fucking mouthbreathing rednecks that the fact that a host would use it as a point of 'categorization' for the gesture makes her just as retarded.

I don't wish her death, I just want her entire career to collapse.

Well actually the "other people" she was referring to was a right-wing blogpost.


Amir0x said:
Her actual apology was arguably just as bad as the original statement.

She kept implying that OTHER people characterized the "fist jab" in that way, and not her, but who the fuck are these 'other people'? They don't exist, of course, and if they did exist they're guaranteed to be such fucking mouthbreathing rednecks that the fact that a host would use it as a point of 'categorization' for the gesture makes her just as retarded.

I don't wish her death, I just want her entire career to collapse.

Haha I saw it on youtube, the way she emphasizes the word terrorist:
"I didn't mean to imply that senator Obama is a TERRORIST blablabla", which she does again just by saying terrorist and Obama in the same sentence. It's so slimy.


Kaeru said:
Haha I saw it on youtube, the way she emphasizes the word terrorist:
"I didn't mean to imply that senator Obama is a TERRORIST blablabla", which she does again just by saying terrorist and Obama in the same sentence. It's so slimy.

I liked Scarborough's reaction to the ED Hill clip. Click

HILL [video clip]: A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently.





BRZEZINSKI: What in the world was that?

SCARBOROUGH: Did I just hear them call that a terrorist -- what?

GEIST: No. It's not a terrorist fist jab.

BRZEZINSKI: But why -- why would she even say that?

GEIST: They've had a body lang -- now, this is Barack yesterday in North Carolina. Ready? There you go. Look at that.

BRZEZINSKI: All right.

GEIST: OK, that's Governor Mike Easley.

SCARBOROUGH: So -- so what --

Man just finished watching this MSNBC thing on Tim Russert and it's really sad that he didn't live to see the outcome of this election.

Had no idea that, as a boy, he got to shake hands with John F. Kennedy on the very day he was assassinated.

Didn't know there was such a strong relationship between the Russerts and the Kennedys.

You got a fantastic feel for what Tim was like and truly got a big dose of his up-bringing etc.

I'm going to purchase his book right now off Amazon.com


His book is now #4 on the Amazon best seller list.

His other book is #7.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Can you just imagine what our country would be like with "President Pat Buchanen"?

Holy christ... :lol


RubxQub said:
Can you just imagine what our country would be like with "President Pat Buchanen"?

Holy christ... :lol


Have a pretty good guess...


RubxQub said:
Can you just imagine what our country would be like with "President Pat Buchanen"?

Holy christ... :lol

Well, at least he wouldn't have gone into Iraq (not that I'm exactly a huge fan, but that much at least is definitely a plus)


Small balls, big fun!
Amir0x said:
I liked Scarborough's reaction to the ED Hill clip. Click


Oh God, that segment was awful. All the forced camaraderie and planned spontaneity of a late night infomercial. The woman was particularly bad, but it's probably not her fault. Her entire role was to react with exclamations and fake laughter.


Rudy and Hillary, birds of a feather.

With the Republican Party in need of money for the November elections, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has offered to appear at fund-raisers around the country for G.O.P. candidates. But there is a catch: He wants some cash out of the deal.

Rudolph W. Giuliani is trying to reduce a $3.6 million campaign debt through joint fund-raisers.

Mr. Giuliani’s aides have told the National Republican Congressional Committee and Congressional candidates that if he makes an appearance, he wants the candidates to help him get rid of his presidential campaign debt.

The unusual request underscores the financial predicament Mr. Giuliani finds himself in, after he ended his presidential bid this year with roughly $3.6 million in campaign debt. Traditionally, prominent party figures help lower-tier candidates by headlining fund-raising events in return for good will and future political alliances, but do not receive funds themselves.

Mr. Giuliani’s debt includes a $500,000 personal loan that he made to the campaign, according to his latest campaign finance report.

Mr. Giuliani’s move has irritated some of his Republican colleagues, who say that the arrangement would put an additional strain on candidates who in many cases are struggling to raise money. Some say rather than making a generous gesture, the former mayor is seeking to tap local candidates’ donors.
Kansas Internal Polling: McCain (45), Obama (41)

by: James L.
Thu Jun 12, 2008 at 10:15 PM EDT

Daily Kos diarist osagecokansasdem brings word of a new internal poll for Democrat Jim Slattery in Kansas:
Cooper & Secrest for Jim Slattery (6/5-8, likely voters):

Jim Slattery (D): 36
Pat Roberts (R-inc): 48
Undecided: 16
(MoE: ±3.5%)
That twelve point margin is a constant in every poll of this race that we've seen so far (Rasmussen in May and Research 2000 last week), so I think we can believe these numbers.

With only 56% name recognition, Slattery does have some room to grow, and Roberts' numbers are decidedly mediocre: a 47/43 job performance rating and a 48/29 favorability score. Even more startling is the generic Senate ballot, where the GOP is basically tied with the Democrats at 41-40. The numbers certainly suggest that while this is an uphill fight, Slattery has something to work with.

In the presidential race, the poll finds Obama trailing McCain by an eye-popping 45-41 margin in the state. In 2004, Bush smacked Kerry by 62-37 here.
Wow. If Kansas is in single-digits.. :D

Put Sebelius on the ticket and Kansas is ours!
Amir0x said:
Her actual apology was arguably just as bad as the original statement.

She kept implying that OTHER people characterized the "fist jab" in that way, and not her, but who the fuck are these 'other people'? They don't exist, of course, and if they did exist they're guaranteed to be such fucking mouthbreathing rednecks that the fact that a host would use it as a point of 'categorization' for the gesture makes her just as retarded.

I don't wish her death, I just want her entire career to collapse.

to be fair, the thing is being taken out of context. she was simply doing a piece on how bloggers were reacting to "fist jabs." if you just look at the 8 second snippet it looks like your standard 'obama=osama nudge nudge wink wink' things they usually pull on fox, but that really wasn't the case.

that said, it was a retarded segment and she came off as some aloof and clueless white woman and she deserves being mocked. but its a standard case of taking a short snippet and making it out to be somehting it isn't


Tyrone Slothrop said:
to be fair, the thing is being taken out of context. she was simply doing a piece on how bloggers were reacting to "fist jabs." if you just look at the 8 second snippet it looks like your standard 'obama=osama nudge nudge wink wink' things they usually pull on fox, but that really wasn't the case.
The only person anywhere to use the terrorist line was a comment in response to a post in a conservative column online. There is no reason a national network should be broadcasting garbage like that. Of the many interpretations (not that there should be more than one), that is one that never should have been mentioned. The intent was clear.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
to be fair, the thing is being taken out of context. she was simply doing a piece on how bloggers were reacting to "fist jabs." if you just look at the 8 second snippet it looks like your standard 'obama=osama nudge nudge wink wink' things they usually pull on fox, but that really wasn't the case.

that said, it was a retarded segment and she came off as some aloof and clueless white woman and she deserves being mocked. but its a standard case of taking a short snippet and making it out to be somehting it isn't

Point taken.

On the other hand if you're gonna report everything on the internet you might as well say "Well some say Obama is a goddamn n****r that molests children, more on this soon" because someone wrote it in their blog they started yesterday.
I mean, theres got to be a selection that's actually newsworthy.

They want to associate Obama with the word terrorist in a negative way, just watch the apology where they again use terrorist and Obama in the same sentence, emphasizing the word terrorist. It's just sleazy reporting at it's finest.


First tragedy, then farce.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I'm staying optimistic.. thats all.

I think she is the veep myself. She brings alot to the table (governor of a red state, executive experience), is a woman (will help win over hillary supporters) and stays on message with the "change" mantra.

plus, she wont outshine obama which is critical as well.
I agree, the leading pick would be Hillary but I believe she doesn't want it. If Hillary endorse Obama pick for another woman there will be no backlash from Hillary supporters.
Just wanna say:

Tim Russert.

: (

The delusional part of me wants to think that he's not really dead, everyone just fucked up the diagnosis or something, and he's just gonna wake up and say something like "So, is Barack President yet or what?"


FlightOfHeaven said:
Just wanna say:

Tim Russert.

: (

The delusional part of me wants to think that he's not really dead, everyone just fucked up the diagnosis or something, and he's just gonna wake up and say something like "So, is Barack President yet or what?"
they already did the autopsy :(

Russerts doctor was on and his doctor said he always told him he needed to start eating better for his heart and russert always told the doctor "Tomorrow doc, I'll start tomorrow" :(
Cheebs said:
they already did the autopsy :(

Russerts doctor was on and his doctor said he always told him he needed to start eating better for his heart and russert always told the doctor "Tomorrow doc, I'll start tomorrow" :(


: <

I... I still have hope. Maybe they'll hear a knockin' from inside the casket or summat, I dunno.


: (

Also, Sebelius is a lock. Hillary brings way, way too many drawbacks (that she herself created/highlighted this primary) to be considered.


FlightOfHeaven said:

: <

I... I still have hope. Maybe they'll hear a knockin' from inside the casket or summat, I dunno.


: (

Also, Sebelius is a lock. Hillary brings way, way too many drawbacks (that she herself created/highlighted this primary) to be considered.
Sebelius isn't a lock. There are TONS of names being thrown around. I'd say Sebelius has a 1 in 4 shot at it. I suspect he'll go with a male with foreign policy cred. in the end.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Also, Sebelius is a lock. Hillary brings way, way too many drawbacks (that she herself created/highlighted this primary) to be considered.

A LOCK? Oh I don't think so. Do I smell a ban bet on that?


First tragedy, then farce.
icarus-daedelus said:
bolded = impossible.

Now for McCain, that's a legit concern.

I should say, wouldnt be a bigger story than he is.

Hillary or Bill Clinton could be just as big a story as the candidate, you dont want that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Cheebs said:
Sebelius isn't a lock. There are TONS of names being thrown around. I'd say Sebelius has a 1 in 4 shot at it. I suspect he'll go with a male with foreign policy cred. in the end.

That's what I suspect too.

Of course, if Iraq goes back to infighting instead of talking, it won't matter.
Cheebs said:
Sebelius isn't a lock. There are TONS of names being thrown around. I'd say Sebelius has a 1 in 4 shot at it. I suspect he'll go with a male with foreign policy cred. in the end.
Obama doesn't consider himself weak on foreign policy. This is why you're wrong.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama doesn't consider himself weak on foreign policy. This is why you're wrong.

The important point is not whether he considers himself weak on foreign policy, but whether the public views him as weak on foreign policy.
Cheebs said:
Sebelius isn't a lock. There are TONS of names being thrown around. I'd say Sebelius has a 1 in 4 shot at it. I suspect he'll go with a male with foreign policy cred. in the end.

worldrunover said:
A LOCK? Oh I don't think so. Do I smell a ban bet on that?

What are Sebelius' drawbacks?

Any other candidate's drawbacks are far more severe than hers. Add to this that notion that Obama will not pick a Senator; the Democratic Party will not imperil the possibility of a supermajority in any way.

Sebelius is walking proof-of-concept of Obama's ideas, proven success in the face of doubters. Moreover, she shines, but as her rebuttal to Bush showed, not as brightly as Obama.

She fits, suckaz, she fits.

Also, I don't do ban bets. Because I'm a chicken, and not a betting guy.


Tamanon said:
Sebelius or Clark, that's basically what it's down to I bet.

I'm hedging my bets on sebellius.

fits the guy like a glove.

Standing together, they're like a shining beacon of change, integrity and all the other good stuff that should be able to be taken for granted in politics, but can't be in this day and age.
Mumei said:
The important point is not whether he considers himself weak on foreign policy, but whether the public views him as weak on foreign policy.

I tend to think this is an overrated "qualification". The foreign policy decision that the majority of America wants is withdrawal from Iraq. Obama offers that, McCain doesn't.

And it's not like the VP is the only position to place foreign policy experts. I'm sure he'd have a cabinet full of them. Anyway, I tend to have the opinion that he'd pick a VP that he's personally comfortable with, and doesn't have any glaring scandals in their background, rather than someone who compensates for some supposed weakness. I don't think voters will care that much either way.
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