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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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PHOTOS: BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA at a townhall meeting, Oakleaf Retirement Community, Columbus, OH


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., and his wife Michelle, walks down the steps of his campaign charter plane, Friday, June 13,2008, in Columbus, Ohio.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., is introduced by his wife Michelle Obama, Friday, June 13,2008, prior to speaking at the Oakleaf Village retirement community in Columbus, Ohio.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., kisses his wife Michelle Obama, after she introduces him at Oakleaf Village retirement community in Columbus, Ohio Friday, June 13, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., takes his jacket off while speaking to seniors, Friday, June 13, 2008, in Columbus, Ohio. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., speaks to senior citizens, Friday, June 13, 2008, in Columbus, Ohio, as his wife Michelle Obama looks on. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., shakes hands after speaking at the Oakleaf Village retirement community in Columbus, Ohio, Friday, June 13, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill. shakes hands after speaking at the Oakleaf Village retirement community in Columbus, Ohio, Friday, June 13, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill. signs a book for a supporter after he spoke at the Oakleaf Village retirement community in Columbus, Ohio, Friday, June 13, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
They were in Columbus? Today? Argh, serves me right for not being on their mailing list I suppose.

I hope they got out before these storms moved in, it's really pouring down the rain at the second.


Looking at those pictures made me really realize Russerts loss. I see absolutely no interest in those pictures or the campaign at all. Its empty to me right now, it wont be that way for long but right now this election just seems..dead in a way. :(

How are you guys following the race still today? I just cant find the willpower.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
Looking at those pictures made me really realize Russerts loss. I see absolutely no interest in those pictures or the campaign at all. Its empty to me right now, it wont be that way for long but right now this election just seems..dead in a way. :(

How are you guys following the race still today? I just cant find the willpower.

um. huh?


Battlezone said:
Then it's probably best that he stay away from hillaryis44 today. Holy moses.

From Hillaryis44 said:
Admin, I will not be polite… Karma baby that is all I will say, first Kennedy and his brain tumor, then the flooding in Iowa and now Russert… Obamatrons beware the wrath of God, you could be next

Wow, that site just went from funny nutjobs to discusting creeps.


I just saw the news and couldn't believe it - hit me right in the gut.

I had no idea whatsoever I had any emotional attachment to the guy, but damn if this isn't a sad day, for reasons I can't even describe at the moment.
Cheebs said:
Looking at those pictures made me really realize Russerts loss. I see absolutely no interest in those pictures or the campaign at all. Its empty to me right now, it wont be that way for long but right now this election just seems..dead in a way. :(

How are you guys following the race still today? I just cant find the willpower.

I felt the same way after I found out about Russert. I resorted to playing Smash Brothers to get my mind off it (I don't really play many games anymore.)

Ever since I started following politics, Russert was "the man." The most important journalist (one of the only journalists) and a brilliant commentator.

Whenever Russert spoke, everyone listened. Whenever he would show up on a show to discuss politics on MSNBC, the level of discourse was always raised.

So much respect for the guy. Without him, it indeed feels like something integral is missing. I was so used to having him around the politics scene, always a pleasant guy with intelligent things to say. In many ways, he was the love-able father figure at MSNBC, whose words were wise and respected, who was liked by everyone, and whose integrity in journalism made him a leader by example, if not words (because he was too kind to criticize others.)

He will be missed.
Obama on Russert's death


Obama in Columbus, Ohio:

I've known Tim Russert since I first spoke at the convention in 2004. He's somebody who, over time, I came to consider not only a journalist but a friend. There wasn't a better interviewer in TV, not a more thoughtful analyst of our politics, and he was also one of the finest men I knew. Somebody who cared about America, cared about the issues, cared about family. I am grief-stricken with the loss and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family. And I hope that, even though Tim is irreplaceable, that the standard that he set in his professional life and his family life are standards that we all carry with us in our own lives.


I think we kinda took for granted Tim Russert covering the election - that every Sunday or anytime there's a big event, we'll get this dialogue from Tim where we'll be agreeing/disagreeing, some cheering/jeering with said dialogue.

It's just one of those things where you're just so used to that routine of agreeing/disagreeing with Tim, that the moment it ceased to exist, you just get struck aback so forcefully.

It's still very unreal even hours after the death.
Arde5643 said:
I think we kinda took for granted Tim Russert covering the election - that every Sunday or anytime there's a big event, we'll get this dialogue from Tim where we'll be agreeing/disagreeing, some cheering/jeering with said dialogue.

It's just one of those things where you're just so used to that routine of agreeing/disagreeing with Tim, that the moment it ceased to exist, you just get struck aback so forcefully.

It's still very unreal even hours after the death.

That's very true, I feel the exact same way. Well put.

You don't know what you have 'til it's gone.
Cheebs said:
Looking at those pictures made me really realize Russerts loss. I see absolutely no interest in those pictures or the campaign at all. Its empty to me right now, it wont be that way for long but right now this election just seems..dead in a way. :(
Over 4000 soldiers died in Iraq. We most continue to fight to bring our guys back from this propaganda war.
How are you guys following the race still today? I just cant find the willpower.
Tim Russet grieving thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=311862

That's how.. I keep my feelings separate.
Clinton Fundraisers Rally To Obama

As we first reported here, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe wooed top Clinton donors at a private presentation in Manhattan yesterday, and the early indications are that such efforts are paying off.

Top Hillary supporter Ed Rendell is hosting a fundraiser for Obama tonight in Philadelphia. My sense from talking to Hillary donors is that from their point of view, there's just no percentage in not getting behind Obama, and while there's definitely still a bit of grumbling in these circles, they're basically falling into line.

One thing driving this is that Obama, according to Rendell, is privately signaling to the leading Clinton fundraisers that it's urgent that the Dem fundraising establishment come together and raise huge sums to combat the McCain-GOP apparatus -- right now. And the fundraisers are heeding the call.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

:( What a crappy day.

Hope this makes you guys forget, at least for a sec, like it did to me.......

John Del Signore said:
McCain and Obama Condoms Make Safe Bedfellows

While some New Yorkers are hustling to pick up free condoms distributed by Trojan today, others are showing their support for the presidential candidate of their choice by ordering John McCain and Barack Obama condoms from a local entrepreneur. If you haven’t heard about this yet, expect an email from your corniest family member in, oh, about five minutes.

Benjamin Sherman’s online company is selling the rubbers for $9.95 a pair, and the dueling websites are just loaded with comedy stylings: Obama condoms are “for the elitist penis, they won’t leave a bitter taste in your mouth,” and are perfect for “when you just want to close the deal.” If you thought that was funny, just make sure you swallow your coffee before reading about the McCain condoms, which are “old but not expired” and will “give your ‘troops’ the protection they deserve.”

Yeah, November is a long way off; we're definitely going to need more sad trombones.

Kaeru said:
Wow, that site just went from funny nutjobs to discusting creeps.

The person that made that post is scum of the worst kind. Actually, that post tells us all we need to know about a great deal of Hillaryis44.

That's the type of people they seem to be. Maybe not all are going as far as to poke fun at Russert's death, but I've seen many statements just as vile.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Battlezone said:
Then it's probably best that he stay away from hillaryis44 today. Holy moses.

Holy shit... those comments... those fucking scumbags...


Why are we bothering to talk about 300 people who collect at one of the nastiest watering holes of the internet? They're scum. Let'em be. I hate even reading their comments posted over here, much less people getting worked up over a tiny back of drooling beady-eyed shitheads. They're not worth it. The sooner they are ignored, the better.
Not to beat a dead horse, but I do want to echo what a lot of you have already said about hillaryis44. They've clearly been hopelessly out of synch with reality for some time now, but today they went from appearing as sort of laughable dunderheads to genuinely sick individuals. Gloating in the face of a good man's death because of a perceived slight (read: having the decency to openly state the facts) is less scraping the bottom of the barrel and more sitting in your own filth and giggling while jamming it two fisted into your own mouth.

Sure we shouldn't give their insane blather more attention than it deserves, but it's sort of difficult not to feel incredulity and disgust at such loathsome individuals. Whether it's 300 or 3 million it's hard to grasp that people so completely fucked in the head exist, much less have the capacity to use a keyboard to string together words into coherent sentences.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
Not to beat a dead horse, but I do want to echo what a lot of you have already said about hillaryis44. They've clearly been hopelessly out of synch with reality for some time now, but today they went from appearing as sort of laughable dunderheads to genuinely sick individuals. Gloating in the face of a good man's death because of a perceived slight (read: having the decency to openly state the facts) is less scraping the bottom of the barrel and more sitting in your own filth and giggling while jamming it two fisted into your own mouth.

Sure we shouldn't give their insane blather more attention than it deserves, but it's sort of difficult not to feel incredulity and disgust at such loathsome individuals. Whether it's 300 or 3 million it's hard to grasp that people so completely fucked in the head exist, much less have the capacity to use a keyboard to string together words into coherent sentences.

It's at times like these that I want to run over to 4chan and beg them to raid/overload a website/server. Hillaryis44 is an utter travesty.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
Not to beat a dead horse, but I do want to echo what a lot of you have already said about hillaryis44. They've clearly been hopelessly out of synch with reality for some time now, but today they went from appearing as sort of laughable dunderheads to genuinely sick individuals. Gloating in the face of a good man's death because of a perceived slight (read: having the decency to openly state the facts) is less scraping the bottom of the barrel and more sitting in your own filth and giggling while jamming it two fisted into your own mouth.

Sure we shouldn't give their insane blather more attention than it deserves, but it's sort of difficult not to feel incredulity and disgust at such loathsome individuals. Whether it's 300 or 3 million it's hard to grasp that people so completely fucked in the head exist, much less have the capacity to use a keyboard to string together words into coherent sentences.

The thing is I counted the posters in the last piece, theres like 5 of them making up 60-70% of the 130+ comments in there right now, so yeah we are probably giving this site waay to much attention, if I were Hillary I would beg them to stop posting their crap because it hurts the image of her more then it helps, especially after the last blogpost.
Cheebs said:
Looking at those pictures made me really realize Russerts loss. I see absolutely no interest in those pictures or the campaign at all. Its empty to me right now, it wont be that way for long but right now this election just seems..dead in a way. :(

How are you guys following the race still today? I just cant find the willpower.

Honestly, with all the news networks covering this 24-7, I really haven't been able to.

Not to say I am angry about that, just saying, this is by far the biggest story of the day.
Kaeru said:
Wow, that site just went from funny nutjobs to discusting creeps.

Thats fucking crazy.

I can't believe that anyone could really be happy about any of those things listed.

Of course, the biggest "curse" of the primaries is on them.....their candidate is not the nominee, so they can suck it.....:lol



Clinton delegate to vote for McCain
As an avid supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries, Debra Bartoshevich is not alone in her frustration over Clinton's defeat.

She's not alone in refusing to support Barack Obama.

And she's not entirely alone in saying she'll vote this fall for Republican John McCain instead.

But what makes her unusual is that she holds these views as an elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Denver this summer.

"I'm sure people are going to be upset with me. I don't want to lose my national delegate status," says Bartoshevich, a 41-year-old emergency room nurse who is a convention delegate, pledged to Clinton, from Waterford in Racine County.

Joe Wineke, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, reacted with disbelief when first told Friday afternoon that one of his state party delegates is now a McCain supporter.

"Not a delegate? To the national convention?" asked Wineke, who was getting ready for the start of the state party convention Friday in Stevens Point.

"We have a Clinton national (convention) delegate who says she's voting for John McCain?" Wineke repeated, for clarification. "I've never heard of such a thing."

Wineke said "almost everybody I know who was for Hillary" is solidly behind Obama now. As for Bartoshevich, he said, "my suspicion is she doesn't know what she's getting into" because "the delegates to this convention will be very upset."

Asked if publicly supporting the other party's presidential nominee could affect a delegate's convention status, Wineke said, "I never thought I'd ever get a question like this."

After some preliminary checking, the state party chair said he assumed she would remain a delegate.

The McCain campaign said that, nationally, it was not aware at this point of any other delegates to the Democratic convention (it may know of an alternate, it said) who have come out for the Republican candidate.

In an interview, Bartoshevich expressed lingering unhappiness over the Democratic nominating process, said Clinton was treated unfairly by the party, and said she has deep reservations about Obama's lack of experience and his judgment.

"I'm kind of disenfranchised," she said.

She said she planned to vote for Clinton at the convention, but in an Obama-McCain match-up in November, "I will not be voting for Obama. I will cast my vote for John McCain.

Said Bartoshevich: "I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters."

She said a series of controversial Obama "associations," including but not limited to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Chicago developer Tony Rezko, reflected poorly on his judgment. And she echoed the complaints of many of Clinton's most ardent supporters that Clinton was treated unfairly in the nominating process and by the party.

"No self-respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her - that's by Susan B. Anthony," said Bartoshevich, referring to the famous suffragist.

Bartoshevich called herself a "devoted Democrat" who, she said, had never voted for a Republican for president.

"I'm on a lot of the (pro-Clinton) blogs, and so many people, male and female, feel the same way as I do," said Bartoshevich, who was listed as a Racine County co-chair for the Clinton campaign and who traveled outside Wisconsin to volunteer for Clinton. "The Democrats jumped on this wagon of Barack Obama and nobody really knows him."


masud said:
"I'm kind of disenfranchised"
Oh ffs!
Yeah, that's pathetic. John McCain and Hillary Clinton are so far away from each other on actual policy, there's no way anyone would vote for McCain over Obama after supporting her unless it's for purely sexist - or racist - reasons. There's no political ideology that would dictate that kind of swing.
The Democrats jumped on this wagon of Barack Obama and nobody really knows him.
Only his entire life is documented in his books and through the media ever since he was recognized as an up and coming political figure in Chicago. Is that really enough to say we know him? I mean, can we ever really know a black man?
She said a series of controversial Obama "associations," including but not limited to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Chicago developer Tony Rezko, reflected poorly on his judgment.
If only Obama had the Clinton's spotless record, which everyone knows is completely devoid of dubious associations.
numble said:

These people can burn themselves alive.

I guess they haven't gotten the memo that has been all over the news for the past week...the "Clinton supporters are going to McCain" shit is all but dead...Obama is going to carry her vote, and that is apparent even a week after her concession without her even campaigning for him. This idiot must be dying to be relevant, too bad she isn't, and she isn't a part of any voting block that Obama needs to be worried about.


Tamanon said:
Not a biggie, I'm sure that some of the Ron Paul delegates won't be voting for McCain.
But if some were casting their ballots for Obama, at the Republican National Convention, it would be big news.


I still can't get over the fact that Poblano is Nate Silver. I mean, how many times over can one guy be awesome?

It's even more interesting when you consider some of the trends that show up between the Politigaf and MLB threads...

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Looking at that, they are going to unseat her

Stevens Point - Wisconsin Democrats tonight asked national party leaders to not seat one of the state's delegates to the Denver national convention who backed Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) for president, but who today she plans to vote for Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain.

"Democrats in the State of Wisconsin will never support somebody who supports John McCain," said state Democratic Party Chairman Joe Wineke, who asked the party's annual convention to adopt a resolution asking national party officials to not seat Debra Bartoshevich of Waterford, who had been a pledged Democratic convention delgate for Clinton.

Another pledged Clinton delegate, Paula Dorsey of Milwaukee, offered a resolution - which passed unanimously - asking that national leaders not allow Bartoshevich into the party's national event in August.

Dorsey said trying to expell her fellow Democrat from the party's convention "hurts my soul and it hurts my heart," but it is the party's presumptive nominee, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), whom convention delegates must support.

State and national party rules say that anyone who won't support the party's presidential nominee is not qualified to serve as a delegate to the national convention, Wineke said.

If national party leaders agree, an at-large delegate will take Bartoshevich's place, a party official said.
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