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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Cheebs said:

Fuck!! What's happening!?


See this is why you should stop posting them Cheebs. Rasmussen is holding steady, I doubt there has been much if any movement this week.
Mumei said:
The important point is not whether he considers himself weak on foreign policy, but whether the public views him as weak on foreign policy.

Public perception is important but this is ultimately Obama's decision to make and he's going to base it on more than just "who gets me the most votes."

Guts of THor said:
Fuck!! What's happening!?

It's probably just how closely this country is divided between liberals and conservatives and independents. Despite all of McCain's faults and gaffes I have the feeling this is going to be a close election right down to the end. But Obama will still prevail. Remember the President is chosen by the states and Obama seems to be polling very well in key state races.


syllogism said:
See this is why you should stop posting them Cheebs. Rasmussen is holding steady, I doubt there has been much if any movement this week.
Thats a dumb idea. For the last 3+ months every single day someone at PoliGAF has been posting gallup's dailies. If I didn't today, someone else would have.

Why suddenly stop now because he isn't doing as well? Come on. Thats being biased.


Cheebs said:
Thats a dumb idea. For the last 3+ months every single day someone at PoliGAF has been posting gallup's dailies.
Why suddenly stop now because he isn't doing as well? Come on. Thats being biased.
Yeah, you've been posting them for 3+ months. Also might as well post Rasmussen then.


syllogism said:
Yeah, you've been posting them for 3+ months
No? I've done it the last couple of days but I have not been the one who does it the majority of the time. I could go back and waste time and show you the 248928498298's of times someone posted gallup.

Your idea to ignore negative polling is quite odd and out there. This isn't an obama site.


soul creator said:
I tend to think this is an overrated "qualification". The foreign policy decision that the majority of America wants is withdrawal from Iraq. Obama offers that, McCain doesn't.

Ah, but McCain has said that we'll be out of there by 2013 (right after you reelect him, or after he gets the fuck out of the white house) with victory, not defeat.


syllogism said:
Besides I suggested stopping posting them before "he wasn't doing well"
Why? We post every piece of news here. Daily Gallup is considered news. Most blogs cover it and MSNBC always announces it when it is released as breaking news. Daily Gallup is a tradition of the election season.


Cheebs said:
Why? We post every piece of news here. Daily Gallup is considered news. Most blogs cover it and MSNBC always announces it when it is released as breaking news.
Daily Gallup is only news when it shows movement that's actually outside standard fluctuation and considering Rasmussen has not really moved at all, it does not appear to be the case.

There's nothing wrong with posting the graph itself, but the inevitable OH GOD WHAT'S HAPPENING WHAT DID OBAMA DO posts get rather irritating


syllogism said:
Daily Gallup is only news when it shows movement that's actually outside standard fluctuation and considering Rasmussen has not really moved at all, it does not appear to be the case.

There's nothing wrong with posting the graph itself, but the inventable OH GOD WHAT'S HAPPENING WHAT DID OBAMA DO posts get rather irritating
Then ignore them. ;) They'll be the same people cheering soon as his numbers go back up.


Cheebs said:
Then ignore them. ;) They'll be the same people cheering soon as his numbers go back up.
This is rather inane topic, but I don't see why you feel compelled to post the graph daily, perhaps by not doing you'll find it will in fact not get posted on a daily basis.


syllogism said:
This is rather inane topic, but I don't see why you feel compelled to post the graph daily, perhaps by not doing you'll find it will in fact not get posted on a daily basis.
I posted it maybe 15% of the time. It will get posted. Get over it. It's a daily part of PoliGAF.


Re: Question dude

I think the dude had some mental disorder, maybe Asperger's Syndrome, maybe high functioning autism, maybe something else.
Finally my ban got lifted. Just got to say RIP to Tim Russert, his death came to tremendous shock to me and I personally will miss his contributions to journalism.
Obama on Kimmel: "Father's day is usually an experiment with waffles and pancakes"

What does Barack Obama do on a typical Father’s Day?

“We usually have some experiment with waffles or pancakes and there’s a lot of cleanup afterwards,” Obama told talk show host Jimmy Kimmel in a satellite interview Friday that will air on Father’s Day.

Obama has two daughters, Sasha, 10, and Malia, 7, who he frequently describes as “perfect.”

On Father’s Day, the girls make him waffles or pancakes, he tells Kimmel. “They come with stuff we wouldn’t normally put on pancakes like whipped cream… Then we go to church,” Obama says.

Obama said he also gets a “free pass” on Father’s Day and gets to slack off around the house without getting a hard time.

“As a public servant are you required to report any gifts you receive?” Kimmel asked. “Only if the gift is over $50 but my children are pretty stingy,” the candidate replied.

Kimmel and Obama also talked about the NBA basketball finals. “You’re big on hope, senator. Do you think the Lakers have hope?” Kimmel asked. “Kobe Bryant is the best player in the world and is basically unstoppable when he is at the top of his game,” Obama said.

“Are you worried that if the Lakers do come back it might inspire Hillary Clinton to get back in the race?” Obama was quick to reply: “Sen. Clinton and I are on the same team.” Kimmel ended the interview by saying he is interested in being Obama’s running mate and would like to get on his short list of potential candidates.

Obama said he’s sure the talk-show host would bring in a lot of new voters but added “I just don’t think you vet. That whole thing with Affleck. That’s just not going to work.” Kimmel made a video earlier this month for his comedian girlfriend, Sara Silverman, where the talk-show host sings about having an affair with Affleck. The video became a You Tube phenomenon.

Obama to Speak About Fatherhood and Its Responsibilities Sunday at Chicago's Apostalic Church



Obama to Speak About Fatherhood Sunday
Saturday, June 14th, 2008

The Senator will mark Father’s Day by speaking about “the responsibilities we have as fathers and parents to help our children achieve their dreams” at Chicago’s Apostolic Church of God.

Remarks will come during a service beginning at 12:45 pm ET.
Obama: “If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun”

Obama Pool Report From Philadelphia Fundraiser

No hard news. Rendell made some characteristically colorful comments and Obama took a few jabs at John McCain.

Sen. Barack Obama attended a fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Philadelphia. Roughly 400 people piled into a ballroom and snacked on appetizers waiting for Obama. Co-hosts for the event had to raise $10,000 and guests were asked for a maximum donation of $2,300 and a minimum of $1,000.

Mayor Michael Nutter gave a quick introduction for Sen. Bob Casey. He used the same line he repeated endlessly during the primaries when he was campaigning for Hillary Clinton. “Everyone knows the road to Pennsylvania Avenue goes right through Pennsylvnia,” Nutter said, this time referring to Barack Obama, of course.

Casey had 30 seconds to introduce Gov. Ed Rendell, another top Clinton supporter during the primaries. The introducers were so pressed for time that the three took turns, each saying a word. “We. Are. All. For. Barack. Obama.”

Rendell told the crowd that some Obama supporters brought him a big carton of Kool-Aid and told him to “drink up” when Obama became the nominee.“I gave Sen. Clinton $1,500 in the primary so I thought just for old-time sake I’d give Sen. Obama $1,499,” Rendell said, sparking scattered boos from the crowd. The governor calmed them by saying “that was before I drank the Kool-Aide.” He said that he has a check for $2,300 to give the Obama campaign.

“We’re going to make sure this doesn’t bounce,” Obama said as he took the podium.

Obama thanked Casey first and said he was “one of the finest men in politics” who “stood with me when it was really a tough time to stand with me.”

He then said it was a “relief” to have Ed Rendell (”a man who has no shortage for words”) on his side. “How many cable shows can you be on at one time?” Obama asked Rendell, adding that he is “one of the finest governors in the country.”

Obama praised Clinton, aware that he was flanked by some of her most diehard political supporters. He said that when he met with Clinton last week he said to her: “You’re the only one who knows what I’ve gone through and I’m the only one who knows what you’ve gone through.”

He said that Philadelphia needs change. “We don’t have a choice but to win.”

Obama retold the story of an unemployed man who offered to buy Obama and Casey a beer during one of their stops on the Pennsylvania bus tour. “Bob and I were at a sports bar trying to catch a little bit of the game. A guy offered to buy us a beer. We already had a beer we drank but he offered to buy us one,” Obama said. The man could not afford gas to drive around looking for a new job.

Obama took several jabs at John McCain. He gave his standard line that he proposes “300 billion in tax cuts, not paid for.”

“Not only does he have no plan for education, not an idea, not even a bad idea,” Obama said.

He told the crowd that he was in Wisconsin yesterday and asked how many people make $2.8 million. “I was going to say to them ‘You should leave now because John McCain is the candidate for you.”

At that point a wealthy female donor yelled out “Hey, that’s not fair!”

“Every once in a while what he really means slips out like yesterday on the Today Show,” Obama said of McCain’s comment about leaving troops in Iraq.

He warned that the general election campaign could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

After the fundraiser a supporter named Jack Goldenberg gave Lindy Douglass a “Time for Change” Obama wrist watch that says “Love your momma, vote Obama.” The man later told Linda that he invented cabbage patch kids and Pee Wee Herman toys and was “integral” in the invention of the Happy Meal. The watches sell for $50 at www.obamawatches.com .

Your pooler got a question in to Rendell about how it feels to now be supporting Obama. “It’s good he’s a good man.” Rendell said he spoke to Clinton on Thursday and Saturday after her concession speech. “She was in good spirits,” he said.


:lol at the McCain campaign not realizing it was a reference to The Untouchables.

From Politico:

The McCain campaign and RNC are pouncing on another line from the Obama pool report:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

McCain and the RNC took the comment on in terms that will be very familiar to people who followed Clinton campaign statements last year:

“Barack Obama’s call for ‘new politics’ is officially over. In just 24 hours, Barack Obama attacked one of America’s pioneering women CEOs, rejected a series of joint bipartisan town halls, and said that if there’s a political knife fight, he’d bring a gun," said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds, referring also to the Obama campaign's shot at Carly Fiorina's lavish pay package and role in layoffs at Hewlett-Packard.

“Why is Barack Obama so negative? In the last 24 hours, he’s completely abandoned his campaign’s call for ‘new politics’, equating the election to a ‘brawl’ and promising to ‘bring a gun,'" said the RNC's Alex Conant.

Plus I really hope Carly Fiorina is not a pioneering woman CEO, all she's doing is setting women back in CEO positions by being a shitty one.


BTW, I'm starting to think that David Gregory will move to Meet The Press and Race to the White House will be replaced by something more Maddow/Todd-centric, giving one or both more chances to grow in interviewing.


Tamanon said:
BTW, I'm starting to think that David Gregory will move to Meet The Press and Race to the White House will be replaced by something more Maddow/Todd-centric, giving one or both more chances to grow in interviewing.
Greggroy is a suck up type of guy, I wouldn't be thrilled with him but I'd still watch.

I doubt we'll hear anytime soon. Tom Brokaw is acting as the fill-in till a new one is picked it seems.
After a month of reading this thread pretty daily and extensively, I have a few things to say. Before I get into the meat of it let me just say, go Barack Obama! He is definitely my candidate of choice and as an executive leader I think he would be excellent.

Now onto some issues I have with him and his hardcore followers. First issue is substance. Barack Obama as an orator is sensational, no doubt about that, but I find he really does not have any specific policies to solve many of American's problems today. I look at his website and yes he does have some plans and specifics, but a lot of it doesn't really seem achievable realistically. For example, the energy crisis, he is in favor of funding and spending a ton of money on manufacturing clean energy over the next 10 years, but is not in favor of using nuclear energy? Also how exactly is the government going to afford all this spending? 150 Billion Dollars for clean energy and not to mention how much Universal Healthcare and many other big spending plans he has when he takes presidency.

Even if he did establish and start all of these departments etc... there simply would be no way for America to support all of them economically. If he did just some maybe... but if he actually somehow achieved everything he has said he wants to achieve... this country would basically turn into Germany after World War 1.

Just look at this breakdown:

a) we are in a recession and have tremendous debt and b) we are printing money which causes inflation, which causes an increase in gas prices and produce.

How does more spending solve this? When what we should be doing is cutting spending, getting out of Iraq, and strengthening our dollar. Once our dollar is more valuable then we can move onto more spending, but I fear the dollar is just going to get weaker and weaker if we keep spending so much. Higher taxes for the wealthy definitely will help the situation, because essentially Bush has been fiscally a liberal with the amount of money he spends, but idiotically still somewhat conservative by not in correlation increasing tax cuts across the board. So yes increased tax cuts does help a bit... but I doubt enough to even pay for Universal Health Care by itself.

Back to my original point on Nuclear energy. Now personally, my plan would be to give permission for companies such as Exelon to begin building nuclear plants immediately across the county. From my understanding it would take two years to get one plant up and running, so potentially we could begin producing plants in 2009 and have a steady stream of plants running from 2011 on. This would essentially limit the amount of oil and natural gas we would need substantially and would also be cleaner for the Earth. Seems completely logical to me, yet I see nothing mentioned on Obama's page that says he supports this.

Another thing I really wish Obama would be clear on, is his stance on legalizing marijuana. From discussions here on GAF it seems so fucking logical to legalize it, yet he hasn't been in favor of it. Now I know its risky for him to support such and idea.... but fuck, if he is the candidate of change, then I expect him to actually back that up, and be a candidate of change. Just think of all the money the government would make if they legalized marijuana! Hell it would surely help support all these policies he has.

All in all, I really hope Obama gets someone economically strong for his VP, because I think he really is going to have some problems when it comes to giving the American People everything they have grown to expect from listening to him speak.

In November I will be voting for Barack Obama and I will be very proud to do it... but I truly think he is going to have some major problems in 2009 if he becomes president.


Karma: Two points, Obama has already stated that any spending they can't pay for without borrowing will be cut. And he also said that nuclear power is one of the energy methods he supports, as long as its safe.
Tamanon said:
Karma: Two points, Obama has already stated that any spending they can't pay for without borrowing will be cut. And he also said that nuclear power is one of the energy methods he supports, as long as its safe.

Why does his website not mention his support for Nuclear Power then? Good to hear he won't be borrowing though. Definitely a smart move.
Tamanon said:
BTW, I'm starting to think that David Gregory will move to Meet The Press and Race to the White House will be replaced by something more Maddow/Todd-centric, giving one or both more chances to grow in interviewing.

Yup, I had the same thought.

I don't really like Gregory :-(

As a MtP host though, I must say he would probably do better than Mathews.


Karma Kramer said:
Why does his website not mention his support for Nuclear Power then? Good to hear he won't be borrowing though. Definitely a smart move.

Couldn't tell you why, but he's said he supports safe nuclear power while on the trail.


The thing is though Greggorys current show gets worse ratings than Matthews, Olbermann, and Abrams so NBC might be wary of his "ratings power". Beacause that is important. Russert got MTP to crush ABC/CBS when before they were tied and Katie Couric lead CBS News to dead last after being #1...etc


Cheebs said:
The thing is though Greggorys current show gets worse ratings than Matthews, Olbermann, and Abrams so NBC might be wary of his "ratings power". Beacause that is important. Russert got MTP to crush ABC/CBS when before they were tied and Katie Couric lead CBS News to dead last after being #1...etc

Eh, it might just be temporary anyways whoever it is. It'll be like Ron Zook replacing Spurrier at Florida then getting fired soon after! I say just get Bill Moyers on there and call it a night:p


Tamanon said:
Eh, it might just be temporary anyways whoever it is. It'll be like Ron Zook replacing Spurrier at Florida then getting fired soon after! I say just get Bill Moyers on there and call it a night:p
Brokaw is filling in for now.

I wouldn't be suprised if Brokaw holds the court for more than a couple weeks. Perhaps through the election. Because in the middle of a hectic election season it may be too much to go through casting and revamping the program. I wouldn't suprised to have Brokaw just temp. it like he is gong to do now with no changes till after the electon.


Karma Kramer said:
For example, the energy crisis, he is in favor of funding and spending a ton of money on manufacturing clean energy over the next 10 years
Nuclear energy isn't clean. It's the kind of dirty that lasts for 10,000 years. [Edit:] Okay, not carbon dirty, but still...

From my understanding it would take two years to get one plant up and running, so potentially we could begin producing plants in 2009 and have a steady stream of plants running from 2011 on.
You've been misinformed. It would take a decade to get a safe plant running. They're not apartment buildings, you know. Not to mention the political firestorm locally communities would start when the zoning license applications are submitted.
cjdunn said:
You've been misinformed. It would take a decade to get a safe plant running. They're not apartment buildings, you know. Not to mention the political firestorm locally communities would start when the zoning license applications are submitted.


Nuclear power is simply wishful thinking at this point in time.
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