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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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theviolenthero said:
Ya, it was disgusting.

Also, i wonder what the reaction will be when Bill O'Reilly (59yrs old) dies?
Russert got nothing but praise from all the reputable members of the media but i doubt you'll see the same with O'reilly. Probably just a "My condolences got out to O'reilly's family".

There is a difference - Hannity and O'Reilly are commentators and make no bones about their job being to express their opinion. Russert was a true journalist who never interjected his own politics into the mix and only strived to play devil's advocate to whoever he was interviewing - Democrat or Republican. There are VERY few people of his ilk, with Chris Wallace being probably the only one that comes close in objectivity.


Tamanon said:
LOL Jon Stewart


And lol at finally nailing the media for also participating in the smears.
What the hell was that with that whole Cuomo/verbatim crap? Did that fox news dude actually say that shit with a straight face?


I was just watching Brian Willams' tribute to Tim Russert on NBC's website. He touched on how emotional the tributes were on the air - then showed a picture of what happened between segments, off the air.






learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
I love that picture of Luke Russert grabbing his dad's chair.

It's got a whole presidential vibe to it, doesn't it? Luke Russert in 2044.

And wow at that above pic :(


I...um...actually have met one of those "magicians" that was on Colbert Report before, he tried to teach us the Matrix coin trick:/


The Lamonster said:

Yeah I don't remember being this sad about a celebrity death since

Well I wasn't alive for Lennon, so uh . . .

I was far more bummed when George Harrison died in 2001.
Man, I love Gore so much. That video Mandark posted was awesome. If I could pick Obama's VP right now, my top 3 would be:

1. Al Gore
2. Wesley Clark
3. John Edwards

Any one of them would make me squeal with joy, but Gore especially. Shame it will likely never happen, though I think it would put the election on lock.


Some of those Russert pieces paint him as what I think is a big part of the problem in journalism today.

They were saying he was most interested in the "game" of politics more than policies. That just about says it all.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
CNN seemed hellbent on pushing Gore as VP tonight. It was incredibly silly, and finally one of the panelists just laughed at the suggestion and said Gore's pals did the same. Whomever was hosting 360 then exclaimed "but it's a great story!" Yeah, you said it. Story trumps substance, all day long.


Small balls, big fun!
Dan: It's the nature of the beast.

Back when Gore was SPITTIN FIAH in 2002-4, the analysts would spend maybe 10 seconds after each major speech discussing the substance before moving on to what really interested them: was Gore signaling another run?
Mandark said:
Dan: It's the nature of the beast.

Back when Gore was SPITTIN FIAH in 2002-4, the analysts would spend maybe 10 seconds after each major speech discussing the substance before moving on to what really interested them: was Gore signaling another run?
"Coming up, we have a beard expert on to explain to us the significance of Gore's facial hair!"
Mandark said:
Dan: It's the nature of the beast.

Back when Gore was SPITTIN FIAH in 2002-4, the analysts would spend maybe 10 seconds after each major speech discussing the substance before moving on to what really interested them: was Gore signaling another run?
Gore needs to start spitting more hot fire. I always took his silence during the primary as a tacit endorsement of Obama, and now that he's out there, I'd love to see him in a very prominent role. Maybe not as VP, but definitely as a top level surrogate, and then as head of the EPA once Obama wins.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Mandark said:
Dan: It's the nature of the beast.
Unfortunately true, but it's always hilarious sad when the anchors and TV pundits point it out and embrace it.



ABC/Washington Post general poll.

Obama: 48, McCain 42 among adults, 49-45 among registered voters.

McCain will be running into stiff headwinds over the next five months. Bush's approval rating hit another low in Post-ABC polling and now is 29 percent, with 68 percent saying they disapprove of the job he is doing -- 54 percent strongly. Among the dwindling number who approve of the way Bush is handling his job, 80 percent back McCain. Among the much higher number who disapprove, 26 percent support McCain.

In general, 57 percent said McCain would continue to lead the country as Bush has and 38 percent said he would chart a new course.


Al Giordano has a nice bit on Patti Solis Doyle. He basically confirms my own feeling that she was scapegoated for failings that were, mainly, Mark Penn's. Also, the more interesting message this sends isn't "She was Clinton's campaign manager omg!" but "Obama is in charge and will pick your staff, potential Veeps!".


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
woeds said:
Someone just sent me this, saying it was 'interesting'


I of course gave him the Fight the Smears website. But still, stuff like this saddens me.
I stopped that video after the "Obama's father is a MUSLIM!" bullshit.

Obama's father was atheist/agnostic by the time he married his mother. Yes, his dad was raised as a Muslim, but by the time Barack was born, his father no longer followed Islam. Not that it should matter, anyways.

Earlier, he said that it was a fact that Obama has three muslim names, which is also false.

Just because a name sounds neither European nor Asian does not make it "Muslim."

Good lord

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GaimeGuy said:
I stopped that video after the "Obama's father is a MUSLIM!" bullshit.

Obama's father was atheist/agnostic by the time he married his mother. Yes, his dad was raised as a Muslim, but by the time Barack was born, his father no longer followed Islam. Not that it should matter, anyways.

Earlier, he said that it was a fact that Obama has three muslim names, which is also false.

Just because a name sounds neither European nor Asian does not make it "Muslim."

Good lord

i work with an israeli jew called barack. people dont understand names.


and he is pretty freaken white as well..


GaimeGuy said:
I stopped that video after the "Obama's father is a MUSLIM!" bullshit.

Obama's father was atheist/agnostic by the time he married his mother. Yes, his dad was raised as a Muslim, but by the time Barack was born, his father no longer followed Islam. Not that it should matter, anyways.

Earlier, he said that it was a fact that Obama has three muslim names, which is also false.

Just because a name sounds neither European nor Asian does not make it "Muslim."

Good lord
I find it funny that wacko's claim Obama was raised muslim when he wasn't but don't yell and scream about him being raised aithest (which he was). :lol

quadriplegicjon said:
i work with an israeli jew called barack. people dont understand names.


and he is pretty freaken white as well..
Is it spelled the same way? If so that is VERY weird. Barack is an Arabic name.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cheebs said:
Is it spelled the same way? If so that is VERY weird. Barack is an Arabic name.

i only know it spelled in hebrew. but its spelled exactly how they spell obama's name in israel. either way. names dont make a person, or their religion.
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