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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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quadriplegicjon said:
i only know it spelled in hebrew. but its spelled exactly how they spell obama's name in israel. either way. names dont make a person, or their religion.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with religion Arabic =/= Muslim. But still, a jewish parent giving their kid a arabic name is a bit odd. It'd be like a white family naming their son Jose or something.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Cheebs said:
I find it funny that wacko's claim Obama was raised muslim when he wasn't but don't yell and scream about him being raised aithest (which he was). :lol

Is it spelled the same way? If so that is VERY weird. Barack is an Arabic name.
Arabic and Hebrew aren't exactly distant languages :p


Cheebs said:
Is it spelled the same way? If so that is VERY weird. Barack is an Arabic name.
My name is used by Arabs as well as Jews. It's the same part of the world and there are some names in common.

Obama is totally not an Arabic name.


I remember Obama at some Jewish temple making a reference that it sounded a lot like a jewish name and it got a bunch of claps. I bet thats the name you are thinking of.

Edit: Yep I found it.

Barack is Arabic
Baruch is Hebrew.

Baruch is the verision Obama brought up as a similar sounding name in Hebrew. They aren't the exact same name but "they're both Semitic languages, which explains the similarities" and that people apparently often confuse the two.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cheebs said:
I remember Obama at some Jewish temple making a reference that it sounded a lot like a jewish name and it got a bunch of claps. I bet thats the name you are thinking of.

Edit: Yep I found it.

Barack is Arabic
Baruch is Hebrew.

Baruch is the verision Obama brought up as a similar sounding name in Hebrew. They aren't the exact same name but "they're both Semitic languages, which explains the similarities"

my friends name is barack. exactly as gaimeguy posted:

GaimeGuy said:
בָּרָק is the hebrew for "Barack"

baruch is spelled different: ברך


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Vice Pres. Gore has had a very accomplished life, but I wouldn't call him a nice guy Mandark. Did you read Bob Shrum's memoir? (You can get it cheap on Amazon.) Sen. Kerry endorsed Vice Pres. Gore in 2000 at a point when Gore really needed some help against Sen. Bradley. So four years later, Sen. Kerry was understandably very pissed to learn that Gore would be endorsing Howard Dean without even talking to him first. So when he finds out he's about to endorse Dean, Kerry gets Shrum to give him Gore's cell phone number and calls him:

"Kerry dialed it, and a few seconds later, said 'Al, it's John Kerry.' The line went dead. When Kerry redialed the number, Gore's phone was turned off."



Interesting. Obama must have been oblivious that it was a name also used by jews since he went out of his way to try to find a name that sounded like his but was used in the jewish community to connect with the jewish crowd. Cause he said like "my name may not be hebrew but it has a lot in common with the name baruch which means blah blah blah...etc" I guess I shouldn't always assume Obama knows what he was talking about. :lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cheebs said:
Interesting. Obama must have been oblivious that it was a name also used by jews since he went out of his way to try to find a name that sounded like his but was used in the jewish community to connect with the jewish crowd.

im not saying its common. im just saying it exists. baruch is much more common, so it make sense that he would use that.


Well it's about to take on a third culture. I remember on Hardball Chris Matthews had a piece from some baby name organization of some kind said Barack will be one of the top male baby names in the african american community in 2008.


Whoever this McCain spokeswoman was who was just on The Diane Rehm show was just as painful to listen to as McCain himself. Sheesh!



Barack Obama seems to have a very good start in Ohio as the general election season beings, a new survey from Public Policy Polling (D) suggests. The numbers: Obama 50%, McCain 39%, beyond the ±3.6% margin of error.

Back in early March, when Obama was on the verge of a bruising defeat in the state's primary, McCain led 49%-41% in PPP's reporting. If Obama can successfully unite Dem voters and not lose too many Hillary voters -- and this poll indicates he can -- then life could become very difficult for McCain.

Also worth noting: PPP's final pre-primary survey of Ohio got Hillary's primary margin almost exactly right.
The internals are all whack in that PPP poll. From reading the PDF, PPP sez the survey was conducted on May 17th and 18th. Why the long wait to release the poll?
Cheebs said:
I remember Obama at some Jewish temple making a reference that it sounded a lot like a jewish name and it got a bunch of claps. I bet thats the name you are thinking of.

Edit: Yep I found it.

Barack is Arabic
Baruch is Hebrew.

Baruch is the verision Obama brought up as a similar sounding name in Hebrew. They aren't the exact same name but "they're both Semitic languages, which explains the similarities" and that people apparently often confuse the two.

But this guy is not called Ehud Baruch.


Barak was born on 12 February 1942 in kibbutz Mishmar HaSharon in Mandate Palestine. He is the eldest of four sons of Esther (née Godin) and Israel Brog. Ehud hebraized his family name from "Brog" to "Barak" in 1959, when he began his military service.


Incognito said:
The internals are all whack in that PPP poll. From reading the PDF, PPP sez the survey was conducted on May 17th and 18th. Why the long wait to release the poll?
That must have been a typo as elsewhere it says it was conducted on June 14-15


Cheebs said:
PPP predicted Obama would win the primary in PA. :lol
And they nailed Ohio in the primary, the same state they're polling here. Like everyone else, they got some right and some wrong. I want to see some additional Ohio polling but the margin here is a good sign.


GhaleonEB said:
And they nailed Ohio in the primary, the same state they're polling here. Like everyone else, they got some right and some wrong. I want to see some additional Ohio polling but the margin here is a good sign.
I fully expect to win Ohio regardless. He'll win some states we wouldn't expect him to ever win too.

Ohio is a lot more blue today than it was in 2004 and 2004 was damn close there.
Cheebs said:
I fully expect to win Ohio regardless. He'll win some states we wouldn't expect him to ever win too.

Ohio is a lot more blue today than it was in 2004 and 2004 was damn close there.

I've been less optimistic about Ohio than I am about PA and even MI. PA has a huge democratic machine on the democratic side there and as for Michigan, I think Obama just hasn't had a chance to spend enough time there campaigning yet.


maximum360 said:
I've been less optimistic about Ohio than I am about PA and even MI. PA has a huge democratic machine on the democratic side there and as for Michigan, I think Obama just hasn't had a chance to spend enough time there campaigning yet.
Why? The margin in 2004 was incredibly close in OH and Ohio has elected tons of democrats in 2006.


Looking around, both Pollster and RCP have Obama leading in Ohio. Still, I want more post-primary polling.

Also, I'm glad First Read noted this. Hopefully the rest of the MSM catches on.

*** When CW is wrong: There was a growing consensus during the Democratic primary season that Obama was going to struggle with Latino voters -- due to the exit polls, his race, and McCain’s immigration stance. In fact, in that now-famous conference call in which Hillary Clinton indicated that she would be open to serving as Obama’s running mate, that response was spurred by concern by New York Rep. Nydia Velasquez (D) that Obama was going to have trouble with Latinos.

But it looks like that CW -- at least right now -- was wrong. In addition to our recent NBC/WSJ poll, which showed Hispanics breaking for Obama 62%-28%, a new survey of 800 Latino voters from 21 states finds that 60% of them plan to vote for Obama versus 23% for McCain. That is down considerably from the 40%-plus Bush received in 2004. It’s no longer fair to say that Obama has a problem with Latino voters; McCain does. This was a case of conventional wisdom that was never based on fact, just semi-informed speculation based on primary exit polling and bad stereotypes of Latinos.

Primary polling =/= general election polling. Obama's lead among women is another example.


Cheebs said:
Ohio is a lot more blue today than it was in 2004 and 2004 was damn close there.
No, it's not.

You're likely basing this of the 2006 results, but let's remember that the Dems picked up the governor's seat because of Bob Taft's corruption, and the Dems only picked up 1 seat in the house from Ohio, and that was because of Bob Ney's corruption and resignation.

There is no reason to think that Obama can't win Ohio, but don't fool yourself into thinking it won't be a tough fight.


First tragedy, then farce.
Obama is going to win the rust belt big time IMO if he does what he needs to (get Hillary, Gore, and Bill out there to remind them of the good times, maybe even Edwards for his populist message). Two words: trade agreements.

McCain is for them without much in the way of stipulation.

Obama is for them only when they have protections for employees.

Unions are heavy and the rustbelt hates NAFTA.

This is one of those things where they preferred Hillary to Obama.. but the number 1 issue in that part of the world is poison to the republicans right now, and it has been magnified by the economic downturn.


the disgruntled gamer said:
No, it's not.

You're likely basing this of the 2006 results, but let's remember that the Dems picked up the governor's seat because of Bob Taft's corruption, and the Dems only picked up 1 seat in the house from Ohio, and that was because of Bob Ney's corruption and resignation.

There is no reason to think that Obama can't win Ohio, but don't fool yourself into thinking it won't be a tough fight.
They also unseated a sitting seantor in Ohio.

also gallup is the same as yesterday. +4. Same with rassmusen, ABC, and NBC.
BTW, many of these polls only use Registered Voters, which tend to favor democrats more. Likely voters on the other hand tend to favor the GOP since many of the minorities and young people who registered to vote often do not show up on election day.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that turn out is key.


Cheebs said:
They also unseated a sitting seantor in Ohio.
Who was not getting funding from the national GOP, was involved in a conroversy of his own, and lost mostly due to his association with Taft.

Local republicans were incredibly corrupt in Ohio in 2006, which led to the democrat pick-ups. I don't mean to sound like the Chicken Little of Ohio, but the situation is very different now.


maximum360 said:
I guess they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Hopefully the MSM can get wind of this to highlight this type of bigotry.

My personal favorite is the brief mention some random woman at a McCain town hall event got for wearing an "Obama Bin Lyin'" shirt. McCain's campaign disavowed the shirt's unseemly pun though they stopped short of a full denouncement and made no mention as to what they would do with this woman's vote in November.


testicles on a cold fall morning
bob_arctor said:
My personal favorite is the brief mention some random woman at a McCain town hall event got for wearing an "Obama Bin Lyin'" shirt. McCain's campaign disavowed the shirt's unseemly pun though they stopped short of a full denouncement and made no mention as to what they would do with this woman's vote in November.
what, McCain should officially give Obama +1 in that state to compensate?


titiklabingapat said:
BTW, many of these polls only use Registered Voters, which tend to favor democrats more. Likely voters on the other hand tend to favor the GOP since many of the minorities and young people who registered to vote often do not show up on election day.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that turn out is key.
I have a fear that young people are quickly getting bored and forgetting about the election.


Odrion said:
I have a fear that young people are quickly getting bored and forgetting about the election.
We're merely in the eye of the storm...I (for example) am not paying attention as much until September. By the way, when is the first debate...that is (for most) the official start of the election cycle...


scorcho said:
what, McCain should officially give Obama +1 in that state to compensate?

I admit that math is not my strength and yield the floor entirely to you on this matter though I will add that "every vote counts". Or so HBO Films latest, a fascinating recount of the 2000 election, tells me.


3rdman said:
We're merely in the eye of the storm...I (for example) am not paying attention as much until September. By the way, when is the first debate...that is (for most) the official start of the election cycle...
September 24.



Republican John McCain's campaign accused Barack Obama of having a dangerous and naive Sept. 10 mind-set toward terrorism because the Democrat spoke approvingly of the successful prosecution and imprisonment of those responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.

In a conference call with reporters, McCain adviser Randy Scheunemann said Tuesday: "Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set. ... He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face."

Former CIA director James Woolsey said Obama has "an extremely dangerous and extremely naive approach toward terrorism ... and toward dealing with prisoners captured overseas who have been engaged in terrorist attacks against the United States."

The Obama campaign quickly responded with its own conference call in which Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Richard Clarke, a counterterrorism official in Republican and Democratic administrations, argued the McCain campaign was emulating Karl Rove, President Bush's former political adviser.

"I'm a little disgusted by the attempts of some of my friends on the McCain campaign to use the same old, tired tactics ... to drive a wedge between Americans for partisan advantage and to frankly frighten Americans," Clarke said.

McSame better get some new material.


Ooo, they got Richard Clarke on Obama's team. That's a good sign.

And I just want someone to one time say that September 11th changed a lot of things, but it doesn't have to change America and how we treat people.


Kerry said:
"What John McCain has done ... is that he has fully embraced willfully, openly, fully embraced the failed, tragic policy of the Bush Administration over the last seven and a half years. He's really defending a policy that is indefensible. He's proving every day that he doesn't understand Iraq, or the Middle East, or the war on terrorism... McCain is embracing " George Bush post 9-11 war of choice strategy," of which he is "Washington's biggest supporter." McCain "failed to learned the lessons of 9/11. He is the candidate of the Iraq War mindset, a mindset that completely misunderstands and dangerously underestimates the threats of the 21st century."

Loving the rapid response team. Hope they keep pouring it on. Hope Obama calls a special press conference to shoot this shit down, hard. Hope, hope, hope.


Tamanon said:
Ooo, they got Richard Clarke on Obama's team. That's a good sign.

And I just want someone to one time say that September 11th changed a lot of things, but it doesn't have to change America and how we treat people.

What's got me worried is the McCain campaign's new buzzword: "A September 10th mindset". It plays perfectly into the mainstream media's love of soundbites, and ever so subtly associates Obama with terrorism. I just hope it fades away soon, and that they don't hammer on it too much.


adg1034 said:
What's got me worried is the McCain campaign's new buzzword: "A September 10th mindset". It plays perfectly into the mainstream media's love of soundbites, and ever so subtly associates Obama with terrorism. I just hope it fades away soon, and that they don't hammer on it too much.

I don't think it's a new buzzword. I'm pretty sure I heard it during Bush/Kerry. Besides, McCain has been tossing buzzwords and slogans against the wall for months and nothing sticks.
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