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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Denver police are stocking up on guns that fire a pepper spray-like substance instead of bullets - a less-lethal weapon used to disperse crowds - in advance of the Democratic National Convention.

The department recently ordered 88 Mark IV launchers and projectiles at a cost "in the low six figures," the company that makes the weapons stated in a news release Monday.

The request was for delivery in advance of the DNC, according to Louisville- based Security With Advanced Technology Inc.

The convention, scheduled for Aug. 25 to 28 at the Pepsi Center, is expected to draw thousands of protesters to sites throughout Denver.

The city received a $50 million federal grant for security. A senior adviser to Mayor John Hickenlooper has said the city plans to spend up to half that amount on equipment, with the rest going to pay officers.

The Mark IV weapons the city ordered recently fire plastic balls filled with powder that's "like a combination of cayenne pepper and baby powder," the manufacturer said.

It can be fired from up to 100 feet away, said Ben Cook, director of Veritas, a subsidiary of Security With Advanced Technology.

The balls burst open on impact. While the powder will incapacitate a person like pepper spray, it doesn't cause some of the more severe reactions, Cook said.

They expecting a rabid gathering of hillary44 supporters or what?

From the comments..


June 17, 2008

8:15 a.m.

Suggest removal

agreatsign writes:

I don't understand, you mean the people of tolerance and diversity are suspecting of causing social unrest?
Say it isn't so!
Enjoy your pepper balls liberals!


adg1034 said:
What's got me worried is the McCain campaign's new buzzword: "A September 10th mindset". It plays perfectly into the mainstream media's love of soundbites, and ever so subtly associates Obama with terrorism. I just hope it fades away soon, and that they don't hammer on it too much.

heh That old, tired shit ain't gonna fly no more. McSame's got Rove all up in the business somewhere doling out retreads in hopes of capturing some of that old 2004 glory but the fuzzy dice ain't showing nothing but snake eyes.
He's been on the teevee recently feigning ignorance about Obama's campaign.

"Why is Obama hitting John McCain on Iraq? That's McCain's stong point!"

You know why. We all know why. What's puzzling is why you claim to be confused.


Amir0x said:
*shakes head*

Fearmongering is fun!

I look forward to some brave Republican senator, preferably that guy with the really bad teeth out of SC, to lament the lack of new attacks on our soil because, you know, one of those would really teach us all a lesson.

Edit: Obama: Bin Laden still free because of GOP tactics

Democrat Barack Obama says he'll take no lectures from Republicans on who will keep America safer.

Obama told reporters that the Republicans have no "standing to suggest that they've learned a lot of lessons from 9-11."

He said they "helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9-11." He said Osama bin Laden is still at large in part because of their failed strategies.


Just saw this analysis from fivethirtyeight.com linked from Kos.

They did a regression analysis of recent polls in every state, and came up with 12 that are within five points of either Obama or McCain.

Here are the states (bold = Lean Obama):

1. Missouri, 0.3%
2. Nevada, 0.4%
3. Indiana, 0.7%
4. Michigan, 1.6%
5. Virginia, 1.8%

6. Florida, 2.0%
7. New Mexico, 2.5%
8. New Hampshire, 2.6%

9. North Carolina, 2.7%
10. Ohio, 2.9%
11. North Dakota, 3.2%
12. Montana, 4.2%

Factoring out these 12 states, the remaining 38 breakdown as: Obama 247, McCain 157.

So McCain essentially has to run the table on those swing states to win. Just another analysis that shows Obama positioned well with the electoral collage.


bob_arctor said:
I look forward to some brave Republican senator, preferably that guy with the really bad teeth out of SC, to lament the lack of new attacks on our soil because, you know, one of those would really teach us all a lesson.

Edit: Obama: Bin Laden still free because of GOP tactics

I just hope the pitfall of this strategy doesn't open up if Bush DOES end up catching Osama Bin Laden near the end of his term. I want Osama to be prosecuted, but I don't want it also to mean four years of McCain.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i would love to see McCain pulling a Rudy and making that Sept. 10th comment a mantra of his campaign, only to slip and mention how we were attacked on Sept. 10th.

oh the joy.


Guts Of Thor said:
Damn!! Obama is bitch slapping these guys all over the place!

finally someone is calling them out on their bullshit, this is what MSM should be investigating and reporting on.


Amir0x said:
I just hope the pitfall of this strategy doesn't open up if Bush DOES end up catching Osama Bin Laden near the end of his term. I want Osama to be prosecuted, but I don't want it also to mean four years of McCain.
I remember widespread rumors that they were planning to nab him right before the 2004 election.


First tragedy, then farce.
my name is ed said:
Im really not a big fan of texas outside of austin =/

Those of us in Austin share your opinion. believe me.

But the guy in that ad is going down.

Rick Noriega is going to take him behind the woodshed.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Just saw this analysis from fivethirtyeight.com linked from Kos.

They did a regression analysis of recent polls in every state, and came up with 12 that are within five points of either Obama or McCain.

Here are the states (bold = Lean Obama):

Factoring out these 12 states, the remaining 38 breakdown as: Obama 247, McCain 157.

So McCain essentially has to run the table on those swing states to win. Just another analysis that shows Obama positioned well with the electoral collage.

The fun thing about these polls is many of them have black turnout and women turnout lower than 2004 totals. Not likely on either count. So Obama should outperform these polls.


BOULTON: But the Supreme Court have just said that — you know, ruled against what you’ve been doing down there.

THE PRESIDENT: But the district court didn’t. And the appellate court didn’t.

BOULTON: The Supreme Court is supreme, isn’t it?

Sorry to drag this in here but it just awesomely sad and funny all at once.

Full Transcript


Guts Of Thor said:
Damn!! Obama is bitch slapping these guys all over the place!
The kicker is, they're attacking where there is nothing to attack. Here's the comments that set McCain and company off, via First Read:

"And it is my firm belief that we can track terrorists, we can crack down on threats against the United States, but we can do so within the constraints of our Constitution. And there has been no evidence on their part that we can't. And, you know, let's take the example of Guantanamo. What we know is that, in previous terrorist attacks -- for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center, we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated."

"And the fact that the Administration has not tried to do that has created a situation where not only have we never actually put many of these folks on trial, but we have destroyed our credibility when it comes to rule of law all around the world, and given a huge boost to terrorist recruitment in countries that say, 'Look, this is how the United States treats Muslims.'"
Obama is 100% correct, accross the board. McCain saw that and jumped on the fear-mongering because he can't argue the merits. If he does, he loses, badly.

bob_arctor said:
Sorry to drag this in here but it just awesomely sad and funny all at once.

Full Transcript
Well, he has a point. Two of the three decisions were in his favor! :lol


bob_arctor said:
Sorry to drag this in here but it just awesomely sad and funny all at once.

Full Transcript

Also from that interview:

BOULTON: Because there are those who say the British Empire failed in Afghanistan, Soviet empire failed in Afghanistan, and maybe the locals are just sitting out the American empire.

THE PRESIDENT: Could be. Except this isn't the American empire, the British Empire or coalition empire; this is freedom's march. And freedom has had a way of taking hold in some of the places where people have never given freedom a chance. I believe in the universality of freedom. I believe everybody wants to live in a free society. I'm not surprised that an enemy that can't stand freedom is trying to shake our will.

Good lord that was a lot of usage of "freedom" in one statement.
PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA campaigns today at Wayne County Community College in Taylor, Michigan


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., listens as they talk with Marilyn Pace about her financial aid situation at Wayne County Community College in Taylor, Mich. Tuesday, June 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. poses with students at Wayne County Community College District Downriver Campus in Taylor, Mich., Tuesday, June 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)


Presumptive U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama listens to college student Marilyn Pace and District Dean Marcus McGrew about the financial costs of going to school during a campaign stop at Wayne County Community College District in Taylor, Michigan June 17, 2008. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. receives a toothbrush from dental hygienist students at Wayne County Community College District Downriver Campus in Taylor, Mich., Tuesday, June 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. laughs with students at Wayne County Community College District Downriver Campus in Taylor, Mich., Tuesday, June 17, 2008.
(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. steps off the bus to board the campaign plane at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus, Mich., Tuesday, June 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., boards the campaign plane at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus, Mich., Tuesday, June 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Small balls, big fun!
I doubt even Joe Queseda would approve of retconning the 2000 election to such a degree that John Kerry's endorsement delivered the Democratic nomination to Al Gore. Plus it contradicts the official concern troll position of 2004: that Joe Lieberman was deeply disrespected by the Dean endorsement.

I'm not gonna read Shrum's book. Already heard the abridged audio version.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA campaigns today at Wayne County Community College in Taylor, Michigan


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., listens as they talk with Marilyn Pace about her financial aid situation at Wayne County Community College in Taylor, Mich. Tuesday, June 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Even before they open their mouths, Obama looks presidential. Obama should mail that toothbrush to McCain.
adg1034 said:
What's got me worried is the McCain campaign's new buzzword: "A September 10th mindset". It plays perfectly into the mainstream media's love of soundbites, and ever so subtly associates Obama with terrorism. I just hope it fades away soon, and that they don't hammer on it too much.

That's not change we can believe in.


StoOgE said:
Those of us in Austin share your opinion. believe me.

But the guy in that ad is going down.

Rick Noriega is going to take him behind the woodshed.

I've said it a million times before, but if I weren't in Austin, I wouldn't be in Texas. Like Stooge said, we sympathize.

I'm not so certain about Noreiga because he's still trailing among polls, even if it's within the margin of error, and I'm hesitant to associate the country's disapproval of George Bush with Texas politics and a similar condemnation of Cornyn. We really need to campaign and push on Noriega's behalf so that we can oust Cornyn, who ranks among the top turds currently in the U.S. Senate.


Ah ha! I was right, Bush did use the phrase himself in 2004:

"Sen. Kerry approaches the world with a September the 10th mindset,'' Bush said of his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, on Oct. 7, 2004. "He declared at his convention speech that any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. That was the mind-set of the 1990s, while al Qaeda was planning the attacks on America. After September the 11th, our object in the war on terror is not to wait for the next attack and respond, but to prevent attacks by taking the fight to the enemy.''


:lol Crist angling hard to be McCain's Veep, but in doing so he's looking at losing Florida!


Charlie Crist helped John McCain solve a political problem today.

McCain came out yesterday for dropping the federal moratorium on offshore drilling.

Crist has been an ardent foe of drilling off the Florida coast but also a close McCain ally.

The solution?

Crist changed his stance to get in line with his party's nominee.

"Floridians are suffering," he said today at a press conference in Tallahassee.

Drilling off Florida's coast is ``something I'd least like to do, but I also understand the economics of what's happening to our country.," he added.

He also understands a little something about politics, it seems.

UPDATE: This is too good not to include. Never will it be said that Crist is not a team player.

Via the St. Pete Times Jennifer Liberto, this is an exchange from last week:

Gov. are you dropping your opposition to drilling for oil off of Florida's coast?

"I am not," he replied.
HylianTom said:
Sorry if this has been posted already.. has anyone seen this button that was for sale at the Texas GOP convention?



I hate these assholes. Why do they have to make my state look bad? >:\
Incognito said:

GhaleonEB said:
Turnout is always key. :p


Obama spech todahy on college afordability, fleshing out his policies.
A hundred hours? Ugh, I'm way too lazy for something like that. Regardless, I'll be in college before that is available. It's a good idea and a reasonable one.
Cheebs said:
the lighting make the gray in his hair more noticeable.

Looking at high rez pics you can see his hair has gotten A LOT more gray from Feb '07 when he annouced till now. It's weird.
He's going to look REALLY old after two terms :D


Cheebs said:
the lighting make the gray in his hair more noticeable.

Looking at high rez pics you can see his hair has gotten A LOT more gray from Feb '07 when he annouced till now. It's weird.

Check out his convention speech if you really want to see aging


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I made a bet at lunch today for $10 at 17-1 odds that Sen. Obama would win the general election AND the Cubs would win the World Series. It took me quite awhile to find somebody to take the bet at 17-1. We live in strange times.


Amir0x said:
Barack Hussein Obama is the reason for high gas and food prices, I totally agree.
Have you seen his other videos? Dude is out of his mind.

Rockstar should give him his own radio station for the next GTA. I'm serious. He'd be perfect.


Diablos said:
Have you seen his other videos? Dude is out of his mind.

Rockstar should give him his own radio station for the next GTA. I'm serious. He'd be perfect.

Yes, I saw this guys first videos like... god... like 6 or 7 months ago
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