The Boston Globe has the results coming in little by little.
The Massachusetts secretary of state is discounting reports of voter irregularities in the state's Senate special election.
A spokesman for Secretary of State William Galvin said Tuesday two reports of spoiled ballots could not be verified or found to be widespread.
In one case, someone voting in Cambridge claimed a ballot had already been marked for Republican Scott Brown. There was no way to verify the claim, but the ballot was destroyed.
In another case, a person in Boston reported finding a ballot inside a privacy folder also marked for Brown. Officials say it may have been left inadvertently by an earlier voter.
Aides to Democrat Martha Coakley called a news conference to raise voter awareness of the concerns.
schuelma said:
LovingSteam said:So lets assume that Brown wins. How many of you actually believe that the Dems will not be able to get HCR passed?
platypotamus said:If you already have a democrat that IS fighting for your progressive causes, don't punish them for the failings of their colleagues.
besada said:Until we have proportional electoral vote distribution, more reasonable state barriers to getting on the ballot and into the debates, and a more level financial playing field, third-party voting is vanity voting. It's like pissing yourself in a dark suit -- it makes you feel warm all over, but no one notices.
schuelma said:Someone is reporting Rasmsusen found 22% of dems voting Brown
RT @Dave_Wasserman: North Andover reporting in: Brown needed 61%, he got 64%
6 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Reply Retweet RT @Dave_Wasserman: So far, Brown overperforming what he needs to do to win state in most early precincts reporting
6 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Reply Retweet RT @wonkroom: RT @BlueStateGOPer: BREAKING: Scott Brown has carried the bellwether town of Ashland, 54-45. All votes in Ashland are counted.
GhaleonEB said:What to watch:
Town by town results here:
Compare against what's needed to win (by town) here:
I can't believe a special election is crashing GAF. :lol
If I was near Coakley's campaign headquarters right now I would drive over there and spit in her fucking face
I think it's the new junior swarm. Hi, friends!GhaleonEB said:I can't believe a special election is crashing GAF. :lol
With less than 1% of Boston in. :lolAveron said:Holy crap!!
Brown is pulling even in Boston.
It's pretty much over![]()
If it makes you feel better the special election is definitely crashing boston.comRentahamster said:lol WTF is going on in MA.
I think it's the new junior swarm. Hi, friends!
It's all over!!!111!!1GhaleonEB said:With less than 1% of Boston in. :lol
Ripclawe said:I am stunned... seriously stunned
mckmas8808 said:I can't believe Coakley will lose by over 5%.
mckmas8808 said:I can't believe Coakley will lose by over 5%.
At this point I am hoping to see double digits. I can't even imagine the insanity in coverage that would ensue.mckmas8808 said:I can't believe Coakley will lose by over 5%.
Oh? It's always been refreshing for me just fine.eznark said:If it makes you feel better the special election is definitely crashing
mckmas8808 said:I can't believe Coakley will lose by over 5%.
Dax01 said:It's all over!!!111!!1
Averon said:Obama, Reid and Pelosi better be drafting a plan b right now or HCR is dead.
eznark said:At this point I am hoping to see double digits. I can't even imagine the insanity in coverage that would ensue.
Rentahamster said:Oh? It's always been refreshing for me just fine.
Something something about Catholics and suicide something somethingAaron Strife said:I can't believe the democrats are about to lose in Massachusetts.
Ted just killed himself in heaven. He's in super heaven.
I saw a few articles and posts this morning saying they were doing just that in anticipation of a possible loss here.Averon said:more like 3% or 4%
Obama, Reid and Pelosi better be drafting a plan b right now or HCR is dead.
52 to 47 now. Don't give up hope.quadriplegicjon said:21% reporting and Brown is up by 7.
huhwatRancid Mildew said:You're probably the most annoying poster here. All you do is interject worthless one-liners when it happens to be convenient for your blind and drone-like partisan agenda.
Rancid Mildew said:You're probably the most annoying poster here. All you do is interject worthless one-liners when it happens to be convenient for your blind and drone-like partisan agenda.