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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
RiskyChris said:
I'm sorry I don't buy that we have a shitty health care bill because of 41 obstructionist members of the Senate. The bill is what it is because that's what the Democratic party created.
Okay, then explain to me, why the fuck have 0 republicans indicated support for the bill or for even debating the issue of health care on the senate floor? You're telling me out of all 40 republicans not one of them thought the bill was a good start? I'm sorry, but that's just not statistically likely, and it has happend with every major fucking piece of legislation since the obama administration began.

While some democrats support single payer, some don't, some wnat a public option, some don't, etc, we've seen debate, negotiations, compromises, leading to a bill that most agree is an okay or good start.

Through all the compromises, I haven't seen a single republican accept the concessions made as enough. They scream about socialism and a government takeover of health care despite no single payer, no public option, hell, not even anti-trust rules for the insurance industry. They yell about the bill costing too much despite the fact that it reduces the deficit for the government as well as the personal health care expenses for americans. It decreases costs for the american taxpayer while also decreasing the debt incurred by the federal government, yet it's too expensive. Saving money is too expensive, yeah, fuck that shit. Oh, all the while they're rallying people outside the capitol building to chants of "Kill the bill."

You're telling me that through all of these concessions, all of the debate, the compromises, that not one out of forty fucking people can honestly say that although they may not agree with everything in the health care bill, that it is a start? That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard.

You're arguing to me that the bill isn't passing because it's a bad bill? Okay, explain to me why pretty much every fucking person voting against the bill is opposing it, because the primary reasons I've been hearing from them is that they're afraid of what a public option could lead to, and they're afraid of how much the bill will increase the debt.

And both of these points are bullshit, because single payer is out, any government provided public option is out, and every incarnation of the bill reduces the deficit after analysis by the CBO. What's the fucking problem? Their objections have been addressed. All I'm hearing is "NO NO NO" for no reason related to the quality of the bill.

You have the audacity to claim that the bill does too much when provisions that objective analysis reveals to be beneficial to society have been removed time after time again from the bill to concede to your objections, making the bill worse just so thedemocrats could say they didn't give you the cold shoulder because your ideology didn't fit with theirs.

You say the bill sees so much opposition because it sucks, yet I haven't seen conservative america say anything new after months of changes to the bill, while liberals bite their lips as good ideas are removed out of consideration to your ideological concerns.

Yet you continue to bitch and moan that the bill sucks.
Fuck you. The bill sucks because conservatives are fucking stupid. The rest of the civilized world has great models for health care systems that I and other liberals want the US to emulate to improve care and bring down costs, but we can't have that here because people like you think BAH GAWD THAT THERE'S A LIBRUL IDEA!!!111



cartoon_soldier said:
Looks like Obama's campaign arm just sent out an SMS, asking for people to call MA? A bit late ain't it?

I still can't believe I got a text on Saturday evening asking me to use N2N. I live in Pennsylvania ffs.
Tamanon said:
Coakley's campaign is claiming they couldn't afford exit polling.

That's tracking polls, not exit polling. It's supposedly why the campaign didn't realize the extent of the Brown surge until that 9-point Rasmussen poll appeared two weeks ago, but exit polls are a completely different thing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
30 minutes bitches. It's come down to this.

I didn't realize that 51% of registered voters are independents. This doesn't look good for Coakley.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Looks like charlequin forgot to log out of his alt account.

I kid I kid. You two (charlequine and Gaime Guy) are damn cranky today.
It would be a shame if Coakley loses. While her campaign wasn't that impressive, her track record as AG is quite laudable. I'd love to have her as a Senator for my state.
I've been doing homework and following this race all day, most of which occurred in the library. I think I'm going to skip raiding (WoW) tonight to finish watching this trainwreck.


I actually expect a Coakley win. It's Mass. It seems all my Masshole friends got mobilized today. I think it's better for the Dem party, even if I think this bill is a disaster and want it to fail. But losing that seat is hella embarassing and/or dangerous. PEACE.
GaimeGuy said:

Don't worry Gaime, the Republicans are simply waiting until they get more power in the Senate to bring the HCR they have promised for oh so long. We just need to give them their shot. They truly care about the little person. They truly don't think its right that tax payers can lose their homes because they went to the hospital. Republicans truly believe that the Insurance companies are evil and need to be regulated. The Republicans truly are more concerned with bringing health care coverage here in the states than they are bringing bombs to other countries. The Republicans just need their opportunity to show the country that they are the party who will truly bring the HCR that we need so desperately. Just trust them!
Anticitizen One said:
I'm just amazed at how well and how quickly republicans can get the whole country fooled

Lets face it, the Democratic messaging machine sucks and Obama's campaign arm has been ineffectual at everything. The only thing Dems have/had going for them messaging wise is some people from Obama's WH team and Obama himself.
LovingSteam said:
Don't worry Gaime, the Democrats are simply waiting until they get more power in the Senate to bring the HCR they have promised for oh so long. We just need to give them their shot. They truly care about the little person. They truly don't think its right that tax payers can lose their homes because they went to the hospital. Democrats truly believe that the Insurance companies are evil and need to be regulated. The Democrats truly are more concerned with bringing health care coverage here in the states than they are bringing bombs to other countries. The Democrats just need their opportunity to show the country that they are the party who will truly bring the HCR that we need so desperately. Just trust them!
Fixed for sad truthiness.


cartoon_soldier said:
Lets face it, the Democratic messaging machine sucks and Obama's campaign arm has been ineffectual at everything. The only thing Dems have/had going for them messaging wise is some people from Obama's WH team and Obama himself.
"The Democratic Messaging Machine" was a sight to behold during the campaign. After Obama got elected, they lost focus, fast.
Diablos said:
"The Democratic Messaging Machine" was a sight to behold during the campaign. After Obama got elected, they lost focus, fast.

Even then it was more of the Obama messaging machine and the way Obama's campaign was run by David Plouffe.

MSNBC reporter stating dems bracing for a horrible loss. People at the polls are saying Brown win by 5+.

Then all those polls were correct!!
Diablos said:
"The Democratic Messaging Machine" was a sight to behold during the campaign. After Obama got elected, they lost focus, fast.

So did his team overall. It's really like watching an entirely different group of people. Sure they still ensure leaks are rare, but they have NO message control. After awhile, dismissing negative attacks as "old politics/not change/etc" doesn't work.


sex vacation in Guam
Anticitizen One said:
I'm just amazed at how well and how quickly republicans can get the whole country fooled
Its actually quite easy to do the wrong thing. you just to take into account these items:

1. Fear
2. Public knowledge (majority of people are just plain dumb)
3. Political Mis information is easy to spread as the Media doesnt call you out on it. (If conservatives can make americans doubt Evolution is true with stupid already addressed arguments, then just think about how easy it is to confused people on complicated policy issues)
4. The Economy is bad, you can get people riled up easily... and many of them got nothing but time.


PhoenixDark said:
So did his team overall. It's really like watching an entirely different group of people. Sure they still ensure leaks are rare, but they have NO message control. After awhile, dismissing negative attacks as "old politics/not change/etc" doesn't work.
I don't know wtf happened. Obama pretty much ran the best campaign in the history of modern US politics.
Barnicle: Brown defined himself; thinks any other major state Dem other than Coakley would win by 10+ .... [this is Dem meme for the night]

Barnicle on MSNBC: Coakley campaign didnt poll, didnt do opp research, didnt really campaign -- then goes negative. terrible introduction

Matthews calls O'Donnell report "stark" ... well, yes, if you are pro-Coakley

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell: Dems officials bracing for a 5+ point loss; not getting needed votes from Boston


What a cluster.

How the hell do they know that already?

Generally, Ground game reports. Democrats do have a good on the ground machine in the state and they would be able to tell you how things are going.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
People at the polls are supposedly stating that is what they are seeing.

RT @daveweigel: Hot rumor at the party--Brown by 11. #masen

I thought turnout was high. Maybe everybody voted for Brown then?
Y2Kev said:
Martha Coakley went on vacation? :lol

Not Literally, but thats how she ran her campaign.

I don't think she even came out with her first TV ad until that Ras poll that showed it was only +8 Coakley. And then when she did some out with the ads, she decided to go all negative (when the fuck will people learn you can't just go negative and expect to win).
Pimpwerx said:
I actually expect a Coakley win. It's Mass. It seems all my Masshole friends got mobilized today. I think it's better for the Dem party, even if I think this bill is a disaster and want it to fail. But losing that seat is hella embarassing and/or dangerous. PEACE.


I feel the same way.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Isn't it sad that I look at TPM's headline

MA Polls Closed At 8 PM, Fate Of Health Care Reform Hangs In The Balance

and rationally I want to say "haha, wtf how does one senate seat determine the fate of healthcare?" But then I think to myself "well this motherfucker is gonna vote no." In other words, fuck Senate rules.


Zero Hero said:
If Brown wins then there is only 1 thing left to do: Reconciliation with a robust public option.
Keep dreaming.

If the Senate bill won't clear the house, consider it dead. The instant Pelosi sends it back to the Senate, it's doomed.
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