RiskyChris said:
I'm sorry I don't buy that we have a shitty health care bill because of 41 obstructionist members of the Senate. The bill is what it is because that's what the Democratic party created.
Okay, then explain to me, why the fuck have 0 republicans indicated support for the bill or for even debating the issue of health care on the senate floor? You're telling me out of all 40 republicans not one of them thought the bill was a good start? I'm sorry, but that's just not statistically likely, and it has happend with every major fucking piece of legislation since the obama administration began.
While some democrats support single payer, some don't, some wnat a public option, some don't, etc, we've seen debate, negotiations, compromises, leading to a bill that most agree is an okay or good start.
Through all the compromises, I haven't seen a single republican accept the concessions made as enough. They scream about socialism and a government takeover of health care despite no single payer, no public option, hell, not even anti-trust rules for the insurance industry. They yell about the bill costing too much despite the fact that it reduces the deficit for the government as well as the personal health care expenses for americans. It decreases costs for the american taxpayer while also decreasing the debt incurred by the federal government, yet it's too expensive. Saving money is too expensive, yeah, fuck that shit. Oh, all the while they're rallying people outside the capitol building to chants of "Kill the bill."
You're telling me that through all of these concessions, all of the debate, the compromises, that not one out of forty fucking people can honestly say that although they may not agree with everything in the health care bill, that it is a start? That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard.
You're arguing to me that the bill isn't passing because it's a bad bill? Okay, explain to me why pretty much every fucking person voting against the bill is opposing it, because the primary reasons I've been hearing from them is that they're afraid of what a public option could lead to, and they're afraid of how much the bill will increase the debt.
And both of these points are bullshit, because single payer is out, any government provided public option is out, and every incarnation of the bill reduces the deficit after analysis by the CBO. What's the fucking problem? Their objections have been addressed. All I'm hearing is "NO NO NO" for no reason related to the quality of the bill.
You have the audacity to claim that the bill does too much when provisions that objective analysis reveals to be beneficial to society have been removed time after time again from the bill to concede to your objections, making the bill worse just so thedemocrats could say they didn't give you the cold shoulder because your ideology didn't fit with theirs.
You say the bill sees so much opposition because it sucks, yet I haven't seen conservative america say anything new after months of changes to the bill, while liberals bite their lips as good ideas are removed out of consideration to your ideological concerns.
Yet you continue to bitch and moan that the bill sucks.
Fuck you. The bill sucks because conservatives are fucking stupid. The rest of the civilized world has great models for health care systems that I and other liberals want the US to emulate to improve care and bring down costs, but we can't have that here because people like you think BAH GAWD THAT THERE'S A LIBRUL IDEA!!!111