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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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elrechazao said:
Just like her husband did, losing a decades long year majority in the house in 1994 because he sniffed at a few "liberal" moves, right?
She seems to be a better player than ol' Bill. I can't imagine her letting a 60 vote majority go to waste. I'd like to think they learned something from the 90's. Of course, Rahm seemed like a cut-throat do whatever it takes type too so.....
PhoenixDark said:
What a difference a year can make. Not long ago some were talking about 40 year majorities, a generation of voters tied to the democratic party through Obama. Now? It's clear the democrats will lose the house in November, and a few seats in the senate. Obama's agenda has been crippled, and republicans will make sure he doesn't accomplish much going into 2012.

The dream is dead, the hope is gone, the change didn't come. Seems more and morel like Obama is truly the next Jimmy Carter. Maybe he'll do some good after he leaves office, when he no longer has to worry exclusively about checking off boxes or pleasing the corporate/banking elite.

Umm.. I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself. Sure, if everything stayed exactly on its current course where Dems remained completely spineless and Obama kept trying to appease conservatives and special interest groups.

But I think this election will be a huge wakeup call. Sure HCR is probably dead but if the economy starts to see noticeable improvements by average Americans, then Obama will be able to slowly recover from this. 2012 is a long ways away. As you said, just a year ago Obama and the Dems looked like on top of the world. Now just a year later, it's a big clusterf*ck. Things could just as well swing in Obama's favor a year or two from now when the economy gets better.

But yeah if the Dems don't improve their leadership and if Obama doesn't start really fighting for what he believes in then yeah your scenario could come true. Though it's still way too early to tell.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The Chosen One said:
Umm.. I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself. Sure, if everything stayed exactly on its current course where Dems remained completely spineless and Obama kept trying to appease conservatives and special interest groups.

But I think this election will be a huge wakeup call. Sure HCR is probably dead but if the economy starts to see noticeable improvements by average Americans, then Obama will be able to slowly recover from this. 2012 is a long ways away. As you said, just a year ago Obama and the Dems looked like on top of the world. Now just a year later, it's a big clusterf*ck. Things could just as well swing in Obama's favor a year or two from now when the economy gets better.

But yeah if the Dems don't improve their leadership and if Obama doesn't start really fighting for what he believes in then yeah your scenario could come true. Though it's still way too early to tell.

lol dems improve their leadership lol


Things aren't going to get better in America after this election or after the November elections. The economy, jobs, healthcare costs, environment, the cost of oil.. with both sides so polarized and a Senate full of "gutless yellow turds" and business puppets, nothing will get done. So voters are going to swing back and forth for a while. Incumbents on both sides, beware: the coming election cycles will be turbulent.

With that, I'm off to work.


With 65% reporting Brown has approx. a 90,000 vote lead on Coakley (53% to 46%). That's with pretty much half of Boston reporting. Its start to get to where it can be called.


ToxicAdam said:
Harry Reid should retire tomorrow. He's fucked.
What's really comic about all this is we're talking about how 41 votes is bigger than 59 votes. It's just so absurdly perverse that this is what's happening in a supposed democracy.

Reid needs to go nuclear. There's no other choice now - if we are to remain a governable nation.


Say hello to President Palin everybody, unless Obama and Co. grow some damn balls and actually start doing something other than that's what we'll have . . . then again, at least we'd have some balls in the White House then because this administration is acting completely castrated.


I agree with the Chosen One to a degree. This should help some dems is close-but-winnable (sorry Reid, don't let the door hit you) races generate some money early. And they will need it.

Or...it could make people hold onto their wallets and live to fund another fight. The good news is, politics is interesting again.


Well, it's over. No HCR. The GOP now have the Dems by the balls again. Obama wasted tons of political capital.

At least the election is over and I don't have to deal with this crap again until November. I think I'm going on a political blackout for a while. Going to focus on school work.No way I'm going anywhere near a cable news channel for at least a couple weeks.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
GhaleonEB said:
What's really comic about all this is we're talking about how 41 votes is bigger than 59 votes. It's just so absurdly perverse that this is what's happening in a supposed democracy.

Reid needs to go nuclear. There's no other choice now - if we are to remain a governable nation.

If you think about it, what do they have to lose?
Getting something meaningful done, how it needs to done will go a long way towards making your party popular again.
teiresias said:
Say hello to President Palin everybody, unless Obama and Co. grow some damn balls and actually start doing something other than that's what we'll have . . . then again, at least we'd have some balls in the White House then because this administration is acting completely castrated.
Do you people enjoy overreacting by a huge, embarrassing margin?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I voted for Coakley but it looks like Brown took 50%+ of my town. There were a lot more people with Brown signs than Coakley signs outside of the polling area (well 150 ft. away to comply with the law). There must be a lot of people that voted Obama but voted for Brown, there is no way he did this with the scant few republicans around here.


JoeBoy101 said:
With 65% reporting Brown has approx. a 90,000 vote lead on Coakley (53% to 46%). That's with pretty much half of Boston reporting. Its start to get to where it can be called.
Yup, it's over.

Dems are already running for the doors, backing away from healthcare reform. The Dems are completely fucked. (Along with the rest of the country.)

Way to go, Massachusetts!
Yeah I'm not too broken up over this. I'm a firm believer of the democratic process. If the public (or this segment of the public) is sick of this shit, then there you have it. You can't fuck up in public and hope people don't notice enough to pull the rug out from under you. It's absolute bullshit that you can't do anything without a fillibuster-proof majority. This whole crew needs to get reworked and reorganized and have some actual representation and start governing properly.

If you really needed a Supermajority, there's something very very wrong.
The Chosen One said:
Sure, if everything stayed exactly on its current course where Dems remained completely spineless and Obama kept trying to appease conservatives and special interest groups.
Hmm, maybe you're right.

Averon said:
White House looks again at Senator Snowe


What fucking idiots. With Bayh and now Lieberman saying pretty much no to HCR now, the Dems have wasted a year and they accomplished nothing. :lol

Bring back Howrad Dean for christ sake!!


eznark said:
I agree with the Chosen One to a degree. This should help some dems is close-but-winnable (sorry Reid, don't let the door hit you) races generate some money early. And they will need it.

Or...it could make people hold onto their wallets and live to fund another fight. The good news is, politics is interesting again.

It also might cause a bunch of weak incumbents to consider retirement. Also, winning in MA could cause the RNC to get bold and start contesting seats and races which they were ready to ignore/let go/write off.
Dems need to focus on jobs, jobs, jobs from here on out. Healthcare was a really roundabout way to tackle the economy then it became a weird morality issue, especially after Kennedy died.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
It took 8 years for America to wake up from one fucking disaster, and it took them less than 12 months to go running back to a new disaster.

Why is the American voting public so fickle? It feels like that they are not even voting based on logic or rational anymore as nothing is based on anything grounded in reality. The whole W mentality of "I act with my gut" has never left the voting public.
Y2Kev said:
*pressing panic button repeatedly only to learn that panic button is not connected to anything*

Nice Avatar.

I still can't believe Democrats screwed this up.

The person who has fought for HC reform all his life is going to have his seat filled by the one who will enable Filibuster of HC reform


if healthcare goes down in flames now i think i'm off politics for a while. life was so much better when i was ill informed
reilo said:
It took 8 years for America to wake up from one fucking disaster, and it took them less than 12 months to go running back to a new disaster.

Why is the American voting public so fickle? It feels like that they are not even voting based on logic or rational anymore as nothing is based on anything grounded in reality. The whole W mentality of "I act with my gut" has never left the voting public.

You had a candidate that never defined herself vs a candidate who defined himself from his first campaign Ad.


GhaleonEB said:
What's really comic about all this is we're talking about how 41 votes is bigger than 59 votes. It's just so absurdly perverse that this is what's happening in a supposed democracy.
I think you mean republic.

And that's kinda the point.
Let me start off by reiterating that Coakley deserved to lose. Alright. Now presenting Aaron Strife's patented plan on how the Democrats can still win. And by win I mean "come out of this only missing one or two limbs" which is kind of sad but here goes:

- Pass healthcare reform by having the House vote on the senate bill verbatim. The truth is there's really not much progressives can gain by reconciling the two bills. Actually this leads to...

- Public option through reconciliation. But that might be better to do financial regulations through reconciliation. Actually, do that, because PEOPLE LIKE THAT.

- Focus 2010 message on deficit reduction. 2008 was carried by Obama's agenda, which I think people are sick of after the health care debacle.

- Try to keep house/senate losses to a minimum. By this I mean, retain a majority in the House, at least 55 seats in the senate. Suggested states for Democratic gains: MO, OH, NH

- Put out Reid as a sacrificial lamb, bring in Russ Feingold as majority leader.
reilo said:
It took 8 years for America to wake up from one fucking disaster, and it took them less than 12 months to go running back to a new disaster.

Why is the American voting public so fickle? It feels like that they are not even voting based on logic or rational anymore as nothing is based on anything grounded in reality. The whole W mentality of "I act with my gut" has never left the voting public.

Carville's "It's the economy, stupid!" should be engraved on the front of the White House.


The government cannot function anymore, so they can't really fix anything that goes wrong on the domestic front. I think the filibuster needs to go. I am a fairly conservative independent, but any moron can see that we need to do something about health-care. The fact that the democrats can't get anything done when they have a 60 vote majority is just an embarrassment for that party. The one thing I was hoping for when Obama won was health-care reform, and at that point I didn't even know they would get a super-majority. It's disgraceful that they have failed to get it done. We need a government that is able to ACT. Gridlock is no longer an acceptable situation, and any policy that facilitates gridlock needs to be abolished.

As for this election, This is basically just "throw the bums out". It will happen to the repubs too when they get power back. We are basically in an economic cycle that has some resemblance to an actual depression, and people are going to throw blame at whoever is in charge until things get better, which may be a very long time. People are unhappy, unemployment is high... It's an environment perfect for naysayers and liars. People want to get angry and blame those in charge. The only way to avoid that is to DO SOMETHING. You have to be able to point to accomplishments. The dems can't do that, and they will suffer for it.


reilo said:
It took 8 years for America to wake up from one fucking disaster, and it took them less than 12 months to go running back to a new disaster.

Why is the American voting public so fickle? It feels like that they are not even voting based on logic or rational anymore as nothing is based on anything grounded in reality. The whole W mentality of "I act with my gut" has never left the voting public.

Ironic that the very seat he used to fight for HCR will be the very seat used to defeat it.


I could not be more upset right now.

The dems wasted a perfectly good supermajority. They fucked up so badly. They need to put health care behind them as soon as possible. What a stupid policy decision to go after first.


Rodent Whores
GhaleonEB said:
What's really comic about all this is we're talking about how 41 votes is bigger than 59 votes. It's just so absurdly perverse that this is what's happening in a supposed democracy.
Bush was able to get a decent portion of his agenda through with less.

What does this mean?

Bush -

- was more centrist, bipartisan, or strategic in getting Democratic congressmen to vote for it.
- Democratic congressmen were more accommodating towards Bush and were genuinely concerned about bipartisanship

Obama -

- was not that centrist or bipartisan in getting Republican congressmen to sign on
- Republican congressmen are not accommodating and are more interested in obstructionism.

Some mix of all the above?


gcubed said:
if healthcare goes down in flames now i think i'm off politics for a while. life was so much better when i was ill informed

I think it was Lovecraft who posed in his Mythos that too much knowledge can shatter one's sanity. :lol

Averon said:
Ironic that the very seat he used to fight for HCR will be the very seat used to defeat it.

I swear, the ludicrousness of this situation is Wagnerian in its epic-osity.
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