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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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delirium said:
Here's the written version of that video. Apparently more than 50 protesters were arrested. Kind of sad when they were attacking delegates.


We need YouTube comparisons of how the arrests were covered on CNN vs. Fox News. CNN cuts to some reporter saying basically "A few, and were talking only a FEW of the protesters got out of line and it should be noted that there have been FAR worse conflicts with the police in this country" accompanied by a video of basically a bunch of people and one guy just clowning around throwing of gang signs or something harmless.

Here are the videos each station is using in their coverage of the protests. Now who's being more honest:

CNN coverage:

Fox News coverage:
(Anarchists vs. Police link at bottom)


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yup. It's remarkable. I almost do feel bad that McCain might not even get reelected as a Senator after this. The GOP is going to completely demolish him for this once it's over. I don't want him to be president, but I don't think he deserves to have his lifetime of public service ended.

As a resident of Scottsdale, I would be more than happy to have it ended.


Setec Astronomer

[Mr. Burns finishes watching a Kent Brockman story on Frank Grimes]

MR. BURNS: That's the kind of man I need in my team, Smithers. A real scrapper. A self-made man like me! Bring this Grimes fellow to me. I want to make him my executive vice-president.

MR. SMITHERS: Yes, sir.



MR. BURNS: Smithers, I've just seen the most heroic dog on television. It pulled a toddler from the path of a speeding car and pushed a criminal in front of it. Find this dog. I want to make him my executive vice-president.

MR. SMITHERS: Uh, yes, sir. I..In the meantime, here's Frank Grimes...

FRANK: [Extends hand]

MR. BURNS: [Blank stare]

FRANK: [Clears throat, retracts hand]

MR. SMITHERS: ...the self-made man...

MR. BURNS: What? Oh yes, that fellow. Just put him somewhere out of the way and find that dog!

MR. SMITHERS: Yes, sir.
Gaborn, that's the sort of thing I was getting at when I said that everyone who disagrees with Obama shouldn't be considered a racist. I know that there are fundamental stances of his that you simply disagree with and you're fully capable of defining and outlining them as needed.

As you mention, he's got "something" that people respond to and I'm struggling to figure out what it is. He's hip deep in support of several issues that should outright destroy him (If the current political climate is to be taken into account). What is it that he has that would protect him from the backlash of both his initial support of the war, his longstanding insistence that we should stay in the war, and his inability to find a solid platform by which to address the fact that the Iraqis want us out of the war? Those stances alone should be more than enough to raise doubt against his judgment and foreign policy "experience" (As vaguely as that term seems to be used nowadays).
WickedAngel said:
Gaborn, that's the sort of thing I was getting at when I said that everyone who disagrees with Obama shouldn't be considered a racist. I know that there are fundamental stances of his that you simply disagree with and you're fully capable of defining and outlining them as needed.

As you mention, he's got "something" that people respond to and I'm struggling to figure out what it is. He's hip deep in support of several issues that should outright destroy him (If the current political climate is to be taken into account). What is it that he has that would protect him from the backlash of both his initial support of the war, his longstanding insistence that we should stay in the war, and his inability to find a solid platform by which to address the fact that the Iraqis want us out of the war? Those stances alone should be more than enough to raise doubt against his judgment and foreign policy "experience" (As vaguely as that term seems to be used nowadays).



WickedAngel said:
Gaborn, that's the sort of thing I was getting at when I said that everyone who disagrees with Obama shouldn't be considered a racist. I know that there are fundamental stances of his that you simply disagree with and you're fully capable of defining and outlining them as needed.

As you mention, he's got "something" that people respond to and I'm struggling to figure out what it is. He's hip deep in support of several issues that should outright destroy him (If the current political climate is to be taken into account). What is it that he has that would protect him from the backlash of both his initial support of the war, his longstanding insistence that we should stay in the war, and his inability to find a solid platform by which to address the fact that the Iraqis want us out of the war? Those stances alone should be more than enough to raise doubt against his judgment and foreign policy "experience" (As vaguely as that term seems to be used nowadays).

I think that the US values good stories, and while Obama's story is great, McCain's connects to a lot of still surviving veterans of different wars. That's probably a lot of what it is, as vapid and empty as it seems on many levels. That's why Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt and Grant, Andrew Jackson and even William Henry Harrison became president, at least in part. the US historically loves war heroes above all and relates to them very well.

People forget I think just how many veterans there are still in the US (referring to past wars here, not even our current conflicts), and that most of them still have families and it adds a bit to a candidate, again, fairly or not.


Man, you gotta love the massive smear campaign against Palin's oldest daughter. Now they apparently have pictures of her drinking underage.


The news update on troopergate is annoying. The audio they were discussing from Troopergate has been available for the last day or two online on the official Alaska website. I'm not sure why CNN and others haven't taken the time to listen to it or play any of the tape. If the internet is going to be so much faster at discovering information, CNN should just have people paid to constantly browse news aggregators, reddit, digg etc.
delirium said:
Man, you gotta love the massive smear campaign against Palin's oldest daughter. Now they apparently have pictures of her drinking underage.
I recognize Obama's ideals and all, but I guarantee you he's not crying over the treatment she's getting.


Link648099 said:
I recognize Obama's ideals and all, but I guarantee you he's not crying over the treatment she's getting.

I think he is upset about it. He know's he and his family can and will be treated the same way (beyond how they already treat his wife). He probably thinks about what if this was about his kids instead.


Link648099 said:
I recognize Obama's ideals and all, but I guarantee you he's not crying over the treatment she's getting.
So I guess McCain shouldn't shed a tear when the other side starts attacking Obama's daughters right?

All these attacks are fucking stupid. They take away from the real issues at hand.
delirium said:
Man, you gotta love the massive smear campaign against Palin's oldest daughter. Now they apparently have pictures of her drinking underage.

I do have great sympathy for the daughter. She didn't ask for any of this.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mckmas8808 said:
BITCHES she is getting crushed on CNN! :lol :lol :lol :lol
what's the point of saying bitches, again?

King_Slender said:
About Palin's experience? Wait, how is Obama more experienced than Palin again?
regurgitated GOP talking points are fun!
Bush is speaking to the RNC tomorrow probably in an attempt to preserve his legacy or some nonsense. Looks like day 2 of the RNC is going to be about as bad as day 1 was for the GOP.


Fragamemnon said:
Bush is speaking to the RNC tomorrow probably in an attempt to preserve his legacy or some nonsense. Looks like day 2 of the RNC is going to be about as bad as day 1 was for the GOP.

Awesome that today would just be a warmup, then tomorrow Bush speaks, then Palin on Wednesday and McCain on Thursday (I assume).

A week of lulz.


King_Slender said:
About Palin's experience? Wait, how is Obama more experienced than Palin again?

He lives in Illinois, which gives him the power of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, and Missouri. Basically, he controls 12% of the country.


Link648099 said:
I recognize Obama's ideals and all, but I guarantee you he's not crying over the treatment she's getting.

He may not be crying but to me he does seem like the type of guy who would be bothered by it. (Like he said, his mother was about the same age when she had him). This compassion will be his downfall IMO...almost makes him too "soft" for politics.


I hope all this shit blows up in their face big time if anything this is showing that the Palin family is like the average American family in many regards and face alot of the same issues.

It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.


Man the dems are shooting themselves in the foot on larry king bringing up this baby thing over and over. Drop this non-issue, stop sounding like smug jackasses, and go after the issues that really matter (as in pretty much every other thing that has popped up about Palin in the last 72 hours).
Fragamemnon said:
Bush is speaking to the RNC tomorrow probably in an attempt to preserve his legacy or some nonsense. Looks like day 2 of the RNC is going to be about as bad as day 1 was for the GOP.

Bush will keep it on point - great GOP gubernatorial leadership during Gustav, learning from the mistakes of Katrina, and praising McCain for pushing the surge in Iraq.

Unlike Jimmy Carter, they won't have to play a video of him and quickly shuffle him on and off stage, lest he throw out some anti-Semitic remarks.
King_Slender said:
About Palin's experience? Wait, how is Obama more experienced than Palin again?

Obama's making the case for judgment. McCain is the one that tried to make this all about experience.

That's why it's so weird for McCain to pick Palin, regardless of whether she's more experienced than Obama. By objective standards, she doesn't have much experience. 20 months as Governor, 2 years as major of a small town.

Was it 2 years? If I'm wrong, correct me.


laserbeam said:
Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.


Except louder and with bigger caps.


testicles on a cold fall morning
laserbeam said:
I hope all this shit blows up in their face big time if anything this is showing that the Palin family is like the average American family in many regards.

It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.
besides from the stupid jokes about the daughter, this should focus question on how Republican policy on abstinence-only education and poo-pooing contraceptives is supposed to prevent teenage pregnancy or the spread of STDs.
Jak140 said:
Man the dems are shooting themselves in the foot on larry king bringing up this baby thing over and over. Drop this non-issue, stop sounding like smug jackasses, and go after the issues that really matter (as in pretty much every other thing that has popped up about Palin in the last 72 hours).
CNN is probably calling the shots more than they are. Remember, what makes news, makes money. Everything Palin is news...bad news for repubs, good money for CNN.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice.


I want my Xboxtradamus tag back. I predicted she'd quit before November two days ago.
Jak140 said:
Man the dems are shooting themselves in the foot on larry king bringing up this baby thing over and over. Drop this non-issue, stop sounding like smug jackasses, and go after the issues that really matter (as in pretty much every other thing that has popped up about Palin in the last 72 hours).

No shit - all this is doing is making Palin appear more and more like your average American Mom, which is her appeal in the first place (ability to be the President, aside).

Can you imagine the furor is Fox News ran all day with "The rumors of Obama being a Muslim - is it something we should discuss or not."


mj1108 said:
Ed Schultz laying the smackdown on CNN. :lol

ED: "What kind of mother is she?"
Women on Panel: "wow"
Woman backing Palin:"So every person out there who has a unwanted pregnancy in their family is a result of bad mothering? Wow"
ED:"Dont tell me she's a role model"
"Most professional gardeners have a really nice yard, most professional gardeners have cut their own yards, it seems to me they have some trouble in their backyard"
Woman backing Palin:"I dont think they look @ it that way this is a young daughter who made a mistake who is duh duh duh gonna marry the the the father of the baby.

Ed laid the smackdown, bunch of spinning.
EDIT:I personally feel its a issue, not so much that the daughter is pregnant but how Palin was consistent on "No sex ed. no contraceptives, abstinence until marriage"

Sure its a mistake that she got pregnant, but come on what are the chances that she only had sex once? Now rumors that there are pictures of the daughter drinking...

Reminds me of the whole preacher daughter scenario's. By all means you cant control your kid fully, but when your parents are in a position of power you;d think you;d be more careful, and if Palin knew her daughter was pregnant liong ago, should she have talked about these things the way she did or just come out ahead of time and said her daughter is pregnant keeping her from this situation.

My wife is following this as well and was upset Obama didnt pick Hilary but was shocked about the Palin pick and kinda liked her(mother reasons) but after hearing several things and this fiasco she lol@Palin.


scorcho said:
besides from the stupid jokes about the daughter, this should focus question on how Republican policy on abstinence-only education and poo-pooing contraceptives is supposed to prevent teenage pregnancy or the spread of STDs.

Exactly if they want to talk about an issue they can talk about abstinence program failures etc. These personal things are going way out of bounds and will look bad.


testicles on a cold fall morning
King_Slender said:
Bush will keep it on point - great GOP gubernatorial leadership during Gustav, learning from the mistakes of Katrina, and praising McCain for pushing the surge in Iraq.

Unlike Jimmy Carter, they won't have to play a video of him and quickly shuffle him on and off stage, lest he throw out some anti-Semitic remarks.
does the GOP have an email contact straight to your inbox? i'd almost think you're being paid except you're not using 'maverick' enough.

next up - Palin's understanding about Alaskan oil politics somehow makes her an energy 'expert'.


Neo Member
I know this is out of left field but....

If I hear friggin McCain referred to as a maverick one more damn time...

my god, it's so annoying
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