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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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King_Slender said:
Bush will keep it on point - great GOP gubernatorial leadership during Gustav, learning from the mistakes of Katrina, and praising McCain for pushing the surge in Iraq.

Unlike Jimmy Carter, they won't have to play a video of him and quickly shuffle him on and off stage, lest he throw out some anti-Semitic remarks.

Did you see the ABC video of the leaders of the GOP partying while Gustav hit?

I would also like to add that attacking Bristol is retarded, fellas. There's many an issue besides her to address. She got pregnant, and it is a contradiction to her mother's beliefs, but it was Bristol's choice. She's a teen, teens do stupid things, some graver than others. That doesn't mean we should bring the full might of the media to bear on her. Who gives a shit if the GOP would do it; us not doing it makes us better than them.
Jak140 said:
Man the dems are shooting themselves in the foot on larry king bringing up this baby thing over and over. Drop this non-issue, stop sounding like smug jackasses, and go after the issues that really matter (as in pretty much every other thing that has popped up about Palin in the last 72 hours).

uh.. nobody's really bringing it up except larry king
laserbeam said:
It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

The ridicule is directed more towards the conservative platform of claiming that traditional sex ed classes that teach about contraception encourage teen sex, and that abstinence-only classes are the answer to that problem ALONG with practicing more traditional values at home (because you know those liberal families don't have traditional values and thats why all their teens get pregnant). If these repubs would step down from their pedestal and stop pointing their fingers at liberals for the corruption of these so-called "values", you probably wouldn't such attention.

Now let me ask you a question, laserbeam. Why was Chelsea Clinton ridiculed??
laserbeam said:
I hope all this shit blows up in their face big time if anything this is showing that the Palin family is like the average American family in many regards and face alot of the same issues.

It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.

While I roughly agree there was this little tidbit from you know who along with Rush Limbaugh who mined the same joke years earlier.

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
King_Slender said:
Unlike Jimmy Carter, they won't have to play a video of him and quickly shuffle him on and off stage, lest he throw out some anti-Semitic remarks.

Hah, just in time to cash in on the Jimmy Carter craze! You see that Rubik's Cube yet? That thing is crazy keen!


I'm genuinely afraid that if the media keeps up this level of backlash, people are going to start feeling sorry for Palin and give up the sympathy vote for McCain. :/
FlightOfHeaven said:
Obama's making the case for judgment. McCain is the one that tried to make this all about experience.

That's why it's so weird for McCain to pick Palin, regardless of whether she's more experienced than Obama. By objective standards, she doesn't have much experience. 20 months as Governor, 2 years as major of a small town.

Was it 2 years? If I'm wrong, correct me.

McCain talked about experience, and chose Palin.

Obama talked about CHANGE in Washington, then picked a 36 year Senator.

It's a wash, politically. Campaigns ebb and flow. McCain had a good last 2-3 months, Obama stole some back with his convention to take a few point lead in the polls, and McCain will probably bring things to even after this week at his convention. Then it will be a sprint to election day. I just want to get to the debates already.
King_Slender said:
No shit - all this is doing is making Palin appear more and more like your average American Mom, which is her appeal in the first place (ability to be the President, aside).

Can you imagine the furor is Fox News ran all day with "The rumors of Obama being a Muslim - is it something we should discuss or not."

Didn't Fox run with that for quite a while?

I do agree with your first point. I hope that people see her policies and what she's done, though.
King_Slender said:
McCain talked about experience, and chose Palin.

Obama talked about CHANGE in Washington, then picked a 36 year Senator.

It's a wash, politically. Campaigns ebb and flow. McCain had a good last 2-3 months, Obama stole some back with his convention to take a few point lead in the polls, and McCain will probably bring things to even after this week at his convention. Then it will be a sprint to election day. I just want to get to the debates already.
If you know anything about biden you would know you are spewing bullshit. He's one of the more down to earth people (politically, more american) of the ones that Obama could have chosen.


King_Slender said:
No shit - all this is doing is making Palin appear more and more like your average American Mom, which is her appeal in the first place (ability to be the President, aside).

Can you imagine the furor is Fox News ran all day with "The rumors of Obama being a Muslim - is it something we should discuss or not."
Haha, are you kidding, CNN ran with that headline verbatim for several days a few months back. There was outrage, but that rumor was completely unsubstantiated, while this one was confirmed by Palin herself. The whole thing is a complete non-issue though and distracts from everything else wrong with the Palin pick.


This chick on MSNBC is defending Palin and comparing her to Obama and says the left is very very nervous about her. :lol :lol

EDIT: David Corn is laying the smackdown on her. :lol
King_Slender said:
McCain talked about experience, and chose Palin.

Obama talked about CHANGE in Washington, then picked a 36 year Senator.

It's a wash, politically. Campaigns ebb and flow. McCain had a good last 2-3 months, Obama stole some back with his convention to take a few point lead in the polls, and McCain will probably bring things to even after this week at his convention. Then it will be a sprint to election day. I just want to get to the debates already.

I can agree with this.

Edit: Well, surface perceptions, anyways. Biden has done some, well, screwy things in the past, but he's certainly not what I'd call a conventional Senator.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mj1108 said:
This chick on MSNBC is defending Palin and comparing her to Obama and says the left is very very nervous about her. :lol :lol
the best part is that she insinuated that the Democratic Party should be applauding Palin because she is, paraphrasing here - a mother of five and not asking for a handout.


laserbeam said:
I hope all this shit blows up in their face big time if anything this is showing that the Palin family is like the average American family in many regards and face alot of the same issues.

It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.

Well you have to remember that the internet was still in its infancy back then and it seems to be the major driver of these things. Living in the South I remember some of that Chelsea stuff and believe me, this Bristol story has a long way to go to catch up with some of the stuff about Chelsea back then (and this was like actual printed news in local papers).


Clothed, sober, cooperative
laserbeam said:
It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits..

This is the internet. The internet is full of stupid evil racists. The mods here have been very good about stamping out inappropriate jabs at her children. Chelsea suffered similar problems based solely on her appearance. There's a tricky line here - obviously her pregnancy is relevant - it's part of a cascade of events. And yes, there's hypocrisy.

However, the "Janet Reno is her father" gag is sort of funny now.


distantmantra said:
Yeah, she just said that just as we don't know much about Palin, we don't know much about Obama. Really?
And also, we're sick of all the coverage of Obama. How much can we know about someone getting too much attention?
IMO people need to take a chill pill, take a moment to look at the forest instead of the trees... the GOP fucking LOVES this woman. they're psyched. they're excited. so, her teenage daughter is preggers. well, that means she stands by her pro-life convictions! she kept the baby and supports her daughter. troopergate? well, the mccain campiagn is sure that beyond a reasonable doubt there's no wrong doing on that front. ...aand there are several other things popping up, but you can be sure there'll be shiney new talking points ready to be regurgitated ad nauseum.

palin's still very much in this game.
King_Slender said:
No shit - all this is doing is making Palin appear more and more like your average American Mom, which is her appeal in the first place (ability to be the President, aside).

Can you imagine the furor is Fox News ran all day with "The rumors of Obama being a Muslim - is it something we should discuss or not."



This chick on MSNBC is defending Palin and comparing her to Obama and says the left is very very nervous about her.

Cute girl but totally crazy. I don't get why these cable networks let these wackos from either side come on national tv to smear candiadtes they don't like. It's disgusting..


Clothed, sober, cooperative
daegan said:
I'm genuinely afraid that if the media keeps up this level of backlash, people are going to start feeling sorry for Palin and give up the sympathy vote for McCain. :/

Nope, it's like a racehorse with a broken ankle. Tons of sympathy, no betting dollars.


Stoney Mason said:
While I roughly agree there was this little tidbit from you know who along with Rush Limbaugh who mined the same joke years earlier.
Rush is a douche when it comes to that stuff. He gets his giggles from it.

People get so wrapped up in the hate mongering aspect of politics they dont care who they use to further their goals or who they hurt in the process.


Setec Astronomer
Taking a step back, it's fascinating how the Obama campaign is once again proving more disciplined and better managed than the campaign touting experience. Obama vetted his list over many weeks building files much larger than any other recent democratic presidential candidate, but McCain? A last-minute interview and a cursory check the day before.
King_Slender said:
Bush will keep it on point - great GOP gubernatorial leadership during Gustav, learning from the mistakes of Katrina, and praising McCain for pushing the surge in Iraq.

And it's still the same job-hemmoraging, deficit-creating, $4 gas-delievering President 28% talking, reminding everyone that hey he likes this McCain duder. Which is exactly the one line of attack that the GOP has to break clean from if they want to even have a shot at winning this election. GOP officials were relieved that he wasn't going to be around to give his speech today, it's a good thing for us Democrats that his hopeless desire for redemption after years of epic failure trumps the best interests of his party.

BTW, Huffington post has Bristol's kids father (btw, lol@naming your kid after a NASCAR track, what a yokel) with the following on his myspace page:

n his MySpace page, Johnston boasts, "I'm a f - - -in' redneck" who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.

"But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chillin' I guess."

"Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass," he added.

He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids."

It would be cool if one day I woke up to find him and Bristol in a huge pick up truck going mudding on the mall after a hard couple of day's rain.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
scorcho said:
the best part is that she insinuated that the Democratic Party should be applauding Palin because she is, paraphrasing here - a mother of five and not asking for a handout.

WTF is that even supposed to mean?


testicles on a cold fall morning
McCain stared into Putin's soul, err, Palin's picture and said he made his VP pick from his heart.

seriously, i've heard this somewhere before.
laserbeam said:
I hope all this shit blows up in their face big time if anything this is showing that the Palin family is like the average American family in many regards and face alot of the same issues.

It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.

I haven't really been a part of the discourse on this, nor do I frequent liberal blogs, but from I've seen on the last few pages as well as what I heard on CNN the criticism is leveled at Governor Palin. The reason for this criticism is that she allegedly supports abstinence curriculum only, yet her daughter is pregnant. Also many are challenging this because they feel that many conservatives like to legislate morality and they see this as a instance of them failing to teach it at home.

Personally, I do not think it is really relevant to the vp discussion, but it is relevant in that these sort of things are coming out pretty quickly. So it is fair to wonder two things; 1. how well was she vetted, and what kind of atmosphere was the choice made in.

2. Knowing her daughter was pregnant did she realize the amount of media attention it would get her daughter?
laserbeam said:
Rush is a douche when it comes to that stuff. He gets his giggles from it.

People get so wrapped up in the hate mongering aspect of politics they dont care who they use to further their goals or who they hurt in the process.

Well that quote comes from a Mr. Mccain "joke" so everybody falls victim to this stuff on occasion.
Hitokage said:
Taking a step back, it's fascinating how the Obama campaign is once again proving more disciplined and better managed than the campaign touting experience. Obama vetted his list over many weeks building files much larger than any other recent democratic presidential candidate, but McCain? A last-minute interview and a cursory check the day before.

The Obama campaign in general is an incredible machine. People are going to be copying its style and focus for a very long time after this November. It's half George W. Bush (focused message, plausible electoral math instead of fantasyland), half Trippi and Howard Dean, and 100% effective.


And one else think it's a little irresponsible for Palin to accept the VP position knowing the scrutiny that her daughter would be but under? I know it really shouldn't a big deal, but you'd have to be a fool to not know that this was gonna happen.


daegan said:
I'm genuinely afraid that if the media keeps up this level of backlash, people are going to start feeling sorry for Palin and give up the sympathy vote for McCain. :/
I think before that happens, the Obama camp will probably do a big press speech where he urges the media to stop attacking Palin's daughter and families.

However, after that, he will continue by attacking Palin's records - the investigation, working for Ted Stevens' 527, the debt thing - basically, attacking what she had done in order to keep digging on the theme of judgement.

This way Obama camp is seen again in a good light since they're defending Palin's personal life and family, but attacking her bad judgement in her governance record.
Jesus fuck, I wish people would drop the pregnant girl bit.

Yes, it reflects poorly on her mother's choice of abstinence only education.

But there are much, much more important things to focus on.

Poor girl, didn't ask for any of this.


masud said:
And one else think it's a little irresponsible for Palin to accept the VP position knowing the scrutiny that her daughter would be but under? I know it really shouldn't a big deal, but you'd have to be a fool to not know that this was gonna happen.
WHAT? Come on!
Arde5643 said:
I think before that happens, the Obama camp will probably do a big press speech where he urges the media to stop attacking Palin's daughter and families.

However, after that, he will continue by attacking Palin's records - the investigation, working for Ted Stevens' 527, the debt thing - basically, attacking what she had done in order to keep digging on the theme of judgement.

This way Obama camp is seen again in a good light since they're defending Palin's personal life and family, but attacking her bad judgement in her governance record.

What he needs to do. I wouldn't expect anything less of him.


delirium said:
WHAT? Come on!
What? I think it's a valid question. Explain your outrage.

There are people on both sides of the political spectrum that wouldn't think twice about destroying the character of a teenage girl to further their political agenda, that's just the reality we live in. I find a parent that's willing to expose their child to that a little unsettling.
They should kill the issue with their surrogates after tomorrow night, by then the feeding frenzy from the rest of the media will be in full effect (you can see it happening now, just look at the news). The mainstream media can, and gleefully will, provide the extra noise and smokescreen of national enquirer bullshit to completely kill any hope of message coherency out of the RNC until they get distracted Thursday night due to a Cat 2/3 storm hitting Charleston, SC.

The short term goal has to be drowning out the convention. You do that, no bounce, your convention message sticks, and McCain's in the shitter big time.


testicles on a cold fall morning
masud said:
And one else think it's a little irresponsible for Palin to accept the VP position knowing the scrutiny that her daughter would be but under? I know it really shouldn't a big deal, but you'd have to be a fool to not know that this was gonna happen.
that's a personal decision. the more irresponsible action, and one that has ramifications for this country, was McCain's reckless pick for a running mate.
I think for most people, it's interesting to see all this happen to a party/belief system that has blamed the downfall of american society on godless oversexed liberals, and has pushed stereotypes of welfare queens having babies out of wedlock and living off the government into the public consciousness, and has pushed strict Christian values as the solution to all of our problems, is anti-choice, anti-sex education, and has trotted out Palin as the wonderful PTA hockey mom of 5 as a specific reason why you should vote for her.

2 days later, Palin is just the average American mom going through family issues with a teenager that had sex (which is what most liberals have no problem with, because that tends to be our reality-based position in the first place). It's not that I think Palin is some "horrible parent" or that her daughter should be demonized, it's that by her and her party's own standards she's a "horrible parent" with the kind of daughter that should be demonized.

It's just funny to see conservatives all of a sudden recognize the wisdom of treating sexuality like a normal part of humanity and growing up, and not some evil liberal conspiracy.

All that said, I wanna see more of this AIP stuff. I mean, by definition, those folks are unamerican!


Link648099 said:
After the nom goes down, they can't withdraw the vp right?

I think they basically have to go through with it now. Pulling her out now would be the most blatant flip-flop of JSA's political career. How could they possibly sell that to the public without looking like a total monkey show?
soul creator said:
I think for most people, it's interesting to see all this happen to a party/belief system that has blamed the downfall of american society on godless oversexed liberals, and has pushed stereotypes of welfare queens having babies out of wedlock and living off the government into the public consciousness, and has pushed strict Christian values as the solution to all of our problems, is anti-choice, anti-sex education, and has trotted out Palin as the wonderful PTA hockey mom of 5 as a specific reason why you should vote for her.

2 days later, Palin is just the average American mom going through family issues with a teenager that had sex (which is what most liberals have no problem with, because that tends to be our reality-based position in the first place). It's not that I think Palin is some "horrible parent" or that her daughter should be demonized, it's that by her and her party's own standards she's a "horrible parent" with the kind of daughter that should be demonized.

It's just funny to see conservatives all of a sudden recognize the wisdom of treating sexuality like a normal part of humanity and growing up, and not some evil liberal conspiracy.

All that said, I wanna see more of this AIP stuff. I mean, by definition, those folks are unamerican!



Baby Milo said:
when did under age preg become an average american family problem?
when she is just one of an estimated 1 million underaged girls who will give birth this year and who knows how many more who will abort
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