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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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delirium said:
WHAT? Come on!
Many Democrats were pretty pissed when they found out about John Edwards affair, since he decided to run for President even though he knew it would probably come out and all this scrutiny would be placed on his wife, who has terminal cancer.
soul creator said:
I think for most people, it's interesting to see all this happen to a party/belief system that has blamed the downfall of american society on godless oversexed liberals, and has pushed stereotypes of welfare queens having babies out of wedlock and living off the government into the public consciousness, and has pushed strict Christian values as the solution to all of our problems, is anti-choice, anti-sex education, and has trotted out Palin as the wonderful PTA hockey mom of 5 as a specific reason why you should vote for her.

2 days later, Palin is just the average American mom going through family issues with a teenager that had sex (which is what most liberals have no problem with, because that tends to be our reality-based position in the first place). It's not that I think Palin is some "horrible parent" or that her daughter should be demonized, it's that by her and her party's own standards she's a "horrible parent" with the kind of daughter that should be demonized.

It's just funny to see conservatives all of a sudden recognize the wisdom of treating sexuality like a normal part of humanity and growing up, and not some evil liberal conspiracy.

All that said, I wanna see more of this AIP stuff. I mean, by definition, those folks are unamerican!

You did what I was trying (And failing) to do earlier; thank you.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Xisiqomelir said:
I think they basically have to go through with it now. Pulling her out now would be the most blatant flip-flop of JSA's political career. How could they possibly sell that to the public without looking like a total monkey show?

There are three possible paths:

1. Go through with it all the way to November, praying nothing worse comes up.
2. Dump her now before it gets worse and mitigate the damage, selecting a Romney or whatever during the convention.
3. Waiting 'til it gets worse, select a palatable Veep nearer the election.

It's a matter of risk assessment at this point. And here's the kicker - we are seriously discussing a replacement strategy - and so are the GOP and McCain, presumably. All three scenarios are grim.
Baby Milo said:
when did under age preg become an average american family problem?

It's something that can happen to any family and it's not something that happens because people have poor morals or society is teh evil moral abyss. Republicans to soothe the moralist wing of their party have been preaching this left and right ever since "family values" become the dominant mantra of their party.

Baby Milo

laserbeam said:
when she is just one of an estimated 1 million underaged girls who will give birth this year and who knows how many more who will abort
i always believed it was a major fuckup not an average problem


scorcho said:
that's a personal decision. the more irresponsible action, and one that has ramifications for this country, was McCain's reckless pick for a running mate.
Yeah it's a personal decision that makes me think less of her as a person. Palin was a rising star in the GOP before McCain picked her. Her career would have been fine, she could have waited (especially. since this campaign is doomed to failure anyway)


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The father of Bristol's kid must be shitting his pants.

Talk about a shotgun wedding. When the shotgun is being aimed at you by the country, GOP, the Neocons, the media, her Dad and the McCain machine, you have to be thinking a condom would have been a good idea at this point.


OuterWorldVoice said:
And here's the kicker - we are seriously discussing a replacement strategy - and so are the GOP and McCain, presumably.

She's not going anywhere. The GOP loves her.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
DEO3 said:
She's not going anywhere. The GOP loves her.


Your ocular problem has affected your ability to read the last 20 pages. They might have loved her three days ago. Today, not so much.

GhaleonEB said:
What's the history on veep replacements? Has it ever happened before?

One resigned while in office, I don't know if any candidates resigned pre-election.


GhaleonEB said:
What's the history on veep replacements? Has it ever happened before?

McGovern replaced Eagleton with Shriver after it was revealed that Eagleton had undergone shock therapy for depression. He then went on to lose in a landslide. Also, the Republicans can't legally change the names on the ballot in some states after this week, so if she doesn't bow out now, they're stuck with her til the end.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Stoney Mason said:

But you don't have to even think about it. It ain't happening. This won't even really dent her too too badly although its definitely a small ding in the short term because it overshadows Mccain.

You're underestimating the velocity and momentum of panic.

and this:

the Republicans can't legally changethe names on the ballot in some states after this week, so if she doesn't bow out now, they're stuck with her til the end.

Shit or get off the pot tiem!


Stoney Mason said:

But you don't have to even think about it. It ain't happening. This won't even really dent her too too badly although its definitely a small ding in the short term because it overshadows Mccain.

there is a weeks worth of new stories about her that have yet to come out in the MSM. If it does last a week, it drowns out the convention, negating a convention bump.

And this is only with a labors day weekend worth of digging?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Jesus fuck, I wish people would drop the pregnant girl bit.

Yes, it reflects poorly on her mother's choice of abstinence only education.

But there are much, much more important things to focus on.

Poor girl, didn't ask for any of this.

I actually think Palin is a well meaning, moral person which makes me wonder if she really knew her daughter was pregnant when she accepted the nomination? Surely she had to know her daughter would be dragged through the mud? John McCain's people as well?
I mean look at the kind of stuff:

I guess it's all just "satire" right?


GhaleonEB said:
What's the history on veep replacements? Has it ever happened before?
Only happened once I believe in 1972. George McGovern chose Thomas Eagleton to be his VP nominee and then replaced him. It totally destroyed McGoverns campaign when it became an issue if judgement etc because McGovern said he was 1000% behind Eagleton then booted him the Democratic ticket went on to win only Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.


Setec Astronomer
OuterWorldVoice said:
You're underestimating the velocity and momentum of panic.
And you're underestimating just how much of a MAVERICK McCain is!

greepoman said:
I guess it's all just "satire" right?
Much of the english-speaking world understands that cover to be satire, but what it is referencing is not.
laserbeam said:
I hope all this shit blows up in their face big time if anything this is showing that the Palin family is like the average American family in many regards and face alot of the same issues.

It amuses me to no end though how many are hypocrits though. When Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed and laughed at the Democrats had major fits and screamed and yelled about how children were off limits.

Funny enough the stuff about Chelsea stopped very fast. You have the Candidate of the Opposition party saying if you support me you wont do this shit and people still go on and on and continue to smear Bristol Palin.

Before you go off on a self-righteous rant, I'd like to point out that hardly anyone here is talking about the daughter. We are talking about the silly abstinence-only policies and hiding of contraception policies. You want to attack someone who is specifically doing something loathesome, then go ahead . . . but your broadstroke attack of us discussing these policy issues and the apparent example of failure.

I haven't mentioned the daughter's name and I wish her, her future child, and her future husband well. I'm not making any moral judgments about her. But I do strongly believe that the policies Palin wishes to push are not good policies.
are there any other Alaskans on this board? I'm kinda curious about the whole Independence Party thing. Alaska is kind of a unique state I suppose, so I could kinda sorta maybe imagine breaking away from the US being a legitimate topic up there...

you evil treasonous america haters!
OuterWorldVoice said:
You're underestimating the velocity and momentum of panic.

They can't and they won't. Unless Palin has murdered somebody she will stay. In the modern media age replacing a VP pick and admitting you had that sort of bad judgment would be a death sentence. They will double down and push her even stronger. That the media is doing this. That none of it matters. That's she a strong family women. The evangelicals will support her. etc, etc.

For the base none of this is even an issue. The crucial group is the independents and I'm hoping they will see her for the quayle she is and just vote accordingly.


Gabriel Knight
you guys seriously need to give the gop strategists more credit

shes not going anywhere

and id venture out to say that the rev wright stuff was much more damaging politically then her daughter being pregnant.. and you know how the wright stuff turned out.
greepoman said:
I actually think Palin is a well meaning, moral person which makes me wonder if she really knew her daughter was pregnant when she accepted the nomination? Surely she had to know her daughter would be dragged through the mud? John McCain's people as well?

I dunno, it makes me question Palin. Who the hell does that to their child? It's the same thing with John Edwards, too. That retard. What if he had won the nomination? We'd all be fucked.
Stoney Mason said:

But you don't have to even think about it. It ain't happening. This won't even really dent her too too badly although its definitely a small ding in the short term because it overshadows Mccain.

Yeah keep in mind that the short term gain for the Democrats on all this Palin stuff (not just the baybee, but the real stuff like vetting, inexperience, etc.) is to prevent the RNC from getting out the McCain message effectively. Gustav did this too. Right now I don't know who outside of President 28% is speaking tomorrow, or what the theme of the night is at all. If this keeps up it'll be the worst convention for a party since, well, Democrats in 2004. :lol

The long term implications is putting seeds in voter's minds about experience vs. judgement, an argument that Obama used against Clinton in the primaries and will use against McCain as well.

BTW, for everyone who complained about the extended contested primary, it's important to note the increased exposure of Obama to the country and the inoculation of Obama to various right-wing smears due to Hillary dragging them out earlier. This would be a much different race right now if the Rezko and Ayers bullshit hadn't been played out and deemed non-news by the media at this point.


Schattenjagger said:
you guys seriously need to give the gop strategists more credit

shes not going anywhere

and id venture out to say that the rev wright stuff was much more damaging politically then her daughter being pregnant.. and you know how the wright stuff turned out.
I don't think anyone is seriously talking about that here.


Schattenjagger said:
you guys seriously need to give the gop strategists more credit

shes not going anywhere

and id venture out to say that the rev wright stuff was much more damaging politically then her daughter being pregnant.. and you know how the wright stuff turned out.

To be fair, the pregnancy non-issue is just the tip of the iceberg.


Stoney Mason said:
They can't and they won't. Unless Palin has murdered somebody she will stay. In the modern media age replacing a VP pick and admitting you had that sort of bad judgment would be a death sentence. They will double down and push her even stronger. That the media is doing this. That none of it matters. That's she a strong family women. The evangelicals will support her. etc, etc.

For the base none of this is even an issue. The crucial group is the independents and I'm hoping they will see her for the quayle she is and just vote accordingly.

If they ever needed an excuse, I don't think there could be a better one than having a grandchild from a teenage daughter on the way, in addition to the special needs infant that they already have. That said, no way it'll happen. If you thought things would be bad at the convention if Lieberman was picked, imagine how nasty things will get when the base learns that their savior has been booted off the ticket. The campaign would never recover from the debacle in the press and the revolt of the base. An Obama landslide would be imminent.
Dartastic said:
Shit like this makes me wonder how possible it is to successfully sue Fox News for slander.

Perhaps unfortunately libel cases are difficult to win in America because

the statement must have been published knowing it to be false or with reckless disregard to its truth, (also known as actual malice)

which is very difficult to prove from what I've always been told. The laws are different in England where I hear it is easier to win a case on that issue.

And with that I'm going to bed. Very entertaining day. ;)
Schattenjagger said:
you guys seriously need to give the gop strategists more credit

shes not going anywhere

and id venture out to say that the rev wright stuff was much more damaging politically then her daughter being pregnant.. and you know how the wright stuff turned out.
Correct on pregnancy vs. wright. Wrong on losing the experience argument against Obama.
every time I see bachmann talk I get violently ill. anything with her talking needs a youtube NSFW page. Foul fundie fanatic.

Carville makes a good point about Olympia Snowe. I wish someone would ask Palin what her stance is on affirmative action hiring.
Fragamemnon said:
BTW, for everyone who complained about the extended contested primary, it's important to note the increased exposure of Obama to the country and the inoculation of Obama to various right-wing smears due to Hillary dragging them out earlier. This would be a much different race right now if the Rezko and Ayers bullshit hadn't been played out and deemed non-news by the media at this point.

Also very true and in retrospect very nice timing. All that Ayers and Wright stuff seem like ancient history now. Palin is going through all this because she is completely new. No one knows anything about her. That is the problem. If he had picked somebody like Romney or Huckabee, this never would have happened because all their skeletons were out of the closet. Now I am really going to bed.
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