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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Schattenjagger said:
what else is there?


Secessiongate - Sarah Palin was originally a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a third-party in Alaska that advocates Alaska leaving the Union. She addressed the party as recently as this year in a video to their convention.

Nearly-Recalled-gate - Sarah Palin was nearly recalled as Mayor of Wasilla for firing the Police Chief and Library Director without probable cause. She only fired them because she "felt" like they weren't supportive of her.

Small-Town-Big-Money-gate - Sarah Palin ran up a $20 million debt for a town of only 5,400 people. That's $3,700 per person. This from somebody who claims to be against pork barrel projects.

Bridge-To-Nowhere-gate - "I was for the bridge before I was against it." Palin was originally for the Gravina Island bridge in her 2006 gubernatorial run.

Pledge-Of-Allegiance-gate - Sarah Palin thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the founding fathers with the phrase "Under God". "Under God" was added to the pledge during the Cold War to put space between the atheist Soviet Union and America.

Stevens527-gate - Sarah Palin was a director of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc", a 527 led by Senator Stevens, now under trial for corruption charges.

Mother-In-Law-gate - Sarah Palin's mother-in-law is an Obama supporter and doesn't understand what she brings to the McCain ticket.

Global-Warming-gate - Sarah Palin believes that climate change is not man-made.

Creationism-gate - Sarah Palin supports Creationism being taught in public schools.

Inexperience-gate - Presidential scholars say that Palin is the most underqualified person to join a presidential ticket in the modern era. Her presence undermines the central argument of the McCain campaign, that Obama is not ready to the lead because of his inexperience.

Vetting-gate - John McCain didn't do jack to vet her. He talked with her once.

Champion-for-Big-Oil-gate - Like McCain, Palin believes that oil drilling is the only solution to our energy problems. “I beg to disagree with any candidate who would say we can’t drill our way out of our problem,” she says. She supports more drilling in protected areas of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Alaska Natural Wildlife Refuge, once attacking McCain for his “close-mindedness on ANWR.” Palin rejects clean renewable energy that is an alternative to oil. Earlier this month, she claimed that “alternative-energy solutions are far from imminent and would require more than 10 years to develop.” Gov Palin recently sued the Interior Department over its decision to list the polar bear as a threatened species. Why is that a problem? Well those polar bears get in the way of oil drilling.

What's-A-VP?-gate - Palin is quoted for not knowing what a VP does, a mere month before being chosen.

Hillary-Is-A-Whiner-gate - Despite siphoning from Hillary Clinton in an endeavor to woo former Clinton supporters, Palin called Hillary a "whiner" for complaining about her treatment in the primaries.

Laugh-At-Cancer-gate - Palin has repeatedly feuded with the state's Senate president, Lyda Green, over a wide range of legislation. Last January, Palin appeared on "The Bob and Mark Show," whose host Bob Lester despises Green. Palin laughed as she was called a "Bitch," "Cancer," and was mocked for her weight.

Earmark-gate - The state of Alaska requested 31 earmarks worth $197.8 million for next year's federal budget. And according to Citizens Against Government Waste, Alaska received $379,669,715 in pork during fiscal year 2008, nearly $100 million more than any other state.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled

:lol The desperation. I can taste it.


I'm watching Telemundo and even Spanish television is giving McCain huge shit. They just highlighted what McCain was doing three years ago during Katrina, not just the birthday cake but his voting record afterward voting again and again against legislature that would help the victims. They just showed Amy Goodman getting arrested at the RNC and stated that it is sure to be big news.

Wow, they completely put down Palin criticizing her for recycling the exact same speech at the RNC as the one from the day she was announced. :lol :lol They just said McCain's judgment has failed the test:lol :lol Go Spanish television!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
delirium said:
AP - Police Respond to RNC Protests

Protesters attacked delegates, smashed windows, punctured car tires and threw bottles. Arrests were made. Members of the press were also arrested, despite having valid RNC credentials.


so much for peaceful protests.

WTF?!?! The RNC is just having a bad day. All this is too much.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Slurpy said:
So guys, I've been out for a few hrs. Can someone give me a run-down on any new developments? :lol

ZealousDisAGodAmongstMenGate - ZealousD is a God amongst men.

ZealousD said:
Secessiongate - Sarah Palin was originally a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a third-party in Alaska that advocates Alaska leaving the Union. She addressed the party as recently as this year in a video to their convention.

Nearly-Recalled-gate - Sarah Palin was nearly recalled as Mayor of Wasilla for firing the Police Chief and Library Director without probable cause. She only fired them because she "felt" like they weren't supportive of her.

Small-Town-Big-Money-gate - Sarah Palin ran up a $20 million debt for a town of only 5,400 people. That's $3,700 per person. This from somebody who claims to be against pork barrel projects.

Bridge-To-Nowhere-gate - "I was for the bridge before I was against it." Palin was originally for the Gravina Island bridge in her 2006 gubernatorial run.

Pledge-Of-Allegiance-gate - Sarah Palin thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the founding fathers with the phrase "Under God". "Under God" was added to the pledge during the Cold War to put space between the atheist Soviet Union and America.

Stevens527-gate - Sarah Palin was a director of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc", a 527 led by Senator Stevens, now under trial for corruption charges.

Mother-In-Law-gate - Sarah Palin's mother-in-law is an Obama supporter and doesn't understand what she brings to the McCain ticket.

Global-Warming-gate - Sarah Palin believes that climate change is not man-made.

Creationism-gate - Sarah Palin supports Creationism being taught in public schools.

Inexperience-gate - Presidential scholars say that Palin is the most underqualified person to join a presidential ticket in the modern era. Her presence undermines the central argument of the McCain campaign, that Obama is not ready to the lead because of his inexperience.

Vetting-gate - John McCain didn't do jack to vet her. He talked with her once.

Champion-for-Big-Oil-gate - Like McCain, Palin believes that oil drilling is the only solution to our energy problems. “I beg to disagree with any candidate who would say we can’t drill our way out of our problem,” she says. She supports more drilling in protected areas of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Alaska Natural Wildlife Refuge, once attacking McCain for his “close-mindedness on ANWR.” Palin rejects clean renewable energy that is an alternative to oil. Earlier this month, she claimed that “alternative-energy solutions are far from imminent and would require more than 10 years to develop.” Gov Palin recently sued the Interior Department over its decision to list the polar bear as a threatened species. Why is that a problem? Well those polar bears get in the way of oil drilling.

What's-A-VP?-gate - Palin is quoted for not knowing what a VP does, a mere month before being chosen.

Hillary-Is-A-Whiner-gate - Despite siphoning from Hillary Clinton in an endeavor to woo former Clinton supporters, Palin called Hillary a "whiner" for complaining about her treatment in the primaries.

Laugh-At-Cancer-gate - Palin has repeatedly feuded with the state's Senate president, Lyda Green, over a wide range of legislation. Last January, Palin appeared on "The Bob and Mark Show," whose host Bob Lester despises Green. Palin laughed as she was called a "Bitch," "Cancer," and was mocked for her weight.

Earmark-gate - The state of Alaska requested 31 earmarks worth $197.8 million for next year's federal budget. And according to Citizens Against Government Waste, Alaska received $379,669,715 in pork during fiscal year 2008, nearly $100 million more than any other state.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Seriously? Are you people so young that that you never saw Dirty Dancing? Than again...you should consider yourself lucky if you didn't :\


I had a disturbing thought.

If all parties involved knew about the pregnancy as claimed, then that means someone had to sit around and discuss how to spin it to their advantage, how to go on the offensive with it, maybe link the smearing to obama if possible, time the story's release to their best advantage (hey look, it's Gustav! what an opportunity). That just makes me unsettled thinking about it...I would never make it in politics. No wonder so many good people never run for office.


Hmm, like Bush she was also arrested on a DUI. I'm not even gonna link to the story just head on over to nytimes.com, their entire front page is Palin, Palin, Palin :lol

Mr. Palin was arrested 22 years ago on a drunken-driving charge.

Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin.




Found this about Palin. Not sure if it can be trusted, but I ran a people search on the author's name and there is someone by that name in Wasilla, Alaska so that lends some credence to it. One of the claims is interesting though, that she had an administrator running the city for the majority of the time she was mayor. I think a lot of the information in the article can be fairly easily fact checked. If the lady is real the media should try and interview her and others from the town.

"During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running
this small city was turned over to an administrator. She had been
pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had
gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had
given rise to a recall campaign."
thefit said:
Hmm, like Bush she was also arrested on a DUI. I'm not even gonna link to the story just head on over to nytimes.com, their entire front page is Palin, Palin, Palin :lol


THat was before her sex change when she went by Mr. Palin.


Slurpy said:
So guys, I've been out for a few hrs. Can someone give me a run-down on any new developments? :lol

Also, supposedly despite claims that she was "Miss Congeniality 1984," she was not. I posted an interview with a woman claiming to be the actual winner earlier in the thread.


Rugasuki said:

Found this about Palin. Not sure if it can be trusted, but I ran a people search on the author's name and there is someone by that name in Wasilla, Alaska so that lends some credence to it. One of the claims is interesting though, that she had an administrator running the city for the majority of the time she was mayor. I think a lot of the information in the article can be fairly easily fact checked. If the lady is real the media should try and interview her and others from the town.

"During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running
this small city was turned over to an administrator. She had been
pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had
gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had
given rise to a recall campaign."

Holy shit. Some of the claims in that link are frightening if true. From those claims she sounds like the worst of Bush & Cheny rolled into one. I hope the journalists heading to Alaska will look into this.


GashPrex said:
man you guys are nuts and total hypocrites, you really have no idea

"You have no idea"

Idea about what?

"err of stuffs"

What are you talking about GashPrex?


If you plan to be super-cryptic, we can only guess what you're alluding to here.

Stoney Mason said:
All I think of is George Bush leading us on a bullshit war and my righteous anger returns. I've always tried to be relatively objective and respect republicans even though those aren't my views but rewarding a party that has let George Bush run wily-nily for eight years deserves the ultimate punishment.

You really can't single out George Bush himself, he was just doing what the party told him to do. Whenever I've criticized the actions of the "US", I've been always clear to label it as the actions of the "Bush Administration".

Can you imagine the furor is Fox News ran all day with "The rumors of Obama being a Muslim - is it something we should discuss or not."

Even if he was Muslim, so what? You can't be an American and a Muslim at the same time? Answer: Of course you can. This issue is totally different.

The issue with Palin is that she preaches abstinence to America's children and yet her own daughter does listen to her. If she wants government mandated "abstinence education" for every American child, it should be noted that this sort of education didn't do anything for her own daughter.

King_Slender said:
Bush will keep it on point - great GOP gubernatorial leadership during Gustav, learning from the mistakes of Katrina, and praising McCain for pushing the surge in Iraq.

Unlike Jimmy Carter, they won't have to play a video of him and quickly shuffle him on and off stage, lest he throw out some anti-Semitic remarks.

First off: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Rni6G7RRFkk

Secondly, some of the measures put into place in order to protect New Orleans...Obama had a hand in.

And finally, when has Carter made any anti-Semetic remarks?

And I'm not being unfair to conservatives...people know me on this forum, I'm a social conservative as well. But nothing about me and my conservatism tells me to throw logic and intelligence out the window. Liberals may disagree with that notion, but that's a discussion for another thread.

THIS is what I'm talking about in terms of the people supporting Republicans lacking intelligence in their decision making, and are only relying on emotions. Your labels of Carter are based not on fact, but emotion.

Fragamemnon said:
true, but it sounds like "islamofascism" which thanks to dudes like Michael Weiner is totally overplayed at this point. There's also no ambiguity to it-they are totalitarians serving their interpretations of Christ's teachings and prayer-divined instructions.

My buddy has a good term, "EvangeNazis".

Byakuya769 said:
Cause it's coming from your mouth?

FUCKING POST OF THE YEAR :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Those two posts, may someone etch them into platinum, frame it, and deck the halls of The Natural History Museum with their greatness.
I am in an engineering class studying Katrina and its mishaps. We have read many reports on the causes, and have studied the aftermath. For the GOP to say they have shown with Gustav that they have learned from the mistakes of Katrina is insulting. They got lucky with Gustav, plain and simple.

What they should have learned from Katrina is that the American levee system is in disrepair. Many levees are constructed without consideration for erosion or a subsiding landscape. There is no good inter-agency system set up; almost all levee systems are made on a project-by-project basis over many years. Certain projects are incompatible; a project may work fine on its own but fails when in conjunction with another. Considering there is no communication between projects or infrastructure regulating all levee construction, it is a clusterfuck. Revisions to old projects are rare because teams get disbanded once construction is complete. This is why some I-Walls are 2 or more feet lower than design; no one added the extra few feet to account for the sinking landscape over the years. Not to mention how cheap politicians skimp on such infrastructure projects, not even funding them enough to meet the guidelines set by the Weather Bureau to combat a major Gulf hurricane.

There are many, many problems with the levee system in America, far more than I have listed. Most states in America have multiple levees which do not meet the basic safety criteria. Yet, the GOP wants to write this off as another "mission accomplished".


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The Crimson Blur said:
I am in an engineering class studying Katrina and its mishaps. We have read many reports on the causes, and have studied the aftermath. For the GOP to say they have shown with Gustav that they have learned from the mistakes of Katrina is insulting. They got lucky with Gustav, plain and simple.

What they should have learned from Katrina is that the American levy system is in disrepair. Many levies are constructed without consideration for erosion or a subsiding landscape. There is no good inter-agency system set up; almost all levy systems are made on a project-by-project basis over many years. Certain projects are incompatible; a project may work fine on its own but fails when in conjunction with another. Considering there is no communication between projects or infrastructure regulating all levy construction, it is a clusterfuck. Revisions to old projects are rare because teams get disbanded once construction is complete. This is why some I-Walls are 2 or more feet lower than design; no one added the extra few feet to account for the sinking landscape over the years. Not to mention how cheap politicians skimp on such infrastructure projects, not even funding them enough to meet the guidelines set by the Weather Bureau to combat a major Gulf hurricane.

There are many, many problems with the levy system in America, far more than I have listed. Most states in America have multiple levies which do not meet the basic safety criteria. Yet, the GOP wants to write this off as another "mission accomplished".

That's how the GOP rolls. War in Iraq was won a long time ago. Also there is no problem with our economy.


The Crimson Blur said:
I am in an engineering class studying Katrina and its mishaps. We have read many reports on the causes, and have studied the aftermath. For the GOP to say they have shown with Gustav that they have learned from the mistakes of Katrina is insulting. They got lucky with Gustav, plain and simple.

What they should have learned from Katrina is that the American levy system is in disrepair. Many levies are constructed without consideration for erosion or a subsiding landscape. There is no good inter-agency system set up; almost all levy systems are made on a project-by-project basis over many years. Certain projects are incompatible; a project may work fine on its own but fails when in conjunction with another. Considering there is no communication between projects or infrastructure regulating all levy construction, it is a clusterfuck. Revisions to old projects are rare because teams get disbanded once construction is complete. This is why some I-Walls are 2 or more feet lower than design; no one added the extra few feet to account for the sinking landscape over the years. Not to mention how cheap politicians skimp on such infrastructure projects, not even funding them enough to meet the guidelines set by the Weather Bureau to combat a major Gulf hurricane.

There are many, many problems with the levy system in America, far more than I have listed. Most states in America have multiple levies which do not meet the basic safety criteria. Yet, the GOP wants to write this off as another "mission accomplished".

The Levee System has been fucked up since LBJ put things in motion after Betsy. A project started in 1965 was to finally finish in 2008. Thats how bad Government dragged its feet. Current Administration got left with shit from many prior administrations.

Johnson and every president after him is to blame.

In Betsy's aftermath, President Lyndon B. Johnson — like President Bush — pledged to rebuild New Orleans and make it safe from hurricanes. Little more than a month after the storm, Congress gave the corps $85 million to build a Category 3 hurricane levee system.

By 1976, though, the Government Accountability Office found the completion date for the work had slipped 13 years, from 1978 to 1991. Costs had soared to $352 million. By 1982, the GAO found that the project's cost had increased to $757 million and the agency said the work would not get done by 2008.

What happened? By 1968, a Congress worn down by the Vietnam war and economic turmoil began reining in spending; at the same time, the work met resistance from Louisiana politicians, communities, environmentalists and businesses fighting for individual interests.


Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin.
Wow, is this for real? They really didn't vet her? Oy.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

READ this. Even if you don't know how to read stare at the screen for a really long time.
•“Hockey mom”: true for a few years
•“PTA mom”: true years ago when her first-born was in elementary
school, not since
•“NRA supporter”: absolutely true
•social conservative: mixed. Opposes gay marriage, BUT vetoed a bill
that would have denied benefits to employees in same-sex relationships
(said she did this because it was unconsitutional).
•pro-creationism: mixed. Supports it, BUT did nothing as Governor to
promote it.
•“Pro-life”: mixed. Knowingly gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby
BUT declined to call a special legislative session on some pro-life
•“Experienced”: Some high schools have more students than Wasilla has
residents. Many cities have more residents than the state of Alaska.
No legislative experience other than City Council. Little hands-on
supervisory or managerial experience; needed help of a city
administrator to run town of about 5,000.
•political maverick: not at all
•gutsy: absolutely!
•open & transparent: ??? Good at keeping secrets. Not good at
explaining actions.
•has a developed philosophy of public policy: no
•”a Greenie”: no. Turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores
and disconnected parking lots. Is pro-drilling off-shore and in ANWR.
•fiscal conservative: not by my definition!
•pro-infrastructure: No. Promoted a sports complex and park in a city
without a sewage treatment plant or storm drainage system. Built
streets to early 20th century standards.
•pro-tax relief: Lowered taxes for businesses, increased tax burden on
•pro-small government: No. Oversaw greatest expansion of city
government in Wasilla’s history.
•pro-labor/pro-union. No. Just because her husband works union
doesn’t make her pro-labor. I have seen nothing to support any claim
that she is pro-labor/pro-union.
Wow, Michelle Bachmann. WARNING DO NOT SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT PALIN AT ALL. SHE IS A WOMAN. She has no foreign experience. SHE IS A WOMAN. She is not ready to be vice president. SHE IS A WOMAN. She wanted Alaska to succede from the US. SHE IS A WOMAN. Blah blah blah on and on. And if you do say anything negative against her it is sexist...


laserbeam said:
The Levee System has been fucked up since LBJ put things in motion after Betsy. A project started in 1965 was to finally finish in 2008. Thats how bad Government dragged its feet. Current Administration got left with shit from many prior administrations.

Johnson and every president after him is to blame.

In Betsy's aftermath, President Lyndon B. Johnson — like President Bush — pledged to rebuild New Orleans and make it safe from hurricanes. Little more than a month after the storm, Congress gave the corps $85 million to build a Category 3 hurricane levee system.

By 1976, though, the Government Accountability Office found the completion date for the work had slipped 13 years, from 1978 to 1991. Costs had soared to $352 million. By 1982, the GAO found that the project's cost had increased to $757 million and the agency said the work would not get done by 2008.

What happened? By 1968, a Congress worn down by the Vietnam war and economic turmoil began reining in spending; at the same time, the work met resistance from Louisiana politicians, communities, environmentalists and businesses fighting for individual interests.
I wonder what sane person ever thought it was possible to build an adequate storm-ready levee system for $85 million. That's tiny even in 1965, about $477 million in today's money.


force push the doodoo rock
This congresswoman on this Larry King segment is throwing the woman card out like it was fucking confetti. Wow.

Remembering how the media flipped out when there was a hint of Obama throwing out the race card, seems a little crazy for the republicans to be doing such a thing.


jey_16 said:
christ....anything negative about Palin is demeaning for women now?

I called it.

Also, if Palin does "better than expected" against Biden, expect the spin to be, "wow! She did so well despite all that sexism!"
I like in the one video Carville suggests another much better suited woman to be the vp candidate and she still goes off and says it was a sexist comment:lol

Mr Jared

sp0rsk said:
This congresswoman on this Larry King segment is throwing the woman card out like it was fucking confetti. Wow.

Word. To me, it seemed like a dog whistle to the angry Hillary supporters, trying to remind them how SEXISTTTT the media was.


Evlar said:
I wonder what sane person ever thought it was possible to build an adequate storm-ready levee system for $85 million. That's tiny even in 1965, about $477 million in today's money.
Probably explains half the problem. I remember them talking about what they found inside the concrete etc when the levees broke. They cut so many corners to try and be cheap using clam shells etc as filler in the concrete.

Its sad a project started in 1965 was never completed properly. Developers,Politicians etc yet again are bitching about different construction plans all over again. Its like we are in a time warp.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
BoboBrazil said:
Wow, Michelle Bachmann. WARNING DO NOT SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT PALIN AT ALL. SHE IS A WOMAN. She has no foreign experience. SHE IS A WOMAN. She is not ready to be vice president. SHE IS A WOMAN. She wanted Alaska to succede from the US. SHE IS A WOMAN. Blah blah blah on and on. And if you do say anything negative against her it is sexist...

So here is what shes brings to the table
Bachmann's positions include:

* Favors privatization of Social Security along the lines suggested by the Cato Institute.[60][61]
* Supports both a Federal and State constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and legal equivalent, and is a critic of any type of gay rights or civil unions for gay couples.
* Supports President Bush's policies in Iraq and believes the military must "stay the course" there[62][63][64]
* Favors leaving the nuclear attack option on the table in dealing with Iran[65]
* Opposes minimum wage increases[66]

Some of Bachmann's local critics say she could be more accurately described as a Christian fundamentalist politician.[12] Appearing on the radio program "Prophetic View In The News" to promote her 2004 state capitol rally against same-sex marriage, Bachmann said that "God calls us to fall on our faces and our knees and cry out to Him and confess our sins. And I would just ask your listeners to do that now. Cry out to a Holy God."[67]
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