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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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*drowns in jizz*
You know what I was thinking earler? Its quite possible McCain/the GOP thought they could get away with defining Sarah Palin with whatever terms they saw fait, and that the country would swallow the talkings points they chose to put out there. the GOP is rarely on the defensive- its been on the offensive this entire election cycle, with almost no media scrutiny or questioning. McCain contradicts himself daily, but the media couldnt give less of a shit, having been focused on the drama of the democrats. They got comfortable in their position, and assumed this would continue on, business as usual. Unfortunately for them, with the DNC out of the way, Obama having the official nomination, and the VP being picked, it was time to move on to something new. It's been such an odd site seeing republican strategists/spokespeople flustered on national TV to this extent. Their standard position is glib and smug, with the democrats on the defensive. Their assumption that they could put Palin out there and define her as they see fit shows utter contempt for the american people.


painey said:
Theres something about Palin.. shes for the death penalty, pro gun and anti-abortion which makes her a fucking moron in my book, but still.. I kinda like her.
She's a moron because her stance doesn't agree with yours, or because you don't understand the difference between those policies?


I guess all the posters claiming that blacks vote for Obama only because he's black kinda forget that before the Iowa caucus, Clinton had equal or more black votes than Barack.

Not sure if this makes sense or not since those who post that are probably white or at least not black, but usually minorities have to work twice harder than the majority race/ethnicity to get the same treatment/reward/goals.

If Obama had been white, this whole election would never be so close. It's only because Obama is so good, that other ethnicities besides blacks are actually interested in him.


qwertybob said:
does anyone actually beleive that nursury tale to be true? :lol
Of course it is true. Surely you go everywhere with a tranq gun in hand ready to defend the community from wild animals?
A nationwide ARG poll has him up 49-43% as well.

The real story here is the way that the number of undecideds have shrunk considerably and broken clean for Obama. Can the RNC woo some away from Obama and bring McCain up over the 44% average he's been at for months, or will the post-RNC polling just bring them back to the undecided category, leaving McCain near that 44% mark but bringing down Barak a few points?


Slurpy said:
You know what I was thinking earler? Its quite possible McCain/the GOP thought they could get away with defining Sarah Palin with whatever terms they saw fait, and that the country would swallow the talkings points they chose to put out there. the GOP is rarely on the defensive- its been on the offensive this entire election cycle, with almost no media scrutiny or questioning.
Seems like he picked Palin for her high-level description:

1) She's a woman
2) From outside Washington
3) Who brings "executive experience"
4) And had a reputation as a reformer

That's how McCain wanted her to be defined, and probably why he picked her. She hit the right bullet points. But it was all on the surface. She won't win Clinton voters because of her positions on women's issues, her experience is very thin and the reformist image collapsed after a cursory look at her real record.

TPM had a theory about the change in media coverage:



Thom Hartman (liberal talkshow host) seems to think that the Republicans are going to cut Palin loose in 24 hours.

I really can't see that happening, that would just ruin McCain's image.


Slurpy said:
You know what I was thinking earler? Its quite possible McCain/the GOP thought they could get away with defining Sarah Palin with whatever terms they saw fait, and that the country would swallow the talkings points they chose to put out there. the GOP is rarely on the defensive- its been on the offensive this entire election cycle, with almost no media scrutiny or questioning. McCain contradicts himself daily, but the media couldnt give less of a shit, having been focused on the drama of the democrats. They got comfortable in their position, and assumed this would continue on, business as usual. Unfortunately for them, with the DNC out of the way, Obama having the official nomination, and the VP being picked, it was time to move on to something new. It's been such an odd site seeing republican strategists/spokespeople flustered on national TV to this extent. Their standard position is glib and smug, with the democrats on the defensive. Their assumption that they could put Palin out there and define her as they see fit shows utter contempt for the american people.

I think the major thing is that Palin is just like Obama, a relative unknown. Obama gets all the coverage he does because to the media he's new and young. McCain they've done for years. Biden they've done for years. They're old hat. If McCain had picked Pawlenty or something nobody would have cared. But now he picked an attractive 44 year old mother from Alaska and it's opened a can of worms because like Obama, she's new and interesting. The media is probably salivating at the mouth about covering this stuff.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!






We voted Democrat almost monolithically.


Fatalah said:
Thom Hartman (liberal talkshow host) seems to think that the Republicans are going to cut Palin loose in 24 hours.

I really can't see that happening, that would just ruin McCain's image.

No chance in hell; with only two months to go, this would be campaign suicide. There would have to be a MEGATON before McCain dropped her.

Please let it be a hot lesbian home video... dare to dream..
Biden is such a great campaigner

He really is. Everyone who heard him campaign inthe early primaries loved him to death, but, much like Chris Dodd, there was always the issue of the much better organized and funded Clinton/Edwards/Obama campaigns and people really felt compelled to not "throw their votes away" on guys like Joe Biden.
Fatalah said:
Thom Hartman (liberal talkshow host) seems to think that the Republicans are going to cut Palin loose in 24 hours.

I really can't see that happening, that would just ruin McCain's image.

They gotta wait until they cash all the checks they have gotten from the base.
Kusagari said:
I think the major thing is that Palin is just like Obama, a relative unknown. Obama gets all the coverage he does because to the media he's new and young. He's also smart, eloquent, well educated, well versed in policy issues, holds mainstream views, understands the importance of education and science, etc.

Fixed that.


*drowns in jizz*
Sarah Palin on Iraq, from June of this year.

Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Yeah, fuck off, Palin. My feelings towards her have gone from mockery to hate.

Err.. and that 'Foreign Policy by Sarah Palin' blog is fake, obviously.


Slurpy said:
Sarah Palin on Iraq, from June of this year.

Yeah, fuck off, Palin. My feelings towards her have gone from mockery to hate.

That's it, bail out! Although that's red meat for the base.

And it does feed into McCain's advisors saying this was a religious war going on.


I wouldn't be shocked if she "withdraws" before week's end because of the scrutiny her family is going through. It would be a convenient out for both her and McCain. A friend of mine is convinced this whole pick was McCain's way of spiting the neocons for shooting down Lieberman. Sort of a "I either do it my way or I'm jamming this bus into a ditch" approach.
Slurpy said:
Sarah Palin on Iraq, from June of this year.

Yeah, fuck off, Palin. My feelings towards her have gone from mockery to hate.

Err.. and that 'Foreign Policy by Sarah Palin' blog is fake, obviously.

WOW. This woman is CRAY-ZAY!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Slurpy said:
Sarah Palin on Iraq, from June of this year.

Yeah, fuck off, Palin. My feelings towards her have gone from mockery to hate.

Err.. and that 'Foreign Policy by Sarah Palin' blog is fake, obviously.



Junior Member
Arde5643 said:
I guess all the posters claiming that blacks vote for Obama only because he's black kinda forget that before the Iowa caucus, Clinton had equal or more black votes than Barack.

i guess you forgot that nobody voted before the Iowa caucus, and furthermore I doubt you realized that polls mean one thing: Absolutely Dick.

but its cool man, you can still think you are awesome.
Fatalah said:
Thom Hartman (liberal talkshow host) seems to think that the Republicans are going to cut Palin loose in 24 hours.

I really can't see that happening, that would just ruin McCain's image.

extremis malis extrema remedia


IIRC, Bush originally said God told him to invade Iraq, and also told him to run for president. I recall something about him using the term "crusade" when it came to bringing democracy to the middle east, but I think I blocked that from my memory.

Palin fits right in. These are frightening people.


Slurpy said:
Sarah Palin on Iraq, from June of this year.

Yeah, fuck off, Palin. My feelings towards her have gone from mockery to hate.

Err.. and that 'Foreign Policy by Sarah Palin' blog is fake, obviously.

Holy living fuck... Game Over...

Quick, where's the gif of that dog jumping out of the moving car?

This shit is blowing up so fast, I can't believe how fast it's all unravelling!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Think of an American president being inaugurated. What image comes to mind?


Almost certianly this one, eh?

This picture embodies what is perhaps the essential difference between the qualifications for the presidency and the qualifications for the vice presidency. In a perfect world, we would all like a president who is Ready on Day One (TM); it is not uncommon for a newly-elected president to face a major crisis almost immediately upon taking office. But more commonly, a president takes the Oath of Office under relatively calm waters, allowing them something of a learning curve.

On the other hand, when a vice president takes over for a president, the nation is necessarily undergoing a crisis, because the death (or resignation) of a president is perhaps as traumatic an event as can reasonably be imagined (in the "best" case resulting from a slowly-developing illness, and the worst, an attack by terrorists or foreign adversaries).

laserbeam said:
Not insulting at all. The "experts" on gaf laugh at the very notion that Obama would only get 80% of the black vote.

You can try and dodge the issue but the fact is to many the unspoken assumption is Obama is geting the black vote because he is black. His acceptance speech was delibertly done on the day it was to drive home the racial identity fact while trying to say racial politics is not being done at all.

He will have lost votes due to his race but his race will also gain him votes.

:lol :lol :lol


Blacks have ALWAYS voted 80%+ for the democrat.



Fewer than 2% of the delegates are black. RNC
24.5% of delegates at its convention last week were black. DNC


Fragamemnon said:
A nationwide ARG poll has him up 49-43% as well.

The real story here is the way that the number of undecideds have shrunk considerably and broken clean for Obama. Can the RNC woo some away from Obama and bring McCain up over the 44% average he's been at for months, or will the post-RNC polling just bring them back to the undecided category, leaving McCain near that 44% mark but bringing down Barak a few points?

I'm not that surprised. McCain's campaign has increasingly moved away from appealing to independents and more to shoring up the base. Obama's been doing the opposite.

qwertybob said:
I always liked Kerry and he has been kicking all kinds of ass when i have seen him campaigning for Obama

You should check out George Butler's Going Upriver documentary, a film about John Kerry. The more interesting bits are when you see Kerry in action from the 1970s, which gives you a bit more perspective outside on his character outside of his 2004 race. Coincidentally, George Butler is the same person who directed Pumping Iron, the classic bodybuilding documentary that helped thrust Arnold Schwarzenegger into the spotlight.

VanMardigan said:
This thread has gone to Republican smear-level shit.

No argument there; it borders on a Gaming thread at times. That said, while I don't much care for the Palin-gate stuff by and large, she's basically reaping what the party and their supporters have been sowing for years. Unfortunate for her, but it's great for both parties.

Fragamemnon said:
He really is. Everyone who heard him campaign in the early primaries loved him to death, but, much like Chris Dodd, there was always the issue of the much better organized and funded Clinton/Edwards/Obama campaigns and people really felt compelled to not "throw their votes away" on guys like Joe Biden.

Biden was always my dog in the Democratic primary race, though Dodd was my close second. No doubt about it though, the Democrats had a great field of candidates in their primary.


She's an Assembly of Godder? Consider me not shocked.

Someone's got to have video of her speaking in tongues or being slain in the spirit.
Stoney Mason said:
I think it's more effective at least in this country for regular people and social commentators to say though rather than politicians.

Which is one reason why I'm very, very pleased with Obama's DNC acceptance speech. There was a proposal there where the government would help pay for higher education if an individual served in government. I'm really interested in seeing the details of this plan, because it's brilliant for a few reasons.

One, most Americans need to be educated a lot more than they are. A few years ago I checked out the percentage of US high school/college graduates. I think high school grad percentages were in the high 30s, maybe mid 40s. College grad rate was much lower, in the teens or low 20s. That needs to improve. It's so much more competitive today that most Americans are very much behind the 8-ball when it comes to necessary skillsets. A PhD today is what a Bachelor's Degree was 35 years ago. The bar keeps rising but most Americans aren't rising with it.

Two, the plan will get more regular people involved in government and public service. Now, granted, the incentive is purely monetary, and it's likely that most people doing this would be operating from a purely mercenary point-of-view, but there's still the chance (hope) that it'll energize them to do more. It could very well be a "lead by example" situation, and that's exactly what needs to happen in America...on all fronts.

I'm generally never a single-issue voter, but if Obama had this as his only platform...I'd be sold. It's a kill-three-birds-with-one-stone idea. Just utterly brilliant. On top of that, he recognizes that No Child Left Behind is a lousy piece of legislation that's bogged down in too much meaningless drivel and political meandering, so that gives me confidence in his ability to improve K-12 education, as well.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Slurpy said:
You know what I was thinking earler? Its quite possible McCain/the GOP thought they could get away with defining Sarah Palin with whatever terms they saw fait, and that the country would swallow the talkings points they chose to put out there. the GOP is rarely on the defensive- its been on the offensive this entire election cycle, with almost no media scrutiny or questioning. McCain contradicts himself daily, but the media couldnt give less of a shit, having been focused on the drama of the democrats. They got comfortable in their position, and assumed this would continue on, business as usual. Unfortunately for them, with the DNC out of the way, Obama having the official nomination, and the VP being picked, it was time to move on to something new. It's been such an odd site seeing republican strategists/spokespeople flustered on national TV to this extent. Their standard position is glib and smug, with the democrats on the defensive. Their assumption that they could put Palin out there and define her as they see fit shows utter contempt for the american people.
this is it. This is what i've been looking for. this answer is so cash money. Thanks, bro.


BenjaminBirdie said:

Ice cold.

(NOTE: National Coverage begins at 10:00 PM)

Well, the entire "Bush can't be here because of Gustav" rationale fell apart and they have to do something to keep him away from McCain.
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