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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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theviolenthero said:
Just got done re-watching the Carville clip on Larry King and one of the ladies when asked about Palin's experience said:

"She took his (former governors) plane and sold it on EBAY".


yup, maverick
VanMardigan said:
Moderate Christians wouldn't flinch. Unless by moderate Christian, you mean a person who says they are a Christian in the census form but hasn't been to church since high school.

I am going to have to completely disagree with you. My brother is a preacher and my whole extended family are "every Sunday" church-going republicans. They do freak out at speaking in tongues. It frightens and embarrasses them. This is true for a large part of Christian voters in the South. Some even call it Satanic.


Setec Astronomer
VanMardigan said:
Moderate Christians wouldn't flinch. Unless by moderate Christian, you mean a person who says they are a Christian in the census form but hasn't been to church since high school.
I think he means those who aren't aligned with people like Radical Cleric Pat Robertson, but you certainly implied what you consider to be "Christian" in that post.


theviolenthero said:
Just got done re-watching the Carville clip on Larry King and one of the ladies when asked about Palin's experience said:

"She took his (former governors) plane and sold it on EBAY".

The best is you can definitely hear snickers and giggles from the panel when she said this.
VanMardigan said:
Moderate Christians wouldn't flinch. Unless by moderate Christian, you mean a person who says they are a Christian in the census form but hasn't been to church since high school.

I spent eight years in a Baptist church, four years in a fundie church (with speaking in tongues + translations), four years in a Methodist church, two years in a Presbyterian, and have had close friendships and dating relationships with tons of other christians and catholics (married one). Lots of people who consider themselves 'saved' by Christ's blood think holy rollers are nuts.


has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
This is bullshit. There are plenty of christian variations that do not involve such antics, and whose believers would be freaked out. Catholicism for one.

Even if your denomination does not practice speaking in tongues, etc. that doesn't mean you're not familiar to it or have not been exposed to it. And those are the only circumstances I can think of why you'd be "freaked out".

I am not really sure what kind of moderate Christians do you know, eeyore.

I'm hoping this is bannable. I don't even know who you are and you make no attempt to actually debate, going straight for an insult.

Lots of people who consider themselves 'saved' by Christ's blood think holy rollers are nuts.

Sure, but would they be freaked out by a video of it happening? I don't think so. I think even moderate Christians are aware of the different levels of worship, so it wouldn't be shocking to them. It's not as shocking as seeing some secret rite or something, because the denominations you refer to as "holy rollers" don't worship in secret. You can find these videos everywhere, including "GodTube".


polyh3dron said:
So your freind has been eyeing Palin since APRIL and thinks that she is Pro-Choice?


Sorry, had to correct my post.

My friend didn't care that Hillary was pro-choice!

But he's an insane supporter of women--so suddenly, Palin's pro-life stance is UBER important to him.

I can't stand this guy.


Setec Astronomer
VanMardigan said:
I'm hoping this is bannable. I don't even know who you are and you make no attempt to actually debate, going straight for an insult.
After what you posted? Not really.


theviolenthero said:
Just got done re-watching the Carville clip on Larry King and one of the ladies when asked about Palin's experience said:

"She took his (former governors) plane and sold it on EBAY".

Already knew the story; approve heartily.
Assembly of God and Speaking in Tongues

double facepalms

I have such horrible memories from my spiritual quests so I guess I am biased

but *shivers*


VanMardigan said:
Even if your denomination does not practice speaking in tongues, etc. that doesn't mean you're not familiar to it or have not been exposed to it. And those are the only circumstances I can think of why you'd be "freaked out".
Moderate Christians know about the behaviour of extreme denominations in the same way that non christians know about them. From Jesus Camp type docs and exposes. You're just plainly in the wrong on this one.


has calmed down a bit.
Hitokage said:
After what you posted? Not really.

What was that? Whom did I personally attack?

From Jesus Camp docs and exposes.

I don't think so. In my experience, there's a lot more exposure for someone who isn't the most casual of Christians. Like the Godtube site I mentioned, or even on MySpace etc. If you go there looking for Christians, you're instantly exposed. Not to mention that I get invited to go to church with friends, and that's exposure as well. I imagine that's pretty common and not limited by my experience.

Funky Papa

VanMardigan said:
I'm hoping this is bannable. I don't even know who you are and you make no attempt to actually debate, going straight for an insult.
Oh, I thought for a second that you were the latest incarnation of the poster known as eeyore the donkey. Ok, that may be an insult in its own way.


The AIP outrage is mostly manufactured, but her religious zealotry really worries me. God needed you to build a pipeline through Alaska? Really?

Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Religion, however, was not strictly a thread in Palin's foreign policy. It was part of her energy proposals as well. Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state. "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.
CBS also picks up on the AIP story:


(Political Animal) THE ALASKA INDEPENDENCE PARTY.... What may prove to be the single most damaging angle to Sarah Palin's role on the Republican Party ticket? There are quite a few contenders (ethics scandal, earmarks, inexperience, outside-the-mainstream views), but following up on Hilzoy's item from last night, Palin's association with the Alaska Independence Party might be the most politically detrimental.

It's practically impossible to make a "Country First" argument when your running mate is affiliated with a political party that puts country second.

Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which since the 1970s has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."

Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

"We are a state's rights party," Clark -- a self-employed goldminer -- tells ABC News. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

For all the talk about Barack and Michelle Obama's patriotism, John McCain's running mate was a member of a political party that liked the idea of seceding from the United States altogether. It's the kind of idea that would have been more common in the 1850s.

Advocating secession is, practically by definition, un-American. How does the right go after Obama's patriotism while supporting a ticket with a candidate who joined a secessionist party?

We are, after all, talking about a party founded by a man who said, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." The same man, AIP founder Joe Vogler, also said, "[T]he fires of Hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government."

How is this any better than Jeremiah Wright? Why would Sarah Palin voluntarily join this man's political party?

Complicating matters, Marc Ambinder has a video of a AIP leader explaining that party members "must 'infiltrate' -- his words -- the other two parties and push for the cause of Alaskan independence."

I suspect McCain and his aides didn't know about any of this. Indeed, they couldn't have -- they didn't vet her. But now that this revelation has come to light, what's the defense?


Wait, where did this speaking in tongues stuff come from? Has something new come out about Palin that I haven't heard about yet?


has calmed down a bit.
Funky Papa said:
Oh, I thought for a second that you were the latest incarnation of the poster known as eeyore the donkey. Ok, that may be an insult in its own way.

Ok, so I guess you'll just let it continue, hito?


Junior Member
theviolenthero said:
Just got done re-watching the Carville clip on Larry King and one of the ladies when asked about Palin's experience said:

"She took his (former governors) plane and sold it on EBAY".


if you dont see why this makes somebody a great vp then you are just not ready for politics


ViperVisor said:
Oh MAN if you are kooky folks who can't get black folks to come. Pass on the National Anthem.

The FRAUD that is Ron Paul is LOL to the MAX. And being part of the Republican party while doing this is a fuckton of shit amplified by being on the surface of Jupiter.

Stereotyping is fun, isn't it? (implying only black people can sing? REALLY?)


Wow, Obama seems to be doing a LOT better in the electoral vote things and US map over at FiveThirtyEight.com, too bad it won't last =(

At least for this one moment they have him at over 300 electoral votes. :D


Something just hit me. I feel horrible for the father of Bristol's baby. His "choice" has been taken away from him, this guy has absolutely no say over what happens to his life.

Goddamnit. Seriously folks, I'm gonna rally behind hockey-dude. If anyone needs support, it's him. And Bristol too come to think of it. What if she doesn't want the baby either?!


Palin Forced Staff To Resign In Loyalty Test

If a small-town mayor ever ruled with an iron fist — it was Palin. Eleven days after taking office in 1996, she mailed letters to each of the city’s top managers requesting that they resign as a test of loyalty.

The Anchorage Daily News at the time reported the strange events: (via Nexis)

The Anchorage Daily News said:
Mayor Sarah Palin sent the resignation requests Thursday to Police Chief Irl Stambaugh, public works director Jack Felton, finance director Duane Dvorak and Mary Ellen Emmons, the head of libraries. A fifth director — John Cooper, who oversaw the city museum — resigned earlier this month after Palin eliminated his position.
Cooper initially resisted resigning, but to no avail. Palin also later fired the police chief, saying she knew in her “heart” that he did not support her. She left the head of libraries a letter saying she was out — though Palin later decided to spare the librarian after being convinced that she would tow the line.

ANCHORAGE — I just got off the phone with the very helpful city clerk at the Wasilla City Clerk’s office, Kristie Smithers, who is pulling some documents for me from when Gov. Sarah Palin was mayor.

I told her I appreciated her help, since I’m sure she’s been bombarded with requests these last few weeks. The clerk’s office keeps all City Council meeting agendas, minutes, legislation, ordinances, etc. She chuckled. Then she told me that I’m the first person who has asked her office for anything.

The Blue Jihad said:
Which is one reason why I'm very, very pleased with Obama's DNC acceptance speech. There was a proposal there where the government would help pay for higher education if an individual served in government. I'm really interested in seeing the details of this plan, because it's brilliant for a few reasons.

One, most Americans need to be educated a lot more than they are. A few years ago I checked out the percentage of US high school/college graduates. I think high school grad percentages were in the high 30s, maybe mid 40s. College grad rate was much lower, in the teens or low 20s. That needs to improve. It's so much more competitive today that most Americans are very much behind the 8-ball when it comes to necessary skillsets. A PhD today is what a Bachelor's Degree was 35 years ago. The bar keeps rising but most Americans aren't rising with it.

Two, the plan will get more regular people involved in government and public service. Now, granted, the incentive is purely monetary, and it's likely that most people doing this would be operating from a purely mercenary point-of-view, but there's still the chance (hope) that it'll energize them to do more. It could very well be a "lead by example" situation, and that's exactly what needs to happen in America...on all fronts.

I'm generally never a single-issue voter, but if Obama had this as his only platform...I'd be sold. It's a kill-three-birds-with-one-stone idea. Just utterly brilliant. On top of that, he recognizes that No Child Left Behind is a lousy piece of legislation that's bogged down in too much meaningless drivel and political meandering, so that gives me confidence in his ability to improve K-12 education, as well.


for details of it (he has pages and pdf's related to almost every issue on his website)


has calmed down a bit.
Fatalah said:
Something just hit me. I feel horrible for the father of Bristol's baby. His "choice" has been taken away from him, this guy has absolutely no say over what happens to his life.

Goddamnit. Seriously folks, I'm gonna rally behind hockey-dude. If anyone needs support, it's him. And Bristol too come to think of it. What if she doesn't want the baby either?!

Why would you assume all of that, and then decide to "rally" behind an assumption? At least call him up or something before you get all militant on us. :lol


Fatalah said:
Goddamnit. Seriously folks, I'm gonna rally behind hockey-dude. If anyone needs support, it's him. And Bristol too come to think of it. What if she doesn't want the baby either?!

If she doesn't want the baby she can just go get an abor.....o wate.

But seriously, didn't someone on GAF find his myspace? I think he's some sort of asshole.
Fatalah said:
Something just hit me. I feel horrible for the father of Bristol's baby. His "choice" has been taken away from him, this guy has absolutely no say over what happens to his life.

Goddamnit. Seriously folks, I'm gonna rally behind hockey-dude. If anyone needs support, it's him. And Bristol too come to think of it. What if she doesn't want the baby either?!

<motivational poster format>

Not yours.
</motivational poster format>


ViperVisor said:
Oh MAN if you are kooky folks who can't get black folks to come. Pass on the National Anthem.

The FRAUD that is Ron Paul love is LOL to the MAX. And being part of the Republican party while doing this is a fuckton of shit amplified by being on the surface of Jupiter.

What the fuck is this post? What are you on about?

Wait, no... what are you on?


bish gets all the credit :)
Fatalah said:
Something just hit me. I feel horrible for the father of Bristol's baby. His "choice" has been taken away from him, this guy has absolutely no say over what happens to his life.

Goddamnit. Seriously folks, I'm gonna rally behind hockey-dude. If anyone needs support, it's him. And Bristol too come to think of it. What if she doesn't want the baby either?!

On a MySpace page subsequently taken down, Johnston boasts, "I'm a fuckin' redneck" who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.
"But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin' chillin' I guess."
"Ya fuck with me I'll kick [your] ass," he added.
He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids."

o'rly? :lol :lol


Aaaaand, we're off:


Say hello to Tuesday.


Someone on Youtube actually provided an awesome comment to that Carville video:

Only in Republican America would a black man with a law degree from Harvard, 12 years in politics, four years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and manager of one of the most impressively flawless and forward thinking presidential campaigns ever not be ready for the presidency while a white female evangelical with 19 months in national politics and a bachelors in journalism is considered "ready on day one." so true.
Months after hinting at possible damnation for Kerry supporters, Kalnins bristled at the treatment President Bush was receiving over the federal government's handling of Hurricane Katrina. "I hate criticisms towards the President," he said, "because it's like criticisms towards the pastor -- it's almost like, it's not going to get you anywhere, you know, except for hell. That's what it'll get you."

Much of his support for the current administration has come in the realm of foreign affairs. Kalnins has preached that the 9/11 attacks and the invasion of Iraq were part of a "world war" over the Christian faith, one in which Jesus Christ had called upon believers to be willing to sacrifice their lives.

Ignorance is awesome.
VanMardigan said:
Even if your denomination does not practice speaking in tongues, etc. that doesn't mean you're not familiar to it or have not been exposed to it. And those are the only circumstances I can think of why you'd be "freaked out".

Familiarity breeds contempt, as they say. Nobody is saying the video would be new to them, just that there are large diverse segments of the "Christian Voter" bloc that would be completely turned off by association with a practice that is sometimes outright condemned. It has the potential to create a rift as large as the one that Romney would have caused with Mormonism. Maybe you aren't aware of it, but it is there.


:lol :lol :lol :lol This week has been so awesome so far. I don't think the speakers tonight will do much to excite people, either.


has calmed down a bit.
Mermandala said:
It has the potential to create a rift as large as the one that Romney would have caused with Mormonism.

Even if I agree that some Christians would be put off............there is no way it would be equivalent to the rift with Mormonism. No way.
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