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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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besada said:
Well, the entire "Bush can't be here because of Gustav" rationale fell apart and they have to do something to keep him away from McCain.

And word on the street is that Bush is straight up furious about the whole thing. The GOP is in quite a state these days.


aceface said:
If this is the case, what the heck is up with this top story on yahoo today?

Obama's DNC bounce smaller than others and shrinking.

Seems to me 50-42 is bigger than 49-43.

It's a case of a dishonest article:p

They're saying the bounce is smaller than 5/6 points.....but then in the article say it's from 45-45 to 49-43....which is a 6 point bounce. It's Politico:p

Also I can see Bush purposely making his speech a little longer just to stick it to them.:lol
BenjaminBirdie said:
And word on the street is that Bush is straight up furious about the whole thing. The GOP is in quite a state these days.

Yeah I can't believe he'd put up with that. This is a dude that gets pissed when people don't call him anything but Mr. President.


Macam said:
He'll be lucky if he gets 6 whole words out in that time.

I think we pretty much already know what he will say:

"How y'all doin?.... 9/11... hurricane... freedom... 9/11... oil... terrorists will attack if Obama is elected... thanks for coming!"


aceface said:
If this is the case, what the heck is up with this top story on yahoo today?

Obama's DNC bounce smaller than others and shrinking.

Seems to me 50-42 is bigger than 49-43.
They are basing it on yesterday's Gallup, and it flawed on many levels. (For one, they are reading too much into a one-day fluctuation.)

The Gallup daily tracking poll has found that since the conclusion of the convention, Obama has risen 4 percentage points in the polls, to lead McCain 49 percent to 43 percent today. That's a slightly smaller uptick in the polls than the 5- to 6-point bounce earned by a typical party nominee, by Gallup’s measure, since 1964. Obama and McCain were evenly split at 45 percentage points apiece prior to the Democratic convention, according to Gallup.
And there's the real dishonest part. Convention bounces typically start during the convention, not after. So they are adjusting the way they measure bounces, then noting Obama is 1 point below average (noise) and then say he's dropping based on one day polling. :lol

Can't wait for the new version: Obama's bump is bigger than normal and growing.

Also, Obama has a cheerfully blistering new ad.


The McCain quote at the end is gold. He's not letting up at all.
The Blue Jihad said:
Which is one reason why I'm very, very pleased with Obama's DNC acceptance speech. There was a proposal there where the government would help pay for higher education if an individual served in government. I'm really interested in seeing the details of this plan, because it's brilliant for a few reasons.

One, most Americans need to be educated a lot more than they are. A few years ago I checked out the percentage of US high school/college graduates. I think high school grad percentages were in the high 30s, maybe mid 40s. College grad rate was much lower, in the teens or low 20s. That needs to improve. It's so much more competitive today that most Americans are very much behind the 8-ball when it comes to necessary skillsets. A Master's Degree today is what a Bachelor's Degree was 35 years ago. The bar keeps rising but most Americans aren't rising with it.

Two, the plan will get more regular people involved in government and public service. Now, granted, the incentive is purely monetary, and it's likely that most people doing this would be operating from a purely mercenary point-of-view, but there's still the chance (hope) that it'll energize them to do more. It could very well be a "lead by example" situation, and that's exactly what needs to happen in America...on all fronts.

I'm generally never a single-issue voter, but if Obama had this as his only platform...I'd be sold. It's a kill-three-birds-with-one-stone idea. Just utterly brilliant. On top of that, he recognizes that No Child Left Behind is a lousy piece of legislation that's bogged down in too much meaningless drivel and political meandering, so that gives me confidence in his ability to improve K-12 education, as well.

It was a very good speech to cap off a very good convention. I was always going to support and vote for Obama but its no secret on the forum I was a Hillary supporter and I felt she was wronged in many ways especially by the media. The convention went a long way towards soothing those feelings and making me see the appeal of Obama and feel more comfortable supporting him so it's not a surprise to me to see that he is pulling more Hillary supporters now.
That new ad is aiming right for the gut. Obviously their focus groups really got a hard-on when speakers at the DNC started on the McCain/Bush "more of the same" tack.
OK, so I just saw the video of Palin speaking to the Assembly of God with her Christofascism talk, and of course saw the inevitable comments below saying it was the same thing as Rev Wright.

This is Sarah F'n Palin saying all of those crazy things up there herself; they are HER words and she can be held responsible for them. Obama never got up in front of the Church of Christ saying "God damn America" or anything.

You've done a heckuva job, Johnny.


I think they popped that one off to try and head off McCain's rebranding. Although they've still got in the backlog McCain's "There has been no more fervent supporter of Bush than me" quote:p


Fragamemnon said:
That new ad is aiming right for the gut. Obviously their focus groups really got a hard-on when speakers at the DNC started on the McCain/Bush "more of the same" tack.
And this might be some additional context: The theme for today just got announced. From First Read:

On a conference call with reporters this morning, GOP convention planners said that Tuesday's theme would be the "real John McCain."

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis pointed out that yesterday's theme was to be "Service" -- so instead of talking about it, they DID it, raising money for hurricane relief. Davis said after consulting with FEMA, and determining that the levees were holding up, the campaign made a final decision to go forward with the convention. The final "go" was about 5:00 am today.

Given yesterday's cancellation, Davis also "encouraged" media on the conference call to "expand" the traditional hour of coverage to include a tribute to veterans led by Orson Swindle, former fellow POW with McCain, followed by First Lady Laura Bush and a satellite appearance by President Bush. They said Bush's speech runs from 9:51 pm ET to 9:57 pm ET, followed by Laura for two minutes.

In the primetime hour, the speakers are former Tennessee senator and GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson, and the title of his speech will be "The Courage and Service of John McCain."

And he will be followed by Joe Lieberman -- in his first appearance at a GOP convention -- whose speech is entitled "The Original Maverick." They said Thompson will be from 10:10 pm to 10:30 pm ET, and Lieberman from 9:42 pm to 9:57 pm ET.
The Real John McCain
The Original Maveric

And Obama goes up with an ad where McCain cites his own 90%+ voting record with Bush. Probably not a coincidence that on the day when the GOP is trying to refocus the maverick image, Obama is tearing it apart again.

Funky Papa

GhaleonEB said:
Also, Obama has a cheerfully blistering new ad.


The McCain quote at the end is gold. He's not letting up at all.
From the comments:

Benito Obama Better Start to GET IT.. Bush is NOT RUNNING.. But Obama's Politics with ties to Schmuckie Schumer.. Reid.. Daffy Durbin.. Pelosi.. and the Social progressives resembles rather severely the policies of Benito who in the Ends Did have the RR run on time ( Biden's Acela) but left the Country BROKE and at the Mercy of the Original modern Day Satan.. ADOLPH H.

Posted By: redhawk | September 02, 2008 at 01:52 PM
What's up with dumb people and the internet.

the 236 IM convos are amaaaazinng.



Funky Papa said:
From the comments:

What's up with dumb people and the internet.

You'll find your view of the world much better if you don't ever read comments on Politico entries.

"This is great news for Hillary Clinton!" - Vince F.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
You know what's really amazing. I think, with all of this, McCain has gotten even MORE people focused on the election and hardly any of the attention is positive for him. People are seeing the stakes now as even HIGHER than they were. It took me three stops to find the latest Newsweek with McCain and Palin on the cover.


Funky Papa said:
From the comments:

What's up with dumb people and the internet.

That's the sad commentary; for all the lame comments myself and everyone else makes on this thread, this thread is on-balance more informed and well-reasoned than about 99% of the voting public.

I cringe at the thought of flying home to Utah this Christmas and discussing politics with my relatives.... the horror...

Funky Papa

Oh, more goodness


I wrote the other day that a Palin spokeswoman said trips to Germany, Kuwait, and Ireland made up her foreign travel.

Two details worth clarifying:

The Ireland trip was a refeuling stop on her trip to military installations in Germany and Kuwait, spokeswoman Maria Comella said.

And she's also visited Canada, another spokesman, Ben Porritt, says.


polyh3dron said:
OK, so I just saw the video of Palin speaking to the Assembly of God with her Christofascism talk, and of course saw the inevitable comments below saying it was the same thing as Rev Wright.

This is Sarah F'n Palin saying all of those crazy things up there herself; they are HER words and she can be held responsible for them. Obama never got up in front of the Church of Christ saying "God damn America" or anything.

You've done a heckuva job, Johnny.
did she diss god and/or america? if she didn't then she's in the clear.
scorcho said:
as many people have pointed out in this thread, 'babygate' matters because it shines a light on the clusterfuck of Republican policy regarding sex education and contraceptives.
Honestly I'm almost certain Palin was picked to appeal to centrists who recognize that the religious sex-ed nonsense is fucking absurd.
besada said:
She's an Assembly of Godder? Consider me not shocked.

Someone's got to have video of her speaking in tongues or being slain in the spirit.

As soon as Palin was picked, all I wanted to see, in terms of the circus aspect of the coverage, was Jesus Camp on a national political stage.
so_awes said:
did she diss god and/or america? if she didn't then she's in the clear.

Actually, a clip of her speaking in tongues or rolling around on the floor would definitely freak out some moderates, even moderate Christians.


I just spoke to an old friend of mine. He's really weird, he takes up women role models like he's a drag queen.

Leave it to him, he was a huge Hillary supporter when she was running. I finally was able to ask him how he's voting now that Hillary's officially not on the ticket.

He told me, in his words:

  • I was greatly disappointed by Obama's VP pick.
  • Palin is a BRILLIANT VP pick by McCain.
  • Palin actually makes DECISIONS, while Obama is all TALK.
  • The biggest reason I like Palin is because she is pro-life. (*edited)
  • I love Hillary because of the biggest issue facing America today--universal healthcare. But Obama doesn't share Hillary's "nerves of steel" to get anything passed through Congress.
  • I've been eying Palin since April! Hoping she would be picked!
  • McCain is going to win by a landslide, look at all the red states in the middle of the map of America. And you know that it's true.
  • Palin has more experience than Obama!

So I responded,"So what happened to the issues you used to care about? You've just switched parties and left all the issues Hillary supported behind."

So to conclude, I encountered a RARE person in talking to this friend of mine.

However, I learned a lot about a special type of American voter we could be dealing with in November. And I stress special.

  • Some people vote based solely on the person, not on issues.
  • Some people do not want to vote for a losing candidate. They want to vote for the winner, so they themselves feel like a winner.


has calmed down a bit.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Actually, a clip of her speaking in tongues or rolling around on the floor would definitely freak out some moderates, even moderate Christians.

Moderate Christians wouldn't flinch. Unless by moderate Christian, you mean a person who says they are a Christian in the census form but hasn't been to church since high school.


Fatalah said:
  • Palin is a BRILLIANT VP pick by McCain.
    [*]The biggest reason I like Palin is because she is pro-choice.
    [*]I love Hillary because of the biggest issue facing America today--universal healthcare. But Obama doesn't share Hillary's "nerves of steel" to get anything passed through Congress.
    [*]You know McCain is going to win by a landslide, look at all the red states in the middle of the map of America. You know it's going to be a landslide for McCain.
    [*]Palin has more experience than Obama!
THey're fucking special all right, some of the lists just don't make sense at all.


There's no way in hell McCain will replace Palin. The conservative base is in love with her, and it's too late now anyway. I would be trillions of dollars against it if I had that money.


VanMardigan said:
Moderate Christians wouldn't flinch. Unless by moderate Christian, you mean a person who says they are a Christian in the census form but hasn't been to church since high school.

This is bullshit. There are plenty of christian variations that do not involve such antics, and whose believers would be freaked out. Catholicism for one.

Funky Papa

VanMardigan said:
Moderate Christians wouldn't flinch. Unless by moderate Christian, you mean a person who says they are a Christian in the census form but hasn't been to church since high school.
I am not really sure what kind of moderate Christians do you know, eeyore.
Just got done re-watching the Carville clip on Larry King and one of the ladies when asked about Palin's experience said:

"She took his (former governors) plane and sold it on EBAY".

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