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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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In the last 72 hours, the McCain campaign has completely melted down. I cannot believe how much controversy Palin's history is creating in such a short time - the MSM just keeps finding nugget after nugget.

Absolute train wreck! They look like complete idiots.
Phill Gramm at it again...


Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, who stepped aside as John McCain's campaign co-chairman in July after an uproar over comments that those worried about the U.S. economy are ``whiners,'' today revisited that sentiment.

``If you're sitting here today, you're not economically illiterate and you're not a whiner, so I'm not worried about who you're going to vote for,'' Gramm told supporters of McCain at a Financial Services Roundtable event in Minneapolis on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention.
VanMardigan said:
Even if I agree that some Christians would be put off............there is no way it would be equivalent to the rift with Mormonism. No way.

In the the reddest parts of the Heartland no, but throughout pockets of the purplish South, yes. Which area is more important to McCain winning? Maybe, you were raised around this type of worship and it is more normalized. Everything "weird" to a large portion of the Southern Christian mindset is bad and likely Satanic. This includes Mormons, Catholics, and yes even Pentecostals. Southern Baptists in particular argue over speaking in tongues and have even made attempts to ban it at the institutional level.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016


I did not make this up. wow just wow lol. This is the title banner on the page.


VanMardigan said:
With all the focus on the "celebrity" garbage, negative ads that distort positions, and the Palin pregnancy non-sense, I'd have to agree. But who do we blame?

Well, I personally blame the Republican party, which obliterated any rules of decency in campaigning when they accused Bill and Hillary Clinton of masterminding the murder of Vince Foster and Ron Brown, not to mention accusing both Bill and McCain of fathering black children out of wedlock.

More specifically, I blame Karl Rove and the party that has allowed him to drag the entire process deeper and deeper into the gutter. From the Clinton's on, nothing has been off-limits, no matter how untrue or repulsive.

After nearly forty years of watching political campaigns, that's where I place the initial blame. There's no question that both sides have dug as low as they possibly could since, and that the 24 hour rumor networks have exacerbated the situation, but Rove turned the smear into an art form, so I think he deserves a little credit.
Say what you will about W's governance problems, but he has to be absolutely rolling over in his Oval Office at the rank amateurishness taking place with the McCain campaign.


Obama needs to attack and hit hard on this whole "The election is not about issues." Put out ads within days. It undermines everything Mccain's said. If I was Obama's campaign manager I'd be having commercials made today to air tomorrow about it. Call them on this stuff.


ronito said:
Obama needs to attack and hit hard on this whole "The election is not about issues." Put out ads within days. It undermines everything Mccain's said. If I was Obama's campaign manager I'd be having commercials made today to air tomorrow about it. Call them on this stuff.

Especially since there's bound to be a bunch of McCain quotes from the primary saying the exact opposite.
I'm starting to believe Hannity/Fox/Rush/etc did Obama a favor by hammering the Wright/Ayers stuff nonstop the minute he entered the race. Voters were exposed to those various stories and smears for more than a year, a long enough time to get to know the candidate and determine whether his past associations were worth taking into account inside the voting booth. I'm sure the right will have some October smear - especially when you consider the free fall McCain is currently in - but overall the public and media has digested nearly everything there is to know about Obama. He was vetted by the American people for all to see.

Unfortunately for Palin, she was dropped into this race out of nowhere. The public and media didn't know who she was, and now she is being publically vetted. If she had entered the primaries all of this stuff would have been known about more than a year ago. I'm kinda starting to feel sorry for her. But more importantly this is perhaps the ultimate example of McCain's poor judgment. This is turning out to be a disaster. We know the McCain camp is currently in Alaska trying to "investigate" all of this stuff, but in reality they're merely trying to ensure the leaks stop. He's on thin ice right now. If a cover up gets exposed, McCain is done.
soul creator said:

for details of it (he has pages and pdf's related to almost every issue on his website)

Thanks. I've read his pages and pdf's before but didn't see the service plan sheet. Reading now. And I'm already liking what I'm seeing.

Wonderful to see a focus on utilizing Americorps. I've had some experience with them in the past. Helped out in an after-school program in NE Philly for a few days. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. I genuinely was able to help some of those kids learn math concepts. The looks on their faces were incredible. There was this tangible, visible joy. Had I been able to stay there, there's no doubt in my mind I could have made a tremendous difference in their lives.

Eventually I'm going back for an extended period of time.


ronito said:
Obama needs to attack and hit hard on this whole "The election is not about issues." Put out ads within days. It undermines everything Mccain's said. If I was Obama's campaign manager I'd be having commercials made today to air tomorrow about it. Call them on this stuff.

I am sure they will. That way they can keep the pressure on McCain while not looking as if they are going after Palin -- who appears to be going down in flames without any assistance from Obama.


Cool, love that MSNBC has the CEO of Google on talking about the Internet's effect on the election.



Incognito said:
Say what you will about W's governance problems, but he has to be absolutely rolling over in his Oval Office at the rank amateurishness taking place with the McCain campaign.
In terms of message, rallies/town halls, conventions, get out the vote, and attacking the oppponet the Bush campaign was fantastic. The McCain one is a mess, if they win it will not be because of good campaign skills.
Incognito said:
Say what you will about W's governance problems, but he has to be absolutely rolling over in his Oval Office at the rank amateurishness taking place with the McCain campaign.

He's probably pissed off because Obama is going to roll back his executive orders like Wal-Mart rolls back prices on bad 1990s action movies.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oy, I'm watching that video...

Her son got a Jesus fish tattooed on his ankle :lol And she loved it :lol

Asking people to pray for a gas pipeline :lol

Haha, oh man, calling the young Christians in the audience "cool looking" and saying that will help them spread the word.

Oh, clapping for Jesus to show thanks for having Palin say "some things that are powerful" :lol

Alaska will be one of the refuge states in the last days :lol

This guy crying while praying for Palin...

Good gravy, some Christians are so fucking scary.


Fatalah said:
Cool, love that MSNBC has the CEO of Google on talking about the Internet's effect on the election.


Google went to both conventions.


Setec Astronomer
Fragamemnon said:
He's probably pissed off because Obama is going to roll back his executive orders like Wal-Mart rolls back prices on bad 1990s action movies.
I wonder if there's a betting pool for January Pardons.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


A large number of national polls have come out within the past 24-48 hours, most of which had conducted a survey close enough to the beginning of the Democratic convention to provide for a direct comparison. These polls show Obama having gained between 2 and 8 points since before the convention began, or an average of 4.4 points. Although this is slightly below the average convention bounce of 6 points, it is a pretty reasonable result considering that the Republicans had named their VP candidate immediately following the Democratic convention, a circumstance which had never occurred before. Moreover, the internals of these polls show Obama gaining ground among Clinton supporters, a group of votes that John McCain is likely to have a difficult time getting back.


Cheebs said:
In terms of message, rallies/town halls, conventions, get out the vote, and attacking the oppponet the Bush campaign was fantastic. The McCain one is a mess, if they win it will not be because of good campaign skills.

Right, how can you have meaningful town halls when your opponent, who originally agreed to do them, backed out because he doesn't think well on his feet? McCain actually performs best in this sitting.

Hitokage said:
I wonder if there's a betting pool for January Pardons.
Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney, pretty much the whole cabinet I'm guessing. Oh yeah and Bush will probably try to give himself a preemptive pardon or something.

It'll make Clinton's PardonGate look like child's play I'm sure.


Junior Member
reilo said:




i know everybody loves this website, but the fact that they dont attempt to increase the statistical significance of their already poor sample group by removing the outliers confuses me.


King_Slender said:
Right, how can you have meaningful town halls when your opponent, who originally agreed to do them, backed out because he doesn't think well on his feet? McCain actually performs best in this sitting.

Obama is far more charismatic at town halls than McCain is at his. I have watched many from both. McCain answers the questions and moves on. Obama spends half the time being sarcastic going back and forth with the asker like about what they are wearing...etc. He talks on a much more personal and far more sarcastic manner with his audience at Q & A's than McCain who tends to be very straight laced.


lawblob said:
Say hello to the cover of this week's US Weekly!

:lol :lol :lol


Wow. And picking "hockey mom" was designed to get on the cover of magazines like that. But I don't think this is quite what they had in mind. :lol

I really don't like the baby "issue" front and center.


laserbeam said:
Not insulting at all. The "experts" on gaf laugh at the very notion that Obama would only get 80% of the black vote.

You can try and dodge the issue but the fact is to many the unspoken assumption is Obama is geting the black vote because he is black. His acceptance speech was delibertly done on the day it was to drive home the racial identity fact while trying to say racial politics is not being done at all.

He will have lost votes due to his race but his race will also gain him votes.

that's insulting to black people, black people always vote 80% democrat to begin with. If Condaleeza Rice or Clarence Thomas were running they wouldn't get the black vote,period. you need to give them more credit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
esbern said:
i know everybody loves this website, but the fact that they dont attempt to increase the statistical significance of their already poor sample group by removing the outliers confuses me.


(Note: I have not included the Zogby Interactive poll in the survey above -- this was the same poll that had Obama winning Arizona, and winning North Carolina by 8 points. But it is "officially" included for purposes of our model).
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