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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Fragamemnon said:
From what I can tell, it's all the pundits are talking about. It's sucking up all the air in the room. Even if someone can't agree that the pick was bad, I think everyone can agree that the rollout strategy by the GOP was completely awful.

Certainly the media doesn't like being kept in the dark. Still, I've said it before, but after Palin gives her speech tomorrow night we'll have a better read on people's thoughts about her, until then the media is hyping what they know.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
King_Slender said:
I'm still trying to figure out what the BIG deal is.

1) Her daughter is pregnant - OK, so she isn't saddling her daughter with guilt by turning down the VP nod because of it - this is bad how?

2) The AIP thing. She was an Alaskan politician and is no longer a part of the group. I'll start following this story as soon as we see some more William Ayers coverage and the 3 years Obama headed a foundation with him. Both are non-issues, IMO.

3) Troopergate. Is it any more seedy than Obama funneling $14M to Tony Rezko and getting a $300K break on his home loan? Both are abuses of power if true.

Really, what the media hates is that Palin is not one of the 'elite' who they have hob-nobbed with and has any interest in serving their needs. More than anything, I think the MSM is just pissed they had all this ammunition against Romney and Pawlenty, and they are now scrambling for things on Palin and they can't come up with anything major.

The hell?


TDG said:
I do feel sorry for Palin, she's really been thrust into this position that she's not ready for.
I was telling my wife last night that I feel kind of sorry for Palin. It's not her fault that she's not qualified to be veep - most people aren't. McCain owes it to his pick to do the right due diligence to any possible running mate. They get put through hell. Palin bears some blame for accepting it, but if McCain had just done his job as a candidate, no one would be put in this position.


ToyMachine228 said:
If Paul has any scruples he won't support McCain. They are complete opposites. He actually believes in fiscal conservatism, McCain doesn't. They're complete opposites on foreign policy. Honestly, if anything I see more in common with Obama and Paul than McCain and Paul. I don't think he'll end up supporting anyone. Well, besides maybe Bob Barr.

He was looking for a deal that would have allowed him to speak at the RNC, where he would have hammered his anti-war, limited government message in front of neocons. And I'm pretty sure cable channel would have broadcast his speech. Of course, the GOP said no.


King_Slender said:
I'm still trying to figure out what the BIG deal is.

1) Her daughter is pregnant - OK, so she isn't saddling her daughter with guilt by turning down the VP nod because of it - this is bad how?

2) The AIP thing. She was an Alaskan politician and is no longer a part of the group. I'll start following this story as soon as we see some more William Ayers coverage and the 3 years Obama headed a foundation with him. Both are non-issues, IMO.

3) Troopergate. Is it any more seedy than Obama funneling $14M to Tony Rezko and getting a $300K break on his home loan? Both are abuses of power if true.

Really, what the media hates is that Palin is not one of the 'elite' who they have hob-nobbed with and has any interest in serving their needs. More than anything, I think the MSM is just pissed they had all this ammunition against Romney and Pawlenty, and they are now scrambling for things on Palin and they can't come up with anything major.

Hey, you're back!

Most GAFers prolly don't give a shit about AIP, but given how touchy much of America is about patriotism, it could be important that she joined a party that wanted independence, and whose founder declared he hated America. The daughter thing is nothing. The troopergate thing is similar to Rezko if both are true, but you're misisng the point - Rezko HAS got a lot of airtime.

Also, once again, she was picked to court feminists but laughs as a female public servant gets called a bitch, lied about her support of the bridge to nowhere, and she's a nutcase conservative in general.



This afternoon, the director of Division of Elections in Alaska, Gail Fenumiai, told TPMmuckraker that Todd Palin registered in October 1995 to the Alaska Independence Party, a radical group that advocates for Alaskan secession from the United States.

Besides a short period of a few months in 2000 when he changed his registration to undeclared, Todd Palin remained a registered member of AIP until July 2002 when he registered again as an undeclared voter.


VanMardigan said:
You know the most baffling thing? McCain's campaign decide to go into this radical new direction (and away from the experience angle) JUST as polls were showing a tightening race. Which would indicate, to me at least, that their message was actually working. A safer pick for him (Pawlenty) would've allowed him to continue that seemingly successful route, but maybe they figured they couldn't use that same tactic once Obama picked Biden for VP? Someone help me out here.

The only thing I can come up with is that their internal poll data must have been showing something much different. Why else take such a huge gamble in a tight race?


Gary Whitta said:
Does anyone seriously think she's going to get dumped? I mean it's not THAT bad, is it? Is it?

In reality its a lot worse I'd say but no one from the red side is going to publicly admit it.
King_Slender said:
I'm still trying to figure out what the BIG deal is.

The real big deal-the thing that all of these stories have in common-is that McCain acted rashly, did not vet his candidate, and exercised terrible judgement when placing this candidate on the ticket. That's the big deal, that's the both spoken and unspoken heart of the matter in the media. That argument was being sounded the minute that the VP name was annouced, and all of these small stories have only fed and supported that argument.

Really, what the media hates is that Palin is not one of the 'elite' who they have hob-nobbed with and has any interest in serving their needs. More than anything, I think the MSM is just pissed they had all this ammunition against Romney and Pawlenty, and they are now scrambling for things on Palin and they can't come up with anything major.

The whole thing is like a honeypot to the media because it is:

A) very high profile
B) total newcomer, fresh story
C) lurid national enquirer level dealing with soap opera style matters like the kid being teen preggers.

At some point yesterday or so the whole Palin pick and everything around it reached critical mass and the pick is now a uncontrolled chain reaction in the mainstream media. At this point, as long as she stays in the reaction is going to continue until the fuel becomes stale or another, even bigger mess , gets the media's attention (for example-OOOH A HURRICANE).
Revolver said:
The only thing I can come up with is that their internal poll data must have been showing something much different. Why else take such a huge gamble in a tight race?

I don't see how they could've. As of Monday I think he was still going with Leiberman.


Obama was never implicated or investigated for any wrongdoing associated with Rezko. He paid market value for his house. Rezko's wife bought the adjacent lot and sold it for a profit

Also, you need to catch up with your list of Palin Scandals. You forgot:

The Holy War in Iraq/Holy Oil Pipeline
Attempting to ban books she doesn't like
Loyalty Test/Improper firings as mayor

I'm sure I'm forgetting some too


syllogism said:
Heh. I was just about to post that. :lol

The McCain camp today disputed rumors that presumptive vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was ever registered with the secessionist Alaska Independence Party by releasing years of voter registration history . . . but it looks like that doesn't apply to her husband.

This afternoon, the director of Division of Elections in Alaska, Gail Fenumiai, told TPMmuckraker that Todd Palin registered in October 1995 to the Alaska Independence Party, a radical group that advocates for Alaskan secession from the United States.

Besides a short period of a few months in 2000 when he changed his registration to undeclared, Todd Palin remained a registered member of AIP until July 2002 when he registered again as an undeclared voter.


Fragamemnon said:
Just her husband though. Though it makes a great tabloid headline-"Sleeping With The Enemy?".

Yep, I mean, didn't people get upset when some idiots went after Michelle Obama on her views?

Syllogism - Just because James Carville and Mary Matlin are married does not mean they cannot disagree on politics, same deal really.


VanMardigan said:
You know the most baffling thing? McCain's campaign decide to go into this radical new direction (and away from the experience angle) JUST as polls were showing a tightening race. Which would indicate, to me at least, that their message was actually working. A safer pick for him (Pawlenty) would've allowed him to continue that seemingly successful route, but maybe they figured they couldn't use that same tactic once Obama picked Biden for VP? Someone help me out here.
Has it been revealed when McCain decided that Palin should be his running mate? Could it possibly have been a reaction to the strong end to the DNC?


King_Slender said:
I'm still trying to figure out what the BIG deal is.

1) Her daughter is pregnant - OK, so she isn't saddling her daughter with guilt by turning down the VP nod because of it - this is bad how?

2) The AIP thing. She was an Alaskan politician and is no longer a part of the group. I'll start following this story as soon as we see some more William Ayers coverage and the 3 years Obama headed a foundation with him. Both are non-issues, IMO.

3) Troopergate. Is it any more seedy than Obama funneling $14M to Tony Rezko and getting a $300K break on his home loan? Both are abuses of power if true.

Really, what the media hates is that Palin is not one of the 'elite' who they have hob-nobbed with and has any interest in serving their needs. More than anything, I think the MSM is just pissed they had all this ammunition against Romney and Pawlenty, and they are now scrambling for things on Palin and they can't come up with anything major.

Her daughter in itself is not the issue. The fact that her wanting to change sexual education in schools as we know it, teach abstinence in its' place, etc. are all thrown into question when her daughter is pregnant before entering her senior year in high school. It personally doesn't bother me but it is a legitimate concern for the Mccain campaign.

This isn't about Obama, he's been vetted for months by the Media. Fact of the matter is, whether it's true or not, Troopergate seems to be a part of a common occurrence with Governor Palin. Asking people under you to resign in an attempt to show loyalty is absurd.

She may not harm Mccain's Conservative base but Independents, a supposed vital part to Mccain path to victory, could be turned off by Palin. Having said things like "Iraq was a war sent from God" is not going to help Mccain court any Independent support.
sangreal said:
Michelle Obama isn't a candidate either, yet the McCain camp has no problem going after her patriotism

True but a high road approach is still best. The media is currently doing the damage, from liberal blogs to cable news shows. That way Obama remains above the fray, and more importantly he shows a level of respect and class that the GOP knows little about.
TDG said:
Has it been revealed when McCain decided that Palin should be his running mate? Could it possibly have been a reaction to the strong end to the DNC?
I think I saw somewhere in this thread that going into the week (of the DNC) he still wasn't sure whom he was going to pick. Either way, it wouldn't surprise me if he chose Palin because of what happened at the DNC.


sangreal said:
Michelle Obama isn't a candidate either, yet the McCain camp has no problem going after her patriotism

So your answer is rather than taking the high road to re-legitimize attacks on her?


Gaborn said:
Todd Palin isn't the VP candidate.

Michelle Obama isn't running for President, Rev. Wright isn't running for President, Louis Farahkhan isn't running for President, Tony Rezko isn't running for President, Bill Ayers isn't running for President, etc.

Gaborn said:
So your answer is rather than taking the high road to re-legitimize attacks on her?

I don't condone 'Guilt by association' but the media does and the media will make an issue of it as they did with Obama and everyone within a 10 inch radius of him.
quote Carville on Larry King:

"to tout her experience as mayer, she was the mayor of this town in alaska.. <holds up photo> This is a photo of their city hall.. it looks like a bake shop in south louisiana.."

love carville


Fatalah said:
In my eyes, no. If McCain's running on the fact that he's decisive and experienced, changing his VP pick would be a huge contradiction of that.

His VP pick is already a huge contradiction of those two virtues, in and of itself. There appears to have been little actual thought behind the pick as it seems purely reactionary, which conveys indecisiveness, and her inexperience serves only to help in trivializing both McCain's experience and his campaign's main talking point against Obama.


PhoenixDark said:
That way Obama remains above the fray, and more importantly he shows a level of respect and class that the GOP knows little about.

Exactly. One should never make a mountain out a molehill. Considering her baggage, she is entirely inconsequential and the Obama campaign should treat her as such. That new ad was a good start.
Fred Thompson has a prime time speaking slot? I wonder if he's going to announce he's entering the race, which would change everything and electrify true conservatives!


PhoenixDark said:
Fred Thompson has a prime time speaking slot? I wonder if he's going to announce he's entering the race, which would change everything and electrify true conservatives!

Thompson and Lieberman are replacing Guiliani tonight as keynote speakers. Appparently Rudy will go another night


harSon said:
Michelle Obama isn't running for President, Rev. Wright isn't running for President, Louis Farahkhan isn't running for President, Tony Rezko isn't running for President, Bill Ayers isn't running for President, etc.

THe others you mentioned are public figures in that when you do something criminal you've kind of given up any sense of avoiding public scrutiny (to some degree at least), or if you are a prominent figure in a community, as Farahkhan and Wright are in their respective communities they also receive, and often welcome media attention.

I don't condone 'Guilt by association' but the media does and the media will make an issue of it as they did with Obama and everyone within a 10 inch radius of him.

Sure, but we're talking about GAF's reaction to stories on Michelle Obama compared to Todd Palin
PhoenixDark said:
Fred Thompson has a prime time speaking slot? I wonder if he's going to announce he's entering the race, which would change everything and electrify true conservatives!

I think his speech is entitled "These Birds In The Air Need To Refuel, McClane."


GhaleonEB said:
Wednesday night, after Bill's speech.
Hm. Maybe he saw the strong performances by the Clintons, feared that the Party Unity problem would cease to exist, and tried to relight the fire.

I mean, things are all early and slimy right now, it might end up being a great pick for McCain, but right now it seems like he made a pretty brash, poorly-informed decision.


*drowns in jizz*
I just want to comment re the pregnancy- if they hadn't made it such a pillar and bullet point of her resume and qualifications ( I haven't heard a single rep not mention the fact that she's raised a family with 5 kids , etc etc as one of her qualifications to be VP) then it wouldn't matter. But they CHOSE to make her family more than fair game by making it a major part of the campaign. How many other candidates in recent memory do you recall having their families as one of their major talking points? This is the ridiculous part of the whole thing.
bob_arctor said:
:lol Ah, can't wait to hear this fuckwad 9/11 it up.

I found some old Time magazines from August and September 07, back when he was the "front runner." There was a great article on him banking his entire campaign on 911=2008. womp womp wompppp

I wonder how he'll scare people this time, then convince us that McCain and Palin can protect us


This will probably be a common theme

Thompson Speech Hits Media on Palin, Obama on Abortion

Fred Thompson will forcefully defend the selection of Sarah Palin tonight in a speech Republicans are characterizing as "red meat." He will argue that the feeding frenzy over Palin's is the result of "panic" from the Democrat-friendly mainstream media.

"What a breath of fresh air Governor Sarah Palin is. She is from a small town, with small town values, but that's not good enough for those folks who are attacking her and her family. Let's be clear, the selection of Governor Palin has the other side and their friends in the media in a state of panic. She is a courageous, successful, reformer, who is not afraid to take on the establishment."

Thompson will also criticize Barack Obama's answer on abortion from his recent appearance at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church. Warren had asked: Now, let’s deal with abortion. 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. you know, as a pastor I have to deal with this all of the time. All of the pain and all of the conflicts. I know this is a very complex issue. 40 million abortions. At what point does a baby get human rights in your view?"

Obamas responded: "Well, I think that whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."

Thompson criticize Obama for dodging the issue: "We need a President, and Vice President, who will take the federal bureaucracy by the scruff of the neck and give it a good shaking. And we need a President who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade."

The bulk of Thompson's speech will be a testimonial on behalf of John McCain, his character and his leadership. John McCain has "the kind of character that civilizations from the beginning of history have sought in their leaders."


Gaborn said:
Sure, but we're talking about GAF's reaction to stories on Michelle Obama compared to Todd Palin

Palin's husband is allegedly in a radical group, Michelle was attacked for a statement that was edited and taken out of context. I think there is a clear difference between the two.


Gaborn said:
So your answer is rather than taking the high road to re-legitimize attacks on her?

I don't see it as taking any road when an attack comes from the media. The McCain themselves pushed the Michelle is unpatriotic narrative with Cindy McCain declaring that she[i/] (unlike Michelle) is proud of America. That said, I'm starting to lose my patience with the high road, as the McCain camp continually resorts to the gutter


BenjaminBirdie said:
I think his speech is entitled "These Birds In The Air Need To Refuel, McClane."

I was gonna go with "The Average Russkie Don't Take a Dump Without a Plan" but well done.


TDG said:
Hm. Maybe he saw the strong performances by the Clintons, feared that the Party Unity problem would cease to exist, and tried to relight the fire.
That's my theory. His dem convention strategy was to play off the wedge between Obama and Clinton supporters. When it was clear the party was unifying, he doubled down on trying to snag the women's vote.


harSon said:
Palin's husband is allegedly in a radical group, Michelle was attacked for a statement that was edited and taken out of context. I think there is a clear difference between the two.

I don't get this. People always say it was out of context, but it was pretty unequivocal.
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