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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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McCain campaign angrily defends Sarah Palin


ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain's campaign on Wednesday angrily called for an end to questions about Sarah Palin's background, calling it a "Fox media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee" for vice president.

The polls show Obama's support among woman has INCREASED since Palin was chosen. McCain is screwed!
Deus Ex Machina said:
McCain campaign angrily defends Sarah Palin


The polls show Obama's support among woman has INCREASED since Palin was chosen. McCain is screwed!
I have to think that this is part of some long-term strategy here. What would lead him to believe that the media would not be going through every tidbit of information they can get concerning her with a fine tooth comb. He picked an unknown to be Vice President of the United States of America. What did he think was going to happen?


Duke Togo said:

I'll be using Jones soda as an election projection. :D

Jones Soda is quite good. I recommend the Apple flavor, its fucking delicious. Its also nice to see the Ron Paul crowd enjoys a cool, refreshing & independent soda from time to time.

I wonder what similar product would show McCain winning via product purchases? Maybe this Pow Pow Powder Jacket?



Did Lieberman actually get the call from McCain to be V.P. only to have the offer yanked after leading GOPers threatened a revolt?

Today's NY Times has this blurb recounting how McCain really wanted Lieberman to be his V.P., but was blocked by his party:

Only last month, friends say, Mr. McCain wanted to reach beyond his base and ask Mr. Lieberman to be his running mate; in that instance, though, party influence proved too strong, with many Republican officials and delegates insisting they would reject Mr. Lieberman because of his support for abortion rights and some gay rights laws.

There's more according to my sources in Connecticut (who have never steered me wrong). The word working its way through political circles in Connecticut is that John McCain actually called Joe Lieberman to ask him to be the GOP v.p. candidate. The "ask" was made. However, a revolt ensued, led by Mitt Romney and others, threatening a floor fight. That resulted in a second call a couple hours later to Lieberman from McCain pulling the offer.

If true, this is incredible..


"John McCain's campaign on Wednesday angrily called for an end to questions about Sarah Palin's background"

This is just wrong in every way that something can be wrong. Let me guess, it's anti-American?


has calmed down a bit.
HylianTom said:
If true, this is incredible..

As bad as the Palin pick is, I don't see how Lieberman would've helped McCain get elected. Although, yeah, if John McCain was the maverick he used to be, he would've gone with Joe, which was obviously his first choice.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
syllogism said:
Someone on kos pointed out Rasmussen yesterday had an article indicating the republican party id was up by 2% and as he weighs by party id, it's plausible the republican sample size increased today. Pretty convenient if that's the case.

So what does that mean? What are you trying to say?
VanMardigan said:
As bad as the Palin pick is, I don't see how Lieberman would've helped McCain get elected. Although, yeah, if John McCain was the maverick he used to be, he would've gone with Joe, which was obviously his first choice.

I personally think Lieberman has been promised some sort of cabinet position. Too bad McCain isn't going to win, so Lieberman will be up shit's creek.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Fox media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee

It's not designed. When will they learn?

Also, why the call-out of Fox? One convo with Ailes and he's converted? Barack Obama is convincing!


chase said:
"John McCain's campaign on Wednesday angrily called for an end to questions about Sarah Palin's background"

This is just wrong in every way that something can be wrong. Let me guess, it's anti-American?

It's all part of their two-pronged attack, they angrily call for an end to questions about Sarah Palin's background, then angrily call for a restart of questions into Obama's background.
chase said:
"John McCain's campaign on Wednesday angrily called for an end to questions about Sarah Palin's background"

This is just wrong in every way that something can be wrong. Let me guess, it's anti-American?
Well, I understand his point in that there's probably better things to talk about than scandals centering on teenage pregnancies, but again, if he's not simply feigning outrage, I don't know what he expected. His VP pick was big news. Did he just expect the media to sit around discussing the McCain talking points memo that sought to answer the question "Who is Sarah Palin?"
Steve Youngblood said:
Well, I understand his point in that there's probably better things to talk about than scandals centering on teenage pregnancies, but again, if he's not simply feigning outrage, I don't know what he expected. His VP pick was big news. Did he just expect the media to sit around discussing the McCain talking points memo that sought to answer the question "Who is Sarah Palin?"

I think McCain is genuinely surprised by all this. I think he expected a week or so of narrative about her being a hockey mom, a hunter, a fisher, a reformer, an average woman, blah blah blah. And that's not what he's getting. Instead he's opened a can of worms that will probably dominate the Republican side of the news for the week.


ToyMachine228 said:
I think McCain is genuinely surprised by all this. I think he expected a week or so of narrative about her being a hockey mom, a hunter, a fisher, a reformer, an average woman, blah blah blah. And that's not what he's getting. Instead he's opened a can of worms that will probably dominate the Republican side of the news for the week.


ToyMachine228 said:
I think McCain is genuinely surprised by all this. I think he expected a week or so of narrative about her being a hockey mom, a hunter, a fisher, a reformer, an average woman, blah blah blah. And that's not what he's getting. Instead he's opened a can of worms that will probably dominate the Republican side of the news for the week.
It's possible. However, even though there seems to be a lot of evidence to suggest that this pick was rushed and that she wasn't properly vetted, I refuse to believe that it really was as haphazard and blind as it's appearing. He had to know some of the risks of springing an unknown and highly questionable pick on the media two months before the election.


sp0rsk said:
Wait, did he say "Fox media"?

No, the linked article says faux

Of course, a few paragraphs later:
Davis also called for the same level of scrutiny on Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden.


They follow with a laundry list of her scandals:
McCain shook up the presidential race last Friday by picking Palin, a little-known governor serving her first term in Alaska. Since then, the self-styled "hockey mom" with a record of bucking the state's political establishment has had a bright spotlight trained on her private and public life.

First, she announced that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter, Bristol Palin, was pregnant. Among the other revelations:

_A private attorney is authorized to spend $95,000 of state money to defend her against accusations of abuse of power.

_Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state, contrary to her reformist image.

_Her husband once belonged to a fringe political group in Alaska, with some members supporting secession from the United States.

_She has acknowledged smoking marijuana in the past.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Steve Youngblood said:
It's possible. However, even though there seems to be a lot of evidence to suggest that this pick was rushed and that she wasn't properly vetted, I refuse to believe that it really was as haphazard and blind as it's appearing. He had to know some of the risks of springing an unknown and highly questionable pick on the media two months before the election.

Nope, they struck out and ended up with Palin
Great tactic by the Obama campaign go after her reform status after the introductory lies. Can't call this sexist.


Governor Palin was chosen in part because she has a compelling personal story and can deliver an outstanding and moving speech, and there is no doubt that she will do that tonight

. What she needs to do, however, is explain her reformer credentials in light of the revelations that she supported the Bridge to Nowhere and hired a big lobbying firm to win her small town millions in earmarks. What the American people will be looking for is whether she can explain how the economic agenda offered by her and John McCain won’t just be more of the same Bush policies that have left millions of families struggling to fill up their gas tanks, pay their medical bills, or make their mortgage payments.”
Agent Icebeezy said:
Nope, they struck out and ended up with Palin
Either way, I agree that we need to get back to the real issue of the campaign: vetting Obama.

Why, during the DNC last week, I saw a PUMA referencing a Congressional report stating that Obama was educated in Muslim, America-hating schools? Why isn't anybody covering this? It seemed legit, though she refused to divulge the exact source. Still, if the guy I'm supporting is a secret Muslim terrorist, I'd like to know so that I can reconsider who to vote for. Enough of this baby mama drama about Palin, I still don't 'know' Barack Obama.
Funky Papa said:
Well, there goes the women's vote


You do realise this doesn't necessarily mean bad publicity for Palin, right? OK, the "US" cover seems to be all about putting her in a bad light, but the "OK" and "People" magazine seem to tell her 'hearbreaking and hartwarming story of a mother running for vice-pres while raising a family' crap.
Steve Youngblood said:
Either way, I agree that we need to get back to the real issue of the campaign: vetting Obama.

Why, during the DNC last week, I saw a PUMA referencing a Congressional report stating that Obama was educated in Muslim, America-hating schools? Why isn't anybody covering this? It seemed legit, though she refused to divulge the exact source. Still, if the guy I'm supporting is a secret Muslim terrorist, I'd like to know so that I can reconsider who to vote for. Enough of this baby mama drama about Palin, I still don't 'know' Barack Obama.

"Barack Obama has written 2 books, has detailed policy plans for everything on his website, has been in the news media for a year, given moving speeches in front of crowds of thousands, and has campaigned for almost 2 years in almost every state, including during one of the most contested primaries in history. But still, some say that voters just don't know who Barack Obama is, like they do John McCain. Will this make a difference in November?"


Souldriver said:
You do realise this doesn't necessarily mean bad publicity for Palin, right? OK, the "US" cover seems to be all about putting her in a bad light, but the "OK" and "People" magazine seem to tell her 'hearbreaking and hartwarming story of a mother running for vice-pres while raising a family' crap.

You don't know women's magazines, do you?


I have to say that while the screen at the GOP convention has great quality, it comes across HORRIBLY on TV. It looks like the people are standing in front of blue or green screens.


pxleyes said:
I have to say that while the screen at the GOP convention has great quality, it comes across HORRIBLY on TV. It looks like the people are standing in front of blue or green screens.

George Lucas: Faster! More Intense! Don't worry, we'll fix it in post.
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