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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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CharlieDigital said:
The question is whether the base can actually see through the bullshit and call them out on it.

I highly doubt it unless someone prominent is willing to speak up and break with the (R).
There is so much cognitive dissonance in the Republican party that they'd simply assassinate this person's character and then the "apostate" would simply be ostracized.

Oh yeah and I'm looking out for the water works tonight too. She'll simply do it because it worked for Hillary.

ANNCR: The Journal says: “Governor Palin’s credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama’s.”
They’re right.
She “has a record of bi-partisan reform.”
He’s the Senate’s “most liberal.”
She “took on the oil producers.”
He gave big oil billions in subsidies and giveaways.
She’s “earned a reputation as a reformer.”
His reputation? Empty words.
MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.
Oh God this thing about Obama being the Senate's "most liberal" is such bullshit (not that it would really be a bad thing considering). This is a senator who agreed with the Supreme Court's decision about gun rights when damn near every other Dem cried foul about it.

He also supports the death penalty for the worst of the worst.
polyh3dron said:
Oh God this thing about Obama being the Senate's "most liberal" is such bullshit (not that it would really be a bad thing considering). This is a senator who agreed with the Supreme Court's decision about gun rights when damn near every other Dem cried foul about it.

He also supports the death penalty for the worst of the worst.
Everyone knows that liberals love guns and the death penalty.
Has anyone in the MSM pointed out the idiocy of Lieberman's comparison of Obama's pre-presidential achievements to Clinton's post-presidential achievements?

Are they really going to let that slide?


mckmas8808 said:
What does this video show?

Some guy on video claiming that Palin used to be a member.

Her husband was a member, and she went to a convention with him once, while being a registered republican.

Not like I'd care either way.


You know you're in it deep when Fox News has headlines like this on their front page: How Long Will the Republicans Keep Bailin’ Palin?

Also courtesy of fox, Obama is going to hit back on the assertion that this election is "not about issues":

Barack Obama is taking exception to the claim by John McCain’s campaign manager that the presidential election is “not about issues,” and is expected to say Wednesday that the comment shows the GOP would rather engage him on personality than policy.

Rick Davis made the remarks to editors at The Washington Post, which published them Tuesday.

“This election is not about issues,” Davis said. “This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”

Davis accused Obama of “misdirection” Wednesday in his attempts to criticize him for the comment.

“One of the points I made is that not only are issues of economics and trade and foreign policy and education and others very important to voters, but it is the composite of all that stuff, how the candidates … feel about those things and also their views on leadership and character and their values that will be the conglomerate of what makes the final decision for most voters,” he said on a conference call.

Obama campaigns in Ohio Wednesday, and is expected to use Davis’ Post quote as an example of how the McCain campaign is attacking him as a “celebrity” as a way to distract voters from issues. The campaign could hammer this theme in the coming days, potentially with TV ads.

“We appreciate Senator McCain’s campaign manager finally admitting that his campaign is not in fact about the issues the American people care about, which is exactly the kind of cynical old politics people are ready to change,” Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said in a statement. “Senator Obama will continue to make this election about the big issues.”

Watch Obama on “The O’Reilly Factor” Thursday at 8 p.m. ET.

FOX News’ Major Garrett contributed to this report.


JayDubya said:
Some guy on video claiming that Palin used to be a member.

Her husband was a member, and she went to a convention with him once, while being a registered republican.

Not like I'd care either way.
You don't care she or at the very least her husband is a traitor to this country?
pxleyes said:
You don't care she or at the very least her husband is a traitor to this country?

He would care if she attended a communist party meeting.

Or rather, he'd care if a tax and spend Democrat did it.


pxleyes said:
You don't care she or at the very least her husband is a traitor to this country?

Seriously... if Obama / Biden had ever attended a meeting of freaking SECESSIONISTS, the entire Republican party would erupt into a white-hot orgy of rage. This AIP party needs to pick up steam, which I assume it will once baby-gate slows down.
pxleyes said:
You don't care she or at the very least her husband is a traitor to this country?

Yea, but I would love to see his reaction if Ayres or Wright came out and said "Barack agrees with all of my positions, he's just pretending to play the political game."


polyh3dron said:
Damn, this plus Obama on the Factor?

You guys think Fox may be slowly giving up their extreme right wing bias?

...probably not... I just want to see Obama say "U MAD" to BillO.

Or FOX might realize how much their ratings will improve with a Dem president:p
polyh3dron said:
Damn, this plus Obama on the Factor?

You guys think Fox may be slowly giving up their extreme right wing bias?

...probably not... I just want to see Obama say "U MAD" to BillO.

Let's hope they don't bow to the Obama campaign just for ratings and actually ask about things Obama doesn't want to talk about - like Bill Ayers. I'd also expect some asking for admission that he was flat wrong on the surge.


Byakuya769 said:
Yea, but I would love to see his reaction if Ayres or Wright came out and said "Barack agrees with all of my positions, he's just pretending to play the political game."

Well, I would love if the first African-American nominee became President based on issues and policy positions, and not utter BS.

What can one do?
sangreal said:
You know you're in it deep when Fox News has like this on their front page: How Long Will the Republicans Keep Bailin’ Palin?

Also courtesy of fox, Obama is going to hit back on the assertion that this election is "not about issues":

It's strange, but...I can totally see O'Reilly agreeing entirely with Obama about this. Even though the two are diametrically opposed, politically, and likely disagree on almost every issue...they both recognize that those issues are the focus of this election.


King_Slender said:
Let's hope they don't bow to the Obama campaign just for ratings and actually ask about things Obama doesn't want to talk about - like Bill Ayers. I'd also expect some asking for admission that he was flat wrong on the surge.
Wallace already asked Obama about Ayers


King_Slender said:
Let's hope they don't bow to the Obama campaign just for ratings and actually ask about things Obama doesn't want to talk about - like Bill Ayers. I'd also expect some asking for admission that he was flat wrong on the surge.

Dude he's spoken about Ayers several times, some times even in the debates. Of course he doesn't want to talk about Ayers, because he's already talked about Ayers.
Wow... it seems like CNN is not standing for bullshit talking points anymore. That's been my main complaint about CNN this whole cycle, they just let surrogates spew their talking points without questioning. That McCain snub must've really hurt them
King_Slender said:
Let's hope they don't bow to the Obama campaign just for ratings and actually ask about things Obama doesn't want to talk about - like Bill Ayers. I'd also expect some asking for admission that he was flat wrong on the surge.
Okay, I know the reputation of King_Slender, so can somebody else explain what damning connection is supposed to exist between Obama and Ayers. Yes, I know about Ayers' past. What I don't understand is why there's a continued push to tie Obama to him when it really hasn't stuck at all up to this point.


King_Slender said:
Let's hope they don't bow to the Obama campaign just for ratings and actually ask about things Obama doesn't want to talk about - like Bill Ayers. I'd also expect some asking for admission that he was flat wrong on the surge.
Holy shit Slender, your ignorance continues to infect this thread.

The surge has just stopped violence for the moment, it hasn't changed the situation a whole lot, and we're not "winning". Hell, they don't know what the definition of "winning" over there would be. The surge did not accomplish the goals that it was meant to accomplish.


Now look at this comment from McCain honcho Steve Schmidt to Katie Couric last night: "Members of this campaign went to off-the-record lunches with reporters today, and they were asked if she would do paternity tests to prove paternity for her last child. Smear after smear after smear, and it's disgraceful and it's wrong. And the American people are going to reject it overwhelmingly when they see her."

First of all, that's the first time I've heard anyone in the campaign/political press throw out the notion of paternity tests. So Schmidt is to blame for bringing that issue into the mainstream. If anyone is smearing the candidate, it's Schmidt. This is as cynical a tactic as I've ever seen in politics.

Secondly, how can it be a "smear" if it was during an off the record lunch with McCain campaign aides?

Thirdly, hey, colleagues, you're on notice: Steve Schmidt does not respect "off the record." Watch your backs, my friends.

Desperation Mode two months out. Love it.


Steve Youngblood said:
Okay, I know the reputation of King_Slender, so can somebody else explain what damning connection is supposed to exist between Obama and Ayers. Yes, I know about Ayers' past. What I don't understand is why there's a continued push to tie Obama to him when it really hasn't stuck at all up to this point.

Obama didn't shoot him in the forehead upon first meeting him, that's about it.

bob: Yeah, it is weird, off-the-record apparently means imaginary in this case.
Steve Youngblood said:
Okay, I know the reputation of King_Slender, so can somebody else explain what damning connection is supposed to exist between Obama and Ayers. Yes, I know about Ayers' past. What I don't understand is why there's a continued push to tie Obama to him when it really hasn't stuck at all up to this point.
Obama helped raise money for schools in a foundation headed by Ayers who is a professor at Illinois University. Therefore Obama is a TERRORIST
polyh3dron said:
Obama helped raise money for schools in a foundation headed by Ayers who is a professor at Illinois University. Therefore Obama is a TERRORIST
This was all known months ago. Has there been any other development to explain why this attack might be more damaging than it appears to be (that is to say not damaging at all)?
Steve Youngblood said:
This was all known months ago. Has there been any other development to explain why this attack might be more damaging than it appears to be (that is to say not damaging at all)?
Only that the Repubs don't have anything else, so they grasp at straws with this thinking that no one will do a fact check on it and as long as they mention the name Ayers, show some 9/11 footage and connect it to Obama that it will scare people.



Anyone seen this yet?

Palin fired the whole state Agriculture and Conservation board in July 2007, ostensibly to save a mismanaged state-owned dairy, and replaced it with her usual gang of cronies.

As a result, the dairy lost more money than it had in twenty years.

The dairy, an Alaska icon, closed anyway in two months, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional state money with it.

Millions of dollars in dairy equipment ended up, at a steep discount, in the hands of a local Palin ally, who now runs a remarkably similar operation with the help of a Ted Stevens earmark.


Steve Youngblood said:
This was all known months ago. Has there been any other development to explain why this attack might be more damaging than it appears to be (that is to say not damaging at all)?

Nope, there hasn't, no developments whatsoever. The records have been released and there's nothing new. It's basically just smear territory now. "We don't know about Ayers!" is code for "There's nothing about Ayers but bringing it up again and again will tar Obama!"
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