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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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pxleyes said:
You don't care she or at the very least her husband is a traitor to this country?

Did I say it enough times to make you forget about it? No?

Nazgul_Hunter said:
Oh so the guy in the $5,000 torture chamber doesn't know about sad? Come on!

"An ILLUSION, Obama. A trick is what you call what my trollop of a wife who wears too much makeup does for money"
Captain Pants said:
The hits just keep coming.:D
Holy shit.

I am in utter disbelief here because the Repubs can grasp at straws like with Ayers and Wright and get a shitload of mileage out of it, but there is so much shit on Palin that will likely never get to the MSM.

lol librul media.

soul creator said:
"An ILLUSION, Obama. A trick is what you call what my trollop of a wife who wears too much makeup does for money"
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


when is my burrito
:lol :lol :lol

6th day straight of new Palin problems. :lol

The GOP is truly taking Obama's words last Thursday to heart. "Own your failure!" :lol :lol
polyh3dron said:
Holy shit.

I am in utter disbelief here because the Repubs can grasp at straws like with Ayers and Wright and get a shitload of mileage out of it, but there is so much shit on Palin that will likely never get to the MSM.

lol librul media.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

That's a pretty long read. Care to summarize? :lol


pxleyes said:
A member of a party that has the goal of seceding from the USA is a traitor to our country in my humble opinion.

The party believes the vote to become a state was improperly handled and it's not as if their claim lacks merit. Their goal is a simple revote; some would rather their state be a territory, some would rather it be independent. Probably won't happen. Doesn't make them zOMG evil traitors.
soul creator said:
"An ILLUSION, Obama. A trick is what you call what my trollop of a wife who wears too much makeup does for money"

I keep picturing J. Walter Weatherman saying, "And that's why you always properly vet a running mate".


Jason's Ultimatum said:
That's a pretty long read. Care to summarize? :lol

It looks like as governor she fired all the people associated with a dairy industry working for the state, replaced them all with new people, the operation went under in a month or two and almost all the equipment ended up with one of her allies for deeply discounted prices. I just skimmed though.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
polyh3dron said:
Holy shit.

I am in utter disbelief here because the Repubs can grasp at straws like with Ayers and Wright and get a shitload of mileage out of it, but there is so much shit on Palin that will likely never get to the MSM.

lol librul media.

No kidding... I suppose I'd be happy if just one or two of these things make it big in the media coverage, at this point there has been enough shit dug up on her that the average voter probably wouldn't be able to take it all in.

I think a big part of why the Ayers and Wright stuff gets so much coverage is that it feeds into too many people's bullshit fears that Obama is a 'scary black man'.

As sad as it is, I think all the media can do with Palin is show how grossly incompetent she is. For some reason that doesn't care people as much as it should.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
That's a pretty long read. Care to summarize? :lol
DailyKos said:
Palin fired the whole state Agriculture and Conservation board in July 2007, ostensibly to save a mismanaged state-owned dairy, and replaced it with her usual gang of cronies.

As a result, the dairy lost more money than it had in twenty years.

The dairy, an Alaska icon, closed anyway in two months, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional state money with it.

Millions of dollars in dairy equipment ended up, at a steep discount, in the hands of a local Palin ally, who now runs a remarkably similar operation with the help of a Ted Stevens earmark.
Thar u go

WTF was McCain thinking in taking in an Alaskan politician when he is so against earmarks? srsly.


pxleyes said:
If you cant see a point in what I wrote then you clearly cant read.

I don't see a point, I see an opinion. It remains to be seen if you have a logical basis behind your view.

Example: Are the people that regularly vote against Puerto Rico becoming a state "traitors?"
quadriplegicjon said:
the videos of Sarah Palin at AIP meeting are being removed from youtube.. i am getting these messages on part 2 of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHFY1otOWjQ

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party. "

It's obvious she's a strong mother and a FANTASTIC wife. She was there to support her husband even though doing so went against her very CORE VALUES. Come on Hillary voters look at that strength!


JayDubya said:
I don't see a point, I see an opinion. It remains to be seen if you have a logical basis behind your view.

Example: Are the people that regularly vote against Puerto Rico becoming a state "traitors?"
Puerto Ricans are voting to keep the status quo in their land. The AIP is moving to remove Alaska as a US state all together. I see a huge difference there.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Thanks and to Tamanon. Has it been Digged? More people need to know about this.
I'm sure the GOP has a Burial Squad going if they removed that video... fuck it's like the Scientology shit all over again.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
quadriplegicjon said:
the videos of Sarah Palin at AIP meetings are being removed from youtube.. i am getting these messages on part 2 of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHFY1otOWjQ

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party. "

This is bullshit! I guess she is still not part of the AIP huh?

The republicans are making youtube take down the videos.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Example: Are the people that regularly vote against Puerto Rico becoming a state "traitors?"

Voting against becoming a state that does not currently exist and seceding are not only different, they're almost unrelated in concept and premise.

That said, I don't think this story is going anywhere. She wasn't active in the party anyway and what her husband did years ago is fairly irrelevant to me. There's plenty of real reasons to mock this problematic, slight candidate. The candidate you keep defending.

Do you think she's qualified to be the leader of the free world or not?


Please, you think the networks don't have them already?

Also, from the Nation:

One of the most bizarre spectacles in modern politics is watching the Republican Party attempt to reverse engineer the Chris Matthews/Hillary Clinton-in-New-Hampshire-moment as a means of stoking some kind of feminist backlash in favor of their extreme-right-wing, Eagle-Forum friendly, pro-life, creationist candidate. The same one who called Hillary Clinton a whiner when she pointed out the sexism of the coverage she faced.

Talking about the press conference McCain's camp is giving today saying all this criticism is sexist.


pxleyes said:
Puerto Ricans are voting to keep the status quo in their land. The AIP is moving to remove Alaska as a US state all together. I see a huge difference there.

AIP members believe the status quo itself to be due to an improper vote.

Personally, I think their views are illogical, because the vote was something close to 6-to-1. Even if you account for U.S. military simply being stationed there voting, that might not make much of a difference. Even more options on the ballot, the same list of options Puerto Rico regularly gets, probably wouldn't have made a difference.
pxleyes said:
Puerto Ricans are voting to keep the status quo in their land. The AIP is moving to remove Alaska as a US state all together. I see a huge difference there.

I don't see what they are saying (the vote wasn't handled properly, we want a re-vote) as traitorous... but it's certainly not putting 'Country First'.
Tamanon said:
Please, you think the networks don't have them already?

Also, from the Nation:

Talking about the press conference McCain's camp is giving today saying all this criticism is sexist.

It's funny seeing Republicans talk about sexism when they normally deny such a thing even exists. It is what it is. Their playbook was always going to be very obvious. Wait till they get a black candidate and discover racism and prejudice still exist.
laserbeam said:
Ok Schedule for tonight is apparently set.

Romney,Huckabee,Giuliani and then Palin for speakers.
Oh wow this is EPIC.

Almost all of the GOP lulzcows speaking on the same day?

I'm cancelling my plans and staying in tonight.
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