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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Yeah, she's pretty proud of the Bridge to Nowhere there. One of the elders of the journalism circuit needs to go ahead and throw this lying fundie witch under the bus so everyone else can too.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
PhoenixDark said:
It was a guest speaker at her church, and she didn't know he was going to speak apparently. Either way I bet this story will find its way into Florida

guest speaker. what kind of church would have a guest speaker like that? ;)


BenjaminBirdie said:
God damn. I don't know how they'd ever let her do a press appearance.

She hasn't done a single interview or press conference since being announced as veep. They're keeping her in a bubble.
quadriplegicjon said:
guest speaker. what kind of church would have a guest speaker like that? ;)

You want to know what "small town values" look like in conservative america? That's a good third of it, with the other two pillars being meth addiction and partial high school educations.


I feel like actually making the effort to represent the conservative viewpoint on GAF, so here goes.


Lots of good facts and figures to back up the arguments. Calls into question things taken as fact in this thread and among the regular Dailykos readers.

Here are the highlights in case non-subscribers can't read it.

Yet Democrats cited no good evidence for their claims that the administration has produced a stagnant economy, widening disparities of income and wealth, high unemployment, and a heavy burden of government debt (supposedly resulting from an unwise military intervention in Iraq)....

U.S. output has expanded faster than in most advanced economies since 2000. The IMF reports that real U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of 2.2% over the period 2001-2008 (including its forecast for the current year). President Bush will leave to his successor an economy 19% larger than the one he inherited from President Clinton. This U.S. expansion compares with 14% by France, 13% by Japan and just 8% by Italy and Germany over the same period.

- Health services. The U.S. spends easily the highest amount per capita ($6,657 in 2005) on health, more than double that in Britain. But because of private funding (55% of the total) the burden on the U.S. taxpayer (9.1% of GDP) is kept to similar levels as France and Germany. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 84.7% of the U.S. population was covered by health insurance in 2007, an increase of 3.6 million people over 2006. The uninsured can receive treatment in hospitals at the expense of private insurance holders.

Employment. The U.S. employment rate, measured by the percentage of people of working age (16-65 years) in jobs, has remained high by international standards. The latest OECD figures show a rate of 71.7% in 2006. This was more than five percentage points above the average for the euro area.

The U.S. unemployment rate averaged 4.7% from 2001-2007. This compares with a 5.2% average rate during President Clinton's term of office, and is well below the euro zone average of 8.3% since 2000.

The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has been largely absorbed in a relatively small increase in the defense budget (to 4.1% of GDP in 2006 from 3.8% in 1995).

- Debt interest payments. The IMF reports that the interest cost of servicing general government debt in the U.S. has averaged 2.0% of GDP annually from 2001-2008, compared with 2.7% in the euro zone. It averaged 3.2% annually when President Clinton was in office.
JCreasy said:
Even better, we have transcripts: http://wasillabible.org/sermons.htm

Start combing ya'll, I'm sure there are ton of overlooked gems in here. We gotta do it before it get's pulled down!

If my experience with these kind of churches is correct, there is probably a large archive of sermons also on audiotape that can be mined. It would really be nice for the dark underbelly of the "non-demoninational evangelical movement" to be exposed to the public for the foulness that it is.
dionysus said:
I feel like actually making the effort to represent the conservative viewpoint on GAF, so here goes.


Lots of good facts and figures to back up the arguments. Calls into question things taken as fact in this thread and among the regular Dailykos readers.

Here are the highlights in case non-subscribers can't read it.

Could be an interesting side-topic of discussion in other circumstances, but the Palin runaway train can't be stopped!


This could be the game-over moment for McCain. Republican Jews will go bat-shit crazy when they hear about this.

I can't believe how awesome this is all unraveling, it really is a testament to modern communications.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
They're very intimately related when the chief complaint of the group is that the initial vote to become a state was not valid. Many of their members simply wish territory status.

I think my first qualification in supporting a candidate is that they don't want to "lead the free world," whatever the fuck that really means.

But no, making assumptions as to what you mean, no, I don't think she's super duper accomplished, but she's accomplished enough for the Constitutional role of the vice presidency, which is a pretty good place to build experience.

If the next question involves a heartbeat, may I remind you how much I don't like John McCain?

I'm pretty much done defending her; more and more, it sounds like she's marginally less corrupt than the people she crusaded against, reconfirming the stereotypes about Alaskan politics. Superficially, she seemed pretty great. Maybe corruption isn't even the right word, but you can't tout small government and fiscal responsibility when you don't walk that walk.

To the extent that our values coincide, I will defend the values, though I'm more skeptical about her sincerity at this point, which is why I'm a Paul guy in the first place. However, I'm also not exactly a fan of illogical dogpiling or misrepresentation.

I agree with your explanation, and I accept your apology and praise of my rehtorical victory.

I kid


I think I've just about had it. The GOP trying to kill all internets stuff about things she's actually said and done is the last fucking straw.


dionysus said:
I feel like actually making the effort to represent the conservative viewpoint on GAF, so here goes.


Lots of good facts and figures to back up the arguments. Calls into question things taken as fact in this thread and among the regular Dailykos readers.

Here are the highlights in case non-subscribers can't read it.
Good Read but it will be ingored around here because it doesn't agree with the ignorant echo chamber.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Karma Kramer said:
As I said the day that Palin was announced as VP... this will go down as the worst VP choice in modern history.
Karmer Kramer: There from Day One.

Karma Kramer, 2012.


pxleyes said:
go for it.

I cant. I'm at work on a computer that doesnt have a hard drive. I will as soon as I get home though. Somebody else needs to snag these though before they get pulled.
lawblob said:
This could be the game-over moment for McCain. Republican Jews will go bat-shit crazy when they hear about this.

I can't believe how awesome this is all unraveling, it really is a testament to modern communications.

I think the most satisfying this is that this is what's happened to the Democrats election after election. And, for once -- ONE TIME -- it's hitting the Repubs in the face. As they say, what goes around comes around.


dionysus said:
I feel like actually making the effort to represent the conservative viewpoint on GAF, so here goes.


Lots of good facts and figures to back up the arguments. Calls into question things taken as fact in this thread and among the regular Dailykos readers.

Here are the highlights in case non-subscribers can't read it.
Thanks for the highlights. I think some of the top-line number in the economy don't really display the disparity between Bush's eight years and the Clintons. To yank a bit from Bill's speech:

They took us from record surpluses to an exploding debt; from over 22 million new jobs to just 5 million; from increasing working families' incomes to nearly $7,500 a year to a decline of more than $2,000 a year; from almost 8 million Americans lifted out of poverty to more than 5.5 million driven into poverty; and millions more losing their health insurance.
The decline in real incomes, loss of heath insurance, rapidly rising fuel and commodity prices, spiking home foreclosures and more people falling below the poverty line are facts masked by the overall economic growth. When looking at the impact of the last eight years on individuals and families, the economy has not been as strong as it has been for business.


laserbeam said:
Good Read but it will be ingored around here because it doesn't agree with the ignorant echo chamber.
Wow, just look at all those percentages. Percentages of GDP, percentages of working-age employment, even averages of percentages.
dionysus said:
I feel like actually making the effort to represent the conservative viewpoint on GAF, so here goes.


Lots of good facts and figures to back up the arguments. Calls into question things taken as fact in this thread and among the regular Dailykos readers.

Here are the highlights in case non-subscribers can't read it.

No offense, but when you're the leader/coach/president etc... you are responsible for EVERYTHING, good or bad.

Nothing that you posted means anything to anybody because the cost of living negates all of the slight gains we've made since he's been president.

I use to deliver pizza's and i remember gas being as low as $0.89 cents per gallon back in 1997.
Now its in the $3.75+ range. That in itself is fucking crazy!!!!!!
laserbeam said:
Good Read but it will be ingored around here because it doesn't agree with the ignorant echo chamber.

"Ignorant"? Not quite. If an American, regardless of statistics, feels they're worse off now then they were four or eight years ago, they have every fucking right to believe that and blame who they see fit.
dionysus said:
I feel like actually making the effort to represent the conservative viewpoint on GAF, so here goes.
When it got to the health care part I LOL'd.

And economic growth? lol all that growth went to the rich. trickle down my ass.

Why don't you take a look at how much the middle class has shrunk thanks to the Bush administration's welfare to the rich strategy.
John MacArthur pointed out back in this time frame you’ve got the Greeks and the Romans and all of their gods. And their imaginary gods—they’re not real; they’re things people made up and said, ‘Oh here’s a god, let’s call him Thor. And let’s call him Mercury,’ or whoever. I don’t know all the Greek and Roman gods. But they created these things. And those gods sinned against one another, they sinned with one another; they caused all kinds of temptation and calamity for humankind in the minds of these people who worshipped these false gods.

Nothing bad but it is funny how he points out how god's were made up.

And he shows why the Greek gods were actually better fiction that the drivel he likes.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
How do we know she was in the church?
The head pastor said she was that day. It wouldn't be hard to corroborate since most churches keep track of attendance, and it is a small church.
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