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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Agent Icebeezy said:
I think that when you break this down, Obama and Palin represents firsts if elected, but it comes down to perception. We've watched Obama rise before our eyes in the last 4 years especially but his road to greatness was defined long ao. We can honestly see him as presidential. In damn near everything that he has done in the public, he's handled it almost flawlessly. We don't see that with Sarah. Even getting away from the fact that she is a vanity pick. Think of all the women that has played an integral role in various parts of our government. I personally don't feel Palin is worthy of this distinction.
I agree with the last point 100%. Hillary fought fucking hard to try to break the ceiling. Palin would have it handed to her on a silver platter, it'd be pretty depressing from the feminist movement standpoint IMO


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Agent Icebeezy said:
I think that when you break this down, Obama and Palin represents firsts if elected, but it comes down to perception. We've watched Obama rise before our eyes in the last 4 years especially but his road to greatness was defined long ao. We can honestly see him as presidential. In damn near everything that he has done in the public, he's handled it almost flawlessly. We don't see that with Sarah. Even getting away from the fact that she is a vanity pick. Think of all the women that has played an integral role in various parts of our government. I personally don't feel Palin is worthy of this distinction.

Not just that, but Obama rose to stardom by his own doing and hard work. Palin was picked less for her qualifications, but rather for her gender and political gain by McCain. Hillary, while being aided by her last name also had to work so goddamn hard to get to the brink of the presidential nomination.

I see one as a legitimate rise to political greatness, the other? Not so much.


Cheebs said:
It's sarcasm, notice how I reused the word girl after your silly accusation of sexism.

More likely a calculated attack on my sexuality, but I can understand your desire to claim it's a joke now. As I said Cheebs if you're having personal issues I hope you get through them ok.


Indeed it is neat.
JCreasy said:
I think you just revealed the first golden debate question of the day . . .

"Governer Palin, seeing as you are the mother of a special needs infant, how will you properly care for your child, and attend to the country's needs?"
That is almost as offensive a question as, "Governor, if Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer?" Hopefully, we've gotten past questions like that.

Nicodimas said:
It was quite intelligent and will deliver exactly where needed. They will be able train someone that has not been corrupted by the senate exactly the way we need. She will also bring a ton of fresh ideas to the country that are needed like less gun control and less reliance on social programs.
Yeah, those are fresh ideas we've never heard from a Republican candidate.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
You were right NeoGAF seems to be 90% Liberal and 10% Conservative

It reminds me of middle school in the NES days when I was the kid with the Master System!

We'll take that as a compliment. Because the tenets and values of liberalism are something to be proud of.

Social equality, tolerance and economic liberalism; where a strong middle class is used to reinforce a growing economy. Continual strides towards advancement in learning and understanding the nature of the world, over preserving older, outmoded ideas.

The greatest trick the republicans have ever done was to convince middle america that liberalism was a dirty word.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
More likely a calculated attack on my sexuality, but I can understand your desire to claim it's a joke now. As I said Cheebs if you're having personal issues I hope you get through them ok.

Indeed it is neat.

Oh shit :lol

When I read his post calling you girly, your sexuality did not spring to my mind at all. I am being 100% serious.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon


reilo said:
Oh shit :lol

When I read his post calling you girly, your sexuality did not spring to my mind at all. I am being 100% serious.
I don't even know what sex Gabron is, I assume he is a guy.

Ahnuld called John Kerry a girly man at the 2004 GOP convention. Apparently that was massive sexist attacks against Senator Kerry?


reilo said:
Oh shit :lol

When I read his post calling you girly, your sexuality did not spring to my mind at all. I am being 100% serious.

I believe you that it did not occur to you.

Cheebs - I find it hard to believe you were unaware I am a gay male.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cheebs said:
I don't even know what sex Gabron is, I assume he is a guy.

He is, but he is gay. That's why it was offensive to him when you called him girly.
reilo said:
Not just that, but Obama rose to stardom by his own doing and hard work. Palin was picked less for her qualifications, but rather for her gender and political gain by McCain. Hillary, while being aided by her last name also had to work so goddamn hard to get to the brink of the presidential nomination.

I see one as a legitimate rise to political greatness, the other? Not so much.

As I said earlier, with one fell swoop Palin was placed in a position closer to being president than Hillary Clinton's 18 million votes and years of service got her. I'm not saying she doesn't "deserve" to be the first female president but god, imagine if the first female president gets there due to succession, not through the democratic process. And if she is truly over her head as president what would that do to the prospect of other females being elected to office?


reilo said:
He is, but he is gay. That's why it was offensive to him when you called him girly.
Really? I didn't know that. Apologizes then.

PhoenixDark said:
As I said earlier, with one fell swoop Palin was placed in a position closer to being president than Hillary Clinton's 18 million votes and years of service got her. I'm not saying she doesn't "deserve" to be the first female president but god, imagine if the first female president gets there due to succession, not through the democratic process. And if she is truly over her head as president what would that do to the prospect of other females being elected to office?
Exactly. I am no feminist but I cant see how any self-confessed one wouldn't take offense to this move.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cheebs said:
Really? I didn't know that. Apologizes then.

Unlike most of other gay GAFfers, Gaborn doesn't leave a bread crumb of pink triangles with his posts.
Mandark said:
Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.

Mandark said:
Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.

Mandark said:
Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.

Mandark said:
Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.

This needs more emphasis :lol


Honorary Canadian.
my buddy and i are arguing over the wisdom of the pick. I think that by McCain taking a person with no experience it invalidates all of his attacks on Obama and also invites the question of age which really wans't too much on the table before.

He says that McCain is going after the disillusioned Hildawg supporters and by getting someone who can talk energy/green with everyone else he is adding a few tricks up hsi jacket.

CharlieDigital said:
This needs more emphasis :lol

Maybe she did some heavy grinding to get to where she's at...

like DQ8.


"Religion should not be be taught as fact in science class, but neither should evolution. You wouldn't need to worry about creationist science sneaking into class if evolution wasn't forced on kids as a statement of fact in schools"

The difference between evolution and creationism is that there are literally millions of pieces of evidence that support the theory of evolution (much like the theory of gravity). Evolution even yields real world applications like DNA evidence, etc.

Creationism on the other hand doesn't have a single piece of evidence to support it and almost all papers on the subject are basically trying to poke holes in evolution (usually using outdated evidence, faulty logic etc). News flash...you don't prove creationism by trying to disprove evolution.

And like people have said, this is akin to doing something like teaching Scientology alongside the theory of gravity.
Cheebs said:
I agree with the last point 100%. Hillary fought fucking hard to try to break the ceiling. Palin would have it handed to her on a silver platter, it'd be pretty depressing from the feminist movement standpoint IMO

And all the actresses before her worked so hard so Halle Berry could win best actress. I didn't see any complaints then. If you break the glass ceiling, you break the glass ceiling.


whytemyke said:
my buddy and i are arguing over the wisdom of the pick. I think that by McCain taking a person with no experience it invalidates all of his attacks on Obama and also invites the question of age which really wans't too much on the table before.

He says that McCain is going after the disillusioned Hildawg supporters and by getting someone who can talk energy/green with everyone else he is adding a few tricks up hsi jacket.

Maybe she did some heavy grinding to get to where she's at...

like DQ8.
Hes pretty much right.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Cheebs said:
I agree with the last point 100%. Hillary fought fucking hard to try to break the ceiling. Palin would have it handed to her on a silver platter, it'd be pretty depressing from the feminist movement standpoint IMO

Yes, I would hate to do 20% of the leg work myself to watch someone that wasn't involved in the struggle get the nod. I mean she wasn't even a McCain surrogate like some of the others. This is completely out of left field.

reilo said:
Not just that, but Obama rose to stardom by his own doing and hard work. Palin was picked less for her qualifications, but rather for her gender and political gain by McCain. Hillary, while being aided by her last name also had to work so goddamn hard to get to the brink of the presidential nomination.

I see one as a legitimate rise to political greatness, the other? Not so much.

Yes, exactly. There is a know it when you see it type feel that you get from people. With Obama, you see, with Palin, no way.


whytemyke said:
my buddy and i are arguing over the wisdom of the pick. I think that by McCain taking a person with no experience it invalidates all of his attacks on Obama and also invites the question of age which really wans't too much on the table before.

He says that McCain is going after the disillusioned Hildawg supporters and by getting someone who can talk energy/green with everyone else he is adding a few tricks up hsi jacket.

McCain can't even pander correctly.


And all the actresses before her worked so hard so Halle Berry could win best actress. I didn't see any complaints then. If you break the glass ceiling, you break the glass ceiling.

whytemyke said:
my buddy and i are arguing over the wisdom of the pick. I think that by McCain taking a person with no experience it invalidates all of his attacks on Obama and also invites the question of age which really wans't too much on the table before.

He says that McCain is going after the disillusioned Hildawg supporters and by getting someone who can talk energy/green with everyone else he is adding a few tricks up hsi jacket.


You won the argument.

By landslide.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
And all the actresses before her worked so hard so Halle Berry could win best actress. I didn't see any complaints then. If you break the glass ceiling, you break the glass ceiling.

Uhm, Halle Berry wasn't the first woman to win an Academy Award.

What the fuck? Were you born in 1998?

Gaborn said:

Perfectly hetero statement to make.


It's been frustrating not being able to comment all day (can't post at work). I don't participate in the discussion here very much because I'm not a politico like all you guys. I think of myself as an independent.

I have to say, I'm pleased with McCain's pick. I would have liked to see Obama pick a non-Washingtonian politician as well, and then we'd really be cooking.

I think it was a smart pick, given the position that the McCain camp is in.


reilo said:
Uhm, Halle Berry wasn't the first woman to win an Academy Award.

What the fuck? Were you born in 1998?

For some reason I think he switched to talking about race.

For some reason.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
deadbeef said:
It's been frustrating not being able to comment all day (can't post at work). I don't participate in the discussion here very much because I'm not a politico like all you guys. I think of myself as an independent.

I have to say, I'm pleased with McCain's pick. I would have liked to see Obama pick a non-Washingtonian politician as well, and then we'd really be cooking.

I think it was a smart pick, given the position that the McCain camp is in.
Have you made a decision about who you are going to support, and does McCain's pick swing you closer to McCain than you previously were?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
reilo said:
Unlike most of other gay GAFfers, Gaborn doesn't leave a bread crumb of pink triangles with his posts.

I imagine most gay gafers don't go on about it, same as most straight gafers. GreatnessGone is not most gay gafers.


reilo said:
Uhm, Halle Berry wasn't the first woman to win an Academy Award.

What the fuck? Were you born in 1998?

Not only that, the analogy makes no sense. How did these other actresses help her win exactly? :lol

On second thought, don't even answer that. Comparing the Academy Awards to a Presidential election is ludicrous enough.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
OuterWorldVoice said:
I imagine most gay gafers don't go on about it, same as most straight gafers. GreatnessGone is not most gay gafers.

Do you not know who Nick is?
deadbeef said:
It's been frustrating not being able to comment all day (can't post at work). I don't participate in the discussion here very much because I'm not a politico like all you guys. I think of myself as an independent.

I have to say, I'm pleased with McCain's pick. I would have liked to see Obama pick a non-Washingtonian politician as well, and then we'd really be cooking.

I think it was a smart pick, given the position that the McCain camp is in.

So, if something were to befall McCain, you would feel confident Palin could perform well in the highest office in the land?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ryutaro's mama said:
So, if something were to befall McCain, you would feel confident Palin could perform well in the highest office in the land?

Reilo, quit being such an Obama-homer. Obamomer?


AniHawk said:
For some reason I think he switched to talking about race.

For some reason.
I think reason, rational, intelligence, and sanity aren't something Sammy Sega ever had, or perhaps he voluntarily lost them.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Kildace said:
Problem is, she's not green, she wants to drill, does not support alternate energy sources in her state and doesn't think that global warming is man-made.

You forgot the most important issue for women: She is staunchly anti-abortion under ANY circumstances.

OuterWorldVoice said:
Now I am confused. Who's nick? What's he got to do with Gaborn?

If you see him post and see his tag, you'd understand.


Arde5643 said:
I think reason, rational, intelligence, and sanity aren't something Sammy Sega ever had, or perhaps he voluntarily lost them.

He traded them in for fiscal responsibility.


RubxQub said:
Have you made a decision about who you are going to support, and does McCain's pick swing you closer to McCain than you previously were?

I'm having a very hard time deciding who I'm going to vote for. I'm glad everything is finally in the open and I can really start evaluating the candidates.

If McCain had picked Romney or any of the other earlier contenders, I probably would not have voted for him. But this pick is very interesting. I may vote for him. But I have problems with her stance on abortion because I think a woman should have the right to choose. I like the initial assessment of her as a watchdog; granted, time will tell if that is actually the case.

What is really exciting to me, is that we are really going to get some fresh perspectives (I think) in office next year, no matter who wins.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Arde5643 said:
I think reason, rational, intelligence, and sanity aren't something Sammy Sega ever had, or perhaps he voluntarily lost them.

I like him. He's the American cheese while you wait for JayDubya's burger to arrive.
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