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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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PhoenixDark said:

I remembered the Lazio situation briefly so I tried finding a video of it. Surprisingly it's not on youtube, but I did find a Daily Show (zzz) clip of it here; the infamous bullying is shown around the 3min mark

I hope to god Axelrod and everyone else warns Biden about the possible dangers here, every day until the debate. The GOP would blow even the slightest perceived slight out of proportion (just check out the republican's website ticker concerning Biden gaffes) and the media would be more than willing to lay on the faux outrage
Biden has a lot riding on him in that debate. He may be served best to all but ignore her and attack McCain.
After reading through this entire thread on my iPhone, I have come to the conclusion that Palin is the worst VP choice made in modern history.

As long as Obama attacks McCain on his judgement of this pick strongly, there is literally nothing that will save McCain from a landslide this November.

You may like Pilan as a candidate... But what's the issue is not who he picked... But how he picked. The level of hypcrosity in how McCain picked his VP after one visit... who is less qualified then Obama... will be seeping out of his ears by election day.

If you can't see what the narrative will be... then you will very shortly.


Love To Love You Baby said:
You say that as if it's a bad thing.

I certainly hope he doesn't think it's a bad thing, but personally I remain surprised, seriously, did anyone else in poligaf NOT know I'm gay prior to this? I thought I was one of the most recognizably gay members here even if I don't constantly talk about it (heck, I even had that thread about the college wrestlers that did the gay porn shoot)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Gaborn said:
I certainly hope he doesn't think it's a bad thing, but personally I remain surprised, seriously, did anyone else in poligaf NOT know I'm gay prior to this? I thought I was one of the most recognizably gay members here even if I don't constantly talk about it (heck, I even had that thread about the college wrestlers that did the gay porn shoot)
I knew you were gay, but you honestly don't overdo it. You treat your gayness (is that the right way to say that? :lol ) like most treat their straightness.

If you think something is hot, you pipe up. If I think something is hot, I pipe up.

You don't go out of your way to bring up your sexuality just for shock value or for the hell of it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gaborn said:
It was his choice to apologize or not, I never asked for one. I will say my reaction was more shock than anything, because I could've SWORN cheebs knew I was gay (I'm pretty sure we sparred over my distaste for Obama's position rejecting marriage equality in favor of a separate stigmatizing system for gay couples as well as other threads) but I guess somehow it didn't click. Either way though I pretty much figured the issue was closed and I was never really particularly offended, just a little shocked.

Seriously though - at this point who WOULDN'T know I'm gay? I thought I was... pretty obvious actually.

i didnt know you were gay either.. but yeah, some of the vitriol on here towards her gender is a bit out of hand.


Karma Kramer said:
After reading through this entire thread on my iPhone, I have come to the conclusion that Palin is the worst VP choice made in modern history.

Until she forces a child to misspell a word on camera, she's still not worse than Quayle. It's going to take a lot to be worse than Quayle. She'll have to call Mexican nationals living in slums "happy campers", and display an obscene nutcracker to reporters, not to mention being so dumb it makes people's brains recoil in horror.


ryutaro's mama said:
Sheesh relax..it was a playful jab.


deadbeef said:
This quote continues to be taken out of context.
When a potential presidential candidate has no clue of the responsibilities that's entailed of being a vice president, they should get slammed to hell and back.


RubxQub said:
I knew you were gay, but you honestly don't overdo it. You treat your gayness (is that the right way to say that? :lol ) like most treat their straightness.

:lol :lol if it isn't I'm not sure of a better way!

If you think something is hot, you pipe up. If I think something is hot, I pipe up.

You don't go out of your way to bring up your sexuality just for shock value or for the hell of it.

Heh, yeah, that's true. I guess I just thought more people would notice because gay libertarian conservatives aren't all that common.
Gaborn said:
I certainly hope he doesn't think it's a bad thing, but personally I remain surprised, seriously, did anyone else in poligaf NOT know I'm gay prior to this? I thought I was one of the most recognizably gay members here even if I don't constantly talk about it (heck, I even had that thread about the college wrestlers that did the gay porn shoot)

I probably figured it out this week sometime.. though I'm still fairly new to poligaf.


besada said:
Until she forces a child to misspell a word on camera, she's still not worse than Quayle. It's going to take a lot to be worse than Quayle. She'll have to call Mexican nationals living in slums "happy campers", and display an obscene nutcracker to reporters, not to mention being so dumb it makes people's brains recoil in horror.

What about Thomas Eagleton

Mr Jared

So after pouring over the Palin drama all day, I'm not sure if it's sunk in for me or not. Let me explain..

Every time I see pictures from the event, or clips being replayed on television, it doesn't seem real. It feels like an episode from a soap opera, only the actor who played one of the characters got replaced.

They may as well have opened the event with, "The role of John McCain's Vice Presidential nominee will be played by Sarah Palin."

I see these pictures and I watch these videos and it seems fake. Because all I can think is, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." I guess I'm still in a state of shock. I'm willing to bet that this whole ordeal will become a non-issue very soon. The media called her out on just about everything out the gate and come Monday, the facts will be fully in order.

I really don't expect the American public to buy this.


Dax01 said:
Palin having more experience at Obama giving birth. :lol Yeah, right.
That's too crass, I'd have preferred this:

Palin has more experience at being exploited for political gains.


As a woman courter, who exactly does Palin appeal to? She doesn't really appeal to the 'women rights' type of women who chose Hillary becuase of her experience and history of cracking the glass ceiling. As I said before, I think she's too pretty, and her resume too thin to be portrayed as a 'champion of women.' She seems more like the pretty secretary who got the job because of her body, not her body of work. This isn't to insult who Palin is, but the 'executive experience' argument is a ridiculous justifcation for a campaign that has been making that the central issue. So if 'executive experience' is what really matters, she is more qualified than McCain for presidency right? What exactly does that executive experience entail?

I think this pick will anger as many women as it does court. How does she really appeal to women? She's pro-life, a gun blasting (they even show pics of her shooting guns), beauty queen that consumes moose burgers. All they need to do now is show her in a skimpy bikini standing next to a car. Seems more of a guy's fantasy than a woman's champion. If McCain was going to go with the women angle, he should've picked a woman who has a substantial body of work and at least SOME history on women's rights. It's like picking some hardcore black conservative at the last moment and expecting the black vote. People will end up saying, "Do you think I'm stupid?"


Arde5643 said:
When a potential presidential candidate has no clue of the responsibilities that's entailed of being a vice president, they should get slammed to hell and back.

Sure, but I think the second part of the quote is important in damping the effect of the first part of the quote, which by itself, granted, sounds ridiculous.
Cheebs said:
I don't care who it is as long as they EARN it. She is a totally unknown person with almost no experience who was purely picked due to her sexual orientation. That isn't breaking the ceiling. That is being lifted above it by a male.

oh she was picked because purely she was a chick....

She is only the most Popular governor in the United States, who has taken on both dems and republicans, a union member, NRA member, and domestic energy advocate. The repubicans were unmotivated, and now they are going to be an excited and unified voting block. She governs one of the most energy important states in the US. She has the conservatives jumping, and has the Hillary message boards jumping ship to McCain. It's a risk, but the risk has the highest upside of the Republican candidates.
Chiggs said:
A few moments ago on Real Time, Michelle Martin (NPR) stated that Democrats are underestimating Palin. I think she's right.

They aren't underestimating Palin. They are overestimating the intelligence of the American people.
oh she was picked because purely she was a chick....

She is only the most Popular governor in the United States, who has taken on both dems and republicans, a union member, NRA member, and domestic energy advocate. The repubicans were unmotivated, and now they are going to be an excited and unified voting block. She governs one of the most energy important states in the US. She has the conservatives jumping, and has the Hillary message boards jumping ship to McCain. It's a risk, but the risk has the highest upside of the Republican candidates.
Where'd you get the idea that Palin is the most popular governor in the US?


Hoooleey shit!:lol

I love seeing all these anti-affirmative action Republican's defending this VP pick.

Choosing Sarah Palin, a complete unknown, this late in the election cycle with little-to-no vetting reeks of desperation. Had Hillary won the Dem's Nomination (for Pres or VP), she would have earned it. This pick essentially makes Palin a poster child for an unprepared person reaching high status due to her sex. This is an insult to the intelligence and self-respect of women everywhere.


Even my mom, who has little interest in politics, saw through this charade.


oh she was picked because purely she was a chick....

She is only the most Popular governor in the United States, who has taken on both dems and republicans, a union member, NRA member, and domestic energy advocate. The repubicans were unmotivated, and now they are going to be an excited and unified voting block. She governs one of the most energy important states in the US. She has the conservatives jumping, and has the Hillary message boards jumping ship to McCain. It's a risk, but the risk has the highest upside of the Republican candidates.
Republicans could be motivated and it means nothing. There is far fewer of them compared to 2004. Democrats CRUSH them in registration.

And she is most popular in HER state. A state with all of 5 people. She won her election with 110k votes. Obama won his senate seat with over 3 million.


oh she was picked because purely she was a chick....

She is only the most Popular governor in the United States, who has taken on both dems and republicans, a union member, NRA member, and domestic energy advocate. The repubicans were unmotivated, and now they are going to be an excited and unified voting block. She governs one of the most energy important states in the US. She has the conservatives jumping, and has the Hillary message boards jumping ship to McCain. It's a risk, but the risk has the highest upside of the Republican candidates.

:lol You are solid gold, man. You should just pre-bold everything you post, it would save us all some time.

She has the highest approval rating of any US governor

Is there a way to make your posts blink, or flash in different colors?


Byakuya769 said:
I probably figured it out this week sometime.. though I'm still fairly new to poligaf.

That's understandable. Mildly surprised at Dax though, you're CERTAINLY not new to poligaf threads, I guess it really is true, you're more obvious to yourself than to others.

Anyway though, I think the thing people are forgetting about Palin, or at least dismissing too quickly is that people aren't going to look at the VP as closely as the actual candidate unless they have a major screw up, and I don't think anything has been all that major yet, hard to judge though since the big reveal was so recent. All most people are going to care about is that she's a nice looking female governor, beyond that it's not really going to be relevant, and the governor part will play well even if it shouldn't necessarily. The governor's office is just "different" than a senator.
She has the highest approval rating of any US governor
And that says what about the rest of the US citizens who don't live in Alaska? You know, the ones who will make up the vast majority of votes needed to win?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
She has the highest approval rating of any US governor
This isn't really a fair comparison, now is it?

She runs a state that is firmly red, and has one of the smallest populations in country.


Karma Kramer said:
After reading through this entire thread on my iPhone, I have come to the conclusion that Palin is the worst VP choice made in modern history.

As long as Obama attacks McCain on his judgement of this pick strongly, there is literally nothing that will save McCain from a landslide this November.

You may like Pilan as a candidate... But what's the issue is not who he picked... But how he picked. The level of hypcrosity in how McCain picked his VP after one visit... who is less qualified then Obama... will be seeping out of his ears by election day.

If you can't see what the narrative will be... then you will very shortly.

If this pick backfires, then this is exactly why. The dems are attacking very effectivley right now, and the way Mccain did this is the weakest point. It seems rushed and non presidential.

I tend to think that her charm will make all that irrelevant in the end, but you may be right. She helps him with his base, that's for sure, and I think she has a great story/charm factor, but if the dems are able to turn this into a huge controversy and keep it in the news in a negative way for days and days, it could damage McCain badly. On the other hand, attacking her too aggressivley could cause a backlash as well, especially if she is able to defend herself effectivley with the media in the next few days.

Obama's own lack of experience renders the experience argument semi irrelevant. Also, every Governor from a small state who runs for president gets attacked this way. It happened to Huckabee in the primary's for example (and it damaged him to a small extent). There are legitimate attacks to be made about McCains vetting procedure that even republicans will have to acknowledge and that is the line that the smarter dems are taking.


Gaborn said:
That's understandable. Mildly surprised at Dax though, you're CERTAINLY not new to poligaf threads, I guess it really is true, you're more obvious to yourself than to others.

Anyway though, I think the thing people are forgetting about Palin, or at least dismissing too quickly is that people aren't going to look at the VP as closely as the actual candidate unless they have a major screw up, and I don't think anything has been all that major yet, hard to judge though since the big reveal was so recent. All most people are going to care about is that she's a nice looking female governor, beyond that it's not really going to be relevant, and the governor part will play well even if it shouldn't necessarily. The governor's office is just "different" than a senator.

This is going to be the running gag for the election. The late night comedy shows, the Daily Show, SNL. We're looking at 3 solid months of Palin jokes.


Arde5643 said:
When a potential presidential candidate has no clue of the responsibilities that's entailed of being a vice president, they should get slammed to hell and back.

If you see the quote in context, you will see that she's merly making fun of the office because most of your job is sitting there waiting for the president to die. It's not exactly an action packed position. She is saying that she's hesitant to take the position because she wants to stay busy doing important things.

The dems have been very decietful with this line of attack, but McCain has done similar things to them, so it's probably deserved. But no, it's not true. It's a load of horseshit.


Krowley said:
Obama's own lack of experience renders the experience argument semi irrelevant. Also, every Governor from a small state who runs for president gets attacked this way. It happened to Huckabee in the primary's for example (and it damaged him to a small extent). There are legitimate attacks to be made about McCains vetting procedure that even republicans will have to acknowledge and that is the line that the smarter dems are taking.
Huckabee actually served more than 2 years though. Same with Bill Clinton.


kevm3 said:
As a woman courter, who exactly does Palin appeal to? She doesn't really appeal to the 'women rights' type of women who chose Hillary becuase of her experience and history of cracking the glass ceiling. As I said before, I think she's too pretty, and her resume too thin to be portrayed as a 'champion of women.' She seems more like the pretty secretary who got the job because of her body, not her body of work. This isn't to insult who Palin is, but the 'executive experience' argument is a ridiculous justifcation for a campaign that has been making that the central issue. So if 'executive experience' is what really matters, she is more qualified than McCain for presidency right? What exactly does that executive experience entail?

I think this pick will anger as many women as it does court. How does she really appeal to women? She's pro-life, a gun blasting (they even show pics of her shooting guns), beauty queen that consumes moose burgers. All they need to do now is show her in a skimpy bikini standing next to a car. Seems more of a guy's fantasy than a woman's champion. If McCain was going to go with the women angle, he should've picked a woman who has a substantial body of work and at least SOME history on women's rights. It's like picking some hardcore black conservative at the last moment and expecting the black vote. People will end up saying, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

chances are some people are that stupid.
Gaborn said:
I certainly hope he doesn't think it's a bad thing, but personally I remain surprised, seriously, did anyone else in poligaf NOT know I'm gay prior to this? I thought I was one of the most recognizably gay members here even if I don't constantly talk about it (heck, I even had that thread about the college wrestlers that did the gay porn shoot)

Yeah chola, you talk about the gays a decent amount. But more power to you for it.
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