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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
ViperVisor said:
Nothing bad but it is funny how he points out how god's were made up.

And he shows why the Greek gods were actually better fiction that the drivel he likes.
their 'gods' existed before his 'god', but trust me, theirs are fake.
JayDubya said:
I'm pretty much done defending her; more and more, it sounds like she's marginally less corrupt than the people she crusaded against, reconfirming the stereotypes about Alaskan politics. Superficially, she seemed pretty great. Maybe corruption isn't even the right word, but you can't tout small government and fiscal responsibility when you don't walk that walk.

To the extent that our values coincide, I will defend the values, though I'm more skeptical about her sincerity at this point, which is why I'm a Paul guy in the first place. However, I'm also not exactly a fan of illogical dogpiling or misrepresentation.
I was originally of the mind that Palin was a little green for the office, but with some time and exposure to the national stage, she'd be a serious contender in 2012. I accepted the "reformer" and "corruption-buster" labels. I no longer believe that. She is corrupt, and it's the worst kind of corruption: petty. It's probably a by-product of growing up in a place as remote as Alaska*, but I think she was driven to be a "big fish in the small pond." Reward those loyal to you, punish those "against" you, be seen as the conduit for goods and services, suckle at the government teat while railing against DC, thinking as an Alaskan first, fraternizing with political groups you agree with but abandoning them to further your ambitions. And to see these actions defended by those in power who claim strongest to be against them is the worst kind of political hypocrisy and opportunism.

* I don't think I was really aware of how far away and remote Alaska really was. Usually, the state gets broken off in a US map and show in a separate legend. I knew its geographic location, but I guess I didn't know how damn tall Canada was.


GhaleonEB said:
Thanks for the highlights. I think some of the top-line number in the economy don't really display the disparity between Bush's eight years and the Clintons. To yank a bit from Bill's speech:

The decline in real incomes, loss of heath insurance, rapidly rising fuel and commodity prices, spiking home foreclosures and more people falling below the poverty line are facts masked by the overall economic growth. When looking at the impact of the last eight years on individuals and families, the economy has not been as strong as it has been for business.

I agree with you on the government debt problem, and my post history confirms this. Home foreclosures can't be laid at the governments feet, unless you want to blame Greenspan who served under both Clinton and Bush.

The wiggle word in what Clinton said is "working class" incomes, which is a nebulous and unscientific concept. Most often this is used to refer to people just above the poverty line. This is also sort of addressed in the main article but I didn't quote it. It talks about the effects of immigration on the poverty statistics. In that more people are immigrating into the country legally and illegally into the lowest income bracket than the other brackets. So the median incomes in the lowest bracket have to rise at a rate much much faster than the middle class and upper class incomes do to overtop the growth in the bracket due to immigration. Interesting bit of information is that 44 billion was sent by these immigrants to their home countries, but ultimately that doesn't mean much when talking about the poor. Anyway, I am not saying the Bush economy is perfect. I was putting out the article to show that things aren't as clearly black as much of the poligaf thread would have us believe.
Some info...
In regards to Governor Palin being a member or attending Church on the Rock, this is a statement about her church involvement. Before running for Governor of Alaska she frequently attended Church on the Rock for approximately one year. Since that time she has visited on occasion and now attends Wasilla Bible Church with her family. Wasilla Bible Church is a life giving church that has blessed our community. Governor Palin is a wonderful Christian woman with outstanding leadership qualities. Our prayers are with the Governor and her family.

In Christ,

Pastor David Pepper


I guess the main reason that McCain shouldn't have picked someone with such a piddling resume and list of accomplishments is that in this short period, you can't paper over that many bad things. That's what experience is used for a lot of the time, to cover for mistakes by showing good things. Stuff that comes out now won't be good, you don't suddenly discover a cookie.


If anyone is looking for an Alaskan perspective on the situation, check out this blog.

It's been around for a while and it's funny to read about things before she was announced as VP.

Alaska sounds like a great place for politics.
GhaleonEB said:
Thanks for the highlights. I think some of the top-line number in the economy don't really display the disparity between Bush's eight years and the Clintons. To yank a bit from Bill's speech:

The decline in real incomes, loss of heath insurance, rapidly rising fuel and commodity prices, spiking home foreclosures and more people falling below the poverty line are facts masked by the overall economic growth. When looking at the impact of the last eight years on individuals and families, the economy has not been as strong as it has been for business.

Not to mention that when Clinton's tax package in1993, which was considered "The largest tax increase in history", 5 million new jobs were created in less than two years. Now take Bush's tax cut package that was signed in 2001, which was considered "The largest tax cut in history". 1.8 million jobs were lost in a little over 2 years. :lol


Tamanon said:
I guess the main reason that McCain shouldn't have picked someone with such a piddling resume and list of accomplishments is that in this short period, you can't paper over that many bad things. That's what experience is used for a lot of the time, to cover for mistakes by showing good things. Stuff that comes out now won't be good, you don't suddenly discover a cookie.
So true. One of the many reasons you don't hear a lot of smack about Mccain's or Biden's past is that very reason.
Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now!

"Stalling The Troopergate Investigation"

ANCHORAGE, AK -- A key witness in the Alaska State Senate Ethics investigation of Gov. Palin has backed out of testifying today, the state senator in charge of the investigation tells NBC News. The senator -- Democrat Hollis French -- says Frank Bailey's decision not to testify will slow down the "Troopergate" investigation into the current candidate.

Frank Bailey, a member of Palin's administration, was caught on tape in August 2008 on a phone call with another trooper in which he questioned why Wooten was still on staff, seemingly speaking on behalf of Palin. The release of this tape proved embarrassing for Palin, who was forced to backtrack on her earlier statements, in which she had maintained neither she, nor her family, nor staff, ever pressured Monegan or anyone else to fire Wooten.

Bailey was put on paid leave from the administration following the release of that tape.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Not to mention that when Clinton's tax package in1993, which was considered "The largest tax increase in history", 5 million new jobs were created in less than two years. Now take Bush's tax cut package that was signed in 2001, which was considered "The largest tax cut in history". 1.8 million jobs were lost in a little over 2 years. :lol

You are turning a blind eye to other contributing factors. Clinton was president during the dotcom boom and Bush inherited the start of the dotcom bust. There are other factors that both enhance and mitigate each president's economic achievements, and why ultimately I think it is hard to measure the government's impact on the economy.
dionysus said:
Yet Democrats cited no good evidence for their claims that the administration has produced a stagnant economy,

Other than the fact that the economy is stagnating that is...

dionysus said:
widening disparities of income and wealth,

Not hard to find, the gap is widening.

dionysus said:
high unemployment, and a heavy burden of government debt (supposedly resulting from an unwise military intervention in Iraq)....

I'm not even going to bother.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I was disappointed that First Read didn't pick up on the key part of Palin's push-back on the investigation. Not only is she refusing to testify - she's trying to scuttle the entire investigation.

In the latest sign that Sarah Palin's promised cooperation with the Trooper-Gate investigation is failing to materialize, her lawyer is now demanding that the entire case be taken out of the hands of the independent prosecutor hired by Alaska lawmakers, and given over to a state personnel board -- whose three members were appointed by the governor herself.



adamsappel said:
* I don't think I was really aware of how far away and remote Alaska really was. Usually, the state gets broken off in a US map and show in a separate legend. I knew its geographic location, but I guess I didn't know how damn tall Canada was.


I don't mean to make fun of you, but how can you not know how big is your neighbour, which is also one of your bigger economic partner ?


Why is everyone assuming media hasn't gone through these sermons already? I mean Jake Tapper even linked to the website today. Frankly unless it's something really damaging, which is rather doubtful, this isn't a topic you want to pursue.


Just got a fundraising email from Obama and it looks like they're going to roll with the abortion issue, especially since the GOP decided to HARDEN their pro-life stance even more by removing rape and incest from the allowable abortion language.
polyh3dron said:
When it got to the health care part I LOL'd.

And economic growth? lol all that growth went to the rich. trickle down my ass.

Why don't you take a look at how much the middle class has shrunk thanks to the Bush administration's welfare to the rich strategy.


The current U.S. economic expansion is the first in 60 years that may end before many Americans have recovered from the last slowdown. Annual family incomes adjusted for inflation have grown just 0.8 percent since the end of 2001 even as the economy expanded an average 2.7 percent a year, leaving households little cushion to absorb higher food and fuel prices.

``The average family hasn't made up for lost ground,'' said James Glassman, senior economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York. ``We're discovering people aren't protected from inflation like they used to be.''

Median U.S. family income, adjusted for inflation, was $58,407 in 2006, according to the most recent Census Bureau data, down from $59,398 in 2000. Competition from low-wage countries such as China, combined with the waning power of organized labor, kept a lid on compensation during the latest expansion.

The Labor Department reported July 16 that consumer prices jumped 5 percent in the year to June, the most in 17 years. That pushed the so-called Misery Index, which adds inflation to the unemployment rate, to 10.5, a level unseen since 1993, the year Democrat Bill Clinton was inaugurated as president after campaigning on promises to revive the economy.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Can you imagine the interview at this point questioning McCain on how well he vetted Palin? The litany of things he has to claim to have known about and been alright with at this point is something I'd very much like to see how he handles.


I think these sermons won't ignite controversy like Wright because they're not directly attacking America. Most Americans only get upset when other talks about them. Yes some Americans are Jewish, but it's not the same.
dionysus said:
You are turning a blind eye to other contributing factors. Clinton was president during the dotcom boom and Bush inherited the start of the dotcom bust. There are other factors that both enhance and mitigate each president's economic achievements, and why ultimately I think it is hard to measure the government's impact on the economy.

Er, dotcom bubble didn't happen until 1995. I'm talking about 1993.


ShOcKwAvE said:
I think these sermons won't ignite controversy like Wright because they're not directly attacking America. Most Americans only get upset when other talks about them. Yes some Americans are Jewish, but it's not the same.

Plus, you know, it's a white preacher.


Master of the Google Search
Tamanon said:
Just got a fundraising email from Obama and it looks like they're going to roll with the abortion issue, especially since the GOP decided to HARDEN their pro-life stance even more by removing rape and incest from the allowable abortion language.
That 5% of the American Public is a key demographic though!
Tamanon said:
Just got a fundraising email from Obama and it looks like they're going to roll with the abortion issue, especially since the GOP decided to HARDEN their pro-life stance even more by removing rape and incest from the allowable abortion language.

I am a bit concerned at how divisive this election is now going to end up. A week ago, the angriest Americans really didn't give a shit. Now it's a full blown Culture War.


ShOcKwAvE said:
I think these sermons won't ignite controversy like Wright because they're not directly attacking America. Most Americans only get upset when other talks about them. Yes some Americans are Jewish, but it's not the same.

McCain had to reject Pastor Hagee after his sermons that preached similar messages hit the internets . . .


BenjaminBirdie said:
I am a bit concerned at how divisive this election is now going to end up. A week ago, the angriest Americans really didn't give a shit. Now it's a full blown Culture War.

I think Thompson didn't help with his "Obama doesn't oppose infanticide" bit:p It'd come to head eventually anyways since McCain and Palin are both far-right on the issue and trying to reach Hillary women.
syllogism said:
Why is everyone assuming media hasn't gone through these sermons already? I mean Jake Tapper even linked to the website today. Frankly unless it's something really damaging, which is rather doubtful, this isn't a topic you want to pursue.

There is maybe 50 hours of sermons to go through.

David Brickner is the MAJOR thing out in the media. And it is probably the biggest thing that could come out from a boring little church in AK.
I Like how the dude starts off. I expect this on a Seth MacFarlane show but he said All the writers of the New Testament with the possible exception of Luke were Jews. And we know that Luke was a doctor, so who knows.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I am a bit concerned at how divisive this election is now going to end up. A week ago, the angriest Americans really didn't give a shit. Now it's a full blown Culture War.
It was always going to end up that way. What I find noteworthy is that as the McCain camp ratchets up character attacks, Obama is opening a new front on issues. Rather than attack Palin directly, he's going after an issue that has real sway among women voters. It's a pretty savvy way to combat her, I think.
So McCain was against his VP pick before he was for her?

In 2001, McCain's list of spending that had been approved without the normal budget scrutiny included a $500,000 earmark for a public transportation project in Wasilla. The Arizona senator targeted $1 million in a 2002 spending bill for an emergency communications center in town -- one that local law enforcement has said is redundant and creates confusion.

McCain also criticized $450,000 set aside for an agricultural processing facility in Wasilla that was requested during Palin's tenure as mayor and cleared Congress soon after she left office in 2002. The funding was provided to help direct locally grown produce to schools, prisons and other government institutions, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group.

smmooooking gun. I can't wait to see the stunned look on the RNC delegates when Palin annouces her exit from the race. Maybe Wolf Blitzer will say something like "they look so shocked, and so white" or something.
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