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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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GhaleonEB said:
It was always going to end up that way. What I find noteworthy is that as the McCain camp ratchets up character attacks, Obama is opening a new front on issues. Rather than attack Palin directly, he's going after an issue that has real sway among women voters. It's a pretty savvy way to combat her, I think.

Especially when combined with Schmidt's "It's not about the issues" quote. Basically leaving the tabloid stuff to the media and hammering the issues.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I am a bit concerned at how divisive this election is now going to end up. A week ago, the angriest Americans really didn't give a shit. Now it's a full blown Culture War.

"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. " - George Washington


RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?
RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?
RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?
RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?
RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?
RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?

It bears repeating. In a field with formidable and respectable VP candidates...
RiskyChris said:
What the fuck is the GOP doing?


JCreasy said:
Three times in recent years, McCain's catalogs of "objectionable" spending have included earmarks for this small Alaska town, requested by its mayor at the time -- Sarah Palin.

Now, McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, has chosen Palin as his running mate, touting her as a reformer just like him.
Wow. Those are the two most damning sentences about how terrible a pick she was so far.

Tamanon said:
Plus, you know, it's a white preacher.

Which is one of the major reasons this story won't catch on. Wright insinuated "the government" (which is conspiracy lingo for "white people") created AIDS and infected black populations. Want to piss a white person off? Accuse them of racism, or even insinuate that they've benefited from racism. Those dynamics alone propelled the Wright issue, and damage still remains (although clearly most voters know all about the story now, and seem satisfied with Obama's defense).

Here you have an evangelical preacher stating something that many evangelical christians already believe. I'd imagine there will be some backlash in the Jewish community (Floridaaa), especially when you consider this report seems to go hand in hand with the reports about her supporting Buchanan.
Outdoor Miner said:
There is literally new crap on her every time I refresh this thread. Jesus.

I have to go to work but I'm just glued to my seat.

But none of it so far seems to be massive... perhaps it'll be the death of a thousand stings, but nothing has been a killer blow yet.
The velocity that these articles are coming out is seriously amazing. I feel like a kid waking up at christmas while my parents continue to surprise me with more gifts hidden in the back room.


laserbeam said:
"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. " - George Washington

That was totally off the teleprompter. Why was Washington so packaged by his handlers?
I agree with PD that the preacher story isn't that substantial unless there is some really crazy stuff, although it does again provide the sort of "media equivalnce" if the GOP want to dredge up Wright from the depths.

It also makes for an A++++ whisper smear/527 campaign in Florida.


when is my burrito
GhaleonEB said:
Wow. Those are the two most damning sentences about how terrible a pick she was so far.


The McCain campaign should get its wish that the media get off the baby bullshit (and the AIP and the church stuff=non-starters) and get onto real stuff like this.

:lol :lol


frankthurk said:
But none of it so far seems to be massive... perhaps it'll be the death of a thousand stings, but nothing has been a killer blow yet.

That's mainly because she's stalling the Troopergate thing now. That'd be the deathknell.
I seriously hope the media and pundits pick up on that story about McCain complaining about "some small town in Alaska" and all their earmarks:lol That'd be something.


Fragamemnon said:
I agree with PD that the preacher story isn't that substantial unless there is some really crazy stuff, although it does again provide the sort of "media equivalnce" if the GOP want to dredge up Wright from the depths.

It also makes for an A++++ whisper smear/527 campaign in Florida.
I don't know. The cynical realistic part of me says yeah, she's part of the Teflon John campaign ain't nothing stickin. However, this deals with the Jews. And you don't piss off the Jewish lobby in America.


when is my burrito
ToyMachine228 said:
I seriously hope the media and pundits pick up on that story about McCain complaining about "some small town in Alaska" and all their earmarks:lol That'd be something.

*prays for video*


ronito said:
I don't know. The cynical realistic part of me says yeah, she's part of the Teflon John campaign ain't nothing stickin. However, this deals with the Jews. And you don't piss off the Jewish lobby in America.

AIPAC is already on the case, they were the first group to get an audience with her yesterday!
Hey laserbeam, George Washington also warned us in that same speech to beware foreign entanglements. Maybe the GOP ought to give equal thought to that bit of the speech.


ronito said:
I don't know. The cynical realistic part of me says yeah, she's part of the Teflon John campaign ain't nothing stickin. However, this deals with the Jews. And you don't piss off the Jewish lobby in America.

Exactly. AIPAC are a fast-acting lobby. If they decide to turn on Palin, they could bring some very quick heat to the situation.

I wonder what Liebermann thinks about the Jew-hating church Palin attends? :lol bwahaha


Fragamemnon said:
Hey laserbeam, George Washington also warned us in that same speech to beware foreign entanglements. Maybe the GOP ought to give equal thought to that bit of the speech.
I was simply replying to a comment on party divisiveness.

George Washington today would be attacked and smeared as an isolationist by all sides. Not only did he warn against foreign entanglements he was opposed to getting involved in pretty much all matters outside of trade.


lawblob said:
I wonder what Liebermann thinks about the Jew-hating church Palin attends? :lol bwahaha
Oh please. If Joe Liebermann were to give a talk about Jews to Christians he'd be like "As a Jew let me tell you what's horrible about filthy Jews."


tanod said:
The McCain campaign should get its wish that the media get off the baby bullshit (and the AIP and the church stuff=non-starters) and get onto real stuff like this.

:lol :lol
That's the kicker here. If you had told me there would be enough substantive fodder for the media to move away from a story involving an underage pregnancy and shotgun wedding of a potential vice president, I'd have said you were full of it. That's as good as it gets for the media these days.

Now they are literally struggling to keep up with all this stuff coming out. And most of them are real, substantive problems that reflect badly on Palin as a would-be veep and McCain as a would-be president. They can skip the sensationalist crap all together and focus on the meat from now until the election and still not tap this well dry.


ronito said:
Oh please. If Joe Liebermann were to give a talk about Jews to Christians he'd be like "As a Jew let me tell you what's horrible about filthy Jews."

Yeah Lieberman is one of those Liebermanic Jews. I mean he had no problem full-bore embracing Hagee himself.

My friend just blasted me for liking Obama despite Wright being anti-semetic.....so I was like uhhh Jerry Fallwell and Evangelicals don't like Jews at all and they haven't been rejected.....

And now this Palin thing, yea he needs to STFU now

I wrote a paper on AIPAC in Grad School, they are hilariously powerful
GhaleonEB said:
That's the kicker here. If you had told me there would be enough substantive fodder for the media to move away from a story involving an underage pregnancy and shotgun wedding of a potential vice president, I'd have said you were full of it. That's as good as it gets for the media these days.

Now they are literally struggling to keep up with all this stuff coming out. And most of them are real, substantive problems that reflect badly on Palin as a would-be veep and McCain as a would-be president. They can skip the sensationalist crap all together and focus on the meat from now until the election and still not tap this well dry.

And the Larry King snub shows they're just as terrified by the substantial stuff. So rich. Is McCain ever going to appear in front of reporters again?
tanod said:
The McCain campaign should get its wish that the media get off the baby bullshit (and the AIP and the church stuff=non-starters) and get onto real stuff like this.

:lol :lol
Have we not seen a pattern here?

1. Media either ignores the McCain campaign or is giving too much attention to something superficial in regards to the McCain campaign.

2. The campaign complains that they're not getting enough fair media coverage.

3. The media gives the McCain campaign more coverage and uncovers some real issues about the campaign that they don't like.

4. The McCain campaign puts out misleading negative ads about Obama, gets retaliatory negative ads with real substance.

and it repeats.


Maybe the GOP is so good at sabotage that they're sabotaging themselves unintentionally?

Because it's just hit after hit after hit after hit and it just won't stop.
ronito said:
Oh please. If Joe Liebermann were to give a talk about Jews to Christians he'd be like "As a Jew let me tell you what's horrible about filthy Jews."

"John McCain isn't Jewish, and contrary to popular belief he wasn't around during Christ's life on earth. But if he was alive and Jewish back then the world would have been a better place, and thanks to John's leadership I'm sure we would have accepted Christ, and there wouldn't be any such thing as Judaism or terrorism today"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

It's pretty quiet on the polling front today. The only numbers out are the national trackers: Barack Obama now has a 6-point lead in Gallup, down from 8 points yesterday, and a 5-point lead in Rasmussen, a tick down from 5. These polls will not really reflect any happenings at the GOP convention, since Monday's events were essentially canceled, and since Tuesday's occurred to late in the evening to be reflected in most interviewing.

Even though Obama moved down slightly in the trackers, our projection model still has him gaining ground, as it still has some ground to make up before it "catches up" to the current numbers. This is by design: we don't want the model to overreact to a few days' worth of polling (until the very end of the election, at least, when we will tune it to be very aggressive).

McCain, on the other hand, already had the support of something like 90 percent of Republicans, this number actually having increased a bit following the selection of Sarah Palin.



There you have it. The Palin pick only made McCain's republican support even stronger - which was already at 90%. This Palin pick would be akin to Obama picking another black candidate as his running mate to improve his support with black people.
Brannon said:
Maybe the GOP is so good at sabotage that they're sabotaging themselves unintentionally?

Because it's just hit after hit after hit after hit and it just won't stop.

That theory that this is all McCain's revenge for 2000 is starting to look all the likelier.


After watching quite a bit of MSNBC's coverage of the convention, I keep having this nagging feeling that 9/11 was an inside job. No clue why.
The thing about the multiple scandals is that it allows all the competing networks to jockey for the best angle on each one, "so-and-so news has exclusive new information about scandal x involving VP nominee Sarah Palin". Combined with the belligerence the McCain campaign is showing the media = a good portion of this stuff is not going away, it's just starting.
BenjaminBirdie said:
And the Larry King snub shows they're just as terrified by the substantial stuff. So rich. Is McCain ever going to appear in front of reporters again?

This is actually a really good question. It's clear that the McCain campaign has crammed into a fallout shelter/bunker mentality after the huge meda frenzy from the Palin pick. There's actually a good chance that they won't let him near the media anytime soon, and a 110% chance that Sarah Palin will never field a real interview or even impromptu Q&A ever.
Fragamemnon said:
This is actually a really good question. It's clear that the McCain campaign has crammed into a fallout shelter/bunker mentality after the huge meda frenzy from the Palin pick. There's actually a good chance that they won't let him near the media anytime soon, and a 110% chance that Sarah Palin will never field a real interview or even impromptu Q&A ever.

I know McCain is on a Sunday show this weekend, if I recall.


So....Schmidt accuses the media of trying to destroy Palin....then Whitman says "The coverage is perfectly fair, we expect the media to vet her"......I'm starting to think that the McCain camp is just swingin' wild lately.


LMAO, I read this comment at Huff Post

"Someone should make a viral video of McCain and Palin's faces superimposed over Thelma & Louise as they go off a cliff."


GAF, gif this puh-lease!!!


Omie said:

This pic has photoshop opportunity written all over it.
I was just coming over to post what I think is a pretty astute observation about that from TPM (as usual):

Since there is widespread agreement that the children of candidates should not become topics of campaign debate, it behooves us to note that the McCain campaign has almost singlehandedly made Sarah Palin's daughter a central figure in the Republican convention.

It was the McCain campaign that announced Palin's daughter's pregnancy. That alone might be understandable since it appears a supermarket tabloid was about to print the story. But it was the McCain campaign, entirely on its own, that dished up unsubstantiated claims about maternity tests and all sorts of other lurid nonsense that had never been seen in print anywhere. And now the McCain campaign has staged a ceremonial laying-on-of-hands on the tarmac in St. Paul in which Sen. McCain has given his official blessing to the young couple and embrace of Bristol's boyfriend Levi.

Let's be clear about what's happening here. Overwhelmingly, reporters are pressing eminently reasonable questions -- her role in troopergate, her lack of experience, her connections to the AIP, her history of earmarking and lobbyists, etc. Meanwhile, the McCain campaign is going absolutely non-stop about Palin's daughter. It is unmistakable.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCPZZb7zHp8&eurl=http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/
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