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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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The daughter pivot is indeed clear. However, that's not what the media are really curious about-look at CBS News actually doing their job and presenting facts last night. They smell both fresh blood and rank hypocrisy in Palin, and they are going after her with a fury not seen since Republican child predator Mark Foley.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
OK, I was playing around on the 2008 electoral vote map... and for a test, decided to give Obama every state Kerry got in 2004, plus Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico... this made both McCain and Obama equal with 269 votes. What happens, if this was to occur? Would the tie go to whoever carries the popular vote? Or would the Supreme Court make the decision?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
djtiesto said:
OK, I was playing around on the 2008 electoral vote map... and for a test, decided to give Obama every state Kerry got in 2004, plus Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico... this made both McCain and Obama equal with 269 votes. What happens, if this was to occur? Would the tie go to whoever carries the popular vote? Or would the Supreme Court make the decision?

It would be voted on by Congress. Obama wins.


djtiesto said:
OK, I was playing around on the 2008 electoral vote map... and for a test, decided to give Obama every state Kerry got in 2004, plus Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico... this made both McCain and Obama equal with 269 votes. What happens, if this was to occur? Would the tie go to whoever carries the popular vote? Or would the Supreme Court make the decision?

It goes to the House I believe, either way it's been figured out already and the Dems would choose the tie-winner.


djtiesto said:
OK, I was playing around on the 2008 electoral vote map... and for a test, decided to give Obama every state Kerry got in 2004, plus Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico... this made both McCain and Obama equal with 269 votes. What happens, if this was to occur? Would the tie go to whoever carries the popular vote? Or would the Supreme Court make the decision?
It goes to the House of Representatives, if I remember correctly. Congress is sworn in earlier than the President for this reason.
djtiesto said:
OK, I was playing around on the 2008 electoral vote map... and for a test, decided to give Obama every state Kerry got in 2004, plus Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico... this made both McCain and Obama equal with 269 votes. What happens, if this was to occur? Would the tie go to whoever carries the popular vote? Or would the Supreme Court make the decision?

Goes to the House of Representatives, where each state-NOT each represtative-gets a vote. Dems win.


when is my burrito
BenjaminBirdie said:
So, we've got Dairy-Gate, Trooper-Gate, Earmark-Gate.

Did she ever have any interactions with Bill Gates? Or author David Gates? Or some kind of yard gate?

Don't forget "bankrupt-town, almost recalled-gate"
TPM is dead on, I was about to post my own observations that are similar. Heard a little bit of Glenn Beck this morning, and he only wants to talk about the baby shit, screaming about how the mean old left won't let this story go away yet he is the one talking about it. The right is doing everything they can to keep Babygate in the forefront. The purpose here is twofold:

1) Babygate is something they can cry victim over and try to gain sympathy.
2) Babygate keeps the important scandals and hypocrisies out of the news.
Personally, I think many of those damning revelations about Palin are coming out too quickly one after another and end up not being fully explored and discussed in the public and media for their full damage potential.

Assuming the rabbit hole is coming to an end, Palin had her week in hell and then potentially nothing else which gives a chance for the McCain campaign to get back on message until the election.


Wow Romney speech sounds awful

“We need change all right - change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington - throw out the big government liberals and elect John McCain.”

“And at Saddleback, after Barack Obama dodged and ducked every direct question, John McCain hit the nail on the head: radical Islam is evil, and he will defeat it! Republicans prefer straight talk to politically correct talk!”

“Liberals would replace opportunity with dependency on government largesse. They would grow government and raise taxes to put more people on Medicaid, to work requirements out of welfare, and to grow the ranks of those who pay no taxes at all. Dependency is death to initiative, risk-taking and opportunity. It’s time to stop the spread of government dependency to fight it like the poison it is! It’s time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother!”
Fragamemnon said:
The daughter pivot is indeed clear. However, that's not what the media are really curious about-look at CBS News actually doing their job and presenting facts last night. They smell both fresh blood and rank hypocrisy in Palin, and they are going after her with a fury not seen since Republican child predator Mark Foley.

Interesting point. Whenever pressed on anything Palin related the McCain camp either attacks Obama's experience (while touting Palin's) or brings up the daughter and the evil lies liberal blogs and unnamed Obama aides are spreading. Obama has been beyond clear that family is off limits, and honestly he has barely addressed anything related to Palin since the VP announcement.

The blatant victim card use is beyond disgusting, perhaps best seen in that Larry King clip with Carville vs. some republican congresswoman. Everyone knows James Carville is a blunt man; he doesn't mean any offense (usually), he's just a very smart hard-ass asshole. At one point while trying not to laugh at the congresswoman's claims that Palin has more experience than Obama he said "hold on, let me explain something to you." At which point a light switch went on in the congresswoman's eyes and she started blurting out "OH James are you trying to explain something to me because I'm a woman and might not understand! huurrr." I have never, ever seen anything like that. It was so blatant, so laughable I couldn't believe it

On a side note someone needs to point out that Obama has never used the race card to defend himself against the right's obsessive attempts to portray him as un-experienced while distorting his record (notice they NEVER bring up his state senate experience).


syllogism said:
Wow Romney speech sounds awful
“We need change all right - change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington - throw out the big government liberals and elect John McCain.”
Well, McCain is already in the Senate so electing him there won't help drive out any libruls, and the White House is already occupied by a God Fearing Conservative so there's no libruls to be driven out by electing him President... Maybe Romney thinks McCain should run for the House?
syllogism said:
Wow Romney speech sounds awful
Unfortunately that's the exact kind of intellectually dishonest red meat that will fire up the base.

And yeah that kos thing about the McCain campaign keeping Babygate in the forefront to distract people from all the other gates seems right.


ronito said:
So even money says that if Palin drops out she'll use her daughter's situation as an out. Saying, "I have to be with my family! You vultures!!!" And the Mccain camp will play the victim for a week at least. Nevermind that she signed up for it knowing full well what would happen to her and her daughter and it didn't bother her then.

no doubt she would go down that road, there is penty of evidence to suggest the daughter isnt her priority atm - first she tries to arrange a shotgun wedding against her daughters wishes (allegedly?) and now it actually appears they are using the daughter's situation to try and minimize the impact of all the other dirt, why else would they be shipping in Levi?
Do Americans really want to vote for a VP that can't defend herself and her supporters treat like a victim?

Seems like a huge sign of weakness


PhoenixDark said:
The blatant victim card use is beyond disgusting, perhaps best seen in that Larry King clip with Carville vs. some republican congresswoman. Everyone knows James Carville is a blunt man; he doesn't mean any offense (usually), he's just a very smart hard-ass asshole. At one point while trying not to laugh at the congresswoman's claims that Palin has more experience than Obama he said "hold on, let me explain something to you." At which point a light switch went on in the congresswoman's eyes and she started blurting out "OH James are you trying to explain something to me because I'm a woman and might not understand! huurrr." I have never, ever seen anything like that. It was so blatant, so laughable I couldn't believe it

Why did you bring her up again? Looks like night terrors for me tonight again.
Mittens is looking to fire up the base and toss some red meat out so that the sort of GOP hardcore and institutional people at the convention will back him in 2012. He doesn't give one shit about McCain.


Schedule is out:

Participants are organized by hour of participation:
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Call to Order, Introduction of Colors: U.S. Sen. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Presentation of Colors: Law Enforcement Memorial Association (Minn.)
Pledge of Allegiance: Sharon Clahchischilliage and Mary Leavitt
Singing of "America the Beautiful": John Shillington and Ruby Brown
Invocation: Father Edward Reese
Speaker: U.S. Sen. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Video: "Country First: Prosperity," with narration by Robert Duvall
Speaker: Anne Beiler
Speaker: U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.)
Speaker: Renee Amoore
Speaker: State Sen. Abel Maldonado (Calif.)
Speaker: Carolyn Dunn

7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Elena Rios
Speaker: Ruth Novodor
Speaker: Christy Swanson
Speaker: Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Michael Williams
Speaker: Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuno
Speaker: Meg Whitman, former President and CEO of EBay
Video: Sen. McCain’s Economic Reform Package
Speaker: Carly Fiorina, former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard
Prayer: Bishop Thomas Wenski

8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Speaker: GOPAC Chairman Michael Steele
Speaker: Former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.)
Speaker: Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.)
Musical Performance: John Rich, Gretchen Wilson, and Cowboy Troy

9 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Speaker: Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (N.Y.)
Speaker: Gov. Linda Lingle (Hawaii)
Video: Sarah Palin
Speaker: Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin
Mittens said:
“We need change all right - change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington - throw out the big government liberals and elect John McCain.”

Let's see, you controlled the White House, Senate, and House from 2001-2006, not to mention most of the supreme court appointees.

Now you've lost Senate/House majorities but the filibuster/cloture rules in the Senate, plus easy veto ability, means that the Dems can't pass anything that isn't non-partisan and has solid Republican support.

As best as I can tell you should only be shouting at Republicans if you don't like how things are going.


Well at least Palin is #1 in something (well #1 per capita)

Just this year, she sent to Sen. Ted. Stevens, R-Alaska, a proposal for 31 earmarks totaling $197 million — more, per person, than any other state.

Her presidential running mate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., does not sponsor earmarks, calling the practice of doling out favors, often with scant oversight, "disgraceful."


Omie said:

This pic has photoshop opportunity written all over it.

McCain had better watch out. From what I hear, that guy is a bad-ass, hockey-playing, redneck mother fucker who will kick anyone's ass. But I think he wants kids...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

This asshole on MSNBC.

Norah brings up Palin's church, and the asshole brings up Reverend Wright, proclaiming "it is so outside the mainstream" and "nobody is bringing this up!"

So, two things here: "Outside of the mainstream" is just a code phrase for "it's a n***er church", and two, YOU JUST BROUGHT IT UP.
BigJonsson said:
Do Americans really want to vote for a VP that can't defend herself and her supporters treat like a victim?

Seems like a huge sign of weakness

I can't believe the same bullshit sexist/victim stuff from the primaries is back.


Fragamemnon said:
Mittens is looking to fire up the base and toss some red meat out so that the sort of GOP hardcore and institutional people at the convention will back him in 2012. He doesn't give one shit about McCain.

To take a quick break from the multitudinous Palin-gates, allow me to reiterate that Romney is my most hated member of the Republican party, not least for hanging the MA state CIO out to dry on the Open Document Format.
JayDubya said:
I'm pretty much done defending her; more and more, it sounds like she's marginally less corrupt than the people she crusaded against, reconfirming the stereotypes about Alaskan politics. Superficially, she seemed pretty great. Maybe corruption isn't even the right word, but you can't tout small government and fiscal responsibility when you don't walk that walk.

That sure took a while :D.

My only hope is that as the information starts to filter down to the general public, they come to the same conclusions about Palin and what it means with regards to McCain's judgment and decision making process.
Xisiqomelir said:
To take a quick break from the multitudinous Palin-gates, allow me to reiterate that Romney is my most hated member of the Republican party, not least for hanging the MA state CIO out to dry on the Open Document Format.

Romney is awful, but between the blog nickname Mittens which makes me think of a cute kitten, and the mormon magic underwear, it's really hard for me to take him seriously, much less hate him.
ST. PAUL -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee who revealed Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, earlier this year used her line-item veto to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.

After the legislature passed a spending bill in April, Palin went through the measure reducing and eliminating funds for programs she opposed. Inking her initials on the legislation -- "SP" -- Palin reduced funding for Covenant House Alaska by more than 20 percent, cutting funds from $5 million to $3.9 million. Covenant House is a mix of programs and shelters for troubled youths, including Passage House, which is a transitional home for teenage mothers.

Even before McCain's plane landed, his campaign struck back heatedly at the persistent questions about his surprise choice for vice president, who has been buffeted by political and personal revelations. McCain's campaign declared "this nonsense is over" and announced a new ad to tout Palin's credentials.

In other words . . . who are you people to judge who we picked! Wow. Talk about elitist.

Uh . . . actually, that is our job.


Xisiqomelir said:
To take a quick break from the multitudinous Palin-gates, allow me to reiterate that Romney is my most hated member of the Republican party, not least for hanging the MA state CIO out to dry on the Open Document Format.
You don't understand the Republicans. It's never a question of what they love, it's a question of what they hate less.
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