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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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gcubed said:
good god...

Gibson: So John, how awesomely maverick do you consider yourself? Mega Awesome or Ultra Awesome?

Gibson: First let me say how happy I am that a white-Christian family like the Palins are having lots and lots of babies!


quadriplegicjon said:
um. they didnt have to send for the kid and then have the whole family and john mccain greet him out in the open for everyone to see. they are thrusting these kids into the limelight, they dont have to do all these things. hell, mccain himself has been pretty good about keeping his children away from the media.. they are trying to use those kids as tools to garner votes and its backfiring on them.
They are using these kids- and Levi the Redneck- as a shield against more damning political narratives.


when is my burrito
Deus Ex Machina said:
What conservative media really thinks of the Palin pick, off-camera commentary



Todd: "Is this really the most qualified woman they could find?"

Noonan: "They decided to go with this political bullshit..."

Murphy: "This is how you win a race in Texas, you run it up. It won't work."

Noonan: "IT'S OVER."

An oldie but a goodie. Thanks Deus!


ryutaro's mama said:
Wow, Rudy...

Way to make your efforts in NYC something ANYONE could do.

Is she more qualified than you too?

:lol Awesome, isn't it? He has to diminish what he considers his wonderful record just to tow the party line.
I bet Olbermann is pissed he's not doing Countdown this week. Would've been the easiest 5 days of work of the year for him. It writes itself!


quadriplegicjon said:
um. they didnt have to send for the kid and then have the whole family and john mccain greet him out in the open for everyone to see. they are thrusting these kids into the limelight, they dont have to do all these things. hell, mccain himself has been pretty good about keeping his children away from the media.. they are trying to use those kids as tools to garner votes and its backfiring on them.

That was clearly a straight up photo op of McCain wishing the happy young couple well in their upcoming, completely non-arranged, well thought out marriage. That'll be the next US Magazine cover.


Deus Ex Machina said:
What conservative media really thinks of the Palin pick, off-camera commentary



Todd: "Is this really the most qualified woman they could find?"

Noonan: "They decided to go with this political bullshit..."

Murphy: "This is how you win a race in Texas, you run it up. It won't work."

Noonan: "IT'S OVER."
I love ya DEX, but you sure don't read this thread before posting. :p


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016


Gold Member
Deus Ex Machina said:
What conservative media really thinks of the Palin pick, off-camera commentary



Todd: "Is this really the most qualified woman they could find?"

Noonan: "They decided to go with this political bullshit..."

Murphy: "This is how you win a race in Texas, you run it up. It won't work."

Noonan: "IT'S OVER."

Why does it say that the video has been removed? :(
Oy gevalt.

Calling around to a couple of Public Affairs Officers (PAO) who would be handling the flow of information about Track and his unit, VoteVets.org found out that, first, Track is not deploying on September 11. He may be part of a deployment ceremony that day, before going to Kuwait, though one Public Affairs Officer said that any details of the upcoming ceremony hadn't been made public yet by the military.

Governor Palin may have spilled the beans on that one, while showing she doesn't know the difference between a soldier deploying to Iraq vs. one preparing to deploy to Iraq. And while not illegal, if she really did believe that's when he's deploying to Iraq, then she didn't know enough to keep quiet about that to keep from violating OPSEC -- something a potential Commander in Chief should know.

But, more disturbing, and definitely in violation of security, are an explosion of stories that say specifically where in Iraq Track is deploying to, which have been dutifully eaten up by right wing websites, and reprinted. I will not reprint it here, because I would only be compounding the issue. But, unfortunately, it is very easy to find on the web at this point.

It is simply impossible that any reporter could figure this out on their own. Just by knowing Track's name and the date he is heading to Kuwait, one could not figure out specifically where Track and his company would be going in Iraq. There's a reason it's impossible to figure that out -- because the military doesn't want that information out there. It only serves to aid the enemy to know where are troops are moving.

Did the Pentagon release that information to the press?

No, according to another PAO that VoteVets.org talked with. In fact, this PAO said, the military was actively trying to quash this story, and keep reporters from repeating all these details, because it was a clear OPSEC violation. The PAO was adamant that the military has no idea how these details got out there and doesn't want them out there.

So where is this information coming from, if not the military? Certainly not the Obama campaign, which would not gain anything by promoting Track's service. The only people who I can think of would be those in the McCain-Palin campaign.

If the McCain-Palin campaign has disclosed details about Track's company's movements to gain stories in the press about it, they will have put many American lives in danger -- not the least of which would be Track's.

Senator McCain and Governor Palin need to immediately find out if someone in the campaign violated OPSEC by giving a reporter these details, and if they did, the campaign needs to find out where the source got this information from. Whoever that is, is in it deep.

Guy Legend

McCain camp: “This election is not about issues”

Obama hits Davis on 'issues'

Ben Smith2 hours, 48 minutes ago

Carrie Budoff Brown reports:

Barack Obama hit John McCain on Wednesday over a comment from his campaign manager that the presidential race will be decided more on personalities than on issues.

“Which probably explains why last night when they were speaking, all these speakers [at the Republican National Convention] came up, you didn’t hear a single word about the economy,” Obama said at an economic forum in New Philadelphia, Ohio. “Not once did people mention the hardships that people are going through.”

“I guess I don’t blame them,” Obama added, “because if you don’t have any issues to run on, you want it all to be about personality. If you have got George Bush’s track record and John McCain voting 90 percent of the time in agreement with George Bush, then you probably you don’t want to talk about issues either.”

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told Washington Post editors Tuesday that issues will have an impact on undecided voters but will not be conclusive.

“This election is not about issues,” Davis said. “This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”

The Obama campaign challenged the remarks Tuesday, and Obama added criticism of Davis’ remarks in his stump speech Wednesday, as part of an extended riff aimed at painting McCain as out of touch.


gcubed said:
that and apparently he just runs one of the most flawless campaigns we have seen in recent history. There are no cracks, no leaks, and no stupid sound bytes. They react quickly and on point to any situation, minutes after it comes up. Thats a lot of pressure for other campaigns... shit guys, if the CLINTONS couldn't crack this guy, i don't think McCain will



Yeah that actually might get some legit newsplay, just because Noonan is one of the bigwigs of the conservative editorials.:lol


Tamanon said:
Just that, she threatened to fire a librarian if she didn't stop stocking certain books.

What books I wonder? This seriously makes me the most angry out of anything I've heard about her.
devilhawk said:
Well, the only state that really matters of the three is Ohio. McCain will not win the election without winning Ohio. That state is within the margin of the poll
That Minnesota could have mattered . . . McCain may have been able to put it in play by picking Pawlenty. But he went with crazy earmark moozburger fundamentalist lady.
Highly Interesting Reading:

In Alaska, Everyone's An Oil Baron

1. When Palin speaks of how she took in the oil companies, it is not intended in the same way as a Democrat might mean it, as a populist critique of the oil industry's profit margins. Alaskans, on the contrary, stand to benefit directly from the exploitation of their natural resources, and their fortunes are correlated with those of the oil companies. What Palin means, rather, is that former governors like Murkowski and Knowles had not been adequately tough negotiators, and pledged a more hard-line position.

2. Palin's popularity in Alaska is not just a matter of her charming personality. Rather, it probably also had something to do with the large royalty check she was able to deliver to Alaskans in her first year as governor.

3. Because Alaskans benefit directly from the leasing of oil- and gas-rich lands, incentives are aligned differently than they are in any other state. Arguably, higher oil industry profits are net beneficial to Alaska, since higher anticipated profit margins will in turn increase the value of leased lands.


Archives of Alaska Papers Reveal Disturbing -- And Goofy -- Details from Palin's Past


Palin Said "Hang 'Em Up" When Asked About the Death Penalty. Asked about the death penalty, in extreme cases such as the murder of a child, Palin said, "My goodness, hang 'em up, yeah." [Anchorage Daily News , 8/18/06]


Palin wrote a Letter to the Editor saying only, "San Francisco judges forbidding our Pledge of Allegiance? They will take the phrase 'under God' away from me when my cold, dead lips can no longer utter those words. God bless America." [Juneau Empire, 6/30/02]


Palin Presided Over a Wedding at a Walmart. He worked in the pets department. She was a cashier. A romance blossomed. And when it came time to say ''I do,'' they chose -- where else? -- an aisle next to menswear. Sandwiched between racks of cotton pants and surrounded by ''Back-to-School Specials'' signs, Jake McCowan and Rosalyn Ryan exchanged vows last week at the place where they met, work and fell in love: the Wasilla Wal-Mart. A crowd of 200, including passengers from a tour bus and several dozen curious shoppers, watched the two employees tie the knot in an afternoon ceremony officiated by Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin. ''It was so sweet,'' said Palin, who fought back tears during the nuptials. "It was so Wasilla." [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 8/28/99]

Palin Delivered "Non-Answers" On Expanding Health Care Coverage and Walmart. "Asked about expanding health care coverage and about Wal-Mart's corporate conduct, she delivered non-answers with a disarming smile." [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 1/30/06]


In her 2002 Lt. Governor bid, Mayor Palin used city employees, telephones, computers, fax machines for campaign fundraising and literature. On her candidate registration form, she used her City Hall fax number, and her mayoral e-mail address. Records show that Wasilla city property was used to contact supporters, donors, media contacts, and media purchasing. [Anchorage Daily News, 7/21/06]


Stambaugh Sued for Gender Discrimination After Palin Said She Was Intimidated by His Size. After Palin fired Irl Stambaugh, the police chief, he sued the city in part based on gender discrimination. The [Wasilla] Frontiersman wrote, "The gender discrimination issues stem from statements Palin allegedly made to others that she was intimidated by Stambaugh's size. He stands over 6-feet tall and weighs more than 200 pounds, which, the lawsuit said, is attributed to his gender." [Frontiersman, 2/26/97]

Palin Went to See Ivana Trump at Costco, Saying Alaska was So Desperate for "Any Semblance of Glamour and Culture". "Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana. And there, at J.C. Penney's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist. 'We want to see Ivana,' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, 'because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.'" [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 4/3/96]

Palin Explained that She Couldn't Run for Senate Because Then She Couldn't Be the "Team Mom." "A hockey mom and a former standout athlete herself, Palin said she understood her son's concerns. 'How could I be the team mom if I was a U.S. senator?' she said." [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 4/24/04]


Palin Exaggerated Work Experience for Mayoral Campaign. In 1997, Frontiersman columnist Paul Stuart wrote that after Palin had criticized her opponent for using City Hall resources for political gain, "when Palin was asked back then (by me) why the lodge where she claimed, in her campaign, to have gained her management experience, had no record of a borough business license or of paying any bed tax, she paused and said it might have been because the place had no clients for a year or so." In an article describing the possibility of recalling Palin, the Frontiersman wrote the "reasons include Palin's alleged falsification of her credentials during the campaign last fall." [Frontiersman, 1/22/97, 2/5/97]

Frontiersman Editorial Said Palin Made Statements That Were "Patently Untrue," Said She Had Shown "Unrepentant Backpedaling and Incessant Whining." A Frontiersman editorial wrote, "Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of former Mayor John Stein." [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]

Frontiersman Editorial: Palin Doesn't Grasp the Truth. A Frontiersman editorial wrote, "Mayor Palin fails to have a firm grasp of something very simple: the truth." [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]


Palin's Brother-In-Law Appeared on Reality Dating Show. Lt. Gov. candidate Sarah Palin thought it might help her campaign when brother-in-law Jack McCann showed up as a desirable catch on the new "reality" TV show, "Looking for Love: Bachelorettes in Alaska." That hope lasted until she actually saw an episode of the series, which turns out to be your basic meat market twitch & grin. "Oh Lord," she said. "My sisters and I watched it in horror." Jack, who is scheduled to appear again even though he crashed a mountain bike in the first episode, is pretty cute and has a sense of humor, Sarah reports. "He described his occupation . . . as an office environment consultant," she said.
"He sells furniture." [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 6/9/02]

Palin told The Associated Press that she and her husband, Todd, made a bet on whether Murkowski would run. If the governor says he'll enter the race, Palin has to get the Big Dipper tattooed on her ankle. If Murkowski says no, Todd gets a wedding ring inked on his finger.
[Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 5/26/06]

I'm looking for the PDF, if anyone can find it make sure post it!

This is hilarious stuff.


Tamanon said:
Yeah that actually might get some legit newsplay, just because Noonan is one of the bigwigs of the conservative editorials.:lol

Uh, more than that.

"What does The Great Communicator's speechwriter think of Palin? Tonight at 11"


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Agent Icebeezy said:
I saved it as well. By any chance, did you save the Palin AIP convention videos as well?
someone else in here did i remember reading this.


Lol just read this (who knows if it's true or not):
I am saying that she two weeks ago she sat at a table in Juneau, Alaska where she lives and ordered a margarita. My daughter took the order. She nursed her baby at the table while drinking the drink. She placed a blanket over the baby and her breast.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mathews calling these republicans out on this "the media is piling on!" bullshit. NICE.


saelz8 said:

Palin Presided Over a Wedding at a Walmart. He worked in the pets department. She was a cashier. A romance blossomed. And when it came time to say ''I do,'' they chose -- where else? -- an aisle next to menswear. Sandwiched between racks of cotton pants and surrounded by ''Back-to-School Specials'' signs, Jake McCowan and Rosalyn Ryan exchanged vows last week at the place where they met, work and fell in love: the Wasilla Wal-Mart. A crowd of 200, including passengers from a tour bus and several dozen curious shoppers, watched the two employees tie the knot in an afternoon ceremony officiated by Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin. ''It was so sweet,'' said Palin, who fought back tears during the nuptials. "It was so Wasilla." [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 8/28/99]

:lol :lol :lol

Palin Went to See Ivana Trump at Costco, Saying Alaska was So Desperate for "Any Semblance of Glamour and Culture". "Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana. And there, at J.C. Penney's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist. 'We want to see Ivana,' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, 'because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.'" [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 4/3/96]

:lol :lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Evlar said:
Any specifics on the points he made? Was he yelling? Was he laughing?

Simply asking "WHO IS PILING ON HER?" and the dudes are listing US Weekly and People.

Now he is making the point that nobody knows who the hell she is, and why republicans weren't talking about her before. If she is so great, he says, why didn't anybody rave about her before, not even McCain.

"I think it's politics. It's build up. It's hoopla."

Guy says, "Like Obama!"

And Mathews snipes back, "Obama has been part of our political discussion for two years now."

"Nobody talked about Obama until 4 years ago..."

Mathews: "4 years and 4 days, yeah, that's equal amount of time."

Total ownage.
reilo said:
Mathews calling these republicans out on this "the media is piling on!" bullshit. NICE.

Man, now I know how people feel when I post non-sequitor commentary about whatever coverage I happen to be watching.

Was happening?!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BenjaminBirdie said:
Man, now I know how people feel when I post non-sequitor commentary about whatever coverage I happen to be watching.

Was happening?!

See above.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Dirtbag 504 said:
thats funny because its usually the democrats that never show up to vote.
Its usually the republicans that dont do shit for our country. Point taken.
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