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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Rudy's speech. I have to say, it's not terrible.

On the choices in this election; "This is a time for choosing - and to those Americans who still feel torn in this election, I'd like to suggest one way to think about the choice you have to make in 2008: You're hiring someone to do a job - an important job that involves the safety and security of your family."

On Palin: "Gov. Palin represents a new generation. She's already one of the most successful governors in America - and the most popular. And she already has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket. She's led a city and a state. She's reduced taxes and government spending. And she's actually done something about moving America toward energy independence - taking on the oil companies while encouraging more energy exploration here at home. Taxpayers have an advocate in Sarah Palin - she even sold the former governor's private plane on E-Bay."

On freedom and the GOP: "And as we look to the future never let us forget that - when we are at our best - we are the Party that expands Freedom. We began as a party dedicated to freeing people from slavery... And we are still the party that is willing to fight for freedom at home and around the world. We are the party that wants to expand individual freedom and economic freedom... because we believe that the secret of America's success is not central government, it is self-government... And we are the party that believes unapologetically in America's essential greatness - that we are a shining city on the hill, a beacon of freedom that inspires people everywhere to reach for a better world."


Evlar said:
Iowa is consistently really strong Obama country for some reason (a point I'm proud of).
Illinois being right next door probably helps.

gigantic tool said:
“This election is not about issues,” Davis said. “This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”
Obama can put this one right next to the "nation of whiners" part of his speech for even more effectiveness. Thank you Mr. Davis.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Whoever saved the Palin Alaska Convention Speeches, please upload them and I'll put them on my youtube account


The GOP gets what those sons of bitches deserve. Noonan finally saying something worthwhile about this crap of a convention.

To Rapping Granny: who is that weird looking chick in your advitar?


On Palin: "Gov. Palin represents a new generation. She's already one of the most successful governors in America - and the most popular. And she already has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket. She's led a city and a state.

Everytime I hear that meme from a Republicans mouth I picture Jon Stewart with his WTF face and hand gestures going

"It was a town of 6000 people and Alaska. Are you fucking kidding me??!!"
Dax01 said:
Has this been posted?
Click here.
I was too young, but later learned of Reagan's "Morning in America" ads run in 1984.

This is a fantastic re-interpretation of that notion. Keep the first ~35 seconds, editing a new voiceover/person at the last ~7 seconds, keep the flipcard cityscapes, and put Obama/Biden at the end.

Run these relentlessly. No amount of negative advertising could dent the feeling people will take, or more importantly, want to take from this ad.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Rudy's speech. I have to say, it's not terrible.
Until it emanates from the bowels of his face. Rudy dressed in drag :lol.


I find republicans making severe asses out of themselves and are coming off completely hypocritical. The media isn't biased towards them, the republicans just keep messing up.

I find it funny how Republicans criticize Obama for having no experience yet he is the one talking about the issues right now. I also find it funny that they compare Palin to Obama and then go on to say its about the number one spot on the ticket...isn't that a little insulting to the VP?


I am saying that she two weeks ago she sat at a table in Juneau, Alaska where she lives and ordered a margarita. My daughter took the order. She nursed her baby at the table while drinking the drink. She placed a blanket over the baby and her breast.
OK, reaching a little far here... Alcoholic beverages are harmful to babies only during pregnancy, not while nursing.


Looks like the NE is betting its new-found reputation on yet another Palin scandal:

John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.

“The smearing of the Palin family must end. The allegations contained on the cover of the National Enquirer insinuating that Gov. Palin had an extramarital affair are categorically false. It is a vicious lie,” said McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt.

“The efforts of the media and tabloids to destroy this fine and accomplished public servant are a disgrace. The American people will reject it.”

The Enquirer also alleges that Palin unjustly fired a public safety official while she was governor of Alaska, but the story is based entirely on unnamed sources. The Enquirer has also paid sources in the past to speak with them, something mainstream media outlets do not do.

“Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin look forward to discussing the issues that Americans care about, fixing broken government, creating jobs, making our country energy independent and securing the peace for the next generation by bringing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to a victorious end,” said Schmidt.

“Legal action will be considered with regard to this disgraceful smear.”

From the NE story:
Another incredible allegation emerging from the family war is that Palin, a mother of five, had an affair with a former business associate of her fisherman husband, Todd.

“Todd discovered the affair and quickly dissolved his friendship and his business associations with the guy,” charges an enemy. “Many people in Alaska are talking about the rumor and say Todd swept it under the rug.”
NullPointer said:
We need a new GAF summary of this treasure trove of Palin history/reactions/hypocrisy etc.

I can't keep track of all of this.

This. There's been soooooo much insanity the past few days. It's impossible to track it all.

A brave gafonaut is needed for this task.


Sara Palin is the gift that just keeps on giving. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if she walks on stage tonight to give her speech and begins to eat a live baby.


Al Giordano on The Field thinks McCain could actually win against the media. Link

In his commentary, he links to Howard Kurtz - The War Against the Press Link

Interesting stuff, different commentary than a lot of the noise going on right now.
Too many scandals at the same time! Couldn't McCain, Palin, their campaign, and the media (Noonan) spread these out a bit?

Barack Obama hit John McCain on Wednesday over a comment from his campaign manager that the presidential race will be decided more on personalities than on issues.

“Which probably explains why last night when they were speaking, all these speakers [at the Republican National Convention] came up, you didn’t hear a single word about the economy,” Obama said at an economic forum in New Philadelphia, Ohio. “Not once did people mention the hardships that people are going through.”

“I guess I don’t blame them,” Obama added, “because if you don’t have any issues to run on, you want it all to be about personality. If you have got George Bush’s track record and John McCain voting 90 percent of the time in agreement with George Bush, then you probably you don’t want to talk about issues either.”

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told Washington Post editors Tuesday that issues will have an impact on undecided voters but will not be conclusive.

“This election is not about issues,” Davis said. “This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”

My cheeks hurt from smiling so much today. :lol
Republicans are intentionally throwing this election so that they'll have a country to defund and destroy in 2016 (after democrats make some degree of effort towards fixing things).


edit: make that 2016
It's funny, it's the Republicans who are trying to turn this into identity politics on the Democratic side by claiming that Obama has no experience. They are trying to infer that Obama has been nominated only because he's black :lol


I really do think there's a 50/50 chance McCain may ditch her. Especially if October 31st spells indictment for Sarah Palin.


A little nursury rhyme i found on the cnn blogs:

There once was a woman named Palin
Whose background was made up of failin'
Only two hours vetted
McCain's veep selected
And now in the polls they're both trailin'

Diablos said:
I really do think there's a 50/50 chance McCain may ditch her. Especially if October 31st spells indictment for Sarah Palin.
There is no use doing that. If they are going to lose the election either way, they might as well just wait and see if they can wait it out on her.

On another note, did the guy who dumped his VP in the past end up winning his election in 72?


I hope for McCain's sake he is spending the time to actually vet his next VP candidate

On another note, did the guy who dumped his VP in the past end up winning his election in 72?

He won the election in Massachusetts and DC, if that is what you mean :lol


eclipze said:
There once was a woman named Palin
Whose background was made up of failin'
Only two hours vetted
McCain's veep selected
And now in the polls they're both trailin'


soul creator said:
Republicans are intentionally throwing this election so that they'll have a country to defund and destroy in 2016 (after democrats make some degree of effort towards fixing things).


edit: make that 2016

It's like dominoes, you have to have someone to set them up so that you can go in and knock them down.


Link648099 said:
There is no use doing that. If they are going to lose the election either way, they might as well just wait and see if they can wait it out on her.

On another note, did the guy who dumped his VP in the past end up winning his election in 72?

McGovern is a legendary political failure.


soul creator said:
Republicans are intentionally throwing this election so that they'll have a country to defund and destroy in 2016 (after democrats make some degree of effort towards fixing things).


edit: make that 2016

That may be the dumbest thing I've read in this thread yet.

Funky Papa

sangreal said:
I hope for McCain's sake he is spending the time to actually vet his next VP candidate
Why? He has demonstrated that he is a worthless candidate. You reap what you sow, and he sowed fail.


Link648099 said:
There is no use doing that. If they are going to lose the election either way, they might as well just wait and see if they can wait it out on her.

On another note, did the guy who dumped his VP in the past end up winning his election in 72?

Good lord no, he was murdalized in the election.
Diablos said:
I really do think there's a 50/50 chance McCain may ditch her. Especially if October 31st spells indictment for Sarah Palin.

I hope he does, just because I'm curious how voters will react...and how he'll handle it. By admitting he made a mistake and that he's decided to go in a different direction he would separate himself from the Bush image in a big way :p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dirtbag 504 said:
That may be the dumbest thing I've read in this thread yet.

To be fair, that's EXACTLY what the GOP did after 8 successful Clinton years.
BigJonsson said:
Wheres Country First on that one?
This whole "Country First" tagline seems kinda crazy for a party who's main draw is people that hate government and don't want to pay taxes. I mean really . . . how can you square those?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
speculawyer said:
This whole "Country First" tagline seems kinda crazy for a party who's main draw is people that hate government and don't want to pay taxes. I mean really . . . how can you square those?

No wonder libertarians like them.
reilo said:
No wonder libertarians like them.
Yeah, but the problem is that they don't even fulfill that goal. They just get into power and then give lots of contracts to their cronies. Its all talk and no action.
lexdysia said:
26 years just not enough vetting time?

I'm not sure what you mean by this...I'm just curious if he'll face the public and admit he made a mistake or if he'll claim it was her decision because of personal issues or something lame like that.


echoshifting said:
I'm not sure what you mean by this...I'm just curious if he'll face the public and admit he made a mistake or if he'll claim it was her decision because of personal issues or something lame like that.

I'm just saying he's shown how he handles these kinds of situations before (choosing a VP and all that sorta stuff).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gregory you fucking hack. He's buying into the "Palin has more experience than Obama" shit.
CharlieDigital said:
It's like dominoes, you have to have someone to set them up so that you can go in and knock them down.


I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected. It's like I could see the whole thing, one long chain of events that stretched all the way back before Larkhill. I felt like I could see everything that happened, and everything that is going to happen. It was like a perfect pattern, laid out in front of me. And I realised we're all part of it, and all trapped by it.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Wray said:
Sara Palin is the gift that just keeps on giving. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if she walks on stage tonight to give her speech and begins to eat a live baby.

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