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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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speculawyer said:
This whole "Country First" tagline seems kinda crazy for a party who's main draw is people that hate government and don't want to pay taxes. I mean really . . . how can you square those?
Every time I see "Country First" I hear "Countrywide. We're on your side".


Obama's camp went ballistic in response to a line in Romney's speech.

Mitt Romney, in his prepared remarks, takes a veiled shot at Michelle Obama's line earlier this year that she was, for the first time, proud to be American.

"Just like you, there has never been a day when I was not proud to be an American," Romney will say, according to remarks released by the GOP.

The line prompted instant outrage from Obama's campaign.

“Barack Obama has said that families are ‘off-limits,’ and we thought that John McCain agreed. But tonight, John McCain’s handpicked attack dog, Mitt Romney, exposed the fake outrage that the Republicans have been peddling all week as the blatant hypocrisy that it is," Obama adviser Anita Dunn said in a statement. "The McCain team’s disgusting attack on Barack Obama's wife shows they would rather generate false outrage to distract from their own problems than talk about the issues facing the American people. Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."

In fact, there have been occasional jibes at both wives, with state party organizations in particular whacking away at Cindy and Michelle. But the Democratic convention was free, I think, even of jokes about private planes, beer money and Miss Buffalo Chip, at least from the podium.

Romney's jibe, while it doesn't name her, does seem aimed at Michelle.

I love the hubris to say that is an "attack" on Obama's wife. She said it while campaigning for her husband. Period. End of Story.

You campaign, you are fair game for your words while doing so.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Palin has more foreign policy experience than Obama; additionally, her experience is BETTER than Obama's. Also, she singlehandedly balanced the budget, corrections, and the national guard on her own while in Alaska as governor. She did these things for one year.

God I can't STAND these DOUCHEBAGS.

Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."
Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."

King_Slender said:
I love the hubris to say that is an "attack" on Obama's wife. She said it while campaigning for her husband. Period. End of Story.

You campaign, you are fair game for your words while doing so.

I hate to agree with King_Slender =/ =/ =/ But there it is. I don't think it's the same thing at all.
Noonan's open mic remark hit the front page of Yahoo! :lol

Noonan, Murphy trash Palin on hot mic: 'It's over'

Ben Smith 59 minutes ago

After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mic ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin.

"It's over," said Noonan, and then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen.

"The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullsh** about narratives," she said. "Every time Republicans do that ... because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at and they blow it."

Murphy chimed in:

"The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical."



Apparently Al Gore invented the internet to destroy the GOP.

Edit: The real beauty is that this exposes Palin as inexperienced, McCain as an impulsive rash decider, and Noonan as pathetic shill that doesn't even believe the hyper-partisan crap that she writes. A Three-fer. Three-in-one. Boo-yah.


*drowns in jizz*
King_Slender said:
I love the hubris to say that is an "attack" on Obama's wife. She said it while campaigning for her husband. Period. End of Story.

You campaign, you are fair game for your words while doing so.

Please click this tag and then assess my drivel before responding.
(Today, 05:23 PM)

Please point me to where any speaker at the democratic convention brought up ANYTHING about anyone in McCain's family? That's a pretty disgraceful thing for a kenote speaker at a national convention to do. That's the difference between these two parties. (and God knows that there's actually substantial shit to bring up with McCain's wife if they wanted to go that low, as opposed to this joke of an attack)
King_Slender said:
I love the hubris to say that is an "attack" on Obama's wife. She said it while campaigning for her husband. Period. End of Story.

You campaign, you are fair game for your words while doing so.

That's sexist!!!


echoshifting said:
I hate to agree with King_Slender =/ =/ =/ But there it is. I don't think it's the same thing at all.
There's definitely some validity there. If Michelle Obama is campaigning for Barack, what she says is open to criticism. The disingenuous part is that Mitt is running with a distortion of what she said (he says "proud to be an American") and omitting the context. It's a cheap, discredited shot.
Slurpy said:
Please point me to where any speaker at the democratic convention brought up ANYTHING about anyone in McCain's family? That's the difference between these two parties. (and God knows that there's actually substantial shit to bring up with McCain's wife if they wanted to go that low, as opposed to this joke of an attack)

That's irrelevant in my opinion; to say families are off-limits you have to exclude family members that are actively participating in the campaign and the remarks they make in support of a candidate.

It's a distortion and absolutely a cheap shot, as Ghaleon says above...I agree with that. But to say families are off-limits you can't include your wife, who is on the campaign trail, in that blanket.
Two points,

Peggy Noonan off camera calling this bullshit politics will far more effective than talking heads at turning public opinion.

The long term effects of Palins scandals won't be to sink jon mcCain's arguments for himself, but to sink his attack lines. He and the surrogates can't run with Experience, Rev Wright, or attacks on family anymore, because they either come off as hypocrites or just as bad. Every time a talking head defends Pallin, while using the same attack lines on Obama, they start to lose credibility in a hurry.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hey guys, I'm thinking of creating a separate topic for PoliGAF of a complete list of the controversies surrounding Palin. It'd be a great reference tool and it'd help clean up the official PoliGAF thread.

Sound alright to you guys?
echoshifting said:
That's irrelevant in my opinion; to say families are off-limits you have to exclude family members that are actively participating in the campaign and the remarks they make in support of a candidate.

RiskyChris said:

Photo op =/= campaign trail.

If Palin's daughter and future son-in-law show up at a convention and make statements to support her, those statements are open to criticism and I think it would be completely fair to go so far as to ask them if they support abstinence education and whatnot.


echoshifting said:
That's irrelevant in my opinion; to say families are off-limits you have to exclude family members that are actively participating in the campaign and the remarks they make in support of a candidate.
And I think when Obama says family is off limits he's talking about personal matters, and especially children. If Palin's husband stumps for her and says something about Obama, it's fair game to respond as long as it's not personal.

And hot damn that was an epic smack down, even with the hyperbole.
Slurpy said:
Please point me to where any speaker at the democratic convention brought up ANYTHING about anyone in McCain's family? That's a pretty disgraceful thing for a kenote speaker at a national convention to do. That's the difference between these two parties. (and God knows that there's actually substantial shit to bring up with McCain's wife if they wanted to go that low, as opposed to this joke of an attack)

Please point ME to anything that anyone in McCain's family has said while campaigning for him.


Fragamemnon said:
You want to know what "small town values" look like in conservative america? That's a good third of it, with the other two pillars being meth addiction and partial high school educations.

I hope you're not this bigoted and ignorant in real life.


echoshifting said:
Photo op =/= campaign trail.
Photo-ops are part of the campaign, especially since McCain's camp is making that part of the narrative.

They are deliberately putting the family front and center in the campaign, then reacting when they get any negative coverage. It's bait. While I think the family should be off-limits, the McCain camp should be taken to task for it.
RiskyChris said:
Disagree, but that's another argument.

You might be right, but that picture doesn't open those kids to any kind of criticism that wouldn't be seen (rightly) as an unfair, personal attack.

Just to clarify my position: I agree that those photo-ops are participation in the campaign, but not in a way that opens them to meaningful criticism.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
King_Slender said:
I love the hubris to say that is an "attack" on Obama's wife. She said it while campaigning for her husband. Period. End of Story.

You campaign, you are fair game for your words while doing so.
I assessed your drive it led me to one of my posts. For once you said something that is legit even then though they have the right to come back full force on that.


King_Slender said:
Please point ME to anything that anyone in McCain's family has said while campaigning for him.
You can just listen to Cindy McCain yourself, tonight, when she speaks to the convention.
Teddman said:
OK, reaching a little far here... Alcoholic beverages are harmful to babies only during pregnancy, not while nursing.
I had to reply to this.

It's just as reprehensible because that alcohol gets passed on to the baby anyways through the mother's milk. Furthermore, it shows the lack of parenting on Palin's behalf; that's something any mother should cover with a teenaged daughter.

But, there are more important issues to cover.


Post Count: 9999
King_Slender said:
I love the hubris to say that is an "attack" on Obama's wife. She said it while campaigning for her husband. Period. End of Story.

You campaign, you are fair game for your words while doing so.

You do have a point. The level of the response actually reaks more of 'fake outrage' than the Romney line.

That said ... :lol :lol :lol

Epic response!


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Holly Shit

is anybody watching ABC interview with McCain....

I can't believe that someone that is a candidate for president would say something so stupid like the "Alaska is close to Russia" nonsense. I just can't even understand it.
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