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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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echoshifting said:
This is smart but it's not going to work. The really crazy shit is going to get out to the public within the next week or so no matter how hard they try to discredit the media.
Has discrediting the media EVER worked? I can only think of two occasions: the Paparazzi with Diana, and Dan Rather.


Love teh patriotic singing, damn those Republicans are so patriotic.
Good god how I wish there was a quote from the Noonan spin ed. in that first link on yahoo

DeaconKnowledge said:
Has discrediting the media EVER worked? I can only think of two occasions: the Paparazzi with Diana, and Dan Rather.

Sure, Republicans are able to convince their base and even some moderates that the liberal media is out to get them all the time. I doubt it will translate to votes in this case though


Wow... this stuff is crazy.. it is the best soap on American television. ..At this rate I would not be surprised that palins daughter is Not really pregnant but that it is just a ploy to get the media to back of the real truth (the accusations leading up to this revelation).., Mccain will turn out to be part android,Obama turns out to really be stephen hawkings in disguise and the democratic party is made up out of failed JFK clones.

to be continued....duh duh duuuuh


For shits and giggles I was reading foxnews.com and found this editorial piece.

Should a mother with five children, one of them a pregnant teen and another an infant with special needs, be running for vice president?

The question is being much debated, in newspaper stories and columns, on blogs and Web sites, and, yes, around kitchen tables across the country.

No would be asking these questions if she were a man.

No one asked whether Arnold Schwarzenegger should run for governor because he has four children. They looked at Maria, his wonderful wife, and said, what a beautiful family.

A mother doesn’t get the same treatment. This is how the double standard works.

I left the spelling errors for fun. This is the shit i'm talking about though, mis-using the whole "sexist" argument and calling it on EVERYTHING.

No Ms. Susan Estrich of Fox News, people are NOT saying she shouldn't be VP because she is a mother of 5 one of which is an infant with downs syndrome. No one is saying she shouldn't be VP because she is a woman, least of all Dems which 18 million of which were going to vote a woman to be president. In reality most people give a shit less right now if her daughter is pregnant even. They are questioning her experience, credentials and judgment which Republicans and their pundits don't seem to care about at all.

I would turn this question around on the republicans though and ask, IF PALIN WAS A MAN WOULD SHE HAVE EVEN BEEN LOOKED AT FOR VP.

That is the true sexism here in my eyes.


Saw some days of the R Convention, and the first thing I noticed was the difference in the crowds in comparison to the D Convention.

-R crowd seemed really well off and rich. Didn't see many blue collar folk there.
-There were a few guys trying to be really loud, the rest were just politely clapping.
-They responded to comments that focused on "right vs. left" more strongly than resolving issues.

And then I noticed things about the speakers:

-From what I saw, they're all fairly old.
-Attempted to attack Obama's character, not his platform.
-Didn't talk too much about solutions...just about the need for solutions.
-Didn't go into any specifics on their platform at all, but kept saying, "that's why I think the McCain/Palin ticket is the best ticket".

So it was very obvious that they are just like ANY OTHER politician in Washington. If they want to side step the issues, talk about why the opposition, and claim they are more patriotic, it's not going to help them in the White House AT ALL.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Pff, like she wrote that herself.

"Why the hell is the media inquiring about my half-assed hurried pick of a woman with a graveyard of skeletons in her closet? It's only the VICE Presidency, for fuck's sake."

I'm almost convinced her pick was based solely on the McCain campaign's desire to play the pity, victim, and sympathy cards. A 72-year-old war vet can't really play those cards, but a woman? A woman like Palin?
Ponn01 said:
I would turn this question around on the republicans though and ask, IF PALIN WAS A MAN WOULD SHE HAVE EVEN BEEN LOOKED AT FOR VP.

Man I'd love to see the Obama camp have the balls to point this out

At best all I can hope for is for this question to pop up on hardball, though


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Olbermann just read an excerpt from Palin's speech, directly playing the victim card and calling out the media.


Junior Member
MThanded said:

Here you go guys just uploaded. Its a gem. This one is for you gaf

holy fuck how did i miss this.

this. is amazing.



I feel like that fat dude who is a moderator blowing Obama before summer fuckup

good lord amd i drunk. edit 2:
“Barack Obama has said that families are ‘off-limits,’ and we thought that John McCain agreed. But tonight, John McCain’s handpicked attack dog, Mitt Romney, exposed the fake outrage that the Republicans have been peddling all week as the blatant hypocrisy that it is," Obama adviser Anita Dunn said in a statement. "The McCain team’s disgusting attack on Barack Obama's wife shows they would rather generate false outrage to distract from their own problems than talk about the issues facing the American people. Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."

fucking owned last senetence


reilo said:
Olbermann just read an excerpt from Palin's speech, directly playing the victim card and calling out the media.

Aren't we supposed to notify bish if Palin cries? King_Slender may still be banned yet!


reilo said:
Olbermann just read an excerpt from Palin's speech, directly playing the victim card and calling out the media.
She's a true feminist. Playing the helpless victimized woman. Wont some big manly man come over and stop the mean media.
Snaku said:
I'm almost convinced her pick was based solely on the McCain campaign's desire to play the pity, victim, and sympathy cards. A 72-year-old war vet can't really play those cards, but a woman? A woman like Palin?
I was trying to make sense of it myself.

The only thing that makes sense from what I can figure is that McCain wanted to infer that Obama was so inexperienced that he was at best fit for the Vice Presidency by picking a VP with little experience. And even that I find hard to swallow.


reilo said:
Olbermann just read an excerpt from Palin's speech, directly playing the victim card and calling out the media.

So she's also a hypocrite to boot, since she called Hillary a whiner for complaining about media sexism.
Long, but a very good read.


John McCain's Sacrifice

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 Update by Fred Thompson

Now we know that we have challenges. There are caves full of bats out there and a league of vampires ready to chase us out of our homes the minute we let our guard down. That's why we need a strong leader, one unafraid to tackle the challenges of the 20th century with grit, wisdom, and, when no other option remains, military force.

That man is John McCain. Folks, I'd like to tell you the remarkable story of John McCain, a man who has served this country like no other.

When his Vietnamese captors hung him upside-down by his ankles and spun him around until he was really dizzy, John McCain did not give in. Instead he learned to harness those centrifugal forces to mix cement in his stomach. At night, while his captors slept, he would evacuate that cement and use it to reinforce the foundation of his tiny, filthy cage.

That cage was his home for five years, but it wasn't where his heart was. The Vietcong poked and prodded him, I understand. They deprived him of sleep, water, and human contact. When he did manage to sleep, it was on a giant pile of waste. He was hounded incessantly by gigantic ants the size of Tennessee golf balls and drifted in and out of consciousness.

I'm told they even got a really large Vietcong to eat a big thing of chili and then belch into a jar. Folks, they forced John McCain to open that jar and it was like that one really fat VC belched right in his face.

They tried everything to break this man. When they forced him to marry a goat, he said his vows proudly and made a loving husband. When they later killed that goat in front of him, he laughed because his heart could never truly love a goat.

The Vietnamese had a name for him. They called him John McCain, which is also what we call him.

During his time in captivity, John McCain did not betray America, though he did give up the names of the Green Bay Packers. Later on, after the entire team was crushed beneath an avalanche of logs that rolled down a hill, John McCain blamed himself. To the surprise of his captors, he decided then and there to stay a POW longer, to serve out a self-imposed sentence on behalf of America and the National Football League.

They tortured him endlessly. They would rub poison ivy on him, then put a cone around his neck so that as much as he wanted to and as bad as it itched, he could not gnaw on his rump for relief. Once they got together and peed in a jug, then left that jug in a place where John McCain would trip over it and get urine on his pant legs. John McCain endured, rump itching and legs stained with urine, because he knew no other way as an American.

Later when they convinced John McCain that every Vietcong had the power to manifest a giant demon twin, he was careful not to anger any of them. He did what he was told, as long as he was not asked to give up vital American secrets. They got that same fat VC from earlier to dress up like a demon, and then they made it look like he popped out from behind a smaller VC. When that big fake demon twin hollered and chased John McCain around, he gave up in his pants, but he did not give up on America.

The Vietcong were cruel and relentless, sparing John McCain no indignity. When they trained him to salivate at the sound of a bell, he snuck out of his cage at night and disabled all their bells, lest he risk dehydration from excessive salivation, a fate that had doomed many POWs.

They took to putting sand in his underwear every day, which caused a lot of chaffing and made it difficult for John to move around. Eventually he developed an immunity to sand. There's a lot of folks saying McCain is too old and that he is in failing health, I believe. But doctors say it is impossible to kill John McCain with sand. Literally impossible. That's no small potato if you ask me.

When the Vietcong hacked off John McCain's hands and then reattached them to the wrong arms, he learned to be ambidextrous. When that didn't help due to the fact his hands were backwards, he learned to whistle with perfect pitch and moved his captors to tears with soulful ballads. By the time they put his hands back on the proper arms, he had already adapted, learning instead to walk on his feet. John McCain knew his hands were an unneeded luxury. Today he seldom ever uses them except to deliver a thumbs up to America.

For 300 horrifying years, the Vietcong artificially prolonged John McCain's life until everyone he knew and loved was dead. John McCain never gave up and used his unwavering commitment to America and the sun's gravity to slingshot back in time so that he could serve out the remainder of his captivity.

The Vietcong realized they were powerless against John McCain. Here was a man who would not betray his country no matter how badly they tortured him. So, knowing that they could not win, they released him. But even this was part of a clever ploy, for they released him into an elaborate virtual reality simulation of real life, where virtual reality replicas of his friends asked him to give up vital American intelligence. John McCain resisted. Realizing the ruse, he punched through an invisible wall and emerged inside a high-tech Vietcong control room, shocking his captors and catching them off guard.

To this very day his Vietnamese tormentors still try to recapture him, to put him back in that prison - the Hanoi Hilton - but John McCain fights them off at every turn. He eludes their crafty traps, dodges their poison-tipped darts, and has learned to walk silently and leave no trail. For decades he has lived on the run, honing his body into the ultimate weapon.

Now I don't know what kind of tortures Barack Obama has endured, but I do know that Barack Obama is no John McCain, because if he was John McCain, he sure wouldn't be Barack Obama. And that's something you can take to the bank.

Folks, I know that being a POW doesn't make you qualified to be president. For one thing, no prisoner should ever serve as the leader of the free world. It sets a bad example. But being an ex-POW, especially one as bold and determined as John McCain, sure does make you qualified. Come November, we have a choice. We can choose a man with little experience, or a man who survived the kind of experience that would break any sane man.

For me, the choice is clear.


And WTF is the pretzel lady doing at the convention?
Zeliard said:
So she's also a hypocrite to boot, since she called Hillary a whiner for complaining about media sexism.
Oh yeah . . . I forgot about that line. That was one of the first things to come out about her that she called Hillary "A whiner".

Who's whining now?
reilo said:
Olbermann just read an excerpt from Palin's speech, directly playing the victim card and calling out the media.
Are you serious?


Fuck, she's just asking to be crucified, hit with the REAL shit. She's lucky that BabyGate and accusations of little experience are the only things the media is throwing at her.

Has Obama EVER claimed to be victim to the media, has she ever said that the media is teh bias even when they were really railing on him with the whole "we don't really know him" meme?

This is a dangerous road to go down for the McCain campaign.
On her experience vs. Obama's: "I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town. I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids' public education better. When I ran for city council, I didn't need focus groups and voter profiles because I knew those voters, and knew their families, too. Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."




I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I have olbermann reading the lines but youtube is taking forever. Once it gets up there I will link it.
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol
King_Slender said:
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol

That sounds...so familiar.

She opened a door for two months of opposition ads so big you could drive a mack fucking truck through it.


King_Slender said:
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol

Well, it's clear she's going to win over the idiot vote.
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