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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Obama's campaign is going to wait until the convention is over and then maybe give it another day or two. Then they'll go HARD at the Republicans, refuting ALL their bullshit. I just know it.
A quick break from republican bashing.

Anyone going to the Obama FUndraiser featuring JoCo on Sep. 15th? I'm going to try and be there :).

Edit: it's in Manhattan, W. 15th Street, I'll post details if anyone wants them.
Somebody posted some information regarding the black vote and the democratic party, complete with some charts and stuff some pages back. Whoever was responsible for that post, can you please send me a pm with that info?
Deku said:
So basically Palin is an incompetent manager with no real skills other than an appeal to Loyalty ala Hillary and cronyism Had she been a man, with the same credentials, would this train wreck even be in the running for vice president?
Obama response could be like 'It would be hard for me to put a community millions in debt unless I was working in one of John McCains'



Old? :lol
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Doesn't Obama have a masters in Economics or something like that?
Pfft. I am arrogant enough to think I don't need to go to college, let alone finish high school, to think that I know more than Obama on the economy.
how the hell are there even enough people for the republican party to even make a dent... this is almost surreal how silly this is. This lady just said palin would make a good vp because she was a "hockey mom."


polyh3dron said:
Obama's campaign is going to wait until the convention is over and then maybe give it another day or two. Then they'll go HARD at the Republicans, refuting ALL their bullshit. I just know it.

Just to add to that, if the sexism/victim thing picks up any traction you just know Hillary will be rolled out and SLAM it's over.

Thankfully it looks like the Palin pick is epic failing amongst women.


I think the one thing that the McCain campaign is overestimating is the popularity of hockey.

Also, prepare GAF, because the media will rave about this speech all night.:p


iced lightning said:
how the hell are there even enough people for the republican party to even make a dent... this is almost surreal how silly this is. This lady just said palin would make a good vp because she was a "hockey mom."
That was the one thing she had going for her: she made a good initial impression. People largely don't think she's qualified to be veep, but she was likable. I think she's throwing away her one asset with this speech.

I'm kind of delighted, actually.
thekad said:
I'm curious on how far this "Alaska/Russia" thing will go. Has John McCain mentioned it yet?
Yup. In an ABC interview tonight.


This woman talking about hispanics is getting massive support...you can just see the emotion on the audiences face as they ignore her and talk amungst themselves


thekad said:
I'm curious on how far this "Alaska/Russia" thing will go. Has John McCain mentioned it yet?

How . . . how can they even approach using this to justify anything?

It makes them look like utter morons!? When is anyone going to call them on this shit!


qwertybob said:
This woman talking about hispanics is getting massive support...you can just see the emotion on the audiences face as they ignore her and talk amungst themselves

Well that's a pretty effective metaphor for hispanics in the party.


So why was Palin picked over Ridge again? They can't seriously think that attempting to re-energize their base is what will lead to victory in November. McCain's campaign was banking entirely on the whole reformer/experience angle, and Palin single-handedly destroys both of those with her lack of experience and staunch right-wing beliefs, while Ridge would have only helped to propagate both of those because of the opposite reasons.
Pander to "teh latino vote" much? I loved how the one guy came out and said "Buenos Noches!!!!!" and then he made sure to repeat it to make sure the audience didn't miss it.

edit: oh shit now we got the hillary turncoat latina up there.

edit: wait ANOTHER ONE? WTF?


JCreasy said:
How . . . how can they even approach using this to justify anything?

It makes them look like utter morons!? When is anyone going to call them on this shit!
I really wish the Obama campaign would air John Mccain's and Palin's Alaska/Russia talking point with a little

"We'd like to congratulate all the citizens of Alaska on their qualification to be John Mccain's Vice President."
JCreasy said:
How . . . how can they even approach using this to justify anything?

It makes them look like utter morons!? When is anyone going to call them on this shit!

How does it not make sense? Russia invaded Georgia and they're obviously all angsty and ready to kick ass...if not for the power of Palin, we would be saluting a hammer and sickle in the good 'ol USS of A.
Palin to jab Obama

In remarks released in advance of her appearance, she pledged that as John McCain's running mate, she wanted to go to Washington not to seek the media's approval but "to serve the people of this country."

Depicting herself as "just your average hockey mom," Palin described her political career as mayor of her small town before her election as governor.

"Since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves," Palin said. "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a `community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

Palin didn't mention Obama by name but her target was obvious: Obama began his political life as a community organizer.

Palin also said she was not part of the permanent "Washington elite." She said some in the media think that makes her unqualified.

"Here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion — I'm going to Washington to serve the people of the country," Palin said.


"Here's how I look at the choice Americans face in this election," she said. "In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change." It was another indirect dig at the Democratic presidential nominee.

In what was clearly the most important speech in her life, Palin went over her experience as a public servant. "I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town. I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids' public education better," she said.

"When I ran for city council, I didn't need focus groups and voter profiles because I knew those voters, and knew their families, too," she said.

In the excerpts released by the McCain campaign, Palin emphasized energy policy, one of her areas of expertise.

"Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems — as if we all didn't know that already. But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all," she said.


Okay, dunno if this has been in the thread yet (kinda hard to search for it), but my friend just IMed me with this:

Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.

"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."



Zeliard said:
I wonder if Hillary herself will come out and say something about it, especially in light of Palin calling her a whiner for complaining about media sexism.

It's not gaining them anything amongst women. So no need for Hillary to come out and shut it down.


Lost Fragment said:
You can't write this stuff, folks.

To be fair, a cursory glance shows that they're referring to the drivel about "you have a little baby at home, how can you possibly be running for anything" that was mentioned even here.


omg rite said:
Okay, dunno if this has been in the thread yet (kinda hard to search for it), but my friend just IMed me with this:


I think the Democrats are saving that for a rainy day.
oh my god at that woman they interviewed on CNN who switched from supporting Hillary to supporting McCain.

Congratulations on announcing to national TV that you have no integrity or credibility.


Dax01 said:
Pfft. I am arrogant enough to think I don't need to go to college, let alone finish high school, to think that I know more than Obama on the economy.

Then that would be your mistake.
JayDubya said:
To be fair, a cursory glance shows that they're referring to the drivel about "you have a little baby at home, how can you possibly be running for anything" that was mentioned even here.

Which is correctly labeled as sexism. They're not wrong on that one...that question crossed the line.


WickedAngel said:
Which is correctly labeled as sexism. They're not wrong on that one...that question crossed the line.

Is it still sexism when it seems to be women that are making that comment more often?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Who's dumb idea was it to place the teleprompters on the side of the podium? This woman right now looks like an idiot switching back and forth between the prompters...
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