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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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thefro said:
Politico drops the bomb, 63 opp-research paper on Palin.




King_Slender said:
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol

Why? That's such a poor line, to try and trivialize the incredibly important and meaningful work that a community organizer often selflessly does. It simply comes off as hateful, which is about par for the course for Republicans. It will definitely play well with that crowd, which I suppose is the main purpose.
GhaleonEB said:
Slamming organizing factory workers out of a job....doesn't sound like a good idea.

I can see the ads already.

"As a community organizer, Barack Obama got me a job after I'd lost mine. So don't tell me a community organizer has no responsibility. What are you fucking high?"


King_Slender said:
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol

Like racking up $20 million in debt. That IS a lot of responsibility. She must've worked through lunch to get that shit done.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I can see the ads already.

"As a community organizer, Barack Obama got me a job after I'd lost mine. So don't tell me a community organizer has no responsibility. What are you fucking high?"
That would be like, the best ad ever.


Zeliard said:
Why? That's such a poor line, to try and trivialize the incredibly important and meaningful work that a community organizer often selflessly does. It simply comes off as hateful, which is about par for the course for Republicans. It will definitely play well with that crowd, which I suppose is the main purpose.
Yup it's petty, spiteful, and condescending to helping others. Republicans will eat it up.
Wow, this Minnesota Governor is something else... Never before have I heard more lies come out of someone's mouth in such rapid succession.
Zeliard said:
Why? That's such a poor line, to try and trivialize the incredibly important and meaningful work that a community organizer often selflessly does. It simply comes off as hateful, which is about par for the course for Republicans. It will definitely play well with that crowd, which I suppose is the main purpose.
Uh, the Republican process is built around tearing down their opponents. Where have you been?


Junior Member
BenjaminBirdie said:


wait that starterd with Mortal Kombat right.

So..like....this would be a good pun right:



pic of palin (sorry huge pic)



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
King_Slender said:
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol
King_Slender said:
Holy shit, Palin is going to say: "I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

ZING :lol
Has Obama almost been recalled in the Senate? Didn't think so.
GhaleonEB said:
That would be like, the best ad ever.

It actually got me physically angry. Really smart to give Obama supporters even MORE motivation.

It's fucking disgraceful to trivialize not a single person's resume, but the general position of a community servant.

And they just showed this video of America? Narrated by Robert Duvall? About loving country and giving of yourself for it?

Oh fuck off, you assholes. What the fuck do you think COMMUNITY ORGANIZING is?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Scarborough says that the media is at fault for starting this "war."



The more I think about that line, the more it pisses me off. Obama was the president of the Harvard Law Review, and walked away from cushy corporate jobs to help laid off factory workers in Chicago. Obama can be legitimately criticized for many things, but that's not one of them. It's akin to slandering Kerry for his war record.

I should come to expect this kind of garbage from them, but still. These are not good people.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Uh, the Republican process is built around tearing down their opponents. Where have you been?

Do you have difficulty reading? Not only did I not convey a single bit of disbelief that Palin's advisers would come up with that line, but I literally said it's "par for the course for Republicans." Your post has nothing to do with my post.


"I guess being a small town mayor is kind of like being a community organizer, except you have ACTUAL responsibilities."

why would you want to undermine the efforts of a community organizer? why? you wanted to attack someone who sought to help people make their lives better? really? you want to attack that?


GhaleonEB said:
The more I think about that line, the more it pisses me off. Obama was the president of the Harvard Law Review, and walked away from cushy corporate jobs to help laid off factory workers in Chicago. Obama can be legitimately criticized for many things, but that's not one of them. It's akin to slandering Kerry for his war record.

I should come to expect this kind of garbage from them, but still. These are not good people.

Yeah. Like I said, to me, it's not even a criticism of a candidate, which is fair, it's belittling the very act of service.

Country First my ass. Fucking disgraceful. Of all the calamitous bullshit of this week, I hope that boneheaded and insulting line is what sinks this campaign.
polyh3dron said:
Wow, this Minnesota Governor is something else... Never before have I heard more lies come out of someone's mouth in such rapid succession.
Google "cigarettes," "taxes," and "Pawlenty" to see how a real Republican dissembles. Ya see, taxes are taxes when I say they're taxes unless I call them fees. Then they're not taxes; they're fees. Duh!

True story: Pawlenty rhymes with full-of-shit. MN is a great state with an absolute dick for a governor. Any number of Republicans or Democrats are better than that priapic prick.
GhaleonEB said:
The more I think about that line, the more it pisses me off. Obama was the president of the Harvard Law Review, and walked away from cushy corporate jobs to help laid off factory workers in Chicago. Obama can be legitimately criticized for many things, but that's not one of them. It's akin to slandering Kerry for his war record.

I should come to expect this kind of garbage from them, but still. These are not good people.
Palin: *Makes completely illogical and stupid statement*
Media/press: *Backlash occurs*
Palin: "I'm the victim here! Why are you attacking me?!"

Rinse and repeat.


GhaleonEB said:
The more I think about that line, the more it pisses me off. Obama was the president of the Harvard Law Review, and walked away from cushy corporate jobs to help laid off factory workers in Chicago. Obama can be legitimately criticized for many things, but that's not one of them. It's akin to slandering Kerry for his war record.

I should come to expect this kind of garbage from them, but still. These are not good people.
Don't worry. It WILL come back to bite them. IF Obama can some how find his missing fighting gloves. I wouldn't stand for it. I'd have ads all over the place.

"America is made better by community organizers"<show clips of community organizers all over the US>..<clip of Palin's speech>...." This is not the change we need."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Olbermann :lol

"If there is someone that people should feel sorry for unsubstantiated rumors against him, then Barack Obama should be cheering right now if people want to tear that down."

Or something like that.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yeah. Like I said, to me, it's not even a criticism of a candidate, which is fair, it's belittling the very act of service.

Country First my ass. Fucking disgraceful. Of all the calamitous bullshit of this week, I hope that boneheaded and insulting line is what sinks this campaign.

Your confidence in the American people both befuddles and amuses me.
thekad said:
Your confidence in the American people both befuddles and amuses me.

If you don't think thirty seconds of any single person talking about what Barack Obama did for them as a community organizer in a national ad buy wouldn't be enough to sink that ship, I don't know what to tell you.


Watching CNN Live.

This Guy thinks his dad, who never got past 4th grade, could teach Obama a thing or two about economics, growth, and prosperity?

That is a smart migrant worker.

Edit** Maldonido's Father. CA state senate
Beef said:
Watching CNN Live.

This Guy thinks his dad, who never got past 4th grade, could teach Obama a thing or two about economics, growth, and prosperity?

That is a smart migrant worker.
I haven't finished 11th grade and I think I can teach Obama a thing or two about Economics, growth and prosperity. How is that such a ridiculous statement?


BenjaminBirdie said:
If you don't think thirty seconds of any single person talking about what Barack Obama did for them as a community organizer in a national ad buy wouldn't be enough to sink that ship, I don't know what to tell you.

I wish I shared your optimism. But they'll probably just call Obama sexist or something.


Chuck Todd trying not to laugh next to Brokaw when he's talking about "Not just hearing it from Democrats but also Republicans". You know he saw he's on all the blogs over that very thing.


BenjaminBirdie said:
If you don't think thirty seconds of any single person talking about what Barack Obama did for them as a community organizer in a national ad buy wouldn't be enough to sink that ship, I don't know what to tell you.

Juxtaposed with debt, spite firings, and lobbyist hires for her on the mayoral side. Nice work.


BenjaminBirdie said:
If you don't think thirty seconds of any single person talking about what Barack Obama did for them as a community organizer in a national ad buy wouldn't be enough to sink that ship, I don't know what to tell you.

It would be so great if something like this happened. You know Obama and company would never let anything like that stand, especially given the utter stupidity of trying to mock community organizing. They're probably already preparing a response.


pxleyes said:
Good god....I guess I'll be watching the highlights after the speech because i don't think I can stomach 10+ minutes of that.
Yeah. I have a hard time listening to garbage like that for long.


So basically Palin is an incompetent manager with no real skills other than an appeal to Loyalty ala Hillary and cronyism Had she been a man, with the same credentials, would this train wreck even be in the running for vice president?
Zeliard said:
It would be so great if something like this happened. You know Obama and company would never let anything like that stand, especially given the utter stupidity of trying to mock community organizing. They're probably already preparing a response.

I'm waiting for it, man. I've got like eight sites F5ing. They were hell of fast on the draw when Romney's comments dropped.


Wow, normally American politics is just funny to watch, but with the crowd cheering to this drivel the RNC is outright scary.
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