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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
How many minority women are they going to bring out on stage to speak in front of the 99% elderly white audience? This is pretty amusing.


JayDubya said:
To be fair, a cursory glance shows that they're referring to the drivel about "you have a little baby at home, how can you possibly be running for anything" that was mentioned even here.

Which is weird, because the media didn't even really talk about that at all. It's manufactured outrage, obfuscation.

Evilore: You must've missed the "Bring out your brown kid" segment from yesterday.:lol
Deus Ex Machina said:
OK mods, make this Deus Ex's avatar nao:



WickedAngel said:
Which is correctly labeled as sexism. They're not wrong on that one...that question crossed the line.

Yeah, I'm not sure any journalists actually used that one though. If they did, shame on 'em.

Actually, Reason linked to a feminist editorial writer that used that one, IIRC. :lol


JayDubya said:
To be fair, a cursory glance shows that they're referring to the drivel about "you have a little baby at home, how can you possibly be running for anything" that was mentioned even here.

If she directs her sexism comments at the likes of James Carville, I'd understand, since he's been rather... well, he's been pretty stupid with his comments. But to try and paint the entire media as sexist simply for questioning where the fuck she came from? That's simply desperate, I'm sorry.


Just saw this posted on a blog, haven't checked it, but it looks about right.

1980-1984 Obama gets his BA in Political Science from Columbia. Palin graduates high school.

1985-1990 Obama serves as director of the Developing Communities Project and gets his law degree from Harvard, serving as president of the law review. Palin gets her BA in commercial journalism, works as a sportscaster, and then goes into fishing.

1991-1995 Obama writes his first best-selling book, works as a civil rights attorney, signs on as a lecturer in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and directs Illinois Project Vote. Palin leaves the Alaskan Independence Party and is elected to a part-time position on the Wasilla (est. pop 5000) City Council.

1996-2000 Obama represents approximately 200,000 residents as an Illinois State Senator. Palin elected part-time mayor of Wasilla (now pop. 5470)

2001-2004 Obama continues to serve as Illinois State Senator. Palin mayor of Wailla for two more years, then appointed member of the state Gas Committee for two years.

2005-2006 Obama serves as U.S. Senator. Palin on the board of the Valley Hospital Association.

2007-2008 Obama continues to serve as U.S. Senator Palin serves as governor of Alaska.
The Future, Conan?

Just a word from the bleachers. In all likelihood, Sarah Palin will deliver a speech that will tear the roof off the Xcel Center tonight. Every single commentator on the cable and the networks will declare it a triumph. The base will exult at their Joan of Arc triumphing over the evil, despicable vile press, who have had the effrontery to ask a potential future vice-president of the United States basic questions about her life story and record. Such effrontery has now been greeted by a presidential campaign refusing to answer simple questions that anyone with access to Google can figure out. McCain's relationship with the press corps has hit the ocean bed - which is ironic, since McCain has given the press the wackiest and most copy-ready nominee in recent history.

Nonetheless, the GOP machine will ensure that her speech is great.

She just has to read it from a TelePrompter. It's not that hard. And the crowd will be lifting her up to the rafters. There will be almost nothing about foreign policy because she has demonstrated a total lack of even interest in it her entire life, and has no knowledge of it whatsoever. There will be plenty about drilling and oil and "reform" and an attempt to dress up what is unavoidably a very short career in a very distant and sparsely populated place into a template for the future of Republicanism.

And there will be a swing, as there often is, in the polls, maginified by a huge, temporary sigh of relief that the nightmare of the last five days have at least been lanced by an actual public appearance that is more than a quick intro. The GOP is an operation these days that creates its own reality. There were WMDs in Iraq. We do not torture. We are fiscal conservatives. We have won the Iraq war. You know the drill by now: just keep saying it again and again and refuse to asnwer questions and as long as you have God on your side, everything is okay.

And then it will start all over again. It feels like a decade since Obama accepted the Democratic nomination in Denver. It will feel like a century between now and November. But no one will be able to complain that it has been boring.
avaya said:
Is it still sexism when it seems to be women that are making that comment more often?

Does it matter what gender a person is? You can be a sexist woman with an antiquated/outdated view of the role of women in the world.


Zeliard said:
If she directs her sexism comments at the likes of James Carville, I'd understand, since he's been rather... well, he's been pretty stupid with his comments. But to try and paint the entire media as sexist simply for questioning where the fuck she came from? That's simply desperate, I'm sorry.

Yeah, generalizations tend to suck.
Dax01 said:
It wasn't a joke post. It was just a post in which I wasn't being serious in any way what-so-ever and doing it in the form of an ironical taunt.


Thanks for clearing it up. I was worried for a second.


EviLore said:
How many minority women are they going to bring out on stage to speak in front of the 99% elderly white audience? This is pretty amusing.

glad im not the only one to notice this...

they seem to be trying to tick the boxes for as many ethnic groups as posible

african american, check
native american, check
hispanic, check
filipino american, check
EviLore said:
How many minority women are they going to bring out on stage to speak in front of the 99% elderly white audience? This is pretty amusing.
Seriously, they're trying to hit 2 birds with one stone, "The Latino Vote" and "The Hillary Vote"...

Oh wait now they have a black Republican out there telling us that if he was voting for Obama it it would be because of politics, but he's putting his country first because he's voting for McCain.

Kill me now please.



WickedAngel said:
Does it matter what gender a person is? You can be a sexist woman with an antiquated/outdated view of the role of women in the world.

It does.

Her youngest is just a couple of months old. I don't think many people would disagree with that comment at all. Especially women.


And Michael Williams you fucking hypocrite, you talk shit about slogans and speeches, when you are performing a speech and use the Country First slogan at the end of your speech.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Agent Icebeezy said:
Good, now I don't feel half as bad about the media burying her.

The media is not burying her, it is pouncing on a story, any story, as it does with every candidate. Saying the media is burying her is playing along with the Republican defense strategy on this one.


If the Democrats aren't far ahead in polls taken a week from now...there is something seriously wrong with the United States.

They are clearly taking the high road here by attacking the issues and the opponent's platform rather than baselessly questioning the opponent's character.

The Republicans are assuming that Americans are idiots and would fall for their baseless attacks.

I have a bad feeling about all of this. I have a feeling that the US is most likely full of people who are easily duped. I mean, I look at the Invasion of Iraq for one, and this is nearly the same situations. The Republican machine has no need for things like "facts" to get what they want.

The fact that the race is as close as it is in this point is very telling...but we've got a lot of lemmings here (I'll include Canada too because the Conservative Party here, who are very much like the Bush Administration, may win a majority this next election).

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
OuterWorldVoice said:
The media is not burying her, it is pouncing on a story, any story, as it does with every candidate. Saying the media is burying her is playing along with the Republican defense strategy on this one.

What I mean is, there is like a huge rat race to dig up everything (presumably negative) about her. A metric fuckton has come out about her in the past few days. I think that with her lashing out at the media, it gives them motive.
FightyF said:
If the Democrats aren't far ahead in polls taken a week from now...there is something seriously wrong with the United States.

They are clearly taking the high road here by attacking the issues and the opponent's platform rather than baselessly questioning the opponent's character.

The Republicans are assuming that Americans are idiots and would fall for their baseless attacks.

I have a bad feeling about all of this. I have a feeling that the US is most likely full of people who are easily duped. I mean, I look at the Invasion of Iraq for one, and this is nearly the same situations. The Republican machine has no need for things like "facts" to get what they want.

The fact that the race is as close as it is in this point is very telling...but we've got a lot of lemmings here (I'll include Canada too because the Conservative Party here, who are very much like the Bush Administration, may win a majority this next election).

Light a joint and relax.


Tamanon said:
Which is weird, because the media didn't even really talk about that at all. It's manufactured outrage, obfuscation.

Well, there are some examples if you look.

Nick Gillespie over at reason caught one such example, a journalist from the Washington Post: http://www.reason.com/convention2008/show/128485.html

"She certainly has been successful in her 44 years. But is she ready to be president? And as the mother of five children, including an infant with special needs, does she have the time?...

She is the mother of five children, one of them a four-month-old with Down Syndrome. Her first priority has to be her children. When the phone rings at three in the morning and one of her children is really sick what choice will she make?"


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Hai guyz country first. Just keep saying it. Wait shes saying that the economy is jacked. Whos fault is that. The republicans.


FightyF said:
If the Democrats aren't far ahead in polls taken a week from now...there is something seriously wrong with the United States.

They are clearly taking the high road here by attacking the issues and the opponent's platform rather than baselessly questioning the opponent's character.

The Republicans are assuming that Americans are idiots and would fall for their baseless attacks.

I have a bad feeling about all of this. I have a feeling that the US is most likely full of people who are easily duped. I mean, I look at the Invasion of Iraq for one, and this is nearly the same situations. The Republican machine has no need for things like "facts" to get what they want.

The fact that the race is as close as it is in this point is very telling...but we've got a lot of lemmings here (I'll include Canada too because the Conservative Party here, who are very much like the Bush Administration, may win a majority this next election).

dont lose hope yet


Hang out with Steve.
FightyF said:
If the Democrats aren't far ahead in polls taken a week from now...there is something seriously wrong with the United States.

Never forget: George W Bush was elected President. Twice.


Hang out with Steve.
Agent Icebeezy said:
What I mean is, there is like a huge rat race to dig up everything (presumably negative) about her. A metric fuckton has come out about her in the past few days. I think that with her lashing out at the media, it gives them motive.

It's understandable, very few people outside of Alaska had ever even heard about Palin, let alone knew anything about her, before last week.
FitzOfRage said:
Is there really talk about that Ebay robot becoming governor of California after Schwarzenegger?
Everyone that has gone up there so far today has come off as a robot. The only person who has performed an engaging speech so far is a fucking ACTOR. Where's the RNC's Kucinich? Oh yeah, he's got a convention of his own going on.
ViperVisor said:

Well, she slams Palin . . . but in her sexist-1930's grandma way. (Which is pretty funny coming from the lady with nude pix on the Internet!)

But I don't understand her anti-Obama dig:
I will still vote for Senator McCain, because I am very concerned about having a fundamental leftist, especially one who is a marvelous orator, as President.
WTF is a 'fundamental leftist'? Is 'leftist' the new 'liberal'? . . . a word that people are supposed to hate even if they don't know what it means?

It is hard to argue with someone that just doesn't present any reasoning but just announces a summary conclusion.


FightyF said:
The Republicans are assuming that Americans are idiots and would fall for their baseless attacks.

But they do every time. In the end, this election will be about abortion & same sex marriage, again. And again the idiots will fall in line, despite the fact that Roe v Wade still hasn't been overturned, and same sex marriage still occurs in some states.


SteveMeister said:
It's understandable, very few people outside of Alaska had ever even heard about Palin, let alone knew anything about her, before last week.

He somehow picked someone with more questions, more hiding, less experience and coming from an even DIRTIER political machine than Obama did.
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