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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Why does the GOP convention sound like people repeating the DNC convention, with less enthusiasm, peppered with cheap shots and "COUNTRY FIRST"?
MThanded said:
Hai guyz country first. Just keep saying it. Wait shes saying that the economy is jacked. Whos fault is that. The republicans.
No. The Democrats have a majority in Congress, giving plausible deniability to blame them.

Edit: beaten


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
This is really terrible. Poor people do not ahve the ability to do what the CEO of EBay does. Shut up please. They need help to. Some people are born into hardship. These people need help so we have to distribute wealth to some extent. For education, health care and other needs. I am so damn pissed at all this. Could these people be any more out of touch. Do you understand that people can barely make it on essential things and your worrying about having to pay some more taxes on your craploads of money.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
rancor said:
on and on about big fucking government, get the fuck over it. jesus.

Republicans ARE big government. They've been the biggest spenders since Reagan.


teh_pwn said:
Republicans ARE big government. They've been the biggest spenders since Reagan.

That's why regular people can't figure out who the f*ck to vote for anymore.

You go to the store to buy a hammer, but you come home with a lava lamp.


MThanded said:
This is really terrible. Poor people do not ahve the ability to do what the CEO of EBay does. Shut up please. They need help to. Some people are born into hardship. These people need help so we have to distribute wealth to some extent. For education, health care and other needs. I am so damn pissed at all this. Could these people be any more out of touch. Do you understand that people can barely make it on essential things and your worrying about having to pay some more taxes on your craploads of money.

Incorrect. The free market allows for everyone to be CEO's at the same time. That's the magic. Toilets clean themselves.


FightyF said:
If the Democrats aren't far ahead in polls taken a week from now...there is something seriously wrong with the United States.

They are clearly taking the high road here by attacking the issues and the opponent's platform rather than baselessly questioning the opponent's character.

The Republicans are assuming that Americans are idiots and would fall for their baseless attacks.

I have a bad feeling about all of this. I have a feeling that the US is most likely full of people who are easily duped. I mean, I look at the Invasion of Iraq for one, and this is nearly the same situations. The Republican machine has no need for things like "facts" to get what they want.

The fact that the race is as close as it is in this point is very telling...but we've got a lot of lemmings here (I'll include Canada too because the Conservative Party here, who are very much like the Bush Administration, may win a majority this next election).

Not to derail, but the Conservatives haven't exactly been crapping the bed. It was time for the Liberals to go, and on a point of the political scale, the Canadian conservatives tend closer to American Democrat, overall. I voted Conservative, comfortable in the knowledge that they would be getting a minority government, who's presence would generally be a good thing for our country at the time, and overall they have been. Them possibly havinga majority will make the decision harder this time around, but saying that Conservatives = Bush administration is crazy. It's not like the Liberals were remotely a bastion of ethical standards.

America has a bigger problem with 'lemmings' as you term it simply because of how their media is set up and the 2 party system can really polarize voters into group think mindsets.


FightyF said:
I have a bad feeling about all of this. I have a feeling that the US is most likely full of people who are easily duped. I mean, I look at the Invasion of Iraq for one, and this is nearly the same situations. The Republican machine has no need for things like "facts" to get what they want.

The fact that the race is as close as it is in this point is very telling...but we've got a lot of lemmings here (I'll include Canada too because the Conservative Party here, who are very much like the Bush Administration, may win a majority this next election).

Its not really surprising with the way the media is in America.

The networks seem willing to accept guests/pundits whose role is to lie and mislead. Instead of dicussing the issues honestly and fairly you get one guy saying something followed by another saying no thats not true. Is it any wonder the public are undecided when these lies go uncorrected so they have no idea who is telling the truth.

Also it seems journalists are often afraid of asking tricky questions, they often supply a list of questions so a team of people can help the candidate prepare answers in advance. Anyone remember when that Irish journalist tried to interview Bush? he was shocked when a journalist wouldnt just meekly sit there while he was avoiding actually answering her questions.


Who knew eBay was run by such a snob who expects everyone to hold their own in the toughest of times by being "inspired".

Oh, wait.

It's also pretty funny that she is for lower taxes when her very own eBay and PayPal (a part of eBay in case you didn't know) have one of the most blatantly obvious examples of how a company will take a "double dip" approach to taxation.


MThanded said:
This is really terrible. Poor people do not ahve the ability to do what the CEO of EBay does. Shut up please. They need help to. Some people are born into hardship. These people need help so we have to distribute wealth to some extent. For education, health care and other needs. I am so damn pissed at all this. Could these people be any more out of touch. Do you understand that people can barely make it on essential things and your worrying about having to pay some more taxes on your craploads of money.

You're basically summing up the philosophical differences between the two parties. Well, theoretically anyways.


shooting blanks
Fatalah said:
That's why regular people can't figure out who the f*ck to vote for anymore.

You go to the store to buy a hammer, but you come home with a lava lamp.

HAHA that made me laugh.

I'm never buying from ebay again! I need paypal though


when is my burrito
HylianTom said:
Palin Brags About Pricey Earmark

Just comforts me to know that after all the hullabaloo about whether her speech is good or not tonight dies down, that this stuff will still be there waiting for her. Own your failure Pailin. OWN IT!



MThanded said:
This is really terrible. Poor people do not ahve the ability to do what the CEO of EBay does.

So, you're saying that CEOs are uniquely skilled individuals? Interesting, go on.

They need help to. Some people are born into hardship.

That's true.

These people need help so we have to distribute wealth to some extent.

I agree. To a wholly voluntary extent.


JayDubya said:
So, you're saying that CEOs are uniquely skilled individuals? Interesting, go on.
Well not everyone has the heart to step on and trample workers for their own gain. AMIRITE?
OK so a bunch of rich CEOs are telling us to vote for McCain because they won't be able to afford their 2nd G5 jet if Obama gets into office.


aceface said:
Republicans will get a convention bump too but I can't help but think Obama's lead will grow again after these two guys appear on a stage together.

It depends. Could debates easily devolve from discussing the issues to McCain attacking Obama and Obama spending all his time defending himself?

I could be over-reacting at this point, yes. I'll have to wait until some polls are conducted next week.

Zen said:
Them possibly havinga majority will make the decision harder this time around, but saying that Conservatives = Bush administration is crazy.

You have to consider that they are on a leash at the moment, but if and when they get the majority, all hell will break loose. Fact is, they've followed the Bush Administration as far as the NeoCon agenda is concerned, I don't think that can be disputed.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
JayDubya said:
So, you're saying that CEOs are uniquely skilled individuals? Interesting, go on.

That's true.

I agree. To a wholly voluntary extent.

The child in inner city baltimore did not volunteer to be born under the poverty line and not have health care. Lets go your looking for a tag like king_slander arent you.


HylianTom said:

Palin Brags About Pricey Earmark


I really hope the media drops the baby thing and starts putting more emphasis on all of this kind of stuff that has been floating around.

That, the "I dunno what a veep is" clip, approval of Obama's energy plan, laughing at a cancer survivor, etc. etc. These things are so much more important and actually worthy of being regurgitated on 24/7 news networks.


MightyHedgehog said:
I love how they're bringing in a bunch of multi-millionaire CEOs to make the Republican case.

They're millionaire CEOs, tax changes will hurt them, Dems got the lock on the billionaires.


MThanded said:
This is really terrible. Poor people do not ahve the ability to do what the CEO of EBay does. Shut up please. They need help to. Some people are born into hardship. These people need help so we have to distribute wealth to some extent. For education, health care and other needs. I am so damn pissed at all this. Could these people be any more out of touch. Do you understand that people can barely make it on essential things and your worrying about having to pay some more taxes on your craploads of money.

Bill Maher on trickle-down economics:

''The whole theory was this: We have all the money. If we drop some, it's yours.''
I love all this talk about how things are going to change when mccain has agreed with bush, what, 95% of the time? :lol This is such a fucking joke.


Diablos said:
I really hope the media drops the baby thing and starts putting more emphasis on all of this kind of stuff that has been floating around.

That, the "I dunno what a veep is" clip, approval of Obama's energy plan, laughing at a cancer survivor, etc. etc. These things are so much more important and actually worthy of being regurgitated on 24/7 news networks.

Maybe it's up to Obama and his campaign to start doing it. After all, the media will report what he says. They have to take the lead.

Perhaps, as others here have stated, they are waiting for the Convention to end and will then react.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MThanded said:
The child in inner city baltimore did not volunteer to be born under the poverty line and not have health care. Lets go your looking for a tag like king_slander arent you.

If Jay wanted a tag, he'd have got one long ago. Anyway, if Jay thinks all CEOs, or even most CEOs are "uniquely qualified" he hasn't met enough of them. And let's all pretend there's no such thing as social boosting, old boys networks or clubby nepotism.
speculawyer said:
Well, she slams Palin . . . but in her sexist-1930's grandma way. (Which is pretty funny coming from the lady with nude pix on the Internet!)

But I don't understand her anti-Obama dig:

WTF is a 'fundamental leftist'? Is 'leftist' the new 'liberal'? . . . a word that people are supposed to hate even if they don't know what it means?

It is hard to argue with someone that just doesn't present any reasoning but just announces a summary conclusion.

Actually, it's pretty consistent of her since she's essentially one of those value voters. She's always going to support whichever candidate, usually Republicans, who is pro-life, pro family or whatever social conservative label you can throw.

It's interesting that she slams Palin, but her views make it impossible to vote for anyone else than McCain. Barr, Nader and Obama are not alternatives in her worldview.

I don't agree with her on anything, but I can understand her rationale.
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