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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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JayDubya said:
I agree. To a wholly voluntary extent.

whats stopping these voluntary distributors then?? wheres all this chartiable welfare? or do you just have no idea with the way the world works???


Republicans...I mean...

How can this shit fly with people? I'm pretty fucking stupid but even I can see through their -- I'm being generous here -- tactics.

Yes, of course both sides play the politics game. But even a cursory comparison of the two conventions will reveal that what I'm particularly bitching about to be a mostly one-sided affair.

It's like debating with a young-Eart creationist (not coincidentally, the sides stay the same). "Facts don't matter, only what I'm being told by people I've already chosen to believe." (Let's not get into children "choosing" their religion.)

If people would just look at facts, rather than shouting slogans and rallying cries, it would be impossible to support the current Republican brand of conservatism.
Boy is the crowd fired up right now! Carly Fiorina keeps talking about what McCain will be doing as president, yet nobody in the crowd is really cheering! :lol
OuterWorldVoice said:
If Jay wanted a tag, he'd have got one long ago. Anyway, if Jay thinks all CEOs, or even most CEOs are "uniquely qualified" he hasn't met enough of them. And let's all pretend there's no such thing as social boosting, old boys networks or clubby nepotism.
Best answer in the universe.

George W. Bush!
just out of curiosity, has there ever been anyone that's suffered financial hardship because the government taxed them too much?

i've heard of families having trouble due to high health care costs, jobs being eliminated/outsourced, rising costs of food/fuel, and natural disasters destroying their home for example, but I've never heard someone say "you know I had a pretty decent life at one point...until one day, the government came in and taxed me."

of course, that doesn't necessarily mean we should just blindly raise taxes on everyone, but it seems that "tax relief" in and of itself is the least of an individual's problem when it comes to finances, and isn't the silver bullet solution to everything.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Boy is the crowd fired up right now! Carly Fiorina keeps talking about what McCain will be doing as president, yet nobody in the crowd is really cheering! :lol

Maybe because everyone and their mother knows Fiorina is such a failure.


The Blue Jihad said:
John McCain is an old man. He doesn't know the opposite of shrinkage.

You mean... what the government has been doing consistently since about 1 year of Reagan's term?
Diablos said:
I really hope the media drops the baby thing and starts putting more emphasis on all of this kind of stuff that has been floating around.

That, the "I dunno what a veep is" clip, approval of Obama's energy plan, laughing at a cancer survivor, etc. etc. These things are so much more important and actually worthy of being regurgitated on 24/7 news networks.

I agree. God I hope the media doesn't botch this. The more emphasis that's put on issues that don't really matter - like the pregnancy or her being a former beauty queen - the more there's a possibility that the sexism charges begin to stick. Polls are showing that women are almost insulted by the choice though

Most likely Palin will give a good speech tonight. Tomorrow I hope the media does their job vetting the speech - not discussing her baby or PUMAs, but debunking the Bridge to Nowhere nonsense, talking about earmarks, talking about her MANY abuses of power, etc.


So hilarious to call John McCain the "voice of the next generation". How can she seriously say something like that with a straight face?


is it any surprise that woman who was just speaking supports the republicans ?

At HP, Fiorina developed the reputation of a manager who knocked heads together—or who chopped them off. And there were massive layoffs during her tenure. In 2003, the company announced it would dismiss almost 18,000 people. (That year, the firm posted a $903 million loss on $56.6 billion in revenue.) When the outsourcing of jobs turned into a national political issue, Fiorina became the poster-girl for an industry campaign aimed at blocking any legislation that would restrict a company's ability to can American employees in favor of workers overseas. She and executives from seven other tech companies issued a report that argued that any such measures would hurt the U.S. economy. The best way to increase American competitiveness, they declared, was to improve schools and, yes, reduce taxes. At a Washington press conference, Fiorina said, "There is no job that is America's God-given right anymore. We have to compete for jobs." The remark did not go over well with critics of outsourcing, who have ever since used it as an indicator of corporate insensitivity.
Alright. I was just watching PBS and they were saying that McCain is proposing $4 trillion in tax cuts over his possible term? Someone please clarify. I'm an Independent, but I am also a "fiscal liberal" (if that's a term). Hearing that just now does sit well with me.


Zeliard said:
So hilarious to call John McCain the "voice of the next generation". How can she seriously say something like that with a straight face?
Oh he's the voice of the next generation alright, the voice telling them to get off his damn lawn.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh man, I finally got around to watching the "Hillary is a whiner" video and that right there could be the response to Palin's speech tonight. It's not an off-hand comment, she explains it for nearly two minutes :lol Everything she says can be thrown right back into her face.


Zeliard said:
So hilarious to call John McCain the "voice of the next generation". How can she seriously say something like that with a straight face?

He's so old he's back in fashion. Similarly to disco and the horse and buggy.


qwertybob said:
is it any surprise that woman who was just speaking supports the republicans ?

To be fair, it's a damn good point. America is competing in the global market, and it's assy to enact protectionism of AMERICAN JOBS when yknow, starving poverty-ridden countries could do with some of those jobs
Gaborn said:
You mean... what the government has been doing consistently since about 1 year of Reagan's term?
You worded that weird.

Yes, government ballooned under Reagan. Talk about a fuck up. "Here poor people meet my new economics plan called the Piss On You Theory! Or Trickle Down Economics!"

Good government governs well, Republican government never governs well.


bgassassin said:
Alright. I was just watching PBS and they were saying that McCain is proposing $4 trillion in tax cuts over his possible term? Someone please clarify. I'm an Independent, but I am also a "fiscal liberal" (if that's a term). Hearing that just now does sit well with me.

The pic of her holding the Nowhere, Alaska shirt better go in an ad. I'd wait for some of the hooplah to die down and then unleash it. Directly attacking her will make republicans cry foul so what better way than to just compare and contrast her own words and actions. Show her and McCain criticizing earmarks, then show the facts concerning her own earmarks. Play the clip of her saying she didn't support the bridge, then show the picture of the shirt as well as her own words. etc


Thunder Monkey said:
You worded that weird.

Yes, government ballooned under Reagan. Talk about a fuck up. "Here poor people meet my new economics plan called the Piss On You Theory! Or Trickle Down Economics!"

Good government governs well, Republican government never governs well.

I agree the government ballooned under Reagan (and every president since really), though if you look at the numbers there was ONE YEAR where spending went down slightly overall compared to the previous year.
Does anyone have the link to that chart showing both Obama's and McCain's proposed tax rates for each income bracket?

Edit: nevermind - just looked up.


Dirtbag 504 said:
This thread disgusts me.

Can't be any more disgusting than what the Republicans have done in office the past eight years, or comments from Sarah Palin that state that community organizing requires no responsibilities. That, right there, is fairly disgusting.


Zeliard said:
So hilarious to call John McCain the "voice of the next generation". How can she seriously say something like that with a straight face?

Amazing. I think statistically McCain's generation will only be alive for about 5 more years!

I can't believe that hasn't gotten more play, the notion that McCain will in all likelihood be dead within 4 years, let alone 8!


Front page of CNN said:
Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin directs a sharp jibe at Barack Obama in her speech to the Republican convention tonight, according to excerpts released by the campaign. Contrasting her résumé with his, she says: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

Like what? Approving the city council's votes and being a tie-breaker and begging the feds for shitloads of money? What an asshole.


I'm started to like Chuck Todd outside his basic middle school Algebra skills. ;) He's right about the scripting of the speeches. Not too clever, but still something you're not likely to hear from other reporters. PEACE.


rancor said:
whats stopping these voluntary distributors then?? wheres all this chartiable welfare? or do you just have no idea with the way the world works???

You're new here. I would like to indroduce you to a term called libertopian. The ideology that believes that all CEOs are qualified for their positions and that the poor kid with the shitty public education (govverment money must be conserved for tax cuts because the rich don't have enough and wars) has many opportunities to become one. And if he doesn't don't worry the free market wll eventually fix this injustice too. Just wait.
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