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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Rugasuki said:
What's the relation between opportunity and pornography again?

The internet age has really hurt the porn industry, at least the actors! I assume that's what he's talking about.
Republicans are like alcoholics. They always think that just another drink will sober them up. No matter how big of a mess their brand of "conservative" government digs us into, they think "we just need to be more conservative".


"Grow welfare, enhance medicaid, help those that pay no taxes at all..."

All the argument I need to hear. Get a job hippies.
giga said:
where does jon stewart/colbert get their media? is there a way to send in that video of noonan/murphy?
I can't remember his name, but I read a profile of the guy who goes through ALL the media and catalogs it for TDS. He's very thorough and if they need a particular sound bite or photo/video, he has it inventoried. No doubt they know about that video, it's just that there may be too many such moments from today to fit in a 30 minute show.

grandjedi6 said:
Yeah, that guy!
LuCkymoON said:
I how can these people live with themselves, lieing like this.

I am new to politics and especially this country's politics and I have been amazed from all the shit I have read and watched.

I wish Canada's politics was this crazy.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Who else thinks Palin's speech will be great?! Considering she majored in journalism in college and was a sports announcer. I think she will hit all major talking points and the head with precision.

She'll shoot herself in the foot when she tries to go after Obama. There's a line she has in the speech that tries to trivialize Obama's community organizing while bumping up her own mayorship, saying that the latter actually requires "responsibilities" (obviously insinuating that the former doesn't, or at the very least, requires little).

That line will play very well to the crowd and to most McCain voters, but it'll bomb elsewhere because it's attacking something as selfless and critically important as community organizing, and the insinuation is also horribly untrue.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The media better tear this motherfucker a new asshole the size of his big fucking mouth.

He is seriously infuriating me right now.


"The threat from radical, violent jihad" :lol :lol :lol Oh god!

HE IS SAYING IT! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Fucking right Romney! Rage against the machine you rebel you. We are the party of big ideas, not big brother!!
Unions =


this honestly feels like a parody .... is this real?

radical islam does need to be defeated, it just sounds hollow and corny coming out of his mouth.


Zeliard said:
That line will play very well to the crowd and to most McCain voters, but it'll bomb elsewhere because it's attacking something as selfless and critically important as community organizing, and the insinuation is also horribly untrue.

Not at all like attacking people that join the PTA.


when is my burrito

Some people start shouting CHANGE. Abruptly stops. USA USA USA

What is this?! A Nazi sloganeering convention?


You know, as a libertarian, the previous speeches were pretty good (even if it didn't make sense coming from Repulicans that have been in power for eight years), but this Mitt Romney shit is freaking scary.
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