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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Gaborn said:

My joke, she has failed.... :(
Cheebs said:
Again a state with 3 eskimo's and a moose in it. Alaska has nobody in it, it's a wasteland.

Approval of your constituents does matter. And those 3 Eskimo votes would be 3 more votes for approval than the democratically controlled congress was able to muster.


Krowley said:
If you see the quote in context, you will see that she's merly making fun of the office because most of your job is sitting there waiting for the president to die. It's not exactly an action packed position. She is saying that she's hesitant to take the position because she wants to stay busy doing important things.

The dems have been very decietful with this line of attack, but McCain has done similar things to them, so it's probably deserved. But no, it's not true. It's a load of horseshit.

Not the best description given the context.


Approval of your constituents does matter. And those 3 Eskimo votes would be 3 more votes for approval than the democratically controlled congress was able to muster.
Nancy Pelosi likely has higher approval ratings in San Diego, her district, than Palin does in Alaska based on election results there. By your logic she should be McCain's VP pick.


Banstick Emeritus
Not that it matters much to y'all Americans, but the "WTF" reverberations at this pick have gone international. Canadian media have been laughing about it all day long.

Nothing better than seeing an e-mail in your inbox from a Republican colleague in California with the subject header "what the hell just happened?" then opening it and seeing a stream of curses :lol

Mr Jared

Door2Dawn said:
I don't know why you guys are slamming her on this moose burger thing. I heard it's pretty damn good.

Of all the things to bash, yeah, this probably isn't it :lol I've never had Moose before, but just about every other animal I've eaten in burger form has been great!


Love To Love You Baby said:
Yeah chola, you talk about the gays a decent amount. But more power to you for it.

:lol :lol thanks :D

ryutaro's mama - it might work if you reversed it (though the plural of moose is... moose)


Small balls, big fun!
One of the great upsides of an Obama victory would be not having to sheepishly justify my country's insane politics to foreigners.


Mandark said:
One of the great upsides of an Obama victory would be not having to sheepishly justify my country's insane politics to foreigners.
But the upside of McCain winning is "my friends" will be heard every single day for four years.


Jak140 said:
Hoooleey shit!:lol

I love seeing all these anti-affirmative action Republican's defending this VP pick.

Choosing Sarah Palin, a complete unknown, this late in the election cycle with little-to-no vetting reeks of desperation. Had Hillary won the Dem's Nomination (for Pres or VP), she would have earned it. This pick essentially makes Palin a poster child for an unprepared person reaching high status due to her sex. This is an insult to the intelligence and self-respect of women everywhere.


Even my mom, who has little interest in politics, saw through this charade.

Its is a charade. Yes shes a great pick like I said before.

But this sets a very dangerous presdent. Reason i say is that McCain is not liked at all. But he got enough delgates to be the Nominee (that is a story on to itself). But lets say McCain wins the election...he would not have won because of his skill... NO, they voted for him because they are WAITING for him to die... So Miss Palin can be president and be the conservative that Bush Never WAS. Its scary to think about. And even if I think shes a great pick, the problem is, is she really Country First? Or NeoCon to the hilt?

Nobody knows. So this is a very ghastly sincario. The GOP is so corrupt and so desprete to put Palin in office is seems.


Banstick Emeritus
Mandark said:
One of the great upsides of an Obama victory would be not having to sheepishly justify my country's insane politics to foreigners.
8 years of excuses, you should be good at it by now!
38 million watch Obama speech (most likely 40mil+ since PBS and CSPAN aren't counted)

10 PM ET:
CNN: 8,070,000
ABC 6,580,000
NBC 6,100,000
CBS 4,720,000
FOXNEWS 4,220,000
MSNBC 4,090,000

I'm watching the MSNBC.com clips of coverage on Palin and damn...it's not pretty.

What a backlash. I can't wait for more inside story pieces on this, especially how Romney and (especially) Hutchinson responded to this
Mandark said:
One of the great upsides of an Obama victory would be not having to sheepishly justify my country's insane politics to foreigners.
I don't know about that. They'll still be insane and shallow as all get-out, but at least you can feel proud that a majority of voters will likely have put to rest the issue of low quality of judgment that the average American (voter) has. 2004 will never be forgotten, IMO.
Novid said:
Its is a charade. Yes shes a great pick like I said before.

But this sets a very dangerous presdent. Reason i say is that McCain is not liked at all. But he got enough delates to be the Nominee. But lets say McCain wins the election...he would not have won because of his skill... NO, they voted for him because they are WAITING for him to die... So Miss Palin can be president and be the conservative that Bush Never WAS. Its scary to think about. And even if I think shes a great pick, the probelm is, is she really Country First? Or NeoCon to the hilt?

Nobody knows. So this is a very ghastly sincario. The GOP is so corrupt and so desprete to put Palin in office is seems.



Small balls, big fun!
bishoptl said:
8 years of excuses, you should be good at it by now!

It wears on you, mang.

If McCain wins and some damn smug European, fresh off government-funded surgery and visiting the US during one of their mandated five weeks of paid vacation, asks me to explain what happened I'm just going to throw my hands in the air and yell "WE'RE ALL RETARDED, OKAY!? WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!?!?"


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38 million is without PBS and CSPAN. Not sure what kind of numbers they pull, but I know myself and most gaffers were watching PBS.


Krowley said:
The dems have been very decietful with this line of attack, but McCain has done similar things to them, so it's probably deserved. But no, it's not true. It's a load of horseshit.
If you notice, the dems haven't really started attacking yet - it's all the media so far.

And that's why I think this move has a lot of potential to backfire.
The media, even MSNBC, were always in McCain's pockets.
Picking Palin though, has opened up such juicy ratings that they will hound and pounce any gaffe, dirty secrets or what have you from Palin.

The Dems do not have to attack at all - they can do what Obama's always done. Wait until there's a major gaffe or blunder that they can go all out on.

And judging from her inexperience in dealing with things on the national level, as well as her recent mild gaffe of calling Hillary a whiner, you bet your ass there's a big chance she'll make a blunder pretty soon with all the attention to her right now.

And with the RNC coming up very soon, there won't be enough time for the media to get bored with Palin. During the RNC, the media will even be more aggressive in mentioning how this move is not good since it didn't rally the base as much and they will make fun of Palin's speech for sure.


So are all the newsies, pundits, and commentators upset because this is a bad pick, or that they didn't call it. Seems like an unreasonable backlash to me.


PhoenixDark said:
38 million watch Obama speech (most likely 40mil+ since PBS and CSPAN aren't counted)

10 PM ET:
CNN: 8,070,000
ABC 6,580,000
NBC 6,100,000
CBS 4,720,000
FOXNEWS 4,220,000
MSNBC 4,090,000

I'm watching the MSNBC.com clips of coverage on Palin and damn...it's not pretty.

What a backlash. I can't wait for more inside story pieces on this, especially how Romney and (especially) Hutchinson responded to this

The day I see bratty Katie beat Fox News... holy shit and they were only on for an hour 25 mins.

So much for the the number one cable news station am I rite *kittowysmile.gif*
MightyHedgehog said:
I don't know about that. They'll still be insane and shallow as all get-out, but at least you can feel proud that a majority of voters will likely have put to rest the issue of low quality of judgment that the average American (voter) has. 2004 will never be forgotten, IMO.

Yes like Obama not wanting to sit two states of voters for Clinton.


MightyHedgehog said:
I don't know about that. They'll still be insane and shallow as all get-out, but at least you can feel proud that a majority of voters will likely have put to rest the issue of low quality of judgment that the average American (voter) has. 2004 will never be forgotten, IMO.

This may surprise some people, but even though I voted for Michael Badnarik in '04 I wanted Kerry to win over Bush just to punish him and because I knew Kerry would have a Republican congress to deal with to keep the worst of his policies (and boy were there a lot) in check. Still though, I've never subscribed to believing your political opponents are simply using poor judgment because they didn't vote for your guy.


Arde5643 said:
If you notice, the dems haven't really started attacking yet - it's all the media so far.

And that's why I think this move has a lot of potential to backfire.
The media, even MSNBC, were always in McCain's pockets.
Picking Palin though, has opened up such juicy ratings that they will hound and pounce any gaffe, dirty secrets or what have you from Palin.

The Dems do not have to attack at all - they can do what Obama's always done. Wait until there's a major gaffe or blunder that they can go all out on.

And judging from her inexperience in dealing with things on the national level, as well as her recent mild gaffe of calling Hillary a whiner, you bet your ass there's a big chance she'll make a blunder pretty soon with all the attention to her right now.

And with the RNC coming up very soon, there won't be enough time for the media to get bored with Palin. During the RNC, the media will even be more aggressive in mentioning how this move is not good since it didn't rally the base as much and they will make fun of Palin's speech for sure.

I also think the media hates the fact she was never fed to the media to be vetted. The Obama campaigned USED the media to get Biden out there and build up momentum. McCain campaign locked them out. The media HATES being locked out of sources and leaks.


Got a ticket and drove out to Beaver County to see Obama tonight. It was pretty awesome to see him right after being in Denver. Tons of people -- great crowd.

Barack looks exactly the same in person. Michelle looks even better than she does on tv/in photos. Biden looks MUCH older, while his wife looks about the same.

It was great to be there. I'd post photos but they all came out bad. Tried really hard to shake his hand, but there was a wall of bodies and they of course had to leave eventually.


RubxQub said:
38 million is without PBS and CSPAN. Not sure what kind of numbers they pull, but I know myself and most gaffers were watching PBS.

It should be around 5 mill for PBS and 3 mill for CSPAN. That makes it near 45 million which is are great numbers (my bad)


Cheebs said:
I also think the media hates the fact she is such a total nobody. The media LOVES the politicians they know well the ones who always interview with them and always are around. Biden, McCain, and ever since 2004 Obama as well. Palin is not part of this so the media seems a bit angry over it. Not due to political views but the face the media was so left out of the loop.

This is exactly what I meant in my last post. I agree.


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deadbeef said:
So are all the newsies, pundits, and commentators upset because this is a bad pick, or that they didn't call it. Seems like an unreasonable backlash to me.
The backlash seems to have a lot more to do with the recklessness of the pick than her as a candidate so far.

If it's true that McCain only saw her once, and only talked to her twice before selecting her, it's pretty clear that there wasn't much of a vetting process for her.

The media's been talking about how she was selected recklessly, and if something were to happen, this inexperienced, unknown person now holds the keys to the country.
deadbeef said:
So are all the newsies, pundits, and commentators upset because this is a bad pick, or that they didn't call it. Seems like an unreasonable backlash to me.

No, it's because they're American's, too, who want the best for the country as well, like you and I.

In this election, it's pretty clear who would be the best for the future of America.

RubxQub said:
The backlash seems to have a lot more to do with the recklessness of the pick than her as a candidate so far.

Cheebs said:
I also think the media hates the fact she was never fed to the media to be vetted. The Obama campaigned USED the media to get Biden out there and build up momentum. McCain campaign locked them out. The media HATES being locked out of sources and leaks.



deadbeef said:
So are all the newsies, pundits, and commentators upset because this is a bad pick, or that they didn't call it. Seems like an unreasonable backlash to me.
2 words: Juicy. Ratings.

McCain is a POW and the media also likes him in the past.

Her though, unknown fresh meat, ready for slaughter. Whether or not she survives, depends on her and McCain's camp.


deadbeef said:
This is exactly what I meant in my last post. I agree.
The media is powerful in this way, a non-partisan way it has been done to both parties before. If you shun them then they turn on you. Which the McCain campaign did with this pick, thus they are far more willing to poke and proud her. As if she is not worthy enough unlike the ones fed to them in leaks.

It's even worse because McCain was once super media friendly.


*drowns in jizz*
oh she was picked because purely she was a chick....

She is only the most Popular governor in the United States, who has taken on both dems and republicans, a union member, NRA member, and domestic energy advocate. The repubicans were unmotivated, and now they are going to be an excited and unified voting block. She governs one of the most energy important states in the US. She has the conservatives jumping, and has the Hillary message boards jumping ship to McCain. It's a risk, but the risk has the highest upside of the Republican candidates.

Cool, you got all the talking points into one paragraph.

And about all the Hillary fans 'jumping ship', if I was Hillary I'd be fucking embarrassed and ashamed to have suh supporters. Jumping ship to someone they don't know 2 shits about, who goes against almost every major issue Hillary stood for, solely because she has a vagina? Yeah, quite the specimens there.


Cheebs said:
I also think the media hates the fact she was never fed to the media to be vetted. The Obama campaigned USED the media to get Biden out there and build up momentum. McCain campaign locked them out. The media HATES being locked out of sources and leaks.

The media is definitly not giving her any breaks at all. I think the momentum now is very negative for her and McCains best hope is to get her out there and hope the media falls in love with her, like they did with Huckabee. They have to put her in the line of fire and hope she becomes a star.

There is obviously great danger in that approach, because there will be plenty of attempts at gotcha journalism. she has to be ready to deflect that in a way that makes her more ingratiating.


Arde5643 said:
2 words: Juicy. Ratings.

McCain is a POW and the media also likes him in the past.

Her though, unknown fresh meat, ready for slaughter. Whether or not she survives, depends on her and McCain's camp.

Maddow is gonna chew her something fierce...maybe because Maddow kinda feels something in her leg for Pailn...

Oh shit...:lol
Karma Kramer said:
After reading through this entire thread on my iPhone, I have come to the conclusion that Palin is the worst VP choice made in modern history.

As long as Obama attacks McCain on his judgement of this pick strongly, there is literally nothing that will save McCain from a landslide this November.

You may like Pilan as a candidate... But what's the issue is not who he picked... But how he picked. The level of hypcrosity in how McCain picked his VP after one visit... who is less qualified then Obama... will be seeping out of his ears by election day.

If you can't see what the narrative will be... then you will very shortly.

I'm surprised an Obama supporter said this.

"Well, at least my candidate has more experience than your VP!" Odd way of thinking.


Krowley said:
The media is definitly not giving her any breaks at all. I think the momentum now is very negative for her and McCains only hope is to get her out there and hope the media falls in love with her, like they did with Huckabee. They have to put her in the line of fire and hope she becomes a star.

There is obviously great danger in that approach, because there will be plenty attempts at gotcha journalism.
They really are doing this on very bad timing so far.

A mere few days before the RNC convention that's already having problems due to the storm.

And since the media only has a short time to grill her, you can bet they're going to put all their resources to milk as much as possible so that by the time the convention comes, they'd have dried out everything worth of this story.


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ComputerNerd said:
I'm surprised an Obama supporter said this.

"Well, at least my candidate has more experience than your VP!" Odd way of thinking.
You're reading it wrong.

He said: "The experience argument that the McCain camp has been using is now invalid"

What you heard: "Obama having more experience then the opponents VP is nothing to get excited about".


ComputerNerd said:
I'm surprised an Obama supporter said this.

"Well, at least my candidate has more experience than your VP!" Odd way of thinking.

this is the other important line of attack that the mccain campaign has to use

"At least we have our ticket in the right order, with the experienced guy on top, and the student waiting in the wings"

they should probably even make an advertisment about it.
Krowley said:
this is the other important line of attack that the mccain campaign has to use

"At least we have our ticket in the right order, with the experienced guy on top, and the student waiting in the wings"



Krowley said:
this is the other important line of attack that the mccain campaign has to use

"At least we have our ticket in the right order, with the experienced guy on top, and the student waiting in the wings"
THe problem is McCain is 72 and has had cancer FOUR times. He can't have a student in the wings.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Krowley said:
If you see the quote in context, you will see that she's merly making fun of the office because most of your job is sitting there waiting for the president to die. It's not exactly an action packed position. She is saying that she's hesitant to take the position because she wants to stay busy doing important things.

The dems have been very decietful with this line of attack, but McCain has done similar things to them, so it's probably deserved. But no, it's not true. It's a load of horseshit.
Dick Cheney.

If she doesn't know a little bit about what happens in the office of the vice president after the last 7.5 years, then that's just more proof that she shouldn't be anywhere near the national stage.

Also, right after that comment she goes on to say that she'd want to know what the position would do for Alaska before she took it. WTF? Someone best remind her that she's up for vice president of the United States of America, not Alaska's out-of-town BFF.
Cheebs said:
The media is powerful in this way, a non-partisan way it has been done to both parties before. If you shun them then they turn on you. Which the McCain campaign did with this pick, thus they are far more willing to poke and proud her. As if she is not worthy enough unlike the ones fed to them in leaks.

It's even worse because McCain was once super media friendly.

Stupid Analogy #7

Yes When the Sega Saturn did a surprise launch on May 5, 1995 during E3, the Gaming media was pissed. Gamepro or Gameplayers was so mad, they mentioned in one sentence in the middle of the mag that "Sega had launched the Saturn and it was for sale" And Gamepro gave crappy ratings to Sega games for the next 10 years. (behave with this last sentence!)
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