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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Zeliard said:
It's literally painful to hear this shit. It's incredibly insulting and condescending.

What kind of criticism is that? You're saying we shouldn't help those who were born worse off, and trying to trivialize them as "hippies" who need to "get a job"? You feel this is a strong argument?

Yup. Of course its never that simple, but that's basically the jist of it.
Contribute or get out of my way.


dabbled in the jelly
It's like they pretend to "care" every 4 years only to completely rape us yet again if we're dumb enough to re-elect them. I'm sorry but we're still too butt hurt from the last 8 years for another round of this ankle grabbing. I'm sorry it just really irks me how they pretend to have nothing to do with the current terrible condition our country is in right now. Was that...was that Abraham Lincoln I just saw?
lexdysia said:
Republicans have drowned out the media by butting their speeches together. Less critical thinking that way.

That's actually a pretty smart strategy. If you didn't watch C-SPAN/PBS then according to the MSM Denver was all about the Clintons for 3 days.


What bothered people so much about Romney? Maybe I'm just numb to it, but it was pretty much just standard fare unremarkable BS from where I was sitting.
EviLore said:
John McCain helped Huckabee have a school desk by bombing Vietnam?
If anyone earned that desk, it's G Dub for defending Dallas from the VC.
Guy Legend said:
I'm reading another message board and I read the Romney is the best speaker on either side.

lol @ the Bush Administration being a liberal government.

I had to pull over when I heard that.


Guiliani's speech has already been posted on the internet:

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Dax01 said:
Damn! Okay, if I buy the desk, to I have to pay for the chair as well?

You have to buy the chair and there is only one company that makes it. The no-bid contract we gave them maximized their competitiveness and will allow them to bring that chair to you for the lowest price imaginable.
Gruco said:
What bothered people so much about Romney? Maybe I'm just numb to it, but it was pretty much just standard fare unremarkable BS from where I was sitting.

Maybe it was that he ran through the speech like he had a plane to catch.
Huck is a character, and an interesting one at that. :lol

I guess this isn't the time or place to argue that the Vietnam war didn't protect or secure our freedom, but good story anyway...
Dirtbag 504 said:
no, more white americans receive welfare in middle america then minorities.
Have you seen middle America?

I was the only Tyrone in my school. And I'm white as a sheet.

I also get paid by the government to go to school. About $900 a month.

Gotta love student help. And to think under Obama I could end up receiving more money. I'm a man of meager means. Getting paid $5.75/hr at the grocery store netted me about $600 a month. A little over that. Just by going to school I get $900.

Proof that government is better then the free market.
WickedAngel said:
You have to buy the chair and there is only one company that makes it. The no-bid contract we gave them maximized their competitiveness and will allow them to bring that chair to you for the lowest price imaginable.
Why must you be so cruel? :(


I don't care what anyone else says. This is my opinion and no one else's The Republican party is so out of touch with what is actually going on and they're all so fucking self-important that it's sickening. I'm not a registered Democrat or anything but all the Republicans are fucking assholes. Fuck all of them. "Drill, baby drill" and this fucking desk story and "violent Jihad" and Sarah Palin - all assholes.


Vicious what the fuck?


WickedAngel said:
What does that have to do with New Orleans?

Your looking at the problem wrong. I'm not preaching fear of minorities but fear of bred laziness. New Orleans has plenty of plenty of people on welfare, so many in fact, that you can't out vote them elections and we get a 2nd term of Democratic mayors like Nagin, Morial, etc.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yes, McCain has the economic experience to help out blue collar workers in Michigan and Ohio. Yeah, McCain will make it all better by continuing the same failed Bush policies that has brought those people to the brink of poverty.

WickedAngel said:
What does that have to do with New Orleans?

Obviously the welfare state caused the people of New Orleans to be powerless against a little hurricane. Why I bet all the entrepreneur survived, and so did the free market.

Why if Reagan was in a hurricane he would kick its ass back to Haiti.


I have to say, if it weren't for all of Huck's crazy, I'd kind of like him.

And what the hell, the governor of Hawaii? Where's Guiliani? How is the governor of Hawaii a white Republican, anyway?
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