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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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reilo said:
Yes, McCain has the economic experience to help out blue collar workers in Michigan and Ohio. Yeah, McCain will make it all better by continuing the same failed Bush policies that has brought those people to the brink of poverty.

Your posts are disingenuous!
WickedAngel said:
You don't like freedom? Why aren't you a patriot like the rest of us?
I'm a commie.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

They are moving women from the back to the front for the Palin speech. Wow.
Dirtbag 504 said:
Your looking at the problem wrong. I'm not preaching fear of minorities but fear of bred laziness. New Orleans has plenty of plenty of people on welfare, so many in fact, that you can't out vote them elections and we get a 2nd term of Democratic mayors like Nagin, Morial, etc.

Too bad Katrina didn't finish the job, huh?


Crisis said:
I don't care what anyone else says. This is my opinion and no one else's The Republican party is so out of touch with what is actually going on and they're all so fucking self-important that it's sickening. I'm not a registered Democrat or anything but all the Republicans are fucking assholes. Fuck all of them. "Drill, baby drill" and this fucking desk story and "violent Jihad" and Sarah Palin - all assholes.

Yup. Pretty much.


Formless said:
Did they ever find a picture of him?




Iksenpets said:
I have to say, if it weren't for all of Huck's crazy, I'd kind of like him.

And what the hell, the governor of Hawaii? Where's Guiliani? How is the governor of Hawaii a white Republican, anyway?
Yep. Huck is a crazy, crazy man, but also incredibly likable. He should turn to acting, or something.


Hearing this woman list Palin's "achievements" is so painful.... I can't believe the Republicans have gotten themselves into this nightmare. Unbelievable!
Who else found themselves screaming at the tv/radio when Romney said Washington was too LIBRUL and blamed that for our problems?

Oh yeah, and Romney if you put a jihad on me, I'll put a jihad on you!
Dirtbag 504 said:
Your looking at the problem wrong. I'm not preaching fear of minorities but fear of bred laziness. New Orleans has plenty of plenty of people on welfare, so many in fact, that you can't out vote them elections and we get a 2nd term of Democratic mayors like Nagin, Morial, etc.

Right, because that's the cause of all of the financial and economic turmoil.

Not like it could be:

1) Unregulated mortgage lending practices leading to the mortgage crisis which we're still trying to ride out.
2) A $10 billion/month war in Iraq which accomplished? Oh right, Iraq had an $80 billion surplus while we're hitting record highs. Silly me.
3) The weakening of the US dollar due to inflation because of energy costs, part of which is due to lack of public investment in alternative energy since Bush took office and also because of failed regulation of the rampant speculation in the oil markets.

Nope, all of our economic woes are because of welfare.
Biden and Obama have no executive experience? Zero? What a crock of shit this argument really is. This is apparently the way they're twisting their claim to experience for the ticket.
chuck schumer's people are great:


cold burn at the end. The unspoken thing about this convention is that, while it is all about the Presdiency in a way, the GOP faces a very real possibility of being shutout again this year and not beating a single Democratic incumbent or taking over a Dem open seat in either chamber of the legislative branch.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Crisis said:
I don't care what anyone else says. This is my opinion and no one else's The Republican party is so out of touch with what is actually going on and they're all so fucking self-important that it's sickening. I'm not a registered Democrat or anything but all the Republicans are fucking assholes. Fuck all of them. "Drill, baby drill" and this fucking desk story and "violent Jihad" and Sarah Palin - all assholes.

I always felt like I was a republican by definition.. but after seeing a couple of RNC its just like wth, no thanks.
polyh3dron said:
Who else found themselves screaming at the tv/radio when Romney said Washington was too LIBRUL and blamed that for our problems?
I can't watch the Republicans anymore.

Bush was bad enough, but all of them seem to have no grasp of reality anymore.

It gets to be too much.


polyh3dron said:
Who else found themselves screaming at the tv/radio when Romney said Washington was too LIBRUL and blamed that for our problems?

Oh yeah, and Romney if you put a jihad on me, I'll put a jihad on you!

I was just thinking of the Obama campaign comment about him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Rapping Granny said:
I am new to politics, WTF does excutive experience mean?

They are using a semantic qualifier - you're not in charge of anything unless you've held an "executive" position like Mayor or Governor. Using the same math, she is the Veep for a Presidential candidate with zero experience.

McCain, zero experience, as defined by his party and its conference. ZERO>


Rapping Granny said:
I am new to politics, WTF does excutive experience mean?

Being a governor or working in the executive branch of goverment.

I am also proud of Rommy stepping up and telling the liberal goverment the TRUTH!!! Liberals have been control for the past eight years and they have been doing nothing but empowering coporations and screwing Americans over. God Bless America and God Bless John McCain.


Idiots talking to idiots, assholes talking to assholes, and a punch in the dick through my TV. This is the republican party in 2008. Good night!


Gold Member
I hope the Mayor uses his joke of "Obama was a community organizer, I mean staffer, when I find out what that is I'll let you know." :lol


Yep, I'm braced for the liberal hate! :lol
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