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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Krowley said:
I agree with that to some extent, but the debate can turn things around in a hurry. The more they underestimate her before the debate, the more powerful a solid performance could be. Biden is formidable, and that only adds to the narrative. It's a way to salvage the pick if things go sour for her.
Agreed - underestimating her should be the last thing both Obama camp and DNC do.

Of course, being a dirty liberrl and Obamabot, I'm hoping for her crushing downfall.

Still though, I have to commend McCain camp for not making the days before RNC campaign boring and making sure that people will actually want to listen in to the RNC campaign, at the very least for the Palin nomination and speech.
Krowley said:
A lot of conservative democrats in swing states voted for hillary clinton because she wasn't Barack Obama, not because of her views. A variety of things during the primary quickly made him into the candidate of the hollywood left.. That's the way he was percieved in those areas.

These are Reagan Democrats and they aren't that resistant to voting for a republican, especially one with a rural, working class appeal and a record of reform. The idea of a small town mayor turned governer doesn't turn them off either, it just makes them feel closer to her.

The only real problem is the way mccain made the pick, assuming the story about very little vetting is true. That's what will really bite him in the ass, along with the media general vitriol.

Hillary Clinton is also the candidate that a lot of these same people have been demonizing for nearly 20 years as the castrating liberal feminist shrew who now represents New York. As I said earlier I just don't buy Hillary Clinton is the new normae rae without having some critical thought into this process. These people have always existed and their deciding factor has rarely been solely voting based on a gender issue. I just don't buy these people are a large enough chunk of the independents he needs.


adamsappel said:
He explained the genesis of his username a bit ago (anime? manga? JRPG?), but am I alone in previously thinking his name was supposed to mean "born gay"?

David Farland novel series (Runelord Saga)



reilo said:
Reagan Democrats voted for Reagan because he was RONALD FUCKING REAGAN. Many people did because they viewed him as a centrist and moderate.

John McCain, is no Ronald Reagan, and any Reagan Democrat with worth a sense in their mind will never ever see him as one, and especially not vote for him. A female George W Bush won't help convince Reagan Democrats that McCain is the incarnation of Reagan they would vote for.

Reagan dems voted for Bush. Not all of them, but enough to get him elected. The republican base alone will not get you a president, so he had enough of them.

They don't like Bush anymore, but they're still conservative compared to the modern democratic party. They would not vote for Kerry, and they probably won't vote for Obama. He just doesn't have the right message or the right style.

Obama's only hope is that they stay home, and they might. There are a lot of reasons for them to stay home this year, but they also might show up, and vote for McCain. He's going to be reaching out to them for the rest of this election.


Well, I just got back from visiting my parents so I have a couple things to report from a Republican family's perspective.

Both my mom and sister looked almost giddy seeing Palin on television. My mom was leaning towards Obama until tonight and my sister wasn't planning on voting at all. Chock up two more votes for McCain from Oregon. Pandering or no pandering they love the woman based on what CNN was reporting. We'll see how she does in the debates, which they both plan on watching carefully.

I completely misread the Down Syndrome child situation. The first thing my mom said about the woman was that something about the fact she (Palin) had her child despite knowing about their disability before birth. Basically gave my sister a knowing look and seemed quite happy with Palin's pro-life stance. She doesn't just give lip service the pro-life movement, she lives by it. This will likely have a bigger impact than I gave it credit for.

Even from my perspective I have to admit McCain's campaign at least looks more attractive on the surface. I'm still not voting for the douche, but the more I think about it, and the more I hear about it on television, I realize this move is nothing short of genius.

Hillary stating that "We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin's historic nomination" certainly isn't going to help Obama's camp either.

Genius really is an understatement. Lets summarize:

1. Her approval rating in Alaska is 80%. Last election Alaska was a swing-state. This could be huge.

2. She's pro-life and lives by it. All those evangelical votes that were on the fence or leaning towards Obama? Good chance a substantial number were just handed back to the Republicans.

3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.

4. Iraq. She has an 18 year-old son headed there in September. She has a vested interest in ensuring that troops get what they need. Instant credibility, experience be damned.

5. She's attractive. Don't downplay this. Looks are every bit important (if not more-so) than politics. If she comes off as competent in the debates experience will literally be a non-issue for most voters.

I could go on for pages about her character. I have to admit, I really like the woman. I realize McCain is pandering, almost insultingly, by picking her as VP. However, seeing her on television really does wonders to remove a lot of the feelings of "McSame" and "Bush 2" because everything just feels different now. It gave his campaign the boost in youth, energy, and even change that it so badly needed.

Absolutely genius choice in VP.
nyong said:
Well, I just got back from visiting my parents so I have a couple things to report from a Republican family's perspective.

Both my mom and sister looked almost giddy seeing Palin on television. My mom was leaning towards Obama until tonight and my sister wasn't planning on voting at all. Chock up two more votes for McCain from Oregon. Pandering or no pandering they love the woman based on what CNN was reporting. We'll see how she does in the debates, which they both plan on watching carefully.

I completely misread the Down Syndrome child situation. The first thing my mom said about the woman was that something about the fact she (Palin) had her child despite knowing about their disability before birth. Basically gave my sister a knowing look and seemed quite happy with Palin's pro-life stance. She doesn't just give lip service the pro-life movement, she lives by it. This will likely have a bigger impact than I gave it credit for.

Even from my perspective I have to admit McCain's campaign at least looks more attractive on the surface. I'm still not voting for the douche, but the more I think about it, and the more I hear about it on television, I realize this move is nothing short of genius.

Hillary stating that "We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin's historic nomination" certainly isn't going to help Obama's camp either.

Genius really is an understatement. Lets summarize:

1. Her approval rating in Alaska is 80%. Last election Alaska was a swing-state. This could be huge.

2. She's pro-life and lives by it. All those evangelical votes that were on the fence or leaning towards Obama? Good chance a substantial number were just handed back to the Republicans.

3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.

4. Iraq. She has an 18 year-old son headed there in September. She has a vested interest in ensuring that troops get what they need. Instant credibility, experience be damned.

5. She's attractive. Don't downplay this. Looks are every bit important (if not more-so) than politics. If she comes off as competent in the debates experience will literally be a non-issue for most voters.

I could go on for pages about her character. I have to admit, I really like the woman. I realize McCain is pandering, almost insultingly, by picking her as VP. However, seeing her on television really does wonders to remove a lot of the feelings of "McSame" and "Bush 2" because everything just feels different now. It gave his campaign the boost in youth, energy, and even change that it so badly needed.

Absolutely genius choice in VP.



Junior Member
laserbeam said:
I think most have come to like the naughty librarian bit :p

Her record on reform I really like. I mean she didnt hold back on anyone. She went after the chairman of the Alaskan Republican party for being corrupt. I think it speaks to her character she didnt abort the kid with down syndrom either.

I dont agree with her on the creationism and such but I think given more time to grow in Politics she could become formidable.

Yep. I think people are missing the big picture here. Even if McCain/Palin lose they'll have vetted a very formidable nominee come 2012/2016.
Door2Dawn said:
I'm am so tired of this Reagan democrats bullshit.

You don't know what are in the minds of these voters,so please drop it.

The bigger issue to me is pretending that some of these so-called Regan Democrats are anything but Republicans at this point or pretending that this is the same country as it was in 1984, or 1988.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
nyong: If you are basing the fact that two pro-life women are voting for a candidate with a pro-life woman as his veep to come to the conclusion that most women will vote for her based on that, then you are sorely mistaken.

Sarah Palin is on the wrong side of most feminist agendas as they come.

Biden has a son going to Iraq at the end of the year, too. Doesn't mean that republicans will vote for Obama.

PSGames said:
Yep. I think people are missing the big picture here. Even if McCain/Palin lose they'll have vetted a very formidable nominee come 2012/2016.

I'm still waiting on evidence that she was seriously vetted and she wasn't another one of McCain's off-the-cuff-temperament last second ditch efforts.


Door2Dawn said:
I'm am so tired of this Reagan democrats bullshit.

You don't know what are in the minds of these voters,so please drop it.

I'm not just talking out of my ass, They show up in polls all the time.

They're the ones that say "Yes i voted for Clinton, but No i won't vote for Obama" They are the reason Hilary's national security attacks worked in the primary's. A lot of these people were set on voting democrat this time, but for whatever reason, they don't like Obama. A lot of it has to do with Hilary's attacks late in the campaign, along with the jeramiah wright scandal. They became a problem for Obama as the campaign progressed, because that's who the Clintons were targeting. It's the reason she won all those swing states at the end, because there are LOTS of them in swing states.

Most of these aren't the Puma types, but they are actually the old fashioned blue dog democrats that populate a lot of rural america.

I Imagine there have been books written about these voters. To ignore them or drop them as a subject of discussion would be kind of like putting blinders on. This whole thread is full of people trying to account for voters behavior. That's what political threads are all about.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Door2Dawn said:
I don't see how she magicaly disspells the McSame look. His postions hasn't changed,nor his comments.

Hers are even more in line with George W Bush from what little we know of her.


Junior Member
nyong said:
Well, I just got back from visiting my parents so I have a couple things to report from a Republican family's perspective.

Both my mom and sister looked almost giddy seeing Palin on television. My mom was leaning towards Obama until tonight and my sister wasn't planning on voting at all. Chock up two more votes for McCain from Oregon. Pandering or no pandering they love the woman based on what CNN was reporting. We'll see how she does in the debates, which they both plan on watching carefully.

I completely misread the Down Syndrome child situation. The first thing my mom said about the woman was that something about the fact she (Palin) had her child despite knowing about their disability before birth. Basically gave my sister a knowing look and seemed quite happy with Palin's pro-life stance. She doesn't just give lip service the pro-life movement, she lives by it. This will likely have a bigger impact than I gave it credit for.

Even from my perspective I have to admit McCain's campaign at least looks more attractive on the surface. I'm still not voting for the douche, but the more I think about it, and the more I hear about it on television, I realize this move is nothing short of genius.

Hillary stating that "We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin's historic nomination" certainly isn't going to help Obama's camp either.

Genius really is an understatement. Lets summarize:

1. Her approval rating in Alaska is 80%. Last election Alaska was a swing-state. This could be huge.

2. She's pro-life and lives by it. All those evangelical votes that were on the fence or leaning towards Obama? Good chance a substantial number were just handed back to the Republicans.

3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.

4. Iraq. She has an 18 year-old son headed there in September. She has a vested interest in ensuring that troops get what they need. Instant credibility, experience be damned.

5. She's attractive. Don't downplay this. Looks are every bit important (if not more-so) than politics. If she comes off as competent in the debates experience will literally be a non-issue for most voters.

I could go on for pages about her character. I have to admit, I really like the woman. I realize McCain is pandering, almost insultingly, by picking her as VP. However, seeing her on television really does wonders to remove a lot of the feelings of "McSame" and "Bush 2" because everything just feels different now. It gave his campaign the boost in youth, energy, and even change that it so badly needed.

Absolutely genius choice in VP.

very well said.


nyong said:

I tend to agree, I think that it might be a rough day or two, but I think certainly after she gives her speech to the RNC (I'm assuming the Republican VP gives a speech, even though I never looked that up) she should either TOTALLY go down in flames, or more probably have solidified the Republicans behind her candidacy and made people at least understand the rationale a little better. The media is a bit shocked right now because McCain kept this secret so well and had a relatively unusual choice, but once they get over being shocked it's going to look better for McCain than people think right now.

Reilo - Again, just how incompetent do you honestly think the McCain camp is? You REALLY believe they wouldn't vet a VP candidate?


nyong said:
I completely misread the Down Syndrome child situation.
Yep. Kid's five months old and she's hitting the campaign trail.
1. Her approval rating in Alaska is 80%. Last election Alaska was a swing-state. This could be huge.
Three electoral votes.
All those evangelical votes that were on the fence or leaning towards Obama?
Which evangelical states were leaning Obama?
3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.
Obama has far more experience than she does, and he isn't 72 years old with a history of cancer.
4. Iraq. She has an 18 year-old son headed there in September. She has a vested interest in ensuring that troops get what they need. Instant credibility, experience be damned.
Big deal, Biden has a son on the way to Iraq himself.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
reilo said:
nyong: If you are basing the fact that two pro-life women are voting for a candidate with a pro-life woman as his veep to come to the conclusion that most women will vote for her based on that, then you are sorely mistaken.

Sarah Palin is on the wrong side of most feminist agendas as they come.

Biden has a son going to Iraq at the end of the year, too. Doesn't mean that republicans will vote for Obama.

I'm still waiting on evidence that she was seriously vetted and she wasn't another one of McCain's off-the-cuff-temperament last second ditch efforts.

Biden: I have a son in Iraq AND I've got years of foreign policy experience, how about you Mrs Palin?

Palin: I have a son in Iraq AND I don't abort down syndrome children!

Biden: I don't abort down syndrome children either... and nor do I leave them with little paternal care of which they'll be needing a lot!


Hmm, so I guess she'll help with the pro-lifers, huh?

So is the point to rally the evangelical pro-life republican base who were not enthusiastic with McCain instead of pandering to the Hilldawg voters?


Gaborn said:
I tend to agree, I think that it might be a rough day or two, but I think certainly after she gives her speech to the RNC (I'm assuming the Republican VP gives a speech, even though I never looked that up) she should either TOTALLY go down in flames, or more probably have solidified the Republicans behind her candidacy and made people at least understand the rationale a little better. The media is a bit shocked right now because McCain kept this secret so well and had a relatively unusual choice, but once they get over being shocked it's going to look better for McCain than people think right now.

Reilo - Again, just how incompetent do you honestly think the McCain camp is? You REALLY believe they wouldn't vet a VP candidate?
Of course they vetted her,all three seconds of it.


Junior Member
Arde5643 said:
Hmm, so I guess she'll help with the pro-lifers, huh?

So is the point to rally the evangelical pro-life republican base who were not enthusiastic with McCain instead of pandering to the Hilldawg voters?



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
I tend to agree, I think that it might be a rough day or two, but I think certainly after she gives her speech to the RNC (I'm assuming the Republican VP gives a speech, even though I never looked that up) she should either TOTALLY go down in flames, or more probably have solidified the Republicans behind her candidacy and made people at least understand the rationale a little better. The media is a bit shocked right now because McCain kept this secret so well and had a relatively unusual choice, but once they get over being shocked it's going to look better for McCain than people think right now.

Reilo - Again, just how incompetent do you honestly think the McCain camp is? You REALLY believe they wouldn't vet a VP candidate?

Right now, and throughout this election, McCain's camp has looked VERY incompetent.

I mean, shit, this is the same camp that said "John McCain does not speak for John McCain"!!!!


Arde5643 said:
Hmm, so I guess she'll help with the pro-lifers, huh?

So is the point to rally the evangelical pro-life republican base who were not enthusiastic with McCain instead of pandering to the Hilldawg voters?

I think its a Mix of making sure Evangelicals etc show up appeal to the independants and see what they can get of Hilldawgs peeps. She and her husband are very much down to earth people theres not gonna be any accusations of her being rich and out of touch with people


reilo said:
Right now, and throughout this election, McCain's camp has looked VERY incompetent.

I mean, shit, this is the same camp that said "John McCain does not speak for John McCain"!!!!

So, again, to be clear. You believe. McCain's team didn't vet Sarah Palin.


Stoney Mason said:
The bigger issue to me is pretending that some of these so-called Regan Democrats are anything but Republicans at this point or pretending that this is the same country as it was in 1984, or 1988.

They would have voted for Hillary Clinton, and they DID vote for Bill Clinton.

They can still be taken by the democrats. They don't like the republicans corporate associations, but the democrats have to pick a slightly more centrist candidate.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Arde5643 said:
Pro life and pro guns probably won't go well with Hilldawg voters.

Pro-life, pro-guns, pro-creationism, anti-animal rights.

Gaborn said:
So, again, to be clear. You believe. McCain's team didn't vet Sarah Palin.

I believe they vetted her, but in the same grueling manner that Obama's camp vetted all of his candidates for several straight months? No, no way.

When I say "they didn't vet her", I mean they didn't do their due diligence and vetted her seriously like they should have.
nyong said:
1. Her approval rating in Alaska is 80%. Last election Alaska was a swing-state. This could be huge.

3 electoral votes. 3. Count em.

2. She's pro-life and lives by it. All those evangelical votes that were on the fence or leaning towards Obama? Good chance a substantial number were just handed back to the Republicans.

Pro-lifers weren't going to show up in any large % for the Dems anyways. It's really a wash here.

3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.

This is good not for the (R), but for the (D). It mostly takes it off the table as a talking point. Beforehand, it would have been one of the primary angles of attack against Obama.

4. Iraq. She has an 18 year-old son headed there in September. She has a vested interest in ensuring that troops get what they need. Instant credibility, experience be damned.

So does Biden. This is a wash.

5. She's attractive. Don't downplay this. Looks are every bit important (if not more-so) than politics. If she comes off as competent in the debates experience will literally be a non-issue for most voters.

Right, but McCain has seen better days. He looks like that alien dude from MiB :lol :lol :lol In the debates that matter -- the presidential debates -- McCain will get trounced.

I thoroughly believe that many females will get over the initial glee quite rapidly. At first blush, it seems like there is potential. But as soon as you realize that we're talking about the second in line to the most powerful governmental position in the world, you realize that she's outclassed. By a lot.


reilo said:
nyong: If you are basing the fact that two pro-life women are voting for a candidate with a pro-life woman as his veep to come to the conclusion that most women will vote for her based on that, then you are sorely mistaken.

Sarah Palin is on the wrong side of most feminist agendas as they come.

Biden has a son going to Iraq at the end of the year, too. Doesn't mean that republicans will vote for Obama.

I'm still waiting on evidence that she was seriously vetted and she wasn't another one of McCain's off-the-cuff-temperament last second ditch efforts.

But she has a vagina. That in itself is enough for many woman voters. Probably the same bitter Hillary supporters that were either refusing the vote or on the fence about Obama this next election.


In other news, the new episode of Bill Maher's Real Time w/Bill Maher is up. That's the opening sequence -- the same user has the rest up if you just look over on the right-hand side. That said, you'll have to piece them together in sequence. And while YouTube and HBO seem to be fine with hosting Real Time shortly after airing, you may want to watch them while they're up. Otherwise, there's always the podcast which will hit on Sunday I imagine, as they were last season.

And I've had enough with all this Palin nonsense. Give all the speculation a day's pause and wait a day before you folks start mentally masturbating at how it's all going to pan out.


nyong said:
But she has a vagina.
And the fact that you said that,is the MAIN reason why this pick is stupid.

If you think there just going to hop on board just because shes a women,I think you and you're mom are going to be very suprised this november.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
nyong said:
3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.
The presidential candidates' first decision is to pick the person who could replace them if needed. Obama chose wisely with a seasoned statesman, while McCain frantically picked someone he barely knew who has all of 1.5 years of experience above the local level. McCain met her once, spoke to her a second time, and gave her the job. This is a woman who 18 months ago professed to know virtually nothing about the Iraq war.

Obama might not have a resume bursting with major gigs, but he does have 8 years as an Illinois senator and 4 years as a US senator. Palin's only experience above the local level is 18 months as governor. It's not even comparable. And she's next up after a 72 year old guy whose medical records fill books! McCain took the experience card and not only neutralized it, but brought it back on his own ticket.


reilo said:
I believe they vetted her, but in the same grueling manner that Obama's camp vetted all of his candidates for several straight months? No, no way.

When I say "they didn't vet her", I mean they didn't do their due diligence and vetted her seriously like they should have.

We may not find out for a while, but I'd be pretty surprised if that was the case.


nyong said:
But she has a vagina. That in itself is enough for many woman voters. Probably the same bitter Hillary supporters that were either refusing the vote or on the fence about Obama this next election.
That's how much worth you give to women voters, eh?

Krowley said:
They would have voted for Hillary Clinton, and they DID vote for Bill Clinton.

They can still be taken by the democrats. They don't like the republicans corporate associations, but the democrats have to pick a slightly more centrist candidate.

I'll take centrist candidate to mean white candidate since Hillary and Obama have nearly the exact same voting record. Since when is universal health care the centrist position?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
We may not find out for a while, but I'd be pretty surprised if that was the case.

After 8 years of George W Bush in the White House and Karl Rove being an adviser to his campaign, along with other wonderful choices such as Phil Gramm, you really believe that McCain and his staff did the due diligence needed with Sarah Palin?

I believe they vigorously vetted the other potentials such as Pawlenty, Romney, Lieberman, Ridge, et. al, but I think that they did not even consider Palin and never gave her any serious consideration like they should have. This has panic mode written all over it.
nyong said:
My mom was leaning towards Obama until tonight

nyong said:
Basically gave my sister a knowing look and seemed quite happy with Palin's pro-life stance. She doesn't just give lip service the pro-life movement, she lives by it.

Your mom lives by the pro-life movement and she was leaning towards voting for Obama?

Are you fucking kidding?


reilo said:
After 8 years of George W Bush in the White House and Karl Rove being an adviser to his campaign, along with other wonderful choices such as Phil Gramm, you really believe that McCain and his staff did the due diligence needed with Sarah Palin?

I believe they vigorously vetted the other potentials such as Pawlenty, Romney, Lieberman, Ridge, et. al, but I think that they did not even consider Palin and never gave her any serious consideration like they should have. This has panic mode written all over it.

I think it's being portrayed that way because the media had no clue who the pick was. That doesn't mean McCain didn't know, and it doesn't mean McCain leaked his ACTUAL short list to the media.


Post Count: 9999
laserbeam said:
I think most have come to like the naughty librarian bit :p

Her record on reform I really like. I mean she didnt hold back on anyone. She went after the chairman of the Alaskan Republican party for being corrupt. I think it speaks to her character she didnt abort the kid with down syndrom either.

I dont agree with her on the creationism and such but I think given more time to grow in Politics she could become formidable.

The problem is that being a reformist can work in Alaska where no one in DC gives a shit ... but in the white house, the hive-mind of your party prevents you from swaying too far.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Your mom lives by the pro-life movement and she was leaning towards voting for Obama?

Are you fucking kidding?

Palin lives by the pro-life stance. My mom is swayed by it, but is ultimately not a single-issue voter.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
I think it's being portrayed that way because the media had no clue who the pick was. That doesn't mean McCain didn't know, and it doesn't mean McCain leaked his ACTUAL short list to the media.

The media also didn't know who Obama was going to pick for his veep, but they had a clue.

The media kept touting Biden, Bayh, and Kaine. Guess what? Biden, Bayh, and Kaine were the three finalists after all. On the McCain side, it was confirmed that Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman were on the short list, too, and the media was able to figure that out.

I struggle to believe that McCain's camp was better at keeping their entire vetting process closer to their chests than Obama's.

This has last minute "what about...?" written all over it.
nyong said:
Palin lives by the pro-life stance. My mom is swayed by it, but is ultimately not a single-issue voter.

Then what other issues is she voting on that makes a VP selection enough to sway who she should vote for on the top of the ticket.


Post Count: 9999
nyong said:
Well, I just got back from visiting my parents so I have a couple things to report from a Republican family's perspective.

Both my mom and sister looked almost giddy seeing Palin on television. My mom was leaning towards Obama until tonight and my sister wasn't planning on voting at all. Chock up two more votes for McCain from Oregon. Pandering or no pandering they love the woman based on what CNN was reporting. We'll see how she does in the debates, which they both plan on watching carefully.

I completely misread the Down Syndrome child situation. The first thing my mom said about the woman was that something about the fact she (Palin) had her child despite knowing about their disability before birth. Basically gave my sister a knowing look and seemed quite happy with Palin's pro-life stance. She doesn't just give lip service the pro-life movement, she lives by it. This will likely have a bigger impact than I gave it credit for.

Even from my perspective I have to admit McCain's campaign at least looks more attractive on the surface. I'm still not voting for the douche, but the more I think about it, and the more I hear about it on television, I realize this move is nothing short of genius.

Hillary stating that "We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin's historic nomination" certainly isn't going to help Obama's camp either.

Genius really is an understatement. Lets summarize:

1. Her approval rating in Alaska is 80%. Last election Alaska was a swing-state. This could be huge.

2. She's pro-life and lives by it. All those evangelical votes that were on the fence or leaning towards Obama? Good chance a substantial number were just handed back to the Republicans.

3. Experience doesn't matter, as Obama has proven. I see this being a non-issue outside of talk-show debates.

4. Iraq. She has an 18 year-old son headed there in September. She has a vested interest in ensuring that troops get what they need. Instant credibility, experience be damned.

5. She's attractive. Don't downplay this. Looks are every bit important (if not more-so) than politics. If she comes off as competent in the debates experience will literally be a non-issue for most voters.

I could go on for pages about her character. I have to admit, I really like the woman. I realize McCain is pandering, almost insultingly, by picking her as VP. However, seeing her on television really does wonders to remove a lot of the feelings of "McSame" and "Bush 2" because everything just feels different now. It gave his campaign the boost in youth, energy, and even change that it so badly needed.

Absolutely genius choice in VP.


Yeah, after hearing about it this morning ... along with the talking heads saying how risky this was ... I gave it some thought during the day. My conclusion was that this was probably the best VP choice he could make. Typically a VP is all about not losing votes, in this case, I think the republicans just found a way to get actually get some.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Novid said:
At first glance, I thought this was a bad pick. Silly, Full of spite - the Emerly pick (see Pikachu Bread Post)

But looking more deeply, Shes is a fantastic choice. See, here is what wins her over for me.

Several years ago- my sister (she a twin, ferturnal twin with another sister) had made a mistake with a person who the family never saw. She got pregnant - she was 21 at the time.

I told my father and mother who knew about this issue and stated that my sister should carry the baby to term then give it up for adotption. However, for a silly reason which i cannot explain or will not explain, my father stated this since at the time, my sister did not had a job and was living in my parents place - your school fees and room and board or the baby.

Since my sister has very low self confidance - she choose the school fees. My father and mother are life time dems. I never have spoken to my parents in a civil manner since.

Miss Palin's baby has down syndrome. She could have been many of these cynical sons of bitches i see today. But she didnt give up on the child and she carried it to term.

That for me shows she is not a pychopath. She doesnt have this egotism i see in the ghetto every day. If she was running for full office I would have placed it down for her. But since im against McCain for many reasons - i cant.

I dont live the same life as many of youre here. I dont have a bone in this fight dealing with Iraq and the economic situation in this country. I seen many of my friends fight this war and saw the hands, the blood, the tears. I see the houses boarded up and the familes out in the shelters.

But I see it as thus - I see it as the wrong type of consertivism that you saw over the last 8 years. Thats the consertivism of the pychopath. Sarah Pailn is not one of them. Ron Paul isnt one of them. Modern Consertivism may be dying - but it was never given a chance to succed. Yes, shes a vice presidential canadate - but its a small bit of hope in a otherwise overemotinal and pussianltic cynical worldview that many americans have.


What is it that you republicans don't understand? Her investigation is done on October 31st. That's 4 days before the election. Do you not see this as a problem?


reilo said:
The media also didn't know who Obama was going to pick for his veep, but they had a clue.

The media kept touting Biden, Bayh, and Kaine. Guess what? Biden, Bayh, and Kaine were the three finalists after all. On the McCain side, it was confirmed that Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman were on the short list, too, and the media was able to figure that out.

I struggle to believe that McCain's camp was better at keeping their entire vetting process closer to their chests than Obama's.

This has last minute "what about...?" written all over it.

Why? even if you reject arguments about Obama and his level of national experience you really can't ignore that McCain's been a national figure in the press a lot longer. He's developed relationships with them, and often developed dislikes for them, but more than that he's kept them at arm's length for most of the campaign anyway. Obama's had a much more open to the press campaign and has benefited with more positive coverage. McCain has been keeping his cards close to the vest the entire time and apparently wanted the media to think some names were seriously bandied about.

I mean, honestly, could you have really seen him picking Lieberman? I don't care if the two were secretly lovers, it would have been the worst pick ever at halfway securing his base. Romney wouldn't have been much better and I don't think the two like each other enough to do it.


Onix said:

Yeah, after hearing about it this morning ... along with the talking heads saying how risky this was ... I gave it some thought during the day. My conclusion was that this was probably the best VP choice he could make. Typically a VP is all about not losing votes, in this case, I think the republicans just found a way to get actually get some.

Exactly this is the safest choice he could have done. It will not cost him votes like Romney would have or Lieberman and she will certainly have some appeal to independants and women.

Im not gonna say she is gonna bring millions of women over or anything but she will certainly appeal to a segment.

mckmas8808 said:

What is it that you republicans don't understand? Her investigation is done on October 31st. That's 4 days before the election. Do you not see this as a problem?

Lets take a deep breath. Her investigation is certainly something that even an hour of vetting her would have revealed and raised flags if it were truely gonna be a problem.
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