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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Holy shit this thread is producing three pages in < 10 minutes now :lol

Can't stand this guy anymore. To think I used to like him, once upon a time
oh shit, he called him out on FISA

that's probably the only accurate criticism they've said about Obama, lol

(of course, a bunch of Republicans probably voted for FISA, so it doesn't really reflect well on them...)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
UltimaKilo said:
You certainly put it off as someone trying to make it seem that practice exercises are meaningless and that McCain's leadership of them is meaningless experience.

Nobody said it is meaningless experience, but is NOT the end all to the experience argument like you are framing it to be.


Amused_To_Death said:
Most embarrassing speech of both conventions...
I can't even stand to watch it.

Sadly, people eat this shit up, so I don't know how embarrassing it will prove to be.

Rudy is a fucking dirtbag.
Why did Huck lie about McCain not breaking under torture? Was that a wise move? The GOP lie when it isn't even necessary. It's like instinct.

Duke Togo

As an outside observer of American politics, the pure shit coming out of Guiliani's mouth blows my mind. I can't even imagine how some of you guys feel after watching this.
Duke Togo said:
As an outside observer of American politics, the pure shit coming out of Guiliani's mouth blows my mind. I can't even imagine how some of you guys feel after watching this.

Outrage, disgust, shame. What am I missing, folks?
Illuminati said:
Lol @ the people on here getting upset over his speech. :lol :lol :lol

I think it's only natural to be upset over how they ridiculed Obama's community service. It shows a startling ignorance that I knew existed but had yet to see in such a definite and encapsulated image. It's as if all the ignorance in the country conspired to display itself in that one incident. It's really hit a chord with me.


Duke Togo said:
As an outside observer of American politics, the pure shit coming out of Guiliani's mouth blows my mind. I can't even imagine how some of you guys feel after watching this.

Same here.
So we now have $500 Billion deficits . . . . what is the GOP solution?

Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, etc.

Does this make sense to anyone?


I'm afraid to say this now because it's important and it'll get buried. But here we have a prime example about the difference between republicans and democrats. Democrats sought to lift up people with hope and inspire people to work together for a better country. They seek to win by seeking out the best in people. Republicans seek out to mock, smear, instill fear for safety, jobs, money, values, condescend. Republicans seek to win by seeking out the worst in people.
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