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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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speculawyer said:
Why did Huck lie about McCain not breaking under torture? Was that a wise move? The GOP lie when it isn't even necessary. It's like instinct.

he wasnt tortured according to the 'current definition'
Duke Togo said:
As an outside observer of American politics, the pure shit coming out of Guiliani's mouth blows my mind. I can't even imagine how some of you guys feel after watching this.

The world weeps with us american's tonight. Yea these speeches have been weak as fuck. Can you share how you feel about the conventions in general?


Guiliani actually said at one point "Who are they insulting if they say 'Islamic terrorism'? They are insulting terrorists."

And people defend this shit.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon


ronito said:
I'm afraid to say this now because it's important and it'll get buried. But here we have a prime example about the difference between republicans and democrats. Democrats sought to lift up people with hope and inspire people to work together for a better country. They seek to win by seeking out the best in people. Republicans seek out to mock, smear, instill fear for safety, jobs, money, values, condescend. Republicans seek to win by seeking out the worst in people.

Mr Jared




echoshifting said:
Holy shit this thread is producing three pages in < 10 minutes now :lol

Can't stand this guy anymore. To think I used to like him, once upon a time
What?! I'm guessing you're not from NYC Rudy has done far faaaar worse shit than this speech.


In one breath they slam Obama for being a celeb and in the other, they prop up Palin for being the "most popular governor"


ronito said:
I'm afraid to say this now because it's important and it'll get buried. But here we have a prime example about the difference between republicans and democrats. Democrats sought to lift up people with hope and inspire people to work together for a better country. They seek to win by seeking out the best in people. Republicans seek out to mock, smear, instill fear for safety, jobs, money, values, condescend. Republicans seek to win by seeking out the worst in people.


EDIT: Rudy, tell how she left that town with a $20 million debt.
ronito said:
I'm afraid to say this now because it's important and it'll get buried. But here we have a prime example about the difference between republicans and democrats. Democrats sought to lift up people with hope and inspire people to work together for a better country. They seek to win by seeking out the best in people. Republicans seek out to mock, smear, instill fear for safety, jobs, money, values, condescend. Republicans seek to win by seeking out the worst in people.

Helping you out by quoting you. Much love, brother.


With Rudy out of the spotlight for so long I forgot how much I fucking hate this thing called Rudy. He's absolutely fucking disgusting, and the so is the party he represents.

Fuck this assholes. Jesus tap dancing christ.


worldrunover said:
So between Huck and Rudy it's been confirmed republicans hate Europe AND the UN.


I'm not exactly a fan of the UN myself. IMO, we can split off the good bits like UNHCR and WHO and just shitbin the rest.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I am so blown by this shit. If the republicans win this we are so screwed as a country. I do not know what to say. Is he making this up as we go.

This is killing me on the inside. I cannot watch this crap seriously.


This speech has just become one of the worst things I've ever seen. It's amazing how ignorant people can be. When are the Republicans going to talk about issues instead of trash talking Obama?
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