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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Was eating dinner during Rudy's speech, nearly choked on my chicken when he said Democrats would increase terrorists... What in the fuck does that even mean? :lol


Gold Member
reilo said:
Nobody said it is meaningless experience, but is NOT the end all to the experience argument like you are framing it to be.

You made it seem to me as if it was when I mentioned his experience leading the squadrons. That's just one more thing McCain has over Obama on the experience issue when it comes to leading. I didn't say it was the one. If it was not for training and practice exercises at places like LeJune and Pearl Harbor, there would be no foundation during real conflict.


Master of the Google Search
MrPing1000 said:
Damn it America, your country is fucking warped sometimes. :lol :lol :lol
In our defense, no one voted for Guiliani in the first place. I'm not even sure why the RNC felt they needed to give him such a prime speaking spot considering how awful he did in the primaries.


has calmed down a bit.
worldrunover said:
Oh that was more to his quote about clinging to religion and guns, not calling on his faith, I think.
You're correct. Even THEY aren't dumb enough to question Obama's faith. Or are they?


*drowns in jizz*
At this point, I have no problem with the country being split in 2 and giving these fucks their own territory
JayDubya said:
Well, there are some examples if you look.

Nick Gillespie over at reason caught one such example, a journalist from the Washington Post: http://www.reason.com/convention2008/show/128485.html

"She certainly has been successful in her 44 years. But is she ready to be president? And as the mother of five children, including an infant with special needs, does she have the time?...

She is the mother of five children, one of them a four-month-old with Down Syndrome. Her first priority has to be her children. When the phone rings at three in the morning and one of her children is really sick what choice will she make?"
That's from Sally Quinn. She was hardly a journalist even when she was paid to be one before she started screwing & marrying Ben Bradlee, the longtime Washington Post editor-in-chief (my parents used to work for the Post in that era, they have no love for her). She's rich and throws parties, so her claim to having to juggle a career to care for her own disabled child is laughable.

And I hope that maybe someone somewhere will point out that Trig has a father to care for him, whether he's sick at 3 AM or not.


when is my burrito
Good call on running Palin right after Giuliani so that the press can't rip apart the bullshit he just spewed. Fucking makes me sick.


It's so easy to pick these blatant lies and hypocrisy apart, people are doing it on a gaming message board. Why is it that dems can't do it effectively? Why don't people show what they're saying, present the evidence to the contrary and condemn these assholes?

Perhaps most importantly, why do the republicans in power feel so confident that they can get away with this? Is it just a matter of putting out slogans? Is that all it takes to court the republican mind?


massive bear, tiny salmon
WTF is with all this "ZERO ZERO" bullshit? Do they not realise Palin has about as much experience at leading the country as a local manager of McDonalds?


tanod said:
Good call on running Palin right after Giuliani so that the press can't rip apart the bullshit he just spewed. Fucking makes me sick.

This is some of the sickest propaganda I have seen in my whole life.
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