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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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laserbeam said:
Only thing I could really say is the String pullers who run the stuff behind the scenes must feel confident enough.

I am not gonna pretend to know the whole situation up there and there is certainly somethings I question reading stuff but the Senate up there seems mostly satisfied in the level of cooperation etc from her and her staff.

The only real dissenting opinions I have found are various bloggers. She has made alot of enemies in her short time up there no doubt considering the high profile people she has exposed for corruption etc

Man just watch this video.


Tell me what you think?
Dan said:
No doubt, but arrogance and overconfidence will not win this election, and that's what Martin was talking about. Democrats underestimate her at their own peril.

Notably, while sane, rational Americans should dismiss most of what she brings to the table, we unfortunately can't assume that all swayable voters will approach the election that way.

Gotta go with the meme that McCain is not only trolling the political process, I think now he is trolling gaf politico specifically. Can you imagine how things will look here if he wins with this ticket and campaign?


CharlieDigital said:
That's my point. If you, knowing this, do not hammer this point to your family and friend, then I dunno, you've failed Democracy proper and failed the United States as a citizen.

Well, I did pass on the The Political Brain to my mom this week. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend reading it as it puts the thought process of many voters into perspective. I'm curious what her reaction will be.
Dan said:
Notably, while sane, rational Americans should dismiss most of what she brings to the table, we unfortunately can't assume that all swayable voters will approach the election that way.

That's what gets me: it's like a portion of the country has simply intellectually devolved. They've stopped using reason and they've stopped being wondrous of the possibilities of science. Instead they see science as an enemy when it is the very investment most worthy of making to ensure that this country stays ahead. They care about things like how many kids she has, whether they can relate to her lifestyle, whether she's a good mom. Fuck, we're not electing a soccer mom USA; this isn't a beauty pageant. We're electing the President and Vice President of the United States. The people who have a key role in shaping the prosperity and success of the nation.


Oh shit, this is just too perfect and beautiful.

Hopefully the media picks up on this and this recording gets played on air:


The governor's appearance on KWHL's "The Bob and Mark Show" last week is plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I've ever seen from a politician.

Anchorage DJ Bob Lester unleashed a vicious, mean-spirited, poisonous attack on Senate President Lyda Green last week while our governor was live on the air with him.

The governor's office eventually tried to spin the public relations disaster, releasing a statement reading, "Governor Palin was caught off guard by Bob Lester's reference to Senate President Lyda Green."

I don't buy it. Early on in the conversation before Palin started to crack up, Lester referred to Sen. Green as a jealous woman and a cancer. Palin, who knows full well Lyda Green is a cancer survivor, didn't do what any decent person would do, say, "Bob, that's going too far."

But as the conversation moved on, Lester intensified his attack on Green.

Lester questioned Green's motherhood, asking Palin if the senator cares about her own kids. Palin laughs.

Then Lester clearly sets the stage for what he is about to say by warning his large audience and Palin. He says, "Governor you can't say this but I will, Lyda Green is a cancer and a b----." Palin laughs for the second time.


I've been out all day with PAX stuff - what's the general reaction been in the press? I'm seeing GOP split between rapidly changing rationalization to genuine hope it will be a "game changer". On the Dem side I get the sense of general, if cautious, relief.

Is that about right? What have the talking heads been saying?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
I've been out all day with PAX stuff - what's the general reaction been in the press? I'm seeing GOP split between rapidly changing rationalization to genuine hope it will be a "game changer". On the Dem side I get the sense of general, if cautious, relief.

Is that about right? What have the talking heads been saying?

The press has been pretty negative in regards to this pick. Well, Andrea Mitchell seemed to like Palin because she eats a lot of mooseburgers.


Junior Member
If I remember correctly a lot of people here never saw the big deal with the whole Rev. Wright fiasco and even proclaimed that the big bad media was blowing it out of proportion and now Palin appearing on some shock jock's show is some huge issue? Give me a break.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
CharlieDigital said:
That's what gets me: it's like a portion of the country has simply intellectually devolved. They've stopped using reason and they've stopped being wondrous of the possibilities of science. Instead they see science as an enemy when it is the very investment most worthy of making to ensure that this country stays ahead. They care about things like how many kids she has, whether they can relate to her lifestyle, whether she's a good mom. Fuck, we're not electing a soccer mom USA; this isn't a beauty pageant. We're electing the President and Vice President of the United States. The people who have a key role in shaping the prosperity and success of the nation.
I don't know if a portion of the country has devolved or always been that way, but that's a question for another topic.

Still, we're not going to get any of those people thinking and questioning their positions and priorities by ignoring them or talking down to them.

I think some of the little quandaries that Obama broached in his speech speak to this notion. They could get people thinking, even if not enough to be convinced this election, but it does involve treating heated, complex issues with intelligence pointing out ways in which people can get out of their tiny little corner. Those things can add up, and intellectual curiosity has a snowball effect.

Obama said:
We may not agree on abortion, but surely we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country. The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals. I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination. Passions fly on immigration, but I don't know anyone who benefits when a mother is separated from her infant child or an employer undercuts American wages by hiring illegal workers. This too is part of America's promise - the promise of a democracy where we can find the strength and grace to bridge divides and unite in common effort.

Maybe Palin will grab some voters based on superficial values in a way we all feel is far beneath the level of discourse we'd prefer, but ignoring those areas won't help in this election nor help the nation.
GhaleonEB said:
I've been out all day with PAX stuff - what's the general reaction been in the press? I'm seeing GOP split between rapidly changing rationalization to genuine hope it will be a "game changer". On the Dem side I get the sense of general, if cautious, relief.

Is that about right? What have the talking heads been saying?

The novelty wore off by the afternoon. It's pretty much 80% doubt v. 20% transparently handed out talking points.

All network instapolls and email comments are overwhelmingly negative.

A home run for Obama and he didn't even have to do anything.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PSGames said:
If I remember correctly a lot of people here never saw the big deal with the whole Rev. Wright fiasco and even proclaimed that the big bad media was blowing it out of proportion and now Palin appearing on some shock jock's show is some huge issue? Give me a break.

Well yeah, obviously the Reverend Wright gate should be at the forefront of Obama's troubles since he picked him to be his running ma--- oh wait what the fuck am I talking about?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
I've been out all day with PAX stuff - what's the general reaction been in the press? I'm seeing GOP split between rapidly changing rationalization to genuine hope it will be a "game changer". On the Dem side I get the sense of general, if cautious, relief.

Is that about right? What have the talking heads been saying?

Since Birdie mentioned Cafferty, here are some choice words from viewers:



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
PSGames said:
If I remember correctly a lot of people here never saw the big deal with the whole Rev. Wright fiasco and even proclaimed that the big bad media was blowing it out of proportion and now Palin appearing on some shock jock's show is some huge issue? Give me a break.
If there's a controversy to be had there, it's not her presence on the show, but her active laughter at certain comments. It'd be comparable to Wright if we had direct evidence of Obama cheering him on after the media's favorite clips.


BenjaminBirdie said:
The novelty wore off by the afternoon. It's pretty much 80% doubt v. 20% transparently handed out talking points.

All network instapolls and email comments are overwhelmingly negative.

A home run for Obama and he didn't even have to do anything.
Rawk. Can't wait for the first round of post-convention polling.

Really, it's a pretty shameless desperation move. I'm delighted.


GhaleonEB said:
Rawk. Can't wait for the first round of post-convention polling.

Really, it's a pretty shameless desperation move. I'm delighted.

Maybe. I really want to see what happens in the polls following this move.

If there's one thing I can say the GOP is not, it's incompetent. They tend to run like a well-oiled machine around election time.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
She laughed at a radio jockey that called a cancer survivor a "cancer and a bitch". Sarah laughed.

I mean come on. How stupid does John McCain think we are?
Someone should email that article about her laughing to cnn, cnbc, foxnews, msnbc, and pretty much every on air personality and see who runs with it first. This needs to be made a big deal of.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
nyong said:
Maybe. I really want to see what happens in the polls following this move.

If there's one thing I can say the GOP is not, it's incompetent. They tend to run like a well-oiled machine around election time.

So why did they make this stupid move and pick a lady that can be impeached 4 days before the election? There is video tape of her lying about the investigation that she is going through right now.


nyong said:
If there's one thing I can say the GOP is not, it's incompetent. They tend to run like a well-oiled machine around election time.
Generally. This election cycle has been different though, - McCain has not run a campaign as well organized, disciplined or well thought out as Bush did last cycle. I think it's pretty clear from the very little contact McCain had with Palin, her thin vetting (she's in the middle of a corruption scandal, FFS) and the timing that it was a knee-jerk, oh shit the Dems are uniting kind of pick.

Also, holy SHIT at the Cafferty video. :lol :D


PSGames said:
If I remember correctly a lot of people here never saw the big deal with the whole Rev. Wright fiasco and even proclaimed that the big bad media was blowing it out of proportion and now Palin appearing on some shock jock's show is some huge issue? Give me a break.
If Obama was caught on tape laughing at what right said (or even just caught on tape) his campaign would have been finished.


mckmas8808 said:
So why did they make this stupid move and pick a lady that can be impeached 4 days before the election? There is video tape of her lying about the investigation that she is going through right now.

I'm sure the GOP weighed any potential damage from the investigation against the benefits of her joining the campaign. It would be beyond awesome if it bites them in the ass, but I doubt that it'll happen. The GOP must be extremely confident that she will get out of it unscathed.

Same with the shock jock video. If you found it, it's likely the GOP uncovered it and has already planned for damage control. Really, this is a fairly minor strike against her. It will disappear far easier than the Wright thing.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Palin hasn't broken through the glass ceiling. She's just been turned into a trophy to display in some rich white man's office for laughs.

Are women going to take that?

The ones dumb enough to think that the women's lib movement is simply about giving women power (rather than equality).

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yeah, it wouldn't be good for Obama if a big deal was made of this, because it would just bring up the whole Wright thing again.

Palin hasn't broken through the glass ceiling. She's just been turned into a trophy to display in some rich white man's office for laughs.

I think it's funny that people keep callilng it the "hardest, highest glass ceiling." Having a (sane) woman VP/President would be nice and all... but really, call me when we elect a Muslim homosexual nudist with schizophrenia plz.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Lost Fragment said:
Yeah, it wouldn't be good for Obama if a big deal was made of this, because it would just bring up the whole Wright thing again.


How are these two even comparable?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
nyong said:
I'm sure the GOP weighed any potential damage from the investigation against the benefits of her joining the campaign. It would be beyond awesome if it bites them in the ass, but I doubt that it'll happen. The GOP must be extremely confident that she will get out of it unscathed.

Same with the shock jock video. If you found it, it's likely the GOP uncovered it and has already planned for damage control. Really, this is a fairly minor strike against her. It will disappear far easier than the Wright thing.

Check out what this guy says.

"She falls into a category I'd label as very dangerous," said Paul C. Light, a vice presidential expert and professor of public service at New York University. "She's not been thoroughly vetted -- there simply wasn't enough time. And she hasn't grown up in the political milieu, where she learned to be very, very careful about everything and understands that even something as simple as a traffic ticket has to be handled the right way."

Did you know they started to vet her this Monday? You can't vet someone completely in 4 days.

And check out this video.

The local news even thinks she is in trouble and the people in that area think she is lying. 88% think that she had something to do with the bad stuff in the firing.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
Generally. This election cycle has been different though, - McCain has not run a campaign as well organized, disciplined or well thought out as Bush did last cycle. I think it's pretty clear from the very little contact McCain had with Palin, her thin vetting (she's in the middle of a corruption scandal, FFS) and the timing that it was a knee-jerk, oh shit the Dems are uniting kind of pick.

Also, holy SHIT at the Cafferty video. :lol :D

Watch the Daily Show from tonight, it summarizes the pick perfectly.
thekad said:
Dude, 95% of working Americans will get a tax cut on Obama.

Wealth distribution is bad.

And his raising of the capital gains tax will actually hurt.... everybody who owns a house... stocks... anything that shows up as capital gains.

I'm middle class, and Obama's plan would raise my taxes.


Mandark said:
This is at least the second time you've done this. It's redistribution that you want to carp about.

No, I think he means he wants a money-less society where everyone is equal.

Bugging me too. ;)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mandark said:
This is at least the second time you've done this. It's redistribution that you want to carp about.

Really? REALLY? The one thing that irked you most about his post and prompted you to respond was a logical error that amounts to nothing more than a grammar mistake?!
ComputerNerd said:
Wealth distribution is bad.

And his raising of the capital gains tax will actually hurt.... everybody who owns a house... stocks... anything that shows up as capital gains.

I'm middle class, and Obama's plan would raise my taxes.

How will it manage to do that? Mind sharing your assets/income?

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
ComputerNerd said:
Wealth distribution is bad.

And his raising of the capital gains tax will actually hurt.... everybody who owns a house... stocks... anything that shows up as capital gains.

I'm middle class, and Obama's plan would raise my taxes.

you make over 250k in capital gains per annum? If so you're not middle class.

Stop being dumb and check out the facts and figures. Vote Obama and pocket for yourself 5-10k.


Small balls, big fun!
reilo said:
Really? REALLY? The one thing that irked you most about his post and prompted you to respond was a logical error that amounts to nothing more than a grammar mistake?!

I have higher hopes for changing his grammar than his critical thought. If I were going to critique...

1) Capital gains taxes don't hit you if you own stock or a house. Just if you make a profit off of selling them.

2) Bill Clinton raised capital gains taxes in 93 and that sure didn't stop people from investing.
3) If you sell a house you only pay taxes if you can sell it for over a quarter million dollars more than you paid for it.

4) Raising the marginal rate won't discourage investment. Short term capital gains are taxed at a higher rate than long term capital gains but it hasn't slowed down short term investors or noise traders.


Professional Schmuck
This is certainly interesting. If nothing else it may play into Obama's strategy of pointing to bad decisions. If McCain listened to his party and was 'stuck' with her, then this is just another example of him following in the footsteps of Bush. If McCain defied party leaders and picked this on his own, it can be seen as a sign of bad decision making made by a snap-decision maverick with temperment issues.

Personally, I think the whole soccer mom schtick plays perfectly into the Republican strategy of securing the base then expanding to the suburbs. I think it has a tremendous potential to backfire, though. I look at it from a best/worse case scenario:

Best Case:
Palin brings in some marginal amount of dissatisfied Hillary voters and helps secure the base in the midwest and southern suburbs. Her youth shows that McCain is hip, her looks convince nascar dads to turn out, and her energy policy pacifies the fiscal "conservatives." McCain secures the conservative Christian vote and has gained some amount of votes at the expense of credibility and the ability to argue experience.

Worst Case:
It's bad folks.
thekad said:
Umm, Obama has ground to stand on. Obama was right on Iraq. Palin was too busy with Alaska to have a position on Iraq.

Obama was right on Iraq? If we had done what he wanted to do (post-invasion), we'd have lost the war and millions would be dead.
mckmas8808 said:
She laughed at a radio jockey that called a cancer survivor a "cancer and a bitch". Sarah laughed.

I mean come on. How stupid does John McCain think we are?

If there is actual audio of this, it could be a very big deal. Sure some Republicans may bring up Rev. Wright but the whole Wright thing is a bit played out already. People who were bothered by Wright have already decided to vote for McCain. And those who are voting for Obama have already given him a pass on that issue. As for undecided voters, they already know about Rev. Wright and they're still undecided. Bringing it up again won't sway them one way or another. It will be something else.

This radio interview could be damaging because it could seriously hurt her image for the very audience for which she was meant to attract. Do you really think Hilary Clinton would sit and laugh while a man called a woman a cancer and bitch in her presence on a radio broadcast? Palin just sitting there laughing doesn't project someone who stands up for woman's rights and respect. The very fact the DJ had the nerve to say that in her presence reflects badly on her. If it was Hilary Clinton he would be scared shitless to attempt such a thing.

Especially since we know NOTHING about her all these things will get some play. She's not like McCain who gets a pass on his gaffs because fundamentally the press and most of the public know (or at least think they know) who he is. Palin will not be given a similar pass. She'll be under the microscope the same way Obama was the past 18 months.


mckmas8808 said:
Check out what this guy says.

Did you know they started to vet her this Monday? You can't vet someone completely in 4 days.

And check out this video.

The local news even thinks she is in trouble and the people in that area think she is lying. 88% think that she had something to do with the bad stuff in the firing.

That's certainly interesting. This should be fun to watch, to say the least.

I think she's a great choice in many ways, but I don't really know that much about her. I'm impressed at what I've seen and heard tonight, but it will take a couple of months to flesh out her character/background and show whether the decision was wise in retrospect.

And even if 88% think she was somehow involved in the scandal, her approval rating is still overwhelmingly positive.

I have my doubts that the GOP would make a blunder this huge. They could have easily picked a different candidate and still ran a close race. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ComputerNerd said:
Obama was right on Iraq? If we had done what he wanted to do (post-invasion), we'd have lost the war and millions would be dead.

If we had done what he wanted to, we would never had been in the goddamn place to begin with and have saved ourselves $10bil/mo!
ComputerNerd said:
Obama was right on Iraq? If we had done what he wanted to do (post-invasion), we'd have lost the war and millions would be dead.

And you ignore mandark and myself on the previous non-issue you mentioned. Now you're talking about the Iraq war, saying that his judgement on a war he believed we should not have been will... wait, I just reread what you said... MILLIONS WOULD BE DEAD!?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHA.


reilo said:
If we had done what he wanted to, we would never had been in the goddamn place to begin with and have saved ourselves $10bil/mo!
Bingo. And now there's a growing consensus around his timetable proposal to withdrawal.

So he was right about the decision to get in, and right about how to get out. 2/2.
ComputerNerd said:
Obama was right on Iraq? If we had done what he wanted to do (post-invasion), we'd have lost the war and millions would be dead.
If we had done what he (and every other rational person) wanted to do in the first place, we'd never have gone there. Certainly, not in the foolish fashion we did, anyway. And, really, we lost that 'war' unless you want to explain how we haven't/won't.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
nyong said:
That's certainly interesting. This should be fun to watch, to say the least.

I think she's a great choice in many ways, but I don't really know that much about her. I'm impressed at what I've seen and heard tonight, but it will take a couple of months to flesh out her character/background and show whether the decision was wise in retrospect.

And even if 88% think she was somehow involved in the scandal, her approval rating is still overwhelmingly positive.

I have my doubts that the GOP would make a blunder this huge. They could have easily picked a different candidate and still ran a close race. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks.

Dude that approval rating is only for Alaskans. And when was it taken? Was it before July 31st when they stuck an independent investigator on her?

Yes you read that right. July 31st is when stuff really got hard for this lady. Why John picks her 1 month later I can't understand.
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