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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Brian Williams: bow.

He just tore down everything about Palin by bringing up bridge to nowhere, Iraq war is god's war, banning library books, etc.


captmcblack said:
All of the speeches given tonight - literally all of them - had not a word about positions taken and how they intend on arriving at the goals stated in those positions.

They talked about "tax cuts" and "energy independence" and "moving forward on alternate energy" and "drill baby, drill" and "keeping our country strong in a time of crisis" and never stated even a little bit about how they are going to do that.

Why were these speeches good?
They weren't on substance. They were good "speeches."


Fivethirtyeight reaction:

The way to evaluate a speech like this is by what people are going to remember in the morning, and the only thing that people are going to remember about this speech in the morning is that she went after Obama -- a lot -- and that at times it it seemed fairly personal. It was almost kind of fun at first -- I don't think people saw it coming, and she got three or four really good lines in. But then it became too much -- sarcastic and mean-spirited. Everything else -- the outsider stuff, the family stuff, the media critique -- is going to be forgotten about. In fact, the Republicans will look like whiners if they go after the media after that speech.

I don't think the Republicans are doing as good a job as the Democrats were doing about pairing their speeches to the strengths of the speaker. It's as if they wrote seven or eight speeches, and drew lots to determine who would deliver which one. So you have Mitt Romney -- one of the wealthiest men ever to run for office -- critiquing east-coast elitism, and Mike Huckabee -- who is an economic populist in disguise -- critiquing big government, and Sarah Palin -- who voters don't know one iota about -- critiquing Barack Obama's biography.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
She didn't stutter or lose poise or generally fuck up, which makes this speech look really good

with the sound off.

Because with the sound on or off, I'd know almost equally as much about McCain's policies.


That doesn't make me agree with his plans for the economy - my big issue.

I don't totally agree with all his economic policies either but that doesn't make McCain the better choice.

The republicans frikken disgust me and I am totally fired up after all these lies about Barack spewed tonight. He went after McCain too but he wasn't disrespectful and obnoxious like these dirtbags. He's accomplished more than everyone who spoke tonight put together yet they try to downplay what he's done..


Dirtbag 504 said:
The entire democratic economy model.
I'm self employed - I will pay much more in taxes if Obama wins.
I don't want to pay for universal healthcare either.

You should pay for the people who can't pay. To each according to his need, from each according to his ability.

Guy Legend

Now the gloves can come off on Palin. Joe Biden is going to own.

What a pathetic and revolting of a display we've seen from this convention.
Zeliard said:
Just out of curiosity, you veer more towards the right, uh, right?

I'm far left on some issues and far right on others.

Pro-choice, pro-guns, pro-UHC, anti-AA (Current implementation; needs reformation, IMO), anti-drilling, pro-decriminalization of marijuana, etc. etc...it's an odd mix.


AniHawk said:
She read a speech prepared for her from a teleprompter. It's not like she's Bill Clinton or Barack Obama.
Most of the speech was written before she was picked. They added parts about her biography and some details. And as you said, she then read it. Not in the same league.


captmcblack said:
All of the speeches given tonight - literally all of them - had not a word about positions taken and how they intend on arriving at the goals stated in those positions.

They talked about "tax cuts" and "energy independence" and "moving forward on alternate energy" and "drill baby, drill" and "keeping our country strong in a time of crisis" and never stated even a little bit about how they are going to do that.

Why were these speeches good?

The GOP can't talk about how they'll change anything since they aren't going to.


reilo said:
Brian Williams: bow.

He just tore down everything about Palin by bringing up bridge to nowhere, Iraq war is god's war, banning library books, etc.

Serious. He's hiding behind a blog quote, but badass move.


JCX9 said:
So undecided-gaf, what are you hoping the candidates say now that will sway you and also how much, if at all, will the VP choices affect which way you vote?

I'm hoping we have a do-over on the whole process.


Also she wanted to ban books.

That was the premiere though in my mind during that speech. Ban knowledge?

Really? How can anyone vote for someone like that?


Brodequin said:
Will this gain more traction? Pretty damning. Surprised it hasn't been Dugg more.

I think the key thing is that a reporter has to actually ask them about it, and their response is what will make news. If the deny it, the shit storm begins because this shit is on record.

Unfortunately, the McCain campaign says they won't comment on questions pertaining to stuff like this. But it looks like they're on their heels. We need the journalists to do their jobs like Campbell Brown did and press them on this.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hey GAF: Let's donate more money than delegates McCain needs to win the nomination.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dirtbag 504 said:
I don't want to pay for universal healthcare either.

I did in my previous country and it was a lot fucking cheaper than insurance. And I didn't have to fill out three forms every time I went to the doctor. The doctor I could go to whenever I wanted to, btw.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Dirtbag 504 said:
The entire democratic economy model.
I'm self employed - I will pay much more if Obama wins.
I don't want to pay for universal healthcare either.
and you're comfortable with McCain continuing an economic platform that, according to nonpartisan analysis, will push the country deeper in the red?

as to the healthcare, universal healthcare doesn't necessarily have to be more expensive. look at France or England for starters. or are you just against the philosophy of it?


Got buried so I'll repost:

The prosperity of a country does not rely on fear and religion. It relies on economical stability, health, and education.

Period. No way around it.


johnsmith said:
If you're a republican, an 11. If you're a democrat, a 0. If you're independent or undecided? No clue.

I don't want to repeat myself but how is that an 11 for republicans? The speech was full of immature cheap shots, unfunny jokes and as usual POW. I have faith that some republicans realized how pathetic this day's speeches were.
DancingJesus said:
This thread is so entertaining. :lol

Can't wait to see November here...
I can't wait until the polls come out in the next few days, the threads that are going to spawn from it are going to be EPIC.

Ether_Snake said:
Got buried so I'll repost:

The prosperity of a country does not rely on fear and religion. It relies on economical stability, health, and education.

Period. No way around it.
I don't care about the country, I care about Palin's family.


reilo said:
Brian Williams: bow.

He just tore down everything about Palin by bringing up bridge to nowhere, Iraq war is god's war, banning library books, etc.
nice. but more people in msm need to bring up those things.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
GuessWho said:
Palin vs Obama, that's how popular she became.
A sock puppet would have made a more exciting figure for the right to cheer for than McCain.


y'all should be ashamed
DancingJesus said:
This thread is so entertaining. :lol

Can't wait to see November here...
If McCain wins...my gawd. The sheer epicness will be staggering on GAF. STAGGERING.

I can't wait. :D
Are there any stats about how many times McCain voted "present" while in the senate?

How long has McCain been a member of the "do-nothing Senate"?


Ether_Snake said:
Got buried so I'll repost:

The prosperity of a country does not rely on fear and religion. It relies on economical stability, health, and education.

Period. No way around it.
This is quite good. Better than anything anyone on CNN has said.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Universal Healthcare is a biggy for me, considering I have a disease that I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. Stem cell research follows in that respect as well.


Setec Astronomer
Regarding the "lies" mentioned earlier in the thread. Ok, yes, she said bad things about Obama surprise surprise, but the most galling parts of her speech weren't about Obama at all, but about herself. Those were substantive and falsifiable claims, no, not just falsifiable, but already refuted.


captmcblack said:
Are there any stats about how many times McCain voted "present" while in the senate?

How long has McCain been a member of the "do-nothing Senate"?

He has to be present for that to even work. He's criticized Obama for missing out on votes that he himself missed out on.


chubigans said:
They very much are. Evolution would have been a good argument if it weren't for the fact that the Pope declared not to waive off Evolution in favor of Creationism.

Abortion is just one of those pillars of Catholicism that you absolutely have to be against, no exceptions. Believe me, I know.

It just seems to me that people are going to be people, and are going to disagree with some things. Why is it completely impossible to be a Catholic and still at least see the argument in some things, such as abortion?

There's no way that every Catholic agrees and believes in every single thing they're taught; at some point in life, you start to reason things out for yourself and come to your own conclusions. That goes for every religion. There are plenty of Muslims out there (particularly in the States) that drink and eat pork, for example, but I don't think they necessarily consider themselves any less of believers. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of liberals out there that attach themselves to a certain religion, including Catholicism.

Huckabee - Always liked this guy. He's VERY GOOD!!! If he was the VP it would've been a huge problem for Obama. I wonder why McCain didn't pick him?

Palin didn't mention abortion or family values.

Seeing only a few black people in the crowd.


Seeing any black people in the crowd.


95% of everything revolved around POW "experience", patriotism and cracking jokes about Obama

Palin's speech was 95% about her family,Mccain & Obama. Not very smart considering she was suppose to "introduce" herself to america. But, i'll give her some slack since she didn't even write the speech.
Also, how are you gonna joke about Obama being a community organizer then talk about him being "elite" in a matter of minutes?


"The phrase "Pot calling the kettle black" is an idiom, used to accuse another speaker of hypocrisy, in that the speaker disparages the subject for a fault or negative behavior that could equally be applied to him or her, though there is an alternative interpretation."



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
chubigans said:
If McCain wins...my gawd. The sheer epicness will be staggering on the world abroad. STAGGERING.

I can't wait. :D
Fixed. I can't imagine what the rest of the world would think of us if we voted in McCain after all this bull shit.
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