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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
captmcblack said:
Are there any stats about how many times McCain voted "present" while in the senate?

How long has McCain been a member of the "do-nothing Senate"?

Okay, seriously, everytime I see your avatar I want to scream at you, then kick you in the nuts, only to realize that you're not siamesedreamer after beginning to read your posts. Change your avatar!
GuessWho said:
Palin vs Obama, that's how popular she became.

i think that's exactly what the mccain campaign set out to do. there's no way they could catch up with the momentum of obama with what they had, so they needed somebody "new and exciting" of their own.

i predict that you'll be seeing more of this, of mccain sort of fading into the background while palin is brought more and more into the forefront. this will seem more like palin v. obama everyday, and that's more or less what the republicans want.


gkrykewy said:
You are out of your mind :lol
But you would honestly think that if this woman gets any more coverage than she already is, it would be.

Consider this: Despite the fact that Obama gave an amazing speech, the Palin announcement that came the day after sent a shockwave of WTF down the wire. Ever since, she has basically dominated all political news. Mostly negative reporting (prior to the speech anyway), but regardless, the spotlight is on her. I feel like I haven't heard anything about McCain in a long time, because the media is focusing all of their attention on Palin. It's ridiculous.


Brannon said:
Also she wanted to ban books.

That was the premiere though in my mind during that speech. Ban knowledge?

Really? How can anyone vote for someone like that?

Do you have a source? That's pretty terrifying if true...


testicles on a cold fall morning
reilo said:
Okay, seriously, everytime I see your avatar I want to scream at you, only to realize that you're not siamesedreamer. Change your avatar!
that's why i block all avatars using CSS. saves the hassle ;)


OuterWorldVoice said:
I did in my previous country and it was a lot fucking cheaper than insurance. And I didn't have to fill out three forms every time I went to the doctor. The doctor I could go to whenever I wanted to, btw.

I'm still fearful of the american implementation. I've already seen how they've handled medicaid. Pretty much all social programs I've seen implemented by this country have been failures by comparison of their private counterparts.

Our country is just too big and too wasteful for it to work.
gkrykewy said:
You are out of your mind :lol

He's right. Did you see McCain come out afterwards? Dude is seriously a non-starter now. He literally looked like her sidekick. It was discussed earlier today, but this is her party now.


GuessWho said:
Palin vs Obama, that's how popular she became.

You do realize that the popularity for Palin grew when everyone realized that 1) She's an absurd choice for VP and 2) she has a profoundly corrupt political history.
Dirtbag 504 said:
I'm still fearful of the american implementation. I've already seen how they've handled medicaid. Pretty much all social programs I've seen implemented by this country have been failures by comparison of their private counterparts.

Our country is just too big and too wasteful for it to work.

Social Security? Medicare?

Those are failures?


JCreasy said:
You do realize that the popularity for Palin grew when everyone realized that 1) She's an absurd choice for VP and 2) she has a profoundly corrupt political history.

That's quite a fucking accomplishment. So little time in office and she has a longer rap sheet than Biden and Obama combined.


Zeliard said:
It just seems to me that people are going to be people, and are going to disagree with some things. Why is it completely impossible to be a Catholic and still at least see the argument in some things, such as abortion?

There's no way that every Catholic agrees and believes in every single thing they're taught; at some point in life, you start to reason things out for yourself and come to your own conclusions. That goes for every religion. There are plenty of Muslims out there (particularly in the States) that drink and eat pork, for example, but I don't think they necessarily consider themselves any less of believers. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of liberals out there that attach themselves to a certain religion, including Catholicism.

Precisely. I'm not aware of any Catholics under the age of 80 who follow every aspect of the church's tenets and policy preferences to the letter, simply because the pope and/or church say so.

Tons of pro-choice catholics, catholics who don't take transubstantiation literally, catholics who'd like to see women priests, catholics who'd like to see priests be able to marry, etc.


has calmed down a bit.
chubigans said:
If McCain wins...my gawd. The sheer epicness will be staggering on GAF. STAGGERING.

I can't wait. :D

Considering the owner of GAF himself donates to Obama, along with the administrators, gaf may literally melt down.


Can't really afford it, but I donated $15 to Obama. If it helps avoid four more years of cynical , fear-mongering, anti-intellectual, overspending, environmentally destructive bullshit, it's the least I can do.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Dirtbag 504 said:
I'm still fearful of the american implementation. I've already seen how they've handled medicaid. Pretty much all social programs I've seen implemented by this country have been failures by comparison of their private counterparts.

Our country is just too big and too wasteful for it to work.
i think it's just too stuck in ideology that limits any potential reform rather than simply a defect of our size.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Obama/Biden + $100

Hopefully I'll be donating once or twice more before election time. If ABC airs and picks up a second season of the show I worked, that's a minimum guarantee.


chubigans said:
I forsee a lot of apocalypse-style posts and seppukus.
Thats worth 4 years of McCain. Can you imagine the news reports about Gaffers killing themselves while screaming like Shatner "McCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!"


I count near 700 now, I'm planning on 50 by the end of the week as well.

We've raised half of what we raised in the early primaries in just one night. Thanks GOP!


scorcho said:
and you're comfortable with McCain continuing an economic platform that, according to nonpartisan analysis, will push the country deeper in the red?

as to the healthcare, universal healthcare doesn't necessarily have to be more expensive. look at France or England for starters. or are you just against the philosophy of it?

I've said it like 30 times now.
I'm not comfortable with any of it. I dislike the two party system. I don't think it serves us anymore. We've bred a country of lazy, uneducated, uncultured people and we've been overtaken by India and China. Its not going to get any better.


Dirtbag 504 said:
I'm still fearful of the american implementation. I've already seen how they've handled medicaid. Pretty much all social programs I've seen implemented by this country have been failures by comparison of their private counterparts.

Our country is just too big and too wasteful for it to work.

I think the key to an American National health system would be electronic records, government spending transparency, and a gradual implementation of it.


It would be infuriating after the campaign McCain has run for Obama to actually lose. The undercurrents of what that would imply speak clear enough. And it would say a lot about the state America is in. But the end result is, fight another day. Eventually the better angels will win out.

But that said, we WILL win this election. There is too much at stake to let people with the positions they support gain office again.


when is my burrito
Shirokun said:
Can't really afford it, but I donated $15 to Obama. If it helps avoid four more years of cynical , fear-mongering, anti-intellectual, overspending, environmentally destructive bullshit, it's the least I can do.

Me too. Throwing in another $5. I really can't afford any more than that. I'd donate a $100 if I could.


McCain/Palin cannot win. I don't know, when everyone in the country just constantly bashes on Bush, how in the world can McCain win? Every day I'm hearing about how much "bush sux" from nearly everyone I know. How can a man who would continue those policies be re-elected?

Should McCain win, the entire world will be a little more cold
/over-dramatic post
Wait, so John McCain serves his country by NOT doing the job he was ostensibly elected to do?

And he connects to the little people by being wealthy (and by then only by proxy due to his current wife)?

And he doesn't run with the Washington herd by being part of the Senate for decades?

Is this correct?


Should McCain win, I'll shrug my shoulders and laugh smugly as the country continues to go down the toilet.

Me in 2009 after a McCain victory: "Hungry, Ohio/Colorado/Virginia voters? Jobless? Boo-fuckin'-hoo! I hear that Bible pages make for a lovely stew."


People need to relax. The prospect of a McCain/Palin win remains very unlikely, and more unlikely than it was prior to the Palin pick. She energizes the base, but turns off moderates.

Just keep your eye on the Iowa Election Market:



Obama camp reaction:

“The speech that Gov. Palin gave was well delivered, but it was written by George Bush’s speechwriter and sounds exactly like the same divisive, partisan attacks we’ve heard from George Bush for the last eight years," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. "If Gov. Palin and John McCain want to define ‘change’ as voting with George Bush 90% of the time, that’s their choice, but we don’t think the American people are ready to take a 10% chance on change."


Jenga said:
McCain/Palin cannot win. I don't know, when everyone in the country just constantly bashes on Bush, how in the world can McCain win? Every day I'm hearing about how much "bush sux" from nearly everyone I know.
You weren't there in 2004, I take it?
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