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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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y'all should be ashamed
Zeliard said:
It just seems to me that people are going to be people, and are going to disagree with some things. Why is it completely impossible to be a Catholic and still at least see the argument in some things, such as abortion?
I can definitely see the argument on abortion. I'm sure many people can.

Zeliard said:
There's no way that every Catholic agrees and believes in every single thing they're taught; at some point in life, you start to reason things out for yourself and come to your own conclusions. That goes for every religion. There are plenty of Muslims out there (particularly in the States) that drink and eat pork, for example, but I don't think they necessarily consider themselves any less of believers. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of liberals out there that attach themselves to a certain religion, including Catholicism.
There are some things about Catholicism I don't agree with, absolutely. I think alter girls are a good thing for Catholics, but some say it should just be boys only. I think we need to allow priests to marry, but many would disagree.

But abortion is just one of those things that define Catholics as a whole...the right to life. If you don't agree with that, that's all fair and good, but I wouldn't consider them as part of the Catholic community. Same with Biden.


I wonder when the reality that nobody votes for a VP to lead the country will set in. Or are the Republicans planning on killing McCain after he takes office, if he wins?


Jenga said:
McCain/Palin cannot win. I don't know, when everyone in the country just constantly bashes on Bush, how in the world can McCain win? Every day I'm hearing about how much "bush sux" from nearly everyone I know. How can a man who would continue those policies be re-elected?

Should McCain win, the entire world will be a little more cold
/over-dramatic post

Because your circle of friends are educated and connected. They aren't voters listening en masse in the bible belt and red states.


Someone on CNN actually said something rather insightful from a republican no less.

"It is a bit sad to see this election now become about a cultural war when John Mccain more than anyone in Washington wanted this campaign not to be a cultural war."


testicles on a cold fall morning
Dirtbag 504 said:
We've bred a country of lazy, uneducated, uncultured people and we've been overtaken by India and China. Its not going to get any better.
our GDP per person is and will continue to be much higher than either China or India, and we simply don't have the manpower to match either country's human capital.

as to the rest - i blame it more on the skyrocketing cost of college and specialized education than just laziness.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
What are the other networks saying?

VanMardigan said:
They need some new lines over there.

When Karl Rove is working for your campaign...


First tragedy, then farce.
so being a community organizer is now a bad thing? You are the governor of a state smaller than my city and mayor of a town 1/5th the size of my college. Sit down and shut the fuck up.

Against earmarks? YOU HIRED A LOBBYIST TO GET YOUR 9000 PERSON VILLAGE 27 million dollars in earmarks.

Thats it, no more happy dems, go scorched earth on her redneck ass.


GhaleonEB said:
Obama camp reaction:
Gah! Come on guys you need some new material. Don't pull a Sony and coast your way to failure. Take off the gloves take it to them. There is SO much stuff to hit them on and hit them hard.
Jenga said:
McCain/Palin cannot win. I don't know, when everyone in the country just constantly bashes on Bush, how in the world can McCain win? Every day I'm hearing about how much "bush sux" from nearly everyone I know. How can a man who would continue those policies be re-elected?
If you have been on GAF long enough you would know that anything or anyone that GAF thinks will be successful turns out to be the opposite.


ronito said:
Gah! Come on guys you need some new material. Don't pull a Sony and coast your way to failure. Take off the gloves take it to them. There is SO much stuff to hit them on and hit them hard.
That response was written days ago. Give it time.
gkrykewy said:
People need to relax. The prospect of a McCain/Palin win remains very unlikely


history shows that the country naturally oscillates right and left, and its ostensibly time to go the left. republicans can pull out all the stops, and it's really cute. but you can't really fight the inevitable

that said, the prospect of soccor mom running my life scares the hell out of me to any extent
Guts Of Thor said:
Extremely and I mean EXTREMELY Dissapointing.

Be realistic. There isn't any way that they could possibly attack everything that needs to be attacked tonight. Almost everything in these speeches was founded on half truths or whole lies; it's going to take time to dissect all of that and source your responses.


chubigans said:
I can definitely see the argument on abortion. I'm sure many people can.

There are some things about Catholicism I don't agree with, absolutely. I think alter girls are a good thing for Catholics, but some say it should just be boys only. I think we need to allow priests to marry, but many would disagree.

But abortion is just one of those things that define Catholics as a whole...the right to life. If you don't agree with that, that's all fair and good, but I wouldn't consider them as part of the Catholic community. Same with Biden.

thats bullshit though. You can be a catholic, and not believe everything the pope tells you to. You can believe and follow their rules, but you can have a brain. The thinking that if you arent with us, you are against us... that the only way to be a catholic is if you follow everything and willingly do what you are told is the reason why the religion is in the shitter right now.


reilo said:
What are the other networks saying?

Speech was good, that she's a delightful, charismatic person. They liked how hard she went after Obama and thought it did a good job at energizing the base.

I don't have access to a TV right now. I'm just using my mind powers.
Obama camp is saving the best stuff for them to respond to for the man himself, I'm guessing. And for ads. Some of the more outrageous lies (read: bridge to nowhere) are going to pop up on the tube next month.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
VanMardigan said:
Considering the owner of GAF himself donates to Obama, along with the administrators, gaf may literally melt down.

Do you ever wonder why 98% of gaf leans liberal? Do you think it's because of some inherent video game demographic? Or do you think it's because the younger and better educated, and more literate you are, the more likely you are to be liberal (not my claim, but rather a well-documented fact)?

Republican leadership has failed this country for eight years. Economy is in the shitter. The VERY Rich own a greater share of what wealth there is. Record deficit. Trillions of dollars. All of our moral capital is spent and we are now considered an ignorant bully worldwide. We are outsourcing everything and destroying jobs. The auto industry has died on the vine. Our freedoms have been curtailed in the greatest irony of all time, and energy interests have destroyed our transit infrastructure.

This isn't really about ideology, it's about logic and practicality.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh man. I just realized: Tomorrow is McCain's speech, and McCain is terrible at delivery. Unlike Obama, Obama followed some great speeches and outdid them all. How will McCain fare?


ronito said:
Gah! Come on guys you need some new material. Don't pull a Sony and coast your way to failure. Take off the gloves take it to them. There is SO much stuff to hit them on and hit them hard.

Remember, Obama will be on O'Reilly tomorrow night. I'm sure he'll say something then.


To those wondering how much NeoGAF has raised for Obama:

Over 75 thousand dollars from gaffers for Obama.

And remember this is a private group that is password protected so not just anyone joined it.

Think NeoGAF can raise over 100k by Nov 4th?
Those were substantive and falsifiable claims, no, not just falsifiable, but already refuted.

That's the problem with the speech. They put her on the stage all prettied up with a teleprompter, but leaving in stuff like the Bridge To Nowhere stuff is like putting a big KICK ME sign on. The media is going to gorge on that and label her an exaggerator or fabricator, and the GOP can't fight the media about it because her speech was too aggressive and condescending-it would look like a bully whining.

The bigger problem is that she introduced herself to the american public with a 100% partisan hackjob. She may be a different face, but it's just the same old failed policies, and same old failed politics. The speech failed to make a the sort of change argument it needed to.

I agree with Nate over at 538-she hit a double, and then got threw out at third base trying to make a triple out of it. This is one they could have played safe and been better off for it.


woxel1 said:
You weren't there in 2004, I take it?

It was different then. Quite different.

For one, the combination of "fear-mongering", people wanting Bush to get a chance to "finish what he started", and Kerry not being the candidate we really needed, were enough to make it so Dems couldn't get their act together (not like they really were any way, especially post-9/11).

This time should be different. The Dems are probably more unified now than they've been in the last decade, plus the GOP seem to do be doing more to turn off moderates and just fudging up at any given turn.

Tim Russert (rest his soul) pretty much called this thing a while ago, and his prediction only seems to be validated as the days go by.


Guts Of Thor said:
Extremely and I mean EXTREMELY Dissapointing.
It was generic. I'm sure there will be a bit more reaction tomorrow. I'd hoped to see them respond to the negative tone and general lack of vision, myself.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Tossed in 5 bucks. This is the first time I have EVER donated to a campaign and I have WORKED on campaigns before (spitzer 06). Fuck you sarah palin, you little lying liar.


I donated 10 more dollars to the Obama campaign after witnessing tonight's unbelievably insane Republican Convention.

As a New York City resident all my life, I have one thing to say to Rudy G--- For shame Rudy, for shame. Have the Republicans lost all sense of goodness? Are they adults, or are they running for class President?


has calmed down a bit.
ronito said:
Gah! Come on guys you need some new material. Don't pull a Sony and coast your way to failure. Take off the gloves take it to them. There is SO much stuff to hit them on and hit them hard.

It's an especially disappointing and vanilla response when you consider that the speech was leaked and all over Yahoo and everywhere else well before she actually delivered it. They had time, and they just output a regurgitated message. I expect much better tomorrow.
reilo said:
Oh man. I just realized: Tomorrow is McCain's speech, and McCain is terrible at delivery. Unlike Obama, Obama followed some great speeches and outdid them all. How will McCain fare?
My guess is that he will not fare well on GAF.


Illuminati said:
My guess is that he will not fare well on GAF.
He could give a better speech than Bill and Barack and gaf would say it sucked.

Y2Kev said:
Tossed in 5 bucks. This is the first time I have EVER donated to a campaign and I have WORKED on campaigns before (spitzer 06). Fuck you sarah palin, you little lying liar.

Good choice of character there. can we trust your judgement :p


The one thing that really bothered me about her speech was when she said Barack was more concerned about Miranda. It shows the "We only care about our rights" attitude that has made the US hated by many in other countries. She's on the world stage now and needs to consider that.

Barack just being elected will improve our relations with other nations. He's like a bonus in CIV, Diplomacy +50.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Cheebs said:
To those wondering how much NeoGAF has raised for Obama:

Over 75 thousand dollars from gaffers for Obama.

And remember this is a private group that is password protected so not just anyone joined it.

Think NeoGAF can raise over 100k by Nov 4th?
Group? What group?
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