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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
stonek22 said:
i am just as sympathetic as the next person but why should i have anything to do with you bad choices..
Diabetes wasn't my choice (and many other people are dealing with shit that wasn't their choice, Katrina primarily). Every heard of a little phrase called "we're all in this together?"


Post Count: 9999
Mahadev said:


Read you misinformed hick how

Interesting ... there's actually little difference in my tax bracket.


PrivateWHudson said:
Maybe they just requested everything be pulled until further review? That doesn't mean that the clip was damning.

They're pulling everything until they can review if it's damning? The hell? So you're saying that they are openly suppressing free speech until they can determine if it's positive?

Even if that were the case, there are still several palin clips on youtube. They just went after high profile clips. They pulled that one because it was on Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, just like the AIP one that had been up for months. They were pulled because the McCain campaign doesn't like free speech when it's critical of them.


The Republicans need to make up their minds. How can Obama be both a lowly, trivial community organizer and an elitist, flashy celebrity?


formerly sane
MThanded said:
you tell um. As i said before that child born into that low income family who cannot afford health care can raise money by selling crack on the corner in a diaper. You tell um.

He's a little too easy to go after.

Let me see. Aruging that people shouldn't take other people's money ignoring the fact elite society is built on the premise of bs and getting people to give up through skewing their perception saying it's good for them all to satisfy their greed for power and wealth. I see this person will make a fine contribution to the globalizing coporate culture.


stonek22 said:
this thread is amazing, the pure ingnorance and lies being strewn about are crazy. you people who are liberal are supposed to be better eduacated but i just don't see it. college doesn't actually make you smart just more specialized.

Actually if you go to the conservative blogs you'll see this thread is more educated, more thought out, more open. That's the scary part.


kkaabboomm said:
everyone take a deep breath. relax. calm down. close your eyes, and imagine this...

Sarah Palin, 45th President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces, and the new "Decider"

do i need to continue?
Is that supposed to make me relax?

I just pitched in a 20 and I'll probably add more later. The only politicans I've ever given to are Obama and Howard Dean because I think they both represent the direction I would like to see the Dem party go.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
McAllister, who covered the 2006 campaign as a TV reporter, said Palin was lukewarm about the bridge as a candidate and cooled on it as governor.

"Of course when you become governor things come into much sharper focus than when you are a candidate," he said. "Then she is forced to pay very close attention to the fiscal realities of it."

LIES! :lol


Jak140 said:
They're pulling everything until they can review if it's damning? The hell? So you're saying that they are openly suppressing free speech until they can determine if it's positive?

Even if that were the case, there are still sever palin clips on youtube. They just went after high profile clips. They pulled that one because it was on Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, just like the AIP one that had been up for months. They were pulled because the McCain campaign doesn't like free speech when it's critical of them.

This is a fucking good story! I think if people see Mccain going after youtube they'll realise just how old and mean he is. Who fucks with youtube, honestly?


Post Count: 9999
greepoman said:
Actually if you go to the conservative blogs you'll see this thread is more educated, more thought out, more open. That's the scary part.

:lol though that's not saying much.

5th circle of hell sucks less than the 3rd. Wow, big whoop. :p


DancingJesus said:
Ewwww at Democrat being interviewed by Larry King. HIT IT WITH FIRE!

They are doing a pretty shitty job defending Obama.

they should do nothing until after the convention. Its not a time to go crazy... tommorrow night, the instant McCain is done, unleash hell... but right now... good for her


DancingJesus said:
Ewwww at Democrat being interviewed by Larry King. HIT IT WITH FIRE!

They are doing a pretty shitty job defending Obama.

They had a "war room" setup like the republicans to hit back hard but they disbanded it and sent the folks home due to Gustav thinking it would be far worse than it turned out.

So the rapid response is weak atm.
DY_nasty said:

That whole breakdown is so full of crap it's not even worth refuting.

We tend to prefer candidates who don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco.
What is this, a Pelosi dig? Obama does not change his message for venue. Obama does not denigrate voters.

This is referring to guns and bibles controversy. How could you not know that?

Scranton-you guys are great working class people!
San Francisco - those guys in Scranton are a bunch of bible thumping NRA wacko's.
Steve Youngblood said:
Yes, donate to victory! McCain - Palin!

Seriously folks, classy, classy speech!

A classy speech would be one where you treat your competitors with respect and only say truthful things about both yourself and them. :lol

I'm sure you are relishing any perceived hand-wringing, just like some did last Friday. Didn't work out well for them, though, because McCain got no traction outside his base with the Palin announcement.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yes, donate to victory! McCain - Palin!

Seriously folks, classy, classy speech!
you realize mccain cant keep any of that money after tommorow right? All money donated prior to thrusday has to be donated to other organizations since he gets 84 mil. from the govt.


minus_273 said:
how much executive experience does obama have again? oh thats right as much as me.
Do you live in Alaska? Because then you'd be close to Russia and qualified to be Mccain's VP.....HAGEE!!
Guts Of Thor said:
Indeed. I'm hoping he's correct in that Obama/Biden will launch a full scale assault starting tomorrow.

Gibbs was on Larry King basically explaining what Obama did as an Organizer, but I could do to see a bit more spice.


ronito said:
Do you live in Alaska? Because then you'd be close to Russia and qualified to be Mccain's VP.....HAGEE!!
I've had sex with girls from Canada and Russia (Born in Belarus)! I'm experienced!
OuterWorldVoice said:
I almost snorted latte and arugula out my nose.
Well, that'll pair well with the Brie I melted between my ass cheeks. Down with edumacation. Stinkles for mayor of Alaska '08. I'm gonna run for gov'nor of Walmart. Wish me luck!


PrivateWHudson said:
That whole breakdown is so full of crap it's not even worth refuting.

This is referring to guns and bibles controversy. How could you not know that?

Scranton-you guys are great working class people!
San Francisco - those guys in Scranton are a bunch of bible thumping NRA wacko's.

since someone claimed obama doesnt insult rural voters behind closed doors, here is the video of his secret san francisco fundraiser with subtitles

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